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Most starred javascript projects on github

(excludig ones containing library or framework in their description)

Ranking Project Name Stars Forks Language Open Issues Description Last Commit
1 javascript 115937 22144 JavaScript 135 JavaScript Style Guide 2021-11-11T15:46:43Z
2 create-react-app 91397 23172 JavaScript 1331 Set up a modern web app by running one command. 2021-11-12T09:42:07Z
3 30-seconds-of-code 88142 9359 JavaScript 6 Short JavaScript code snippets for all your development needs 2021-11-03T07:55:07Z
4 node 82985 21792 JavaScript 1608 Node.js JavaScript runtime ✨🐢🚀✨ 2021-11-13T05:50:17Z
5 nodebestpractices 72122 7295 JavaScript 42 ✅ The Node.js best practices list (October 2021) 2021-11-12T06:50:46Z
6 awesome-selfhosted 67726 4948 JavaScript 120 A list of Free Software network services and web applications which can be hosted on your own servers 2021-11-13T05:32:22Z
7 Font-Awesome 66372 11681 JavaScript 5667 The iconic SVG, font, and CSS toolkit 2021-10-30T20:29:46Z
8 tech-interview-handbook 60802 8478 JavaScript 7 💯 Curated interview preparation materials for busy engineers 2021-11-06T11:41:10Z
9 clean-code-javascript 60009 7638 JavaScript 50 🛁 Clean Code concepts adapted for JavaScript 2021-10-31T07:40:52Z
10 json-server 57505 5545 JavaScript 595 Get a full fake REST API with zero coding in less than 30 seconds (seriously) 2021-11-09T10:10:08Z
11 atom 56293 16609 JavaScript 752 :atom: The hackable text editor 2021-11-11T16:27:04Z
12 Chart.js 55352 11275 JavaScript 113 Simple HTML5 Charts using the tag 2021-11-11T20:00:52Z
13 gatsby 51703 9975 JavaScript 383 Build blazing fast, modern apps and websites with React 2021-11-13T02:47:11Z
14 50141 1280 JavaScript 48 Resumes generated using the GitHub informations 2021-07-20T16:40:40Z
15 awesome-mac 46074 5015 JavaScript 123  Now we have become very big, Different from the original idea. Collect premium software in various categories. 2021-11-10T07:42:19Z
16 leetcode 45076 8477 JavaScript 8 LeetCode Solutions: A Record of My Problem Solving Journey.( leetcode题解,记录自己的leetcode解题之路。) 2021-11-09T11:20:44Z
17 iptv 42249 3932 JavaScript 189 Collection of publicly available IPTV channels from all over the world 2021-11-13T01:52:14Z
18 prettier 40947 3049 JavaScript 967 Prettier is an opinionated code formatter. 2021-11-12T14:17:29Z
19 strapi 40834 4936 JavaScript 687 🚀 Open source Node.js Headless CMS to easily build customisable APIs 2021-11-12T17:24:19Z
20 yarn 40241 2738 JavaScript 1950 The 1.x line is frozen - features and bugfixes now happen on 2021-10-30T18:43:18Z
21 Ghost 38999 8435 JavaScript 73 Turn your audience into a business. Publishing, memberships, subscriptions and newsletters. 2021-11-12T16:02:27Z
22 nw.js 38524 3932 JavaScript 874 Call all Node.js modules directly from DOM/WebWorker and enable a new way of writing applications with all Web technologies. 2021-11-11T00:41:54Z
23 pdf.js 36626 8464 JavaScript 358 PDF Reader in JavaScript 2021-11-12T20:47:57Z
24 Web-Dev-For-Beginners 36464 5167 JavaScript 15 24 Lessons, 12 Weeks, Get Started as a Web Developer 2021-11-12T13:31:47Z
25 cypress 34578 2048 JavaScript 1851 Fast, easy and reliable testing for anything that runs in a browser. 2021-11-13T01:46:30Z
