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Last active July 13, 2022 12:29
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║ AWS Lambda ║ Lolo Code ║
║ - Lambda is know for its infinite ║ - Fundamentally Lolo Code is different ║
║ scaling capability. Theoretically, ║ from lambda as the application/function ║
║ It can handle hundreds of thousands ║ container will always be running. ║
║ of events in a second. (Although there ║ ║
║ is a cold start associated with it) ║ - As per the docs, One Lolo Compute ║
║ ║ Unit(LCU) with 256 MB ram can handle 15 ║
║ - The first time you invoke your ║ thousand events per second. If the ║
║ function, AWS Lambda creates an ║ application gets more traffic, then we ║
║ instance of the function and runs it. ║ need to spin up a new replica which can ║
║ When the function returns a response, ║ handle another 15 thousand events ║
║ it stays active and waits to process ║ per second. ║
║ additional events. If you invoke the ║ ║
║ function again while the first event ║ - As per the docs, right now, we need to ║
║ is being processed, Lambda initializes ║ manually scale it, but they are going to ║
║ another instance, and the function ║ introduce the auto-scaling feature soon. ║
║ processes the two events concurrently. ║ ║
║ As more events come in, Lambda routes ║ - Handling sudden burst of events beyond ║
║ them to available instances and ║ the 15k events/second would be a drawback ║
║ creates new instances as needed. ║ for Lolo Code, as one ║
║ ║ LCU(container instance) can handle up to ║
║ - To put it in simple words, ║ 15k events/second. ║
║ auto-scaling is enabled by default. ║ ║
║ ║ ║
║ - Lambda would be perfect for handling ║ ║
║ sudden burst of events (although ║ ║
║ with cold start) ║ ║
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