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Last active August 3, 2017 11:39
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The "Ultimate" CS:GO Community Feedback List #3 - By: /u/HyPeR-CS



Hello and welcome the the 3rd "ULTIMATE" list!

If you want to privatly contact me, either send me a PM on reddit, or add me on Steam/GabeNetwork, and PLEASE add a comment on my profile why you wanna add me first!

Reddit Page

So... let's get right to it!


Starting off with a titan here, but here it goes:

When Source2 is finished, port CS:GO to it.

If you Valve gods accept this: Priotiry: VERY HIGH

Now, if this would be as an easy job porting CS:GO to S2 as it was/is/will be with DotA2, why not go for it? It could surely increase the games ex6tence. I mean, new hitbox system(yes, we know you're working on them as said in the email ^_^), performance increases, new Hammer/SDK beasts, ...


Introduce CS:GO Beta Client. | Discussion 1 | Discussion 2

Priority: HIGH

Anyone who owns CS:GO and has alteast 50/75/100 wins in MM can participate in the CS:GO Beta Client, which will appear as a seperate game in the Steam Library. In the Beta, Valve can experiment with new weapons, audio/visual bug fixes, ... pretty much anything while not affecting the main player base/pro matches on the main client. Players can report bugs of new features, give feedback on them on how to make them better, etc.

? ????? test client or riot ? ?????

Add key-less map based cases replacing usual skin drops. | Concept

Instead of just getting a skin at the end of a game, you get a key-less case which is based on the map skin collection. These cases would cost even more as you may get an expensive item(but with a low chance), or just a common skin worth almost nothing. And opening cases is quite fun, which adds to that.

Grenade key chains as new purchasable items. | Concept

Grenade key chains would be purchasable items you could buy in the in-game store as an offer. It would be a small cosmetic item that people would most probably buy and will also give Valve more money. Team based ones for Majors could be an idea aswell.

Sprays re-added as new purchasable items. | Concept

Many people miss sprays that were loved in previous CS titles. And a good way to bring them back would be to have a purchasable Spray Can item that you will have to rebuy after a certain amout of uses. The image of the spray can could either be aplied by a sticker, or add a new "Spray Can Grafiti" capsule that will contain an art piece for the spray can, or have a "spray can capsule", which will give you a random Spray Can with a random art piece. You can only use it once per round, but if you get a kill during the round, you can use it again. And ofcourse an option/console var to enable/disable these sprays. Team based ones for Majors could be an idea, again.


MatchMaking is currently suited more for casual players, and it doesn't meet the expectations of those more "competitive" players.

Here is a list of the problems:

  • SoloQ and TeamQ MMRs are not measured differently, resulting in innacurate ratings.
  • it faces many smurfs. While for a bit more experienced players, this is OK as it allows them to play againts better players, it sucks for new commers as they will get crushed right off the bat, killing their motivation.
  • and, of course, 64 tick servers. Does it really need to be explained?
  • ...

Along with those, I will list also other things. Here is what i propose:

Current "Competitive" mode:

  • Rename it to "Casual Competitive".

    • It will be unranked gamemode following the current MM rules and no cooldowns will be suplied.
  • Add "Pro Competitive" mode:

    • Players must have alteast 50/75/100 wins in "Casual Competitive" in order to participate in this mode (this will decrease amount of cheaters and smurfs).

    • It will follow pro match rules (round timer, c4 timer, OTs, 128 tick servers, ...)

    • It will be seperated into SoloQ and TeamQ.

      • On SoloQ, you will play with and againts solo queued players. Randoms won't play vs a full premade that have some "strats" and such, and you won't be kicked from a 4player premade because they thought you don't deserve a win even if you were the one doing most of the "work".

      • On TeamQ, you can play from 2player premades to 5player.

      This will remove certain problems, like cheaters and possibly smurfs and make things more fair.

Disable the red coloured player name indicator in "Competitive".

In rare situations, it is possible to spot a player through a solid wall with the indicator, even if you can't actualy see them.

Introduce the Tournament MatchMaking lobby feature to the public.

This will allow 5v5 with friends or maybe real online/offline events that aren't Majors. Pro game settings included!

NOTE: If you could play 5 friends vs 5 friends, obviously disable MMR changes.

Add (more)servers in Russia, Taiwan, China, Korea, ... (All over Asia basicly).

This will decrease ping for many player present in said locations.