26 chinese-poetry 34426 7114 JavaScript 72 The most comprehensive database of Chinese poetry 🧶最全中华古诗词数据库, 唐宋两朝近一万四千古诗人, 接近5.5万首唐诗加26万宋诗. 两宋时期1564位词人,21050首词。 2021-11-12T03:23:51Z
27 uni-app 34350 3121 JavaScript 851 uni-app 是使用 Vue 语法开发小程序、H5、App的统一框架 2021-11-12T13:03:01Z
28 faker.js 33997 2908 JavaScript 282 generate massive amounts of realistic fake data in Node.js and the browser 2021-10-28T18:17:08Z
29 brackets 33738 8313 JavaScript 2791 An open source code editor for the web, written in JavaScript, HTML and CSS. 2021-09-06T15:56:26Z
30 fullPage.js 32862 7388 JavaScript 205 fullPage plugin by Alvaro Trigo. Create full screen pages fast and simple 2021-11-11T17:02:15Z
31 hackathon-starter 32441 7469 JavaScript 46 A boilerplate for Node.js web applications 2021-11-03T17:37:59Z
32 gulp 32390 4403 JavaScript 26 A toolkit to automate & enhance your workflow 2021-11-08T08:39:39Z
33 video.js 32302 6974 JavaScript 383 Video.js - open source HTML5 & Flash video player 2021-11-12T18:42:20Z
34 front-end-interview-handbook 32048 4808 JavaScript 14 ⚡️ Front End interview preparation materials for busy engineers 2021-11-05T03:01:25Z
35 clipboard.js 31381 3978 JavaScript 6 ✂️ Modern copy to clipboard. No Flash. Just 3kb gzipped 📋 2021-10-20T06:39:04Z
36 quill 31253 2623 JavaScript 1160 Quill is a modern WYSIWYG editor built for compatibility and extensibility. 2021-11-10T13:13:42Z
37 Rocket.Chat 31098 7027 JavaScript 2956 The communications platform that puts data protection first. 2021-11-13T04:13:28Z
38 awesome-react-native 30622 3768 JavaScript 47 Awesome React Native components, news, tools, and learning material! 2021-11-11T16:52:15Z
39 lerna 30557 2004 JavaScript 728 🐉 A tool for managing JavaScript projects with multiple packages. 2021-11-11T19:35:14Z
40 preact 30307 1685 JavaScript 242 ⚛️ Fast 3kB React alternative with the same modern API. Components & Virtual DOM. 2021-11-12T18:51:31Z
41 react 29711 2360 JavaScript 5 Cheatsheets for experienced React developers getting started with TypeScript 2021-11-05T02:39:37Z
42 swiper 29144 9574 JavaScript 136 Most modern mobile touch slider with hardware accelerated transitions 2021-11-11T18:26:59Z
43 vue-cli 28715 5868 JavaScript 808 🛠️ Standard Tooling for Vue.js Development 2021-11-12T09:32:37Z
44 Motrix 28665 3433 JavaScript 431 A full-featured download manager. 2021-11-12T05:38:46Z
45 sheetjs 28071 7167 JavaScript 85 📗 SheetJS Community Edition -- Spreadsheet Data Toolkit 2021-11-09T04:48:23Z
46 react-boilerplate 28070 5946 JavaScript 82 🔥 A highly scalable, offline-first foundation with the best developer experience and a focus on performance and best practices. 2021-10-04T17:02:20Z
47 backbone 27845 5615 JavaScript 96 Give your JS App some Backbone with Models, Views, Collections, and Events 2020-05-19T16:52:55Z
48 async 27370 2412 JavaScript 9 Async utilities for node and the browser 2021-11-10T15:41:39Z
49 slick 27176 5790 JavaScript 1320 the last carousel you'll ever need 2021-11-02T03:05:02Z
50 vuex 26987 9192 JavaScript 89 🗃️ Centralized State Management for Vue.js. 2021-11-10T10:49:59Z
51 monaco-editor 26750 2433 JavaScript 550 A browser based code editor 2021-11-12T23:07:05Z
52 drawio 26365 5341 JavaScript 460 Source to 2021-11-10T14:49:15Z
