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Last active July 24, 2024 09:03
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import RegexBuilder
extension Regex {
/// Transforms the output of a regex component using the provided transformation function.
/// - Parameter transform: A closure that takes the output of the regex and transforms it to a new output type.
/// - Returns: A new `Regex` instance that applies the transformation function to its output.
public func mapOutput<NewOutput>(_ transform: @escaping (Output) throws -> NewOutput) -> Regex<NewOutput> {
Regex<NewOutput> {
MapOutput(innerRegex: self, transform: transform)
private struct MapOutput<Output, NewOutput>: CustomConsumingRegexComponent {
typealias RegexOutput = NewOutput
let innerRegex: Regex<Output>
let transform: (Output) throws -> NewOutput
func consuming(
_ input: String,
startingAt index: String.Index,
in bounds: Range<String.Index>) throws -> (upperBound: String.Index, output: NewOutput)?
guard index != bounds.upperBound, let match = input[index..<bounds.upperBound].prefixMatch(of: innerRegex) else {
return nil
let output = try transform(match.output)
return (match.range.upperBound, output)
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