Add option to choose server location. (For lower pings)

Again, will give players lower pings. Players would also be able to play on native servers (which could increase friendliness in-game?)

If server is experiencing poor performance, give a notification in the chat that states that the match is safe to leave and MMRs will not be affected. (DotA2)

Disable the "You've done too much damage to your teammates" thing when you're playing with a full premade of friends.

When playing with 4 friends, you like to have more fun than in usual MM games, and sometimes some actions result in teamkills(forgivable/accidental).

Make the client check file signatues (VPKs and other files) before entering matches.

Many people experience problems where when they enter the match, and their file/s are somehow messed up. This will atleast make them not get a undeserved cooldown.



  • Decrease tagging values for SMGs.

They shoot like a minigun and when you're hit by an SMG you're as slow as a turtle.

  • Set the "TracerFrequency" property for every weapon to 1.

This will show more accurate info of where your bullets are landing. Only showing the tracer for every 3 bullets is not really logical anyway.


  • Remove ability to 1 shot HS with pistols(excluding the Deagle) vs armoured enemies. | Discussion

Being mainly ECO weapons, they should not be allowed to 1shotHS(except Deagle), which will decrease the randomnes of ECOs vs Buys.

Heavily increase running innaccuracy for every pistol besides the Dualies and Deagle.

There is really little difference between running and standing accuracies. Good movement should be promoted.


  • Fix reload animation; The viewmodel uses the same mag.

I know recycling is good, not here though ( ?° ?? ?°)

SSG 08:

  • Slightly increase jumping innaccuracy.

Currently it is really easy to kill while jump-shooting with it.


  • Decrease damage so it requires 3 leg shots to kill (still 1 HS, 2 body).

This will be a (more-or-less) small nerf for the weapon, 'cause if ya take two(2) shots to the legs, y'er b ded. A major one isn't needed as it already costs $5k.


  • Reload time should be the same as the SCAR-20's (or even faster).

The SCAR-20 is already more powerfull so it could use a faster reload.


  • Decrease first shot innacuracy in double scope.

This will decrease randomnes and will promote more aim and and reflex instead of potential luck.

  • Revert scoped movement nerf.


  • Drasticly increase running recoil.

Currently it is REALLY easy to control, and the low recoil is the problem.


  • Slight recovery buff.

The time for it to reset is pretty big, not to mention it can still be inaccurate at times.


  • Increase running innaccuracy.

  • Decrease damage to remove any chance of one shot headshoting armoured enemies.


  • Increase running innaccuracy.

  • Decrease mag size to 18 bullets.

  • Decrease damage to remove any chance of one shot headshoting armoured enemies.

  • Decrease price to $400.


  • Increase kill reward to $200.


  • Fix delay of not being able to plant for a second or 2 if you try to plant when mid-air or a bit off the bombsite outline.

Its very annoying and may take away a potential round win due to the issue.


  • HE:

    • Make damage more consistent.

(If you play the game, you know how you could either take 50 dmg or like 3 even if the nade is really close to you.)

  • Decoy:

    • Enemy Decoy grenades should only be visible on radar if spotted.

    • Decoys should have different patterns to not make them as obvious.

    • Add secondary attack that toggles whether it should play the shooting shots. This could be a fun feature actualy.

  • Withdrawing nades should be faster.

  • Grenades should be thrown instantly when pressing the +attack key. Currently there is a bit of delay.

  • Adjustments to hitboxes and player models: | Video

Priority: VERY HIGH

  • All player models should be adjusted to fit the hitboxes more. | Image
  • Hitboxes and player models should be "straightend" when chrouching. | Image
  • Remove distracting parts of the player models such as huge backpacks.
  • Fix hitboxes on ramps.
  • Fix hitboxes when (crouch)jumping.
  • Fix hitboxes when planting.

Obviously the hitbox fixes are very needed, but the model and hitbox size and pose tweaks will fix. See the Image I linked to see why the should be straightend.

Here are also some recent threads on Reddit discussing hitboxes and models:

Discussion 1, Discussion 2, Discussion 3, Discussion 4, Discussion 5, Discussion 6, Discussion 7, Discussion 8, Discussion 9

If they are even fixable. Source2, eh?

  • Movement:

CS:GO's current crouch mechanics should be changed to make them more punishible if overused in a small timespan. | Video | Discussion

Decrease sv_acceliration to battle ADAD and reward better movement.