53 standard 26313 2135 JavaScript 77 🌟 JavaScript Style Guide, with linter & automatic code fixer 2021-11-12T10:02:38Z
54 marked 26262 3091 JavaScript 52 A markdown parser and compiler. Built for speed. 2021-11-13T04:33:52Z
55 underscore 26217 5604 JavaScript 52 JavaScript's utility _ belt 2021-10-21T05:09:32Z
56 lottie-web 25723 2562 JavaScript 767 Render After Effects animations natively on Web, Android and iOS, and React Native. 2021-11-09T12:09:16Z
57 react-beautiful-dnd 25485 1916 JavaScript 476 Beautiful and accessible drag and drop for lists with React 2021-11-12T06:08:55Z
58 webtorrent 25332 2460 JavaScript 117 ⚡️ Streaming torrent client for the web 2021-11-03T03:00:56Z
59 request 25330 3091 JavaScript 113 🏊🏾 Simplified HTTP request client. 2021-06-29T02:05:03Z
60 select2 25132 6256 JavaScript 75 Select2 is a jQuery based replacement for select boxes. It supports searching, remote data sets, and infinite scrolling of results. 2021-10-20T22:13:35Z
61 fetch 25065 3092 JavaScript 17 A window.fetch JavaScript polyfill. 2021-11-03T15:28:18Z
62 tesseract.js 25030 1700 JavaScript 102 Pure Javascript OCR for more than 100 Languages 📖🎉🖥 2021-10-27T18:36:53Z
63 hiring-without-whiteboards 24734 2187 JavaScript 29 ⭐️ Companies that don't have a broken hiring process 2021-11-12T02:59:50Z
64 nylas-mail 24647 1447 JavaScript 1017 💌 An extensible desktop mail app built on the modern web. Forks welcome! 2021-07-05T13:35:43Z
65 Daily-Interview-Question 24463 3074 JavaScript 225 我是依扬(木易杨),公众号「高级前端进阶」作者,每天搞定一道前端大厂面试题,祝大家天天进步,一年后会看到不一样的自己。 2020-11-09T01:07:00Z
66 wtfjs 24374 1683 JavaScript 7 🤪 A list of funny and tricky JavaScript examples 2021-10-19T05:07:14Z
67 gitbook 24161 3588 JavaScript 1011 📝 Modern documentation format and toolchain using Git and Markdown 2021-09-06T09:36:30Z
68 CodeMirror 23823 4768 JavaScript 436 In-browser code editor 2021-11-10T08:52:56Z
69 ace 23767 5073 JavaScript 837 Ace ( Cloud9 Editor) 2021-11-08T20:57:05Z
70 nprogress 23605 1817 JavaScript 128 For slim progress bars like on YouTube, Medium, etc 2021-10-03T11:47:06Z
71 drawio-desktop 23546 2546 JavaScript 198 Official electron build of 2021-11-10T17:39:30Z
72 mongoose 23472 3274 JavaScript 314 MongoDB object modeling designed to work in an asynchronous environment. 2021-11-12T22:00:12Z
73 odoo 23294 15254 JavaScript 4664 Odoo. Open Source Apps To Grow Your Business. 2021-11-12T21:38:07Z
74 yapi 22943 3973 JavaScript 1325 YApi 是一个可本地部署的、打通前后端及QA的、可视化的接口管理平台 2021-11-11T06:30:56Z
75 react-virtualized 22762 2833 JavaScript 433 React components for efficiently rendering large lists and tabular data 2021-11-12T12:54:08Z
76 learnGitBranching 22625 4997 JavaScript 12 An interactive git visualization and tutorial. Aspiring students of git can use this app to educate and challenge themselves towards mastery of git! 2021-10-26T17:19:38Z
77 OpenAPI-Specification 22369 7877 JavaScript 513 The OpenAPI Specification Repository 2021-11-12T11:17:23Z
78 sweetalert2 13771 1398 JavaScript 7 A beautiful, responsive, highly customizable and accessible (WAI-ARIA) replacement for JavaScript's popup boxes. Zero dependencies. 2021-11-12T01:24:25Z
79 heroicons 13683 838 JavaScript 24 A set of free MIT-licensed high-quality SVG icons for UI development. 2021-11-02T12:09:20Z
