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Last active August 3, 2017 11:25
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CS:GO Community Feedback List


This will be a detailed list and hopefully become the megalist of all suggestions and bug reports for CS:GO.



The game would benefit from a Beta client DRASTICLY as people would be able to test updates, like game balance, other game changers, and report bugs before a huge update comes out to the main client.



While MatchMaking is one huge factor of CS:GO's playerbase gain, it still suffers from certain issues:

  • Matches could have major differences in player ranks,
  • No difference in MMR measurment for SoloQ and TeamQ,
  • It doesn't follow the pro settings (like round timers, etc.)

And maybe more smaller ones, but thats just a short list. So here is what I prupose:

  • Change current "Competitive" mode to "Casual Competitive":

    • "Casual Competitive" will be an unranked match thats will follow current rules and settings (5v5), but will not supply cooldowns to players.
  • Add "Pro Competitive" mode:

    • "Pro Competitive" will follow pro match rules (c4 timer at 35s, round timer at 1:45(1.75 in game code), overtimes(if a vote succeds 10/10))
    • Split "Pro Competitive" into Solo and Team queues. This will make matches more fair as solo players will play with and againts other solo players, and premades will play with and againts other premades, as will also allow better MMR measuerment.
  • Add "Team Competitive" mode:

    • Team Competitive is where you can create a team profile of 5 (and maybe back-up players) and play versus other teams. Your team gets ranked based on performance. There could be a "Team Competitive" Leaderboard, listing best teams and players.
    • There would be no awards, like cash prize or anything, simply a place for you to get into "true" CS with some mates. ESL/ESEA/FaceIt/CEVO/... is where you'd want to earn some dosh.


  • Disable the red coloured player name indicator in "Competitive" modes. | In rare situations, it is possible to spot a player through a solid wall with the indicator, even if you can't actualy see them.

  • Add options to choose valid server locations. | Some players may want a guaranteed ping. The game is now big enough to support this.

  • Add (more)servers in Russia, Taiwan, China, Korea, ... All over Asia basicly. | Some say that there is a severe lack of servers in those locations, and Russia suffers from no servers.

  • If server is experiencing poor performance, give a notifications in the chat that states that the match is save to leave and MMRs will not be modified. | (Pro Competitive)

  • Make the client check for file signatures (VPKs, scripts, ...) BEFORE accepting a game. | It can be annoying as hell when someone on your team joins and gets instantly disconnected as their VPK file is somehow corrupt and have to continue the match without them.

  • Fix players getting onto games that are just about to change map. | This is a hugely annoying issue on non-competitive modes, and becomes MUCH more annoying when you're doing missions. You join a game for a specific map, you land on a match that just ended and the map switches to a new one, wasting your time completely.


  • Fix competitive matches still starting even though a bot is present. The game will still start as it only accounts for connections, not for actual player count on the server. So if all 10 players connected atleast once, the game will still start.





  • Fix delay of not being able to plant the bomb for a second to two if you try to plant outside of the bombsite outline. | This could cause a huge issue in close situations. You try to be fast as possible, and if you press just SLIGHTLY outside the bombsite outline, you'll be doomed.


  • Nade withdrawing speeds should be slightly faster.
  • Nades should be thrown instantly when releasing the attack bind.

HE Grenade:

  • Slightly increase damage output. | You should fear a grenade that comes to your face, great grenade throws should be promoted


  • Enemy Decoy grenades should only become visible on radar once spoted.
  • Decoys should have random patterns each time so they aren't as predictible.

M4A1-S & USP-S:

  • Make +attack1 cancel silencer toggle animation. | Discussion

Also here is one interesting little bit. I suggest you watch this video fist to see what i'll be talking about. As you can see, if you simply fall off of a ledge, and set your velocity to 0 by hitting the +back key, you'll have FULL accuracy. This should be changed:

If you're in the air, you should never have standing inaccuracy. | Discussion


Obvisouly hitbox fixes have been confirmed in the works (NO ETA) but regarding models:

  • Make all player models fit hitboxes more. | There are many distractions on player models that can confuse people when they shoot a player but the bullet goes through them.