Slightly increase sv_airaccelirate.

BOT's buy preferences should be changed to: M4/AK-47 + Armor > Galil/Famas + Armor.

BOT has $8000, buys autoshotgun. Yea.

Pressing the +use key on a BOT will give you the C4 or Defuser if it's in his inventory. If not, the BOT will give you its primary weapon.

BOTS are rather useless with pretty much every weapon, so you getting it will, well, be better :p

Disable Camera Interpolation for in-game players.

Dead players can abuse this and discover enemy positions while switching player views. | Discussion)

Fully remove AimPunch when player has armour.

IIRC there is 5% of AimPunch present when being hit with armour. This would decrease a bit of potential "randomness".

Make ragdolls rendered server side.

In a rare situation it is possible that 1 player will not be able to see an enemy as there is a ragdoll in the way, bot the enemy can cleary see him as the ragdoll is rendered in a different position/pose.


The currently played map should not be listed as a vote for the next map.

This will prevent certain maps (primarily de_dust2) to be played over and over again.


Spawn protection should last only until you have withdrawed your primary weapon.

People abuse the spawn protection which leads to many annoying deaths.

Make respawns instant.

There is currently a small delay until you can respawn when you die. The delay is annoying, thats all.

Make the team logo in the middle of the buywheel a button to toggle which team buywheel you want to use.

This will allow players to use T weapons as CT and vice versa.

The currently played map should not be listed as a vote for the next map.

This will prevent certain maps (primarily de_dust2) to be played over and over again. (Same as casual)


Revert wallhack on leading players. (RiP cool HUD effect) | Discussion

It's like playing vs a team of hackers. Not really fun when everyone will be prefiring you :p


Lower ambient sound volumes accross all maps. | Discussion

Remove(or lower) fog from every(competitive) map for better visibility.

Map exploits by /u/WarOwl:

  • Inferno:

    • Widen Banana to give Ts more freedom.

    • Widen entrance at T spawn to prevent players blocking.

    • Make movement on the Truck at A bombsite easier to get onto.

    • Fix broken big wooden plank in mid. You can flash through it, see enemies on the radar through it, and bots can directly see players through it.

    • Fix bench in mid blocking grenade damage. | Video

    • Fix hitbox of the wooden fence in banana. | Image

    • Decrease amount of wooden planks in bedroom @ Apps for better visibility.

    • Add a lightsource in bedroom @ Apps for better visibility.

    • Decrease amount of spears in Graveyard for better visiblity.

    • Add banana to banana.

Removed the nuke part due to obvious reasons ;D

  • Dust2:

    • Add a penetratiable surface to the wall of Dark/Tunnels near B site. | Concept | Discussion

  • Overpass:

    • Fix bomb getting stuck on a van in A site. | Video

  • Mirage:

    • Fix getting stuck on the ceeling at B apps. | Image

  • Cache:

    • "Clear up" the forklift entity near A bombsite for better visibility and nade throws.


Re-add the player model mouthmovement feature that was in 1.6 | Discussion


Port all UI displays from Flash to VGUI?

Flash/scaleform takes soooo much fps from you game. You can test it by toggling "cl_drawhud".

Allow us to cancel/abort loading screens(conecting so servers) using Esc.

Sometimes you may accidentaly connect to a server and you have to wait for the connecting and loading.

Reintroduce hud_deathnotice_time cvar, which determines for how long deathnoticies last.

This can help moivemakers, but also players in certain situations.

Make the radar not dissapear when round ends.

Via-radar enemy positions and such are still very usefull at the round end period.

In the bottom right corner you can see the bullets lined up, these bullets should match the caliber of the weapon (shotguns shells, pistol rounds etc).

Just a small touch to the game. Really low priority.

Show number of weapons your teammates have in the buywheel. | Concept

While already displayed as "little-cloud-popups", this could be usefull for quickly checking, for example, how many AWPs and such your team has. May be a faster way.

Add damage done/taken statistics on scoreboard at end of round. | Concept

This will show you more details on damage and could also be great for statistics.

Add commend buttons at end of match to commend players directly via the scoreboard. | Concept

This will heavily increase the amount of commendations as it doesn't take as long as currently.

Add quick voice chat volume sliders on scoreboard. | Concept

Some poeples' mic volume will be higher, and for some lower. This will allow to individualy scale volume to better fit.

Add auto-buy preview. | Concept

Can be usefull for those using auto-buy to know what they're getting into.