80 store.js 13635 1377 JavaScript 91 Cross-browser storage for all use cases, used across the web. 2021-08-10T23:34:05Z
81 node-red 13381 2594 JavaScript 221 Low-code programming for event-driven applications 2021-11-12T09:38:10Z
82 CyberChef 13363 1767 JavaScript 264 The Cyber Swiss Army Knife - a web app for encryption, encoding, compression and data analysis 2021-11-09T20:13:42Z
83 gpu.js 13355 621 JavaScript 153 GPU Accelerated JavaScript 2021-10-27T22:25:47Z
84 angular-seed 13237 7158 JavaScript 19 Seed project for angular apps. 2020-10-02T13:03:43Z
85 nedb 12876 936 JavaScript 207 The JavaScript Database, for Node.js, nw.js, electron and the browser 2021-11-02T09:29:36Z
86 requirejs 12731 2415 JavaScript 276 A file and module loader for JavaScript 2021-05-25T21:20:31Z
87 chartist-js 12709 2651 JavaScript 400 Simple responsive charts 2021-08-24T08:11:36Z
88 git-history 12661 516 JavaScript 67 Quickly browse the history of a file from any git repository 2021-02-07T04:36:19Z
89 jsdoc 12465 1372 JavaScript 391 An API documentation generator for JavaScript. 2021-11-10T02:13:51Z
90 You-Dont-Need-Momentjs 12423 310 JavaScript 26 List of functions which you can use to replace moment.js + ESLint Plugin 2021-10-26T21:55:15Z
91 YesPlayMusic 12422 1633 JavaScript 184 高颜值的第三方网易云播放器,支持 Windows / macOS / Linux :electron: 2021-11-09T02:55:36Z
92 MockingBird 12242 1394 JavaScript 68 🚀AI拟声: 5秒内克隆您的声音并生成任意语音内容 Clone a voice in 5 seconds to generate arbitrary speech in real-time 2021-11-13T02:58:37Z
93 volkswagen 12046 244 JavaScript 59 🙈 Volkswagen detects when your tests are being run in a CI server, and makes them pass. 2020-01-27T10:06:41Z
94 github-do-not-ban-us 11959 1197 JavaScript 7 GitHub do not ban us from open source world 🇮🇷 2019-08-01T19:25:20Z
95 x-spreadsheet 11942 1332 JavaScript 301 A web-based JavaScript(canvas) spreadsheet 2021-11-11T03:44:46Z
96 wp-calypso 11923 1898 JavaScript 3471 The JavaScript and API powered 2021-11-13T01:55:34Z
97 systemjs 11841 1081 JavaScript 21 Dynamic ES module loader 2021-11-02T21:30:04Z
98 mdx 11716 1032 JavaScript 14 Markdown for the component era 2021-11-12T03:41:30Z
99 pell 11641 596 JavaScript 68 📝 the simplest and smallest WYSIWYG text editor for web, with no dependencies 2021-02-10T11:36:28Z
100 truffle 11523 1874 JavaScript 463 A tool for developing smart contracts. Crafted with the finest cacaos. 2021-11-13T02:02:05Z
101 Respond 11507 3534 JavaScript 114 A fast & lightweight polyfill for min/max-width CSS3 Media Queries (for IE 6-8, and more) 2018-03-16T09:38:34Z
102 learnVue 11421 2414 JavaScript 19 :octocat:Vue.js 源码解析 2021-07-26T07:40:44Z
103 virtual-dom 11236 813 JavaScript 159 A Virtual DOM and diffing algorithm 2020-05-06T14:50:04Z
104 30-Days-Of-JavaScript 10830 2366 JavaScript 89 30 days of JavaScript programming challenge is a step-by-step guide to learn JavaScript programming language in 30 days. This challenge may take more than 100 days, please just follow your own pace. 2021-11-11T18:00:51Z
105 stylus 10797 1127 JavaScript 230 Expressive, robust, feature-rich CSS language built for nodejs 2021-09-22T12:58:09Z
106 gitmoji 10773 618 JavaScript 17 An emoji guide for your commit messages. 😜 2021-11-11T09:25:18Z
