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Created May 15, 2020 00:59
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DFS demo code
// assuming that the input is an adjacency list
// e.g adj = {A: [B,C], B:[D,F], ... }
function dfs(adj, v, t) {
// adj is the adjacency list
// v is the node that's being visited
// t is the final destination
// these are the base cases
// either reach the destination or has already been visited
if(v === t) return true;
if(v.visited) return false;
// mark the node as visited
v.visited = true;
// explore all the neighbors of v
for(let neighbor of adj[v]) {
// if the neighbor hasn't been visited
if(!neighbor.visited) {
// go down the path & determine if t has been reached
let reached = dfs(adj, neighbor, t);
// return true if t has been reached
if(reached) return true;
// there is no path to t from v
return false;
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