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Created July 19, 2024 09:53
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Adds dynamic member lookup of captures when matching regular expressions using the RegexBuilder API
import os
import RegexBuilder
public struct RegularExpression<Output, Captures> {
fileprivate let references = References<Captures>()
fileprivate let regex: Regex<Output>
public init(for capturesType: Captures.Type = Captures.self, @RegexComponentBuilder _ content: (References<Captures>) -> some RegexComponent<Output>) {
let components = content(references)
regex = Regex { components }
extension RegularExpression {
public struct References<Root> {
private let state = OSAllocatedUnfairLock<[PartialKeyPath<Root>: any RegexComponent]>(initialState: [:])
public subscript<Value>(dynamicMember keyPath: KeyPath<Root, Value>) -> Reference<Value> {
state.withLock {
if let value = $0[keyPath] as? Reference<Value> {
return value
let newValue = Reference<Value>()
$0[keyPath] = newValue
return newValue
public struct Match {
fileprivate let references: References<Captures>
fileprivate let match: Regex<Output>.Match
public subscript<T>(dynamicMember keyPath: KeyPath<References<Captures>, Reference<T>>) -> T {
let reference = references[keyPath: keyPath]
return match[reference]
extension BidirectionalCollection where SubSequence == Substring {
public func firstMatch<Output, Captures>(of regex: RegularExpression<Output, Captures>) -> RegularExpression<Output, Captures>.Match? {
guard let match = firstMatch(of: regex.regex) else {
return nil
return .init(references: regex.references, match: match)
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