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Hacking Cloud Foundry

Lakshman Diwaakar lakshmantgld

Hacking Cloud Foundry
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║ AWS Lambda ║ Lolo Code ║
║ - Cold start is an issue with Lambda ║ - Ability to develop/test code locally and ║
║ If we take the asynchronous use case, ║ the lack of DevOps capabilities is a ║
║ cold start is definitely not an ║ drawback, but as per the docs it is in their ║
║ issue, but only for time-sensitive ║ pipeline. Also, considering the target ║
║ use cases. ║ customers for Lolo, building functions in ║
║ ║ the visual IDE could be a great start. ║
║ - Complicated pricing. Lambdas are ║ ║
║ AWS Lambda ║ Lolo Code ║
║ - Serverless, thus less operational ║ - Same as Lambda, Lolo is ║
║ management required. ║ Serverless too, thus less operational ║
║ ║ management required. ║
║ - Infinitely scalable - Developers ║ ║
║ don't have to bother about adding ║ - Visual Cloud IDE helps the ║
║ any infra resources during sudden ║ non-developers and beginners to easily ║
║ outburst of traffic. ║ build backends for their application. ║
║ AWS Lambda ║ Lolo Code ║
║ - Lambdas are billed per invocation. ║ - Pricing is straightforward. With Lolo ║
║ Although the billing is complex, as ║ you are not paying per invocation, ║
║ it also depends on the memory used ║ you pay for the amount of traffic you ║
║ and the execution time. ║ need to process every second. Serverless ║
║ ║ application runs on Lolo compute ║
║ - To make it even complex, if used ║ unit (LCU). Each LCU has 256 MB RAM. ║
║ along with API Gateway for HTTP ║ Each compute unit costs €9/month. ║
║ AWS Lambda ║ Lolo Code ║
║ - Use cases depend on the supported ║ - Use cases depend on the supported ║
║ triggers. Lambda supports triggers such ║ triggers. Lolo supports triggers such ║
║ as HTTP, SDK invocation, timer, etc., ║ as HTTP, web sockets, timer, etc., ║
║ ║ ║
║ - As mentioned, there are numerous use ║ - Like Lambda, there are numerous use ║
║ cases for Lambda, it is up to one's ║ cases for Lolo too. It is up to one's ║
║ imagination. ║ imagination. ║
║ AWS Lambda ║ Lolo Code ║
║ - Lambda is cost-efficient, infinitely ║ - Less to no cold starts in Lolo as the ║
║ scalable, serverless, but let's accept ║ container is live always and will not be ║
║ the fact that, they do have some ║ killed in case of inactivity. ║
║ drawbacks. One such drawback is cold ║ ║
║ start. Cold starts in Lambda ║ - Fundamentally Lolo code is different ║
║ are frustrating. ║ from Lambda as the application/function ║
║ ║ container will always be running. ║
║ AWS Lambda ║ Lolo Code ║
║ - Lambda is know for its infinite ║ - Fundamentally Lolo Code is different ║
║ scaling capability. Theoretically, ║ from lambda as the application/function ║
║ It can handle hundreds of thousands ║ container will always be running. ║
║ of events in a second. (Although there ║ ║
║ is a cold start associated with it) ║ - As per the docs, One Lolo Compute ║
║ ║ Unit(LCU) with 256 MB ram can handle 15 ║
║ - The first time you invoke your ║ thousand events per second. If the ║
║ AWS Lambda ║ Lolo Code ║
║ - Lambda's programming model is ║ - Lolo supports application state and the ║
║ stateless. ║ state can be retrieved and updated by ║
║ ║ all the functions in the Lolo application. ║
║ - But lambda can access stateful data ║ ║
║ from stateful services such as ║ - Ran both stateful and stateless ║
║ Dynamo DB and Redis. ║ application in Lolo, there wan't a huge ║
║ ║ difference in the response time. ║
║ Criteria ║ AWS Lambda ║ Lolo Code ║
║ Chaining ║ Does not have the ability ║ Can chain functions and triggers ║
║ of ║ to chain functions. ║ to build a serverless application ║
║ Functions ║ ║ ║
║ Visual ║ Does not have the Visual cloud ║ Has the Visual cloud IDE where ║
║ Cloud IDE ║ IDE to drag and drop functions ║ developers can drag-and-drop ║
║ ║ ║ functions to create serverless ║
lakshmantgld / FaaS vs iFaaS
Last active July 9, 2022 08:51
Difference between FaaS vs iFaaS
║ FaaS ║ iFaaS ║
║ Single function with a small snippet ║ Application with a collection of ║
║ of code. ║ functions that is chained together. ║
║ On triggered, the small snippet of ║ on triggered, the application executes ║
║ code gets executed. ║ all the functions in the order of the ║
║ ║ chaining/linkage. ║