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H7P3R /
Last active February 24, 2016 00:03
Community Crafted: CS:GO Bug List

Welcome to the "Community Crafted" CS:GO Bug List! The goal of this gist is to inform Valve of bugs in their video game, Counter-Strike: Global Offensive.

Have some bugs with reproducable steps?

PM me on reddit: /u/HyPeR-CS


H7P3R /
Last active August 29, 2015 14:25
"GameMaker: Studio" Feedback List



  • Add a "file_system_permisions(bool)" that determens if GMX can read and write files outside of the sandbox. Maybe add a warning message to the user to confirm if they give the program such permisions. | File handling became WAY too restricted with GMX, to the point where I have to seek an extension or even use GM8, but extensions have some problems/are outdated, and GM8 is pretty slow too.


  • Add functions similar to file_find_*, but that goes through ALL of the folders that share the same root.
H7P3R /
Last active August 3, 2017 11:25
CS:GO Community Feedback List


This will be a detailed list and hopefully become the megalist of all suggestions and bug reports for CS:GO.


H7P3R / tf2.ultimateL.1.A.list.core.markdown
Last active August 29, 2015 14:20



  • Fix the Scattergun's reload sometimes freezing.

  • Fix announcer saying "The tank is half way through!" while a tank has only just spawned.

H7P3R /
Last active August 29, 2015 14:15
CSL - Help


This function

H7P3R / csgo.ultimateL.3.A.list.suggestions.markdown
Last active August 3, 2017 11:39
The "Ultimate" CS:GO Community Feedback List #3 - By: /u/HyPeR-CS



Hello and welcome the the 3rd "ULTIMATE" list!

If you want to privatly contact me, either send me a PM on reddit, or add me on Steam/GabeNetwork, and PLEASE add a comment on my profile why you wanna add me first!

Reddit Page

H7P3R / csgo.ultimateL.2.a.list.markdown
Last active August 3, 2017 11:39
The "Ultimate" CS:GO Community List of Suggestions #2 / List - By: /u/HyPeR-CS


  • Everyone that has CS:GO and ateast 50+(or 75/100 whatever) wins in competitive will get access to the Beta Client which will appear as a seperate game in your Steam library. Maybe aslo access to a special Steam Forum for the feedback? (This could help players test future updates and give Valve feedback, and discover bugs so they get fixed before releasing an update.)


  • Replace the current skin drops with key-less crates. ( drops would change the economy quite a lot. Instead of getting a 0,03€ skin by default, you could get a case, which would be increased in price o the market, which could have a shitty common skin, or an awesome rare skin. And its more fun opening them aswell!)
  • Maybe add this sexy knife to some new case. (
  • Add grenade key chains. Maybe add some sort of grenade key chain capsule? ( (not really necessary, but a fun detail like stickers)
  • Spray suggestions. (http://redd.
H7P3R / List
Last active August 3, 2017 11:39
The "Ultimate" CS:GO Community List of Suggestions!
Hello there! This will be a long list of things the community has been suggesting over the months/year. The previous wish-list can be found [HERE.](
I will be activly updating this list ASAP based upon the feedback i get.
**PENDING** means the change/addition is little disscussed and so is available for larger debate (sorry for terrible englano).
**STILL UNDECIDED** means there are mixed feelings by people and the change/addition is still undecided :X.