  • Remove headshot flinch animation. | Video | This can be annoying when using a weapon that isn't a 1shot headshot, as sometimes the direction of the animation wouldn't even match the direction of the shot. Best would be to just remove it.

  • Fix pose parameters not being lag compensated. | Discussion | Video | Credits to /u/Altimor



  • Make nades bounce off of players rather than blocking player movement.

  • Disable camera interpolation for dead players spectating. | Discussion

  • Fully remove any AimPunch when possessing armour.

  • Make ragdolls rendered server side. | In a rare situation it is possible that a player will not be able to see an enemy as there is a ragdoll in the way, bot the enemy can cleary see him as the ragdoll is rendered in a different position/pose.


  • Fix bug where if you jump on one ladder to another you get standing accuracy while on the 2. ladder. | (NOT CONFIRMED)

  • Fix delay between weapon swap when using +use on a dropped weapon. | This can be an annoying issue especialy at round end, when you try to quickly pick up a gun, but the game decides to just drop your current weapon and wait a bit after that for picking the other one up.

  • Fix weapon-switch situation where if you throw a certain nade, it will either switch to the primary/secondary weapon faster or slower. Inc Grenade switches instantly, while other nades are slower. Make them all like the Inc Grenade.

  • Fix players dropping a usable nade after throwing it right before they died.

  • Fix smooth FOV transition after quick crouch right after scoped shot. | Video

  • Fix "ghost footsteps". | Video | The issue can occur when a human takes over a bot.

  • Fix "sky walking". | Video | This issue can be pretty random, and can also happen in any game mode.

  • Fix seeing through smokes if its close to an object with a transparent texture (e.g. fences). | Video

  • Fix human player not getting any $ income if they survive as a Terrorist Bot.

  • Fix molotov model being shown on opposite side of the player's viewmodel position when throwing it with the secondary throw.

  • Fix glock reset time when using burst fire mode lasting for the same time as shooting 3 bullets (burst), but you shoot only 1 or 2.

  • Fix rounds starting at 0:99.99 instead of at 0:00.00.

  • Fix rounds ending at 0:99.99 instead of at 0:00.00.

  • Fix rare bug where a player can respawn with a rotated camera angle.


  • Remove currently ended map from the next map vote list.


  • Remove currently ended map from the next map vote list.

  • Make the team logo in the middle of the buywheel a button to toggle which team buywheel you want to use. | This will allow players to use T weapons as CT and vice versa.

  • Make respawns instant. | We wan't to quickly get into action, but we're greeted with the death-cam which is useless in DM.

  • When a bonus weapon pops up, and a player wants to use it, rather than having them respawning and getting the weapon, make them get the weapon after their first death. | People abuse this feature to escape a firefight when they have low HP, and it's really annoying when someone does that.


  • Fix other players still appearing invisible for 2 or so seconds after leaving invincibility.


  • Remove wallhack on the leaders. | Discussion

  • Fix winning the game even though you didn't really kill anyone with the GoldenKnife. | Video | The bug happens when you kill 2 players with 1 bullet. You kill 1 player, you upgrade to a new weapon, then the game realizes you killed the other player aswell, and you upgrade aswell. Can happen with any gun.


  • Fix exploit that allowes you to buy items through binds even though you can't access the buywheel.


  • Fully remove (or atleast lower) fog from every (competitive) map for better visibility.


  • Widen Banana to give Ts more positional freedom.

  • Widen entrance at T spawn to prevent players blocking.

  • Make movement on the Truck at A bombsite easier to get onto.

  • Decrease amount of wooden planks in bedroom @ Apps for better visibility.

  • Decrease amount of spears in Graveyard for better visiblity.

  • Slightly brighten up bedroom @ Apps for better visibility.

  • Fix hitbox of the wooden fence in banana. | Image

  • Fix broken big wooden plank in mid. You can flash through it, see enemies on the radar through it, and bots can directly see players through it.

  • Add a banana to banana.