107 eleventy 10663 312 JavaScript 428 A simpler static site generator. An alternative to Jekyll. Transforms a directory of templates (of varying types) into HTML. 2021-11-13T05:12:34Z
108 android-training-course-in-chinese 10616 2770 JavaScript 14 Android官方培训课程中文版 2018-01-11T10:33:39Z
109 keeweb 10510 912 JavaScript 265 Free cross-platform password manager compatible with KeePass 2021-07-19T21:21:55Z
110 mdx-deck 10449 636 JavaScript 133 ♠️ React MDX-based presentation decks 2021-09-21T03:21:54Z
111 summernote 10432 2166 JavaScript 121 Super simple WYSIWYG editor 2021-11-12T06:22:13Z
112 workbox 10376 706 JavaScript 93 📦 Workbox: JavaScript libraries for Progressive Web Apps 2021-11-12T15:04:37Z
113 knockout 10103 1573 JavaScript 361 Knockout makes it easier to create rich, responsive UIs with JavaScript 2021-10-09T07:42:49Z
114 downshift 10078 855 JavaScript 79 🏎 A set of primitives to build simple, flexible, WAI-ARIA compliant React autocomplete, combobox or select dropdown components. 2021-10-27T23:46:34Z
115 compromise 10052 643 JavaScript 94 modest natural-language processing 2021-11-12T23:21:32Z
116 cropperjs 9998 2033 JavaScript 53 JavaScript image cropper. 2021-08-30T20:01:00Z
117 node-postgres 9988 1038 JavaScript 341 PostgreSQL client for node.js. 2021-10-30T05:54:05Z
118 micro 9951 490 JavaScript 8 Asynchronous HTTP microservices 2021-11-04T18:23:02Z
119 gekko 9804 4007 JavaScript 0 A bitcoin trading bot written in node - 2020-02-16T14:25:26Z
120 prism 9766 1135 JavaScript 203 Lightweight, robust, elegant syntax highlighting. 2021-11-11T12:43:08Z
121 onepage-scroll 9558 2167 JavaScript 277 Create an Apple-like one page scroller website (iPhone 5S website) with One Page Scroll plugin 2021-01-08T21:29:42Z
122 webpack-demos 9460 2292 JavaScript 0 a collection of simple demos of Webpack 2020-12-03T12:31:38Z
123 tui.calendar 9446 937 JavaScript 117 🍞📅A JavaScript calendar that has everything you need. 2021-11-12T08:51:10Z
124 Luckysheet 9424 1173 JavaScript 357 Luckysheet is an online spreadsheet like excel that is powerful, simple to configure, and completely open source. 2021-11-12T08:25:05Z
125 shepherd 9400 542 JavaScript 24 Guide your users through a tour of your app 2021-11-10T17:13:27Z
126 30-seconds-of-interviews 9354 844 JavaScript 14 A curated collection of common interview questions to help you prepare for your next interview. 2021-09-20T21:06:54Z
127 art-of-node 9308 871 JavaScript 17 ❄️ a short introduction to node.js 2020-08-03T14:56:30Z
128 yargs 9282 917 JavaScript 284 yargs the modern, pirate-themed successor to optimist. 2021-11-09T16:42:08Z
129 electron-quick-start 9151 4469 JavaScript 11 Clone to try a simple Electron app 2021-11-11T12:57:20Z
130 nodeclub 9148 3207 JavaScript 214 🐤Nodeclub 是使用 Node.js 和 MongoDB 开发的社区系统 2021-11-13T06:30:57Z
131 pollyjs 9097 349 JavaScript 38 Record, Replay, and Stub HTTP Interactions. 2021-10-06T22:48:21Z
132 Lepton 8960 456 JavaScript 70 💻 Democratizing Snippet Management (macOS/Win/Linux) 2021-09-27T17:33:05Z
133 BrowserQuest 8782 2639 JavaScript 7 A HTML5/JavaScript multiplayer game experiment 2020-09-16T16:27:04Z
134 laverna 8743 829 JavaScript 448 Laverna is a JavaScript note taking application with Markdown editor and encryption support. Consider it like open source alternative to Evernote. 2021-05-30T22:18:41Z
