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Created September 2, 2024 15:32
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Torchvision Triplet Dataset
#!/usr/bin/env python3
Triplet Dataset
- torchvision ImageFolder with Triplet Data
# Author : Tutorgaming <>
# Date : 2-Sept-2024
# Imports
import os,time
import logging
from typing import Any, Tuple
from torchvision.datasets import ImageFolder
import numpy as np
from pathlib import Path
# Logging Setup
format='%(asctime)s - %(message)s', datefmt='%d-%b-%y %H:%M:%S'
# Class Definition
class TripletImageDataset(ImageFolder):
"""A generic data loader where the images are arranged in this way by default: ::
and will return the triplet of (query, positive, negative) samples
This class inherits from :class:`~torchvision.datasets.ImageFolder` so
the same methods can be overridden to customize the dataset.
root (str or ``pathlib.Path``): Root directory path.
transform (callable, optional): A function/transform that takes in a PIL image
and returns a transformed version. E.g, ``transforms.RandomCrop``
target_transform (callable, optional): A function/transform that takes in the
target and transforms it.
loader (callable, optional): A function to load an image given its path.
is_valid_file (callable, optional): A function that takes path of an Image file
and check if the file is a valid file (used to check of corrupt files)
allow_empty(bool, optional): If True, empty folders are considered to be valid classes.
An error is raised on empty folders if False (default).
allow_itself (bool): Allow selecting itself as positive index
precalculated (bool): Pre-calculate the triplets and store them in memory in the initialization
for faster access
classes (list): List of the class names sorted alphabetically.
class_to_idx (dict): Dict with items (class_name, class_index).
imgs (list): List of (image path, class_index) tuples
np_targets (np.array): Numpy Array of Targets
np_samples (np.array): Numpy Array of Samples
def __init__(self, root, transform=None, target_transform=None, allow_itself=False, precalculated=False):
# Initialize Parent Class
super(TripletImageDataset, self).__init__(root, transform, target_transform)
# Additional Attributes
self.np_targets = np.array(self.targets)
self.np_samples = np.array(self.samples)
self.allow_itself = allow_itself
self.precalculated = precalculated
# Precalculated
if self.precalculated:
self.triplets = []
def _pre_calculate_triplets(self):
Pre-Calculate Triplets for Faster Access on initialization if specified
for i in range(len(self)):
query_path, query_target = self.samples[i]
pos_path, pos_target = self.samples[self.get_positive_idx((query_path, i, query_target))]
neg_path, neg_target = self.samples[self.get_negative_idx((query_path, i, query_target))]
query_tuple = (query_path, query_target)
positive_tuple = (pos_path, pos_target)
negative_tuple = (neg_path, neg_target)
self.triplets.append((query_tuple, positive_tuple, negative_tuple))
def get_positive_idx(self, query):
Given the Query (Anchor)
randomly select the positive index in the same class as query
query (Dataset Item): Data Extract from Dataset in format (data, class_idx)
allow_itself (bool, optional): allow selecting itself. Defaults to False.
_, index, class_idx = query
positive_db_idx = np.where(self.np_targets == class_idx)[0]
# Randomly select the positive index
positive_idx = None
pick_count = 0
while True:
positive_idx = np.random.choice(positive_db_idx)
if positive_idx == index: # Pick itself
# Allow itself when randomly picked itself
if self.allow_itself: # Allow itself
else: # Pick other
if pick_count > 100:
raise RuntimeError("Cannot find positive index in 100 tries - go buy a lottery ticket")
pick_count += 1
return positive_idx
def get_negative_idx(self, query):
Given the Query (Anchor)
randomly select the negative index
from any class other than the query class
query (_type_): _description_
_, index, class_idx = query
negative_db_idx = np.where(self.np_targets != class_idx)[0]
negative_idx = np.random.choice(negative_db_idx)
if negative_idx == index:
raise RuntimeError("Negative Index is the same as Query Index")
return negative_idx
def __getitem__(self, index: int) -> Tuple[Any, Any]:
index (int): Index of data
3-tuple: (query, positive, negative) samples
- query: Desire Sample (Anchor Query)
- positive: Positive Sample (Same Class with query)
- negative: Negative Sample (Different Class with query)
if not self.precalculated:
query_path, query_target = self.samples[index]
pos_path, pos_target = self.samples[self.get_positive_idx((query_path, index, query_target))]
neg_path, neg_target = self.samples[self.get_negative_idx((query_path, index, query_target))]
(query_path, query_target), (pos_path, pos_target), (neg_path, neg_target) = self.triplets[index]
query_sample = self.loader(query_path)
positive_sample = self.loader(pos_path)
negative_sample = self.loader(neg_path)
# Transform Data
if self.transform is not None:
query_sample = self.transform(query_sample)
positive_sample = self.transform(positive_sample)
negative_sample = self.transform(negative_sample)
# Transform Label (Target)
if self.target_transform is not None:
query_target = self.target_transform(query_target)
pos_target = self.target_transform(pos_target)
neg_target = self.target_transform(neg_target)
# Return Tuple
query_tuple = (query_sample, query_target)
positive_tuple = (positive_sample, pos_target)
negative_tuple = (negative_sample, neg_target)
return query_tuple, positive_tuple, negative_tuple
# Main
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Test
dataset = TripletImageDataset(
start_time = time.time()
for i in range(50):
query = dataset[i]
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