Add armor to the freeze time teammate weapon display thing. bleh. | Concept

This will show players if their teammates bought armo(u)r and will clear possible confusion (in MM primarly)

Add a command that makes us able to change the hud size of the chat.

Players may want their Radar, HP, Ammo and Killfeed displayed bigger, but the chat smaller so it isn't as disturbing.

Add cl_crosshair_dot_thickness, cl_crosshair_dot_size, cl_crosshair_dot_color, cl_crosshair_dot_alpha crosshair vars.

More crosshair customization is never a bad thing, and these vars may help people.

Add option for defuse kit to be displayed under the radar, just like the C4. | Concept

Just to make it more "consistent". Small priority.

Add option/var to have assists shown with a different color instead of red (quicker confirmation in firefights).

Can be usefull for people in quick firefights. Sometimes it is possible that you mistake the kill notification and you think you killed your foe, when it was your teammate killing someone else you did damage too.

Add option/var to toggle on which side Scoreboard will be displayed (left, center, right, ...).

Would be mainly usefull on lower resolutions. For example, on 4:3 the scoreboard will cover up a chuch of the square radar and makes it quite annoying.

Add option/var that allows us to change the radar position seperatly from the "safezonex" and "safezoney" vars. | Image

Allows you to put the radar to a position that will make you have to move your eyes a bit less to see whats going on.

Add option/var that toggles which radar to show when alive; Circle or Square. | Image

Some players may prefer seeing the full radar in square or circle.

Add crosshair customization Ui. | Image(Crosshair transparency and color amounts should be max 255 :p)

This will make crosshair customization much easier to new players who are not familiar with the console yet.

Add some crosshair vars. | Reddit

Again, a bit more of customization vars :D.

Allow people to mute others in MMLobby.

Sometimes people can be annoying or something is happening to their mic.

Make the right around your radar correspond to the your blip color | Image |Discussion

Make the bullets shown in the bottom-right corner match the caliber of the currently used weapon.

Add a stattrak counter to the player stats/"killed by" tables. | Concept | Discussion

Mark players with "voice_enable 0" with a logo on the scoreboard. | Concept | Discussion

The new "number of players alive/dead" things(the player base thing) in the scoreboard should be filled with the colour by the amount of health they had after round end. English, man.


Remove AWARDS page, add MY PROFILE page: - In the MY PROFILE page, you can see your stats, achievements, ranks, etc. Remove INVENTORY page, CS:GO Store, add ARMORY page: - In the ARMORY page, you can view you inventory, the CS:GO Store and the WORKSHOP where you can browse through maps/skins/stickers.

These changes will make the menu much more straight forward and less clutered.

Add a "community play center" to the main menu to better chat with people, and maybe get them to play MM with you. | Concept | Discussion

Add new item inspect option, which inspects item from the first person view, and others like reload, etc. Can be really usefell when aplying stickers.

This will allow us to see a real preview with our viewmodel settings.

Allow us to edit options menu while in matchmaking queue.

Its annoying having to leave the lobby, change something, and come back, and then restart the queue.

Add minimap in lobby for drawing strats. Terrible Concept

You could be making small plans with teammates before going into a game. A really minor thing though.

Add option in inventory page to stack up duplicate items. Image

This will make inventories much more cleaner, rather than having SOOOOOO many pages of the same item.

Make us able to see if our friend(s) has a MM cooldown via "csgo profile".

So they don't get annoyed when they're asked if they want to play :D

Add a "Copy link" option in the drop down list for demos in the WATCH tab. | Concept | Discussion

Add a symbol next to the displayed friends in the friends UI if they are on Steam in mobile.

Add a "Show on disk" button to easily access demos via the WATCH menu. | Concept | Discussion

Add a small button to the "Friends" panel that toggles whether it should show 1 or 2 friends in the same vertical line.


Remove the random map pick in the veto proccess.

Currently, the proccess goes as: bo1: 1 ban, 1 ban | bo3: 1 ban, 1 pick. This will result in the map pick (bo1) to be picked ranomly out of the (3) remaining maps, or the final map to be picked ranomly out of the (3) remaining maps.

Here is a better way:

bo1: Both teams ban maps untill there is only 1 map left, then that map will be played. For the starting sides, maybe have a knife round, or maybe a "UI coin flip mini-game" of some sorts?

bo3: **Both teams ban their first maps, then pick their second maps, and for the final map, make then ban the (3) remaining maps untill there is only 1 left. For the first 2 maps, the opposite team should make a pick (like now), for the last one, again, maybe the knife round or such?

