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Last active February 18, 2021 17:39
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// assuming our adjacency matrix is {A: [B, C, D], B:[D, E], ...}
// assuming that our vertices have the following properties:
// 1. (boolean) visited
// 2. (boolean) explore
function cyclicGraphDetection(adj) {
// get all the vertices from the adjacency matrix
let vertices = Object.keys(adj);
// look through all the vertices in the graph
for(let vertex of vertices) {
// only do unvisited nodes
if(!vertex.visited) {
// determine if there's a cycle from any path starting from vertex
let cycleDetected = dfsCycleDetect(adj, vertex);
// if there's a cycle, terminate program and return true
if(cycleDetected) return true;
// no cycle detected
return false;
// our DFS helper function
function dfsCycleDetect(adj, node) {
// base case
// if the node has been visited, that means there are no cycles
if(node.visited) return false;
// if we're on a current path and we come across a node that is currently being explore, there's a cycle
if(node.explore) return true;
// mark the node as being explored
node.explore = true;
let neighbors = adj[node];
for(let neighbor of neighbors) {
if(!neighbor.visited) {
let cycleDetected = dfsCycleDetect(adj, neighbor);
// if the neighbor being explored is already marked as explored, then we come across a cycle
if(cycleDetected) return true;
// if we break out here, then we have not found a cycle on any path from this node
node.explore = false;
node.visited = true;
return false;
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