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Beep Boop Beep Beep

iTUTOR tutorgaming

Beep Boop Beep Beep
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tutorgaming /
Created September 2, 2024 15:32
Torchvision Triplet Dataset
#!/usr/bin/env python3
Triplet Dataset
- torchvision ImageFolder with Triplet Data
# Author : Tutorgaming <>
# Date : 2-Sept-2024
# Imports
tutorgaming /
Created May 10, 2024 07:51
Mac Osx Ventura - Change Top Bar Spacing
#! /bin/bash
defaults -currentHost read -globalDomain NSStatusItemSpacing; defaults -currentHost read -globalDomain NSStatusItemSelectionPadding
echo "Changing icon to size $icon_size"
defaults -currentHost write -globalDomain NSStatusItemSpacing -int $icon_size; defaults -currentHost write -globalDomain NSStatusItemSelectionPadding -int $icon_size
tutorgaming /
Last active January 28, 2024 18:40
colcon_build with src folder only

Colcon_Build :)

This is the simple function to avoid running colcon build in the directory which is not contain folder named 'src/' (which might infer the place which is not the colcon workspace)

i know that removing build/ install/ logs/ is so painful !

tutorgaming / launch.launch
Created May 22, 2023 09:22
rospy ROS1 Connection Header Secret !
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<node pkg="test_pkg" type="" name="my_talker_1" output="screen" />
<node pkg="test_pkg" type="" name="my_talker_2" output="screen" />
<node pkg="test_pkg" type="" name="my_talker_3" output="screen" />
<node pkg="test_pkg" type="" name="my_talker_4" output="screen" />
tutorgaming /
Last active August 12, 2023 11:30
RTSP Stream through GStreamer + STDOUT on Jetson Xavier AGX
RTSP Stream Reader Class for Jetson Xavier AGX
Requirement : Jetpack, OpenCV 4.4 with CUDA-Enabled
Tested RTSP Stream from
- HIKVISION DS-2CD2021-IAX [1280*720 Main-Stream Selected]
CPU Used : 20-35% on Jetson AGX
tutorgaming / .vimrc
Last active March 26, 2021 12:01
MY VIM SETTING ! - vim_plug
call plug#begin()
Plug 'tpope/vim-fugitive'
Plug 'vim-airline/vim-airline'
Plug 'vim-airline/vim-airline-themes'
Plug 'tpope/vim-sensible'
Plug 'fratajczak/one-monokai-vim'
Plug 'gosukiwi/vim-atom-dark'
Plug ''
Plug 'scrooloose/nerdtree', { 'on': 'NERDTreeToggle' }
tutorgaming /
Last active September 30, 2020 11:10
Differential Drive Kinematics
# Reference
# Author : C3MX <>
# Global Variables
odom_x = 0.0
odom_y = 0.0
odom_theta = 0.0
# Wheel&Encoder Config
tutorgaming / Raspberry Pi 2/3B/B+/4B Wireless Bridge using Ubuntu Server 18.04 ARM Image and Netplan

Raspberry Pi 2/3B/B+/4B Wireless Bridge using Ubuntu Server 18.04 ARM Image and Netplan

The initial goal of this project is to use the raspberry pi in place of my Wireless Range Extender and then going from 3 wireless networks (2.4ghz, 2.4ghz extended, 5ghz) at home to only one (5ghz). This way I'm reducing the exposition to radio waves for the whole familly at home.

Let's go technical

Ok, enough drama for now, let's go technical. 😁


tutorgaming / find_network_setting.bash
Created September 9, 2020 08:30
Raspberry Pi Bash Startup Script
if [[ -f "$FILE" ]]; then
# Do the copy and apply the netplan profile
echo "$FILE exists."
tutorgaming /
Created February 20, 2020 11:31
Playing with Subprocess
import subprocess
import time
def bash_command(cmd):
def gnome_terminal_open_tab(cmd_list):
Open The Command in tabs