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function triangularSum(nums) {
// duplicate the input array, nums
let newNums = new Array(nums.length);
for(let i = 0; i < nums.length; i++) {
newNums[i] = nums[i];
// while loop ensures the process continues until newNums.length == 1
while(newNums.length > 1) {
// assume that coins is an array of positive integers
// assume that amount is non-negative
function minCoinChange(coins, amount) {
// create an array to hold the minimum number of coins to make each amount
// amount + 1 so that you will have indices from 0 to amount in the array
const minCoins = new Array(amount + 1).fill(Infinity);
// there are 0 ways to make amount 0 with positive coin values
minCoins[0] = 0;
// look at one coin at a time
// Assume the heap is represented as an array list: heap = [...]
// Assume we're dealing with a min-heap
function extractMin() {
// swap the root with the last node
let temp = heap[0];
heap[0] = heap[heap.length - 1];
heap[heap.length - 1] = temp;
// pull out the last node
// Assume heap is represented as an array list: heap = [...]
// Assume min-heap
function siftDown(idx) {
let leftChildIdx = (2 * idx) + 1;
let rightChildIdx = (2 * idx) + 2;
// base case
// make sure the heap has children
// it has to at least have a left child
if(leftChildIdx >= heap.length) return;
trykhov / insertNode.js
Last active June 21, 2020 09:23
Inserting nodes into a heap
// Assume the heap is represented as an array list: heap = [...]
// Assume we're dealing with a min-heap
function insertNode(node) {
// add the new node to the end of the list
// get the index of the new node
let lastIdx = heap.length - 1;
// find the parent of the new node
let parentIdx = lastIdx % 2 === 0 ? Math.floor(lastIdx / 2) - 1 : Math.floor(lastIdx / 2);
// Suppose our heap is an array: heap = [...]
// assume min-heap
function siftUp(idx) {
// can't sift up further than the root
if(idx === 0) return heap[0];
// odd idx means that the child node is the left child
// even idx means that the child node is the right child
let parentIdx = idx % 2 === 1 ? Math.floor(idx / 2) : Math.floor(idx / 2) - 1;
// for a min-heap, we ask if the parent > child
// for a max-heap, we would ask if the parent < child
// assuming our adjacency matrix is {A: [B, C, D], B:[D, E], ...}
// assuming that our vertices have the following properties:
// 1. (boolean) visited
// ASSUME graph is a DAG
function topSort(adj) {
// get the number of vertices in the DAG
let numV = Object.keys(adj).length;
// initialize resulting array
let res =;
// assuming our adjacency matrix is {A: [B, C, D], B:[D, E], ...}
// assuming that our vertices have the following properties:
// 1. (boolean) visited
// 2. (boolean) explore
function cyclicGraphDetection(adj) {
// get all the vertices from the adjacency matrix
let vertices = Object.keys(adj);
// look through all the vertices in the graph
for(let vertex of vertices) {
trykhov / bfs.js
Last active May 15, 2020 04:35
// assuming that the input is an adjacency list
// e.g adj = {A:[B,C,D], B:[E,F], ... }
function bfs(adj, s, t) {
// adj is the adjacency list
// s is the starting vertex
// t is the final destination
// initialize the queue
let queue = [];
trykhov / dfs.js
Created May 15, 2020 00:59
DFS demo code
// assuming that the input is an adjacency list
// e.g adj = {A: [B,C], B:[D,F], ... }
function dfs(adj, v, t) {
// adj is the adjacency list
// v is the node that's being visited
// t is the final destination
// these are the base cases
// either reach the destination or has already been visited
if(v === t) return true;