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Rob Nadin robnadin

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import RegexBuilder
extension Regex {
/// Transforms the output of a regex component using the provided transformation function.
/// - Parameter transform: A closure that takes the output of the regex and transforms it to a new output type.
/// - Returns: A new `Regex` instance that applies the transformation function to its output.
public func mapOutput<NewOutput>(_ transform: @escaping (Output) throws -> NewOutput) -> Regex<NewOutput> {
Regex<NewOutput> {
robnadin / RegularExpression.swift
Created July 19, 2024 09:53
Adds dynamic member lookup of captures when matching regular expressions using the RegexBuilder API
import os
import RegexBuilder
public struct RegularExpression<Output, Captures> {
fileprivate let references = References<Captures>()
fileprivate let regex: Regex<Output>
public init(for capturesType: Captures.Type = Captures.self, @RegexComponentBuilder _ content: (References<Captures>) -> some RegexComponent<Output>) {
let components = content(references)
import SwiftUI
public struct DoubleColumnVStackLayout: Layout {
private let alignment: HorizontalAlignment
private let spacing: CGFloat?
public init(alignment: HorizontalAlignment = .center, spacing: CGFloat? = nil) {
self.alignment = alignment
self.spacing = spacing
robnadin / Podfile
Created August 10, 2022 23:07
Native Xcode w/ Intel iOS Simulator on Apple Silicon
post_install do |installer|
installer.pods_project.build_configurations.each do |config|
config.build_settings["EXCLUDED_ARCHS[sdk=iphonesimulator*]"] = "arm64"
robnadin /
Created October 9, 2021 12:38
Convert universal(fat) frameworks to XCFrameworks
#!/usr/bin/env zsh
set -eo pipefail
# -e exit if any command returns non-zero status code
# -o pipefail force pipelines to fail on first non-zero status code
declare -a frameworks=("Bold360AI" "BoldAIAccessibility" "BoldAIEngine" "BoldCore" "BoldEngine")
# Create directories
mkdir -p iphoneos
robnadin /
Last active October 7, 2021 09:30 — forked from 0xmachos/
Install the Ruby version manager rbenv and ruby-build to allow you to install Ruby versions
#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -eo pipefail
# -e exit if any command returns non-zero status code
# -o pipefail force pipelines to fail on first non-zero status code
robnadin /
Created July 12, 2021 09:45
macOS script for SharedMedia_MyMedia addon
echo "This script will now prepare the files for using SharedMedia_MyMedia"
if [ ! -d ../SharedMedia_MyMedia ]; then
echo "Creating the folders..."
mkdir ../SharedMedia_MyMedia
mkdir ../SharedMedia_MyMedia/background
mkdir ../SharedMedia_MyMedia/border
mkdir ../SharedMedia_MyMedia/font
robnadin / MuteSoundFile.lua
Last active December 17, 2020 18:44
Mute annoying zone music in World of Warcraft Retail
MuteSoundFileDB = {
["profileKeys"] = {
-- Character-server profiles go here
["profiles"] = {
["Zone Music"] = {
["soundList"] = {
["MUS_52_StormwindKeep_INTRO (sound/music/pandaria/mus_51_alliancebattlemarch_hero_01.mp3)"] = 772728,
["MUS_52_Zone_StormwindKeep (sound/music/pandaria/mus_51_alliancebattlemarch_01.mp3)"] = 772726,
["MUS_52_Zone_StormwindKeep (sound/music/pandaria/mus_51_alliancebattlemarch_02.mp3)"] = 772727,
extension FixedWidthInteger {
public init<C: Collection>(littleEndianBytes bytes: C) where C.Element == UInt8 {
let (quotient, remainder) = Self.bitWidth.quotientAndRemainder(dividingBy: 8)
precondition(bytes.count == (quotient + remainder.signum())
var iterator = bytes.makeIterator()
self.init(littleEndianBytes: &iterator)
public init<I: IteratorProtocol>(littleEndianBytes iterator: inout I) where I.Element == UInt8 {
robnadin / Example.swift
Last active February 11, 2020 07:02 — forked from beccadax/Example.swift
Elegant handling of localizable strings in Swift 5.
let color = "blue"
let num = 42
localized("Colorless green ideas sleep furiously.")
localized("Colorless \(color) ideas sleep furiously.")
localized("\(num.formatted("%05d")) colorless green ideas sleep furiously.")