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Last active July 13, 2022 08:54
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║ AWS Lambda ║ Lolo Code ║
║ - Lambda is cost-efficient, infinitely ║ - Less to no cold starts in Lolo as the ║
║ scalable, serverless, but let's accept ║ container is live always and will not be ║
║ the fact that, they do have some ║ killed in case of inactivity. ║
║ drawbacks. One such drawback is cold ║ ║
║ start. Cold starts in Lambda ║ - Fundamentally Lolo code is different ║
║ are frustrating. ║ from Lambda as the application/function ║
║ ║ container will always be running. ║
║ - Cold start prevents us to use Lambda ║ ║
║ for customer facing applications and ║ - In the free-tier plan, I ran a series ║
║ mission critical applications. ║ of experiments on the simple hello world ║
║ ║ API (stateless) and not sure about the ║
║ - I ran a series of experiments on the ║ container's memory and CPU restrictions. ║
║ simple hello world API, here are the ║ Right now, Lolo allows the application ║
║ results of the experiment. (Lambda ║ deployment only in the EU (Europe) ║
║ deployed in AWS EU) ║ region. I am testing these functions ║
║ ║ from India and this attributes ║
║ 1 minute later - 180 ms ║ to the delayed response time. Here are ║
║ 15 minutes later - 750 ms ║ the results of the experiment: ║
║ 3 hours later - 1467 ms ║ ║
║ 10 hours later - 2060 ms ║ 1 minute later - 172 ms ║
║ ║ 15 minutes later - 210 ms ║
║ ║ 3 hours later - 602 ms ║
║ - Even though there are ways to resolve ║ 10 hours later - 890 ms ║
║ the cold start issue in Lambda but they ║ ║
║ are not foolproof. One such solution is ║ - The time represents the response time. ║
║ to keep invoking the Lambda in a fixed ║ Although there is a slight invocation ║
║ interval, so that the instance stays ║ delay, but it is not as worse as Lambda. ║
║ live all the time, but this is not a ║ ║
║ guaranteed approach. ║ ║
║ ║ ║
║ - On an average, the cold start ║ ║
║ (invocation delay) is anywhere between ║ ║
║ 2-7 seconds. The delay depends on ║ ║
║ various factors such as underlying ║ ║
║ runtime, allocated memory, etc., ║ ║
║ ║ ║
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