  • Fix getting stuck on the ceeling at B apps. | Image


  • Fix flashing through some solid structures. | Video


  • Port all UI displays from Flash to VGUI? | Flash/scaleform takes soooo much fps from your game. You can test it by toggling "cl_drawhud".

  • Allow abborting loading screens(connecting to servers) by using Esc.

  • Reintroduce hud_deathnotice_time convar which determines how long kill notifications last.

  • Make radar still last on round aftermath. | There could still be valuable info from it.

  • In the bottom right corner you can see the bullets lined up, these bullets should match the caliber of the weapon (shotguns shells, pistol rounds etc).

  • Show number of weapons your teammates have in the buywheel. | Concept

  • Add damage done/taken statistics on scoreboard at end of round. | Concept

  • Show kevlar as a item possession butt at the start of a round. | Concept

  • Add option for defuse kit to be displayed under the radar, just like the C4. | Example

  • Add convar to have assists shown with a different color instead of red (quicker confirmation in firefights).

  • Add convar to toggle on which side Scoreboard will be displayed (left, center, right, ...). | Would be mainly usefull on lower resolutions. For example, on 4:3 the scoreboard will cover up a chuch of the square radar and makes it quite annoying.

  • Add convar that allows us to change the radar position seperatly from the "safezonex" and "safezoney" vars. | Image

  • Add convar that toggles which radar to show when alive; Circle or Square. | Image

  • Add crosshair customization UI. | Concept | Small error in the image: Alpha and colour values should go to 255, not 100.

  • Make the radar outline colour match the HUD's | Concept | Discussion

  • Mark players with "voice_enable 0" with a logo on the scoreboard. | Concept | Discussion


  • Fix bug where the "ACCEPT" button in MatchMakingLobby becomes very huge. | Image

  • Fix Buy menu not being clickable if rejoining a game after a timeout.

  • Fix there sometimes being a duplicated rank on an invisible '6th' player slot in Matchmaking.

  • Fix the "X added Y kills to their stattrak weapons" message counting bots as kills.

  • Fix not being able to open buymenu in Deathmatch if the buymenu was open when the warmup ended.

  • Fix buymenu not fully working if you connected back because of a timeout.

  • Fix HUD sometimes not showing when connectiong to servers.

  • Fix prewieved sticker being on other weapons you inspect. | Video

  • Fix "weapon_debug_spread_show" not working with certain crosshair styles.

  • Fix pressing the Esc. button causing some lag before opening Pause menu.

  • Fix scoreboard taking away 50/100 fps. Pesky Scaleform seems to be the problem.

  • Fix menu background not loading and staying black when accepting a lobby invite when in the actual game.

  • Fix some lobby elements still being shown in the main menu after leaving a lobby you joined by accepting an invite when in the actual game. | Image


  • Remove AWARDS page, add MY PROFILE page: - In the MY PROFILE page, you can see your stats, achievements, ranks, etc.

  • Remove INVENTORY page, CS:GO Store, add ARMORY page: - In the ARMORY page, you can view you inventory, the CS:GO Store and the WORKSHOP where you can browse through maps/skins/stickers.

  • Add new item inspect option, which inspects item from the first person view, and others like reload, etc. Can be really usefell when aplying stickers.

  • Allow us to edit options menu while in matchmaking queue.

  • Add option in inventory page to stack up duplicate items. | Terrible Concept

  • Add a symbol next to the displayed friends in the friends UI if they are on Steam in mobile.

  • Add a "Show on disk" button to easily access demos from the WATCH menu. | Concept | Discussion

  • Add a small button to the "Friends" panel that toggles whether it should show 1 or 2 friends in the same vertical line.

  • Fix Cobblestone preview image showing outdated version.


  • Fix Weapon-Sticker preview still showing if closing it while in a lobby. | Video

  • Fix wierd bug that occurs in the video settings UI. | Video

  • Fix console sometimes not appearing when pressing the console button. It can actualy always be opened if you have your mouse cursor at the top edge of your screen.

  • Fix cursor sometimes dissapearing. | Discussion | Mainly happens if you Alt-Tab back into the game. A workaround is to put your cursor at the top edge of your screen, opening the console, typing quit_prompt and the cursor will appear.