Add the team's logo and country to the player model for spectators. | Concept | Discussion


While im not going to post many sugggestions here, im going to leave a few theads disscussing Overwatch:

--1 --2 --3 --4 --5 --6 --7 --8 --9

Also, here is also a set of ideas by /u/lnkofDeath.

Disable skins for OW sessions.

In a rare case it may happen that a suspect may be wrongly judged mainly because he has many expensive skins.


Allow the players to swtich players, open minimap, etc. without having to close the demoiu.

It is a bit annoying having to close it, pretty s1mple.

Make "cl_showpos 1" show the velocity of the spectated player.

Allow viewers to report players from GOTV demos.

It is possible that you may discover a cheater in your previous match after watching the replay.


Remove cheat protection for "mat_postprocess_enable".

Disabling this var may result in higher framerates, as well as provide better visability.

Remove cheat protection for "cl_wpn_sway_scale".

Some people may find the sway distracting and want to lower it.

Remove cheat protection for "cl_use_new_headbob".

Some may want to use the classic bobbing style from older CS titles.

Remove cheat protection for "snd_setmixer Ambient vol"

Certain ambients may distract players from hearing certain steeps or other audio elements.

Add option/var "ui_reload", which reloads all flash files for hud, etc. | Discussion

In certain cases the UI bugs out and will look very wierd.

Add a refresh rate ("fps_max") drop down list in the adv. video settings

Some people may be unfamilliar with console commads/launch options.

Add a slider for "saturation/digital vibrance" (independent from the GFXCard) in the video settings for game color.

This can make the game more colorful, on the default settings, it looks really... "lifeless"...

Add notification that pops up when entering main menu that will say "Your MMR has been reverted due to a cheater being banned in previous match.".

A cheater on the apposite team from a previous match has been banned, notify the player. Gives you a really good feel :D**

Add audio options/vars for "Volume In/Out", "Radio messages", "Deathmatch sounds", and as already mentioned, "Ambient sounds" | Concept

Adds more freedom to the player, as they may want to lower the volumes of certain sounds while not having to always use the "volume" option/var.

Tweak the "Quality" filter for Inventory to better display items. | Image

Make "sv_grenade_trajetory" visible for every player on the server.

Make "sv_showimpacts_penetration" visible for every player on the server.

Add Inventory filter "Market Price", which will sort items by their value.

Add a option/var to enable/disable holiday effects.

They may be annoying for some people as they could be a minor distraction in-game.

Add option/var "cl_zeus_over_knife_priority 0/1".

If set to 1, it will pull out the Zues when pressing the melee button (like it works now). 0, will prioritize the knife over the Zeus.

People who had a teamkill in a round should not get MVP (for that round). | Discussion

Add button to the scoreboard to automaticly block all enemies (for that match only). Concept

Add option/var to make weapon scoping toggle or hold.

Add command to instantly remove all smoke clounds and molotov flames. Discussion

Practice practice practice

Add a method for known figures (pros, caster, etc.) to "officialy" sign fan skins. | Discussion

Remove some funfacts that give away any unwanted enemy info: "X spent $Y that round.", "X threw Y mades that round", etc. | Discussion

Add a "Weapon skin shuffle" feature that cycles through selected skins each round. | .jpg Concept | Discussion

Add a set of "practice" commands that could(?) help some newer players.


"prac_shoot_only_at_zero_velocity" or something similar. It allows you to shoot only when you're at a dead stop.

"prac_shoot_only_at_min_innaccuracy" that makes you only shoot when your innaccuracy completely resets (1tap practice).

NOTE: Just an idea, could be useless or could help some people.

Add an additional FriendlyFire cvar value to act as the old style (friendly fie off, but bullets penetrate through teammates).

Casual is a mess with the current friendly fire settings.


Reintroduce func_vehicle and func_monitor.


Add hyper links on Steam Market pages for cases. | Concept

Allows for faster navigation through items of weapon cases.

Add better way for trading keys. | Concept | Discussion

Add exterior and market price of items to the item squares in trading UI. | Concept | Discussion

Add the achievend points for Pick'Em coins in item description. | Concept | Discussion


Add a "Store" section to the website.

