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New Day New Code

Frankie Bukenya Frankie-B

New Day New Code
  • The Netherlands
  • 18:47 (UTC +02:00)
View GitHub Profile
Frankie-B /
Created September 5, 2024 11:01 — forked from Naedri/
To bookmark online knowledge resources and trendy new technologies in the field of computer science.

Most starred javascript projects on github

(excludig ones containing library or framework in their description)

Ranking Project Name Stars Forks Language Open Issues Description Last Commit
1 javascript 115937 22144 JavaScript 135 JavaScript Style Guide 2021-11-11T15:46:43Z
2 create-react-app 91397 23172 JavaScript 1331 Set up a modern web app by running one command. 2021-11-12T09:42:07Z
3 30-seconds-of-code 88142 9359 JavaScript 6 Short JavaScript code snippets for all your development needs 2021-11-03T07:55:07Z
4 node 82985 21792 JavaScript 1608 Node.js JavaScript runtime ✨🐢🚀✨ 2021-11-13T05:50:17Z
5 [nodebestpr
Frankie-B / starship.toml
Created July 1, 2024 14:30 — forked from deepanchal/starship.toml
Starship config
# Get editor completions based on the config schema
"$schema" = ''
format = """

Ultimate Coding Resources List

A collection of the best resources for programming, web development, computer science and more.

DISCLAIMER: it is worth mentioning that a portion of resources (mainly courses and books) included have affiliate links or items mentioned are projects I have built that I directly benefit from their sale or use.

{"name":"Frontend Development","settings":"{\"settings\":\"{\\n \\\"workbench.startupEditor\\\": \\\"none\\\",\\n \\\"diffEditor.ignoreTrimWhitespace\\\": false,\\n \\\"\\\": \\\"open\\\"\\n}\"}","snippets":"{\"snippets\":{\"romik.code-snippets\":\"{\\n\\t\\\"Echo print\\\": {\\n\\t\\t\\\"scope\\\": \\\"php\\\",\\n\\t\\t\\\"prefix\\\": \\\"ec\\\",\\n\\t\\t\\\"body\\\": [\\n\\t\\t\\t\\\"echo '<pre>';\\\",\\n\\t\\t\\t\\\"print_r($1);\\\",\\n\\t\\t\\t\\\"echo '</pre>';\\\",\\n\\t\\t\\t\\\"exit;\\\"\\n\\t\\t],\\n\\t\\t\\\"description\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n\\t},\\n\\t\\\"arrmap\\\": {\\n\\t\\t\\\"scope\\\": \\\"php\\\",\\n\\t\\t\\\"prefix\\\": \\\"arrmap\\\",\\n\\t\\t\\\"body\\\": [\\n\\t\\t\\t\\\"$$1 = array_map(function($$2){\\\",\\n\\t\\t\\t\\\"return $$2;\\\",\\n\\t\\t\\t\\\"}, $$1);\\\",\\n\\t\\t],\\n\\t\\t\\\"description\\\": \\\"\\\"\\n\\t},\\n\\t\\\"arrfilter\\\": {\\n\\t\\t\\\"scope\\\": \\\"php\\\",\\n\\t\\t\\\"prefix\\\": \\\"arrfilter\\\",\\n\\t\\t\\\"body\\\":
Frankie-B / algoFridaysWeek2.js
Created June 26, 2024 11:17 — forked from Amaka202/algoFridaysWeek2.js
Algorithms Friday Week 2 Solution
// Given an array nums, and a value val, write a function to remove
// all instances of val from the array and return the new length
const removeValInstances = (arr, val) => {
if(!arr) return 0;
if(!Array.isArray(arr)) return 0;
if(!val) return arr.length;
let newArrLength = 0;
Frankie-B / vscode-settings-June2023.jsonc
Created June 26, 2024 10:03 — forked from bgoonz/vscode-settings-June2023.jsonc
//----------------beginning of editor settings--------------------\\
"editor.comments.ignoreEmptyLines": false,
"editor.trimAutoWhitespace": false,
"editor.suggest.snippetsPreventQuickSuggestions": false,
"editor.definitionLinkOpensInPeek": true,
"editor.fastScrollSensitivity": 9,
"editor.suggest.shareSuggestSelections": true,
"editor.fontSize": 12,
"editor.fontFamily": "Consolas, 'Courier New', monospace",

A Collection of my most useful Gist Entries

This list is in no particular order!

A Collection of my most useful Gist Entries

This list is in no particular order!

A Quick Guide to Big-O Notation, Memoization, Tabulation, and Sorting Algorithms by Example

Curating Complexity: A Guide to Big-O Notation

A Quick Guide to Big-O Notation, Memoization, Tabulation, and Sorting Algorithms by Example

Curating Complexity: A Guide to Big-O Notation