  • Allow the viewrs to swtich players, open minimap, etc. without having to close the demoiu.

  • Make "cl_showpos 1" show the velocity of the spectated player.


  • Remove cheat protection on the following convars:

    • "mat_postprocess_enable" | please already...,
    • "cl_wpn_sway_scale",
    • "cl_use_new_headbob".

    PostProcessing disabled can give a small FPS boost, but also make things look prettier and easier to see. And the last two(2) are complete preferences.

    No one would gain an advantage over anyone if they just have a different value set.

  • Add concmd "ui_reload", which completely reloads HUD elements, etc. | Discussion

  • Add a refresh rate ("fps_max") option in the the adv. video settings menu for those unfammilliar with the console.

  • Tweak the "Quality" filter for Inventory to better display items. | Image

  • Make "sv_grenade_trajetory" visible for every player on the server.

  • Make "sv_showimpacts_penetration" visible for every player on the server.

  • Add Inventory filter "Market Price", which will sort items by their value.

  • Add convar "cl_zeus_over_knife_priority" that toggles which melee item(Knife or Zeus) to equip when pressing the slot3 key.

  • People who had a teamkill in a round should not get MVP (for that round). | Discussion

  • Add convar to make weapon scoping toggle or hold.

  • Remove some funfacts that give away any unwanted enemy info: "X spent $Y that round.", "X threw Y mades that round", etc. | Somewhat related Discussion

  • Add an additional FriendlyFire cvar value to act as the old style (friendly fie off, but bullets penetrate through teammates). | Casual is a mess with the current friendly fire settings.

  • A few hitches about the Falchion Knife: LINK

  • Allow players to jump in freeze time. | Discussion



  • Replace weapon skin drops with map based weapon skin cases. | Concept | Instead of just getting a skin at the end of a game, you get a key-less case which is based on the map skin collection. These cases would cost even more as you may get an expensive item(but with a low chance), or just a common skin worth almost nothing. And opening cases is quite fun, which adds to that.

  • Grenade key chains as new purchasable items. | Concept | Grenade key chains would be purchasable items you could buy in the in-game store as an offer. It would be a small cosmetic item that people would most probably buy and will also give Valve more money. Team based ones for Majors could be an idea aswell.

  • Sprays re-added as new purchasable items. | Many people miss sprays that were loved in previous CS titles. And a good way to bring them back would be to have a purchasable Spray Can item that you will have to rebuy after a certain amout of uses. The image of the spray can could either be aplied by a sticker, or add a new "Spray Can Grafiti" capsule that will contain an art piece for the spray can, or have a "spray can capsule", which will give you a random Spray Can with a random art piece. You can only use it once per round, but if you get a kill during the round, you can use it again. And ofcourse an option/console var to enable/disable these sprays. Team based ones for Majors could be an idea, again.

  • Add Zeus skins. | I mean... think of the children!


  • Add hyper links on Steam Market pages for cases. | Concept | Allows for faster navigation through items of weapon cases.

  • Add better way for trading keys. | Concept | Discussion

  • Add exterior and market price of items to the item squares in trading UI. | Concept | Discussion

  • Add the achievend points for Pick'Em coins in item description. | Concept | Discussion


  • Reintroduce func_vehicle and func_monitor.


  • Want to contact me? | If you want to contact me, either send me a PM on reddit, or add me on Steam (but please add a comment on my Steam profile saying WHY you want to add me so I know it's related to this list).

  • Why are some higly wished suggestions/bugs not written in the list? | Valve have stated many times on many different subjects on why they won't do some things as it may, to a sense, make the game worse, or they have already said that they are working on certain subjects.

  • Why are some sections in the list too subjective? | Simply make a comment. If you give a detailed explination, I will consider changing a certain thing.

  • y no interweb creditz 4 threatzZzZ?! | There are simply too many credits i would have to enter again... you can get the majority of them from my last list via the reddit post... if you want... for some reason. Only "major" credits are written :D

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