This will act the same way as the store in-game. Sometimes poeple can't access their PC and want to buy stuff from the website.

Fix the link "ESL One Cologne 2014 CS:GO Championship." in this blog post linking to Katowice 2015 instead of Cologne 2014


Fix players getting onto an empty server and instantly getting a cooldown. | Discussion

Fix players getting onto deathmatch games that are just about to change map (I keep experiencing this lately. I queue up for DM, connects, loads, and the game just ended and map switch begins. Annoying as hell.)



Fix bug where if you jump on one ladder to another you get standing accuracy while on the 2. ladder.

Fix weapon-switch case where if you throw a certain nade, it will either spawn to the primary/secondary weapon faster or slower. Inc Grenade switches instantly, while other nades are slower. Make them all like the Inc Grenade.

Fix positional sound volumes. | Video

Fix the bug where you share spawn point with someone else and you get stuck ontop of them.

Fix the bug where you sometimes spawn outside the map in warmup.

Fix the bug where you spawn in the enemy team's spawn.

Fix smooth FOV transition after quick crouch right after scoped shot. | Video

Fix ghost footsteps. | [Youtube](

Fix players spawning with a rotated camera angle.

Fix rare bug known as "skywalking", where player can spawn in air at start of round. | Video**

Fix being hard to pick up weapons using +use key if you're standing on it.

Fix seeing through smokes if its close to an object with a transparent texture (e.g.fences).(

Fix bug where any type of grenade that explodes at the same time as a defuse, the defuse sound won't even play. (NOT CONFIRMED)

Fix human player not getting any $ income if they survive as a Terrorist Bot.

Fix molotov viewmodel being shown in the upper-left corner for a second when throwing it with the secondary throw. | Video

Fix wierd movement bug that allows you to stay on walls | GIF (If it even is fixable because of the engine.)

Fix glock reset time when using burst fire mode lasting for the same time as shooting 3 bullets (burst), but you shoot only 1 or 2.

Fix player models/weapons/blood clipping through solid objects and giving away info to the enemy.

Fix bug where a duplicated grenade would spawn, if you threw it and indtantly died. | Video

Fix rounds starting at 0:99.99 instead of at 0:00.00

Fix rounds ending at 0:99.99 instead of at 0:00.00


Fix winning the game even though you didn't really kill anyone with the GKnife. The bug happens when you kill 2 guys with 1 bullet. You kill 1 guy, you upgrade to a new weapon, then the game realizes you killed the other guy aswell, and you upgrade aswell. Can happen to any gun. Video

UI ----

Fix bug where the "ACCEPT" button in MatchMakingLobby becomes very huge. | Image

Fix Buy menu not being clickable if rejoining a game after a timeout.

Fix there sometimes being a duplicated rank on an invisible '6th' player slot in Matchmaking.

Fix the "X added Y kills to their stattrak weapons" message counting bots as kills.

Fix not being able to open buymenu in Deathmatch if the buymenu was open when the warmup ended.

Fix buymenu not fully working if you connected back because of a timeout.

Fix HUD sometimes not showing when connectiong to servers.

Fix prewieved sticker being on other weapons you inspect. | Video

Fix mini scoreboard player avatar display bug. | Discussion

Fix Gun Level notice being too big on smaller resolutions in Arms Race. | Discussion

Fix "weapon_debug_spread_show" not working with certain crosshair styles.

Fix pressing the Esc. button causing some lag.

Fix scoreboard taking away 50/100 fps. Scaleform seems to be the problem.**

Fix menu background not loading and staying black when accepting a lobby invnite when in the actual game.

Fix some lobby elements still being shown in the main menu after leaving a lobby you joined by accepting an invite when in the actual game. | Image

MENU ----

Fix Weapon-Sticker preview still showing if closing it while in a lobby. | Video

Fix wierd bug that occurs in the video settings UI. | Video

Fix console sometimes not appearing when pressing the console button.


Fix bug where weapons are incorrectly textured in the GOTV player table.

Fix the viewangle not being accurate when a player is zoomed in with a weapon.

Fix UI not loading at all when changing resolution and then viewing a demo.

MISC ----

Fix windows cursor appearing after alt-tabbing. | Image | Discussion

Fix typo of deagle description of the "Naga" skin. Correctly it should be: "mythological". Image

Fix CZ75-A triggering P250 achievement.

VAC ----

Fix some users uncommongly getting VAC Authentication Errors.

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