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Last active September 30, 2020 11:10
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Differential Drive Kinematics
# Reference
# Author : C3MX <>
# Global Variables
odom_x = 0.0
odom_y = 0.0
odom_theta = 0.0
# Wheel&Encoder Config
wheel_radius = 0.4 # Metres
wheel_separation = 0.5 # Metres
tick_per_revolute = 1000 # Tick in 1 Round Spinning
# Memorize the prev_tick
prev_left_tick = 0
prev_right_tick = 0
def calculate_odom_ticks(left_enc_tick, right_enc_tick):
Odometry Calculation in the very small timestep
# [Calculate Per Wheel TICK-Meter] (Meter unit)
tick_per_meter = (2* math.pi * wheel_radius)/tick_per_revolute
# [Convert Distance each wheel] (Meter unit)
left_distance = (left_enc_tick - prev_left_tick) * tick_per_meter
right_distance = (right_enc_tick - prev_right_tick) * tick_per_meter
# [Calculate dx dy dtheta]
# Theta Calculation (right - left because we use right-handed rule)
small_theta = (right_distance - left_distance)/wheel_separation
# Distance in robot frame in this small time step
small_robot_distance = (right_distance + left_distance)/2.00
small_x = small_robot_distance * +1.0 * cos(small_theta)
small_y = small_robot_distance * -1.0 * sin(small_theta)
# [Integrate into the result]
# Small X and Small Y Integrating with Direction from MEMORY_THETA (not small_theta)
# Because Robot is not always aligned with Axis so we need to remove excess
odom_x += (cos(odom_theta) * small_x) + (-sin(odom_theta) * small_y)
odom_y += (sin(odom_theta) * small_x) + (cos(odom_theta) * small_y)
odom_theta += small_theta
return odom_x, odom_y, odom_theta
# Reference
# Author : C3MX <>
# Global Variables
odom_x = 0.0
odom_y = 0.0
odom_theta = 0.0
# Wheel&Encoder Config
wheel_radius = 0.4 # Metres
wheel_separation = 0.5 # Metres
tick_per_revolute = 1000 # Tick in 1 Round Spinning
# Memorize the prev_tick
prev_left_tick = 0
prev_right_tick = 0
def calculate_odom_full_kinematic(left_enc_tick, right_enc_tick):
Odometry Calculation in the very small timestep
# [Calculate Per Wheel TICK-Meter] (Meter unit)
tick_per_meter = (2* math.pi * wheel_radius)/tick_per_revolute
# [Convert Distance each wheel] (Meter unit)
left_distance = (left_enc_tick - prev_left_tick) * tick_per_meter
right_distance = (right_enc_tick - prev_right_tick) * tick_per_meter
# [Calculate dx dy dtheta]
# Theta Calculation (right - left because we use right-handed rule)
small_theta = (right_distance - left_distance)/wheel_separation
# Distance in robot frame in this small time step
small_robot_distance = (right_distance + left_distance)/2.00
# If Robot is Rotate (prevent icc radius divide by zero)
if small_theta != 0:
# Radius of curvature for whole robot movement
radius = deltaTravel / deltaTheta
# Find the instantaneous center of curvature (ICC).
iccX = odom_x - radius*sin(odom_theta)
iccY = odom_y + radius*cos(odom_theta)
small_x = cos(small_theta)*(odom_x - iccX) - sin(small_theta)*(odom_y - iccY) + iccX - odom_y
small_y = sin(small_theta)*(odom_x - iccX) + cos(small_theta)*(odom_y - iccY) + iccY - odom_y
#Robot is not Rotate
small_x = small_robot_distance*cos(odom_theta)
small_y = small_robot_distance*sin(odom_theta)
# [Integrate into the result]
odom_x += small_x
odom_y += small_y
odom_theta += small_theta
odom_theta = odom_theta % (2*pi)
return odom_x, odom_y, odom_theta
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