135 1on1-questions 8671 571 JavaScript 6 Mega list of 1 on 1 meeting questions compiled from a variety to sources 2020-10-01T14:59:02Z
136 antd-admin 8624 2330 JavaScript 22 An excellent front-end solution for enterprise applications built upon Ant Design and UmiJS 2021-08-03T10:31:08Z
137 lazyload 8586 2330 JavaScript 114 Vanilla JavaScript plugin for lazyloading images 2020-10-01T08:19:52Z
138 webui-aria2 8498 1375 JavaScript 127 The aim for this project is to create the worlds best and hottest interface to interact with aria2. Very simple to use, just download and open index.html in any web browser. 2021-09-01T03:59:11Z
139 istanbul 8472 815 JavaScript 396 Yet another JS code coverage tool that computes statement, line, function and branch coverage with module loader hooks to transparently add coverage when running tests. Supports all JS coverage use cases including unit tests, server side functional tests and browser tests. Built for scale. 2021-02-10T12:05:16Z
140 noVNC 8176 1699 JavaScript 50 VNC client web application 2021-11-11T20:33:48Z
141 text-mask 8088 817 JavaScript 301 Input mask for React, Angular, Ember, Vue, & plain JavaScript 2021-06-12T08:04:38Z
142 node-schedule 8087 517 JavaScript 133 A cron-like and not-cron-like job scheduler for Node. 2021-11-08T23:08:45Z
143 uBlock 8073 471 JavaScript 369 uBlock: a fast, lightweight, and lean blocker for Chrome, Firefox, and Safari. 2020-06-17T08:39:23Z
144 brain 8037 936 JavaScript 22 [UNMAINTAINED] Simple feed-forward neural network in JavaScript 2020-09-03T20:20:29Z
145 next-auth 8024 823 JavaScript 81 Authentication for Next.js 2021-11-13T01:30:02Z
146 Crash-Course-Computer-Science-Chinese 8005 1311 JavaScript 0 💻 计算机速成课 | Crash Course 字幕组 (全40集 2018-5-1 精校完成) 2020-07-02T14:17:53Z
147 slideout 7974 1232 JavaScript 75 A touch slideout navigation menu for your mobile web apps. 2020-09-20T04:51:22Z
148 react-markdown 7902 687 JavaScript 4 Markdown component for React 2021-11-01T16:35:59Z
149 nuclide 7885 759 JavaScript 395 An open IDE for web and native mobile development, built on top of Atom 2018-12-12T18:00:31Z
150 protobuf.js 7848 1227 JavaScript 500 Protocol Buffers for JavaScript (& TypeScript). 2021-11-02T17:15:55Z
151 electron-packager 7830 765 JavaScript 24 Customize and package your Electron app with OS-specific bundles (.app, .exe, etc.) via JS or CLI 2021-11-08T13:22:28Z
152 acorn 7772 706 JavaScript 25 A small, fast, JavaScript-based JavaScript parser 2021-11-09T10:37:55Z
153 mediaelement 7736 1612 JavaScript 168 HTML5 or 2021-11-04T12:47:18Z
154 jeesite 7701 5844 JavaScript 208 JeeSite 是一个企业信息化开发基础平台,Java企业应用开源框架,Java EE(J2EE)快速开发框架,使用经典技术组合(Spring、Spring MVC、Apache Shiro、MyBatis、Bootstrap UI),包括核心模块如:组织机构、角色用户、权限授权、数据权限、内容管理、工作流等。 2021-04-27T17:59:02Z
155 metalsmith 7684 662 JavaScript 60 An extremely simple, pluggable static site generator. 2021-06-18T18:06:31Z
156 complete-javascript-course 7668 9556 JavaScript 75 Starter files, final projects, and FAQ for my Complete JavaScript course 2021-11-13T05:48:48Z
157 jira_clone 7640 1061 JavaScript 3 A simplified Jira clone built with React/Babel (Client), and Node/TypeScript (API). Auto formatted with Prettier, tested with Cypress. 2021-11-08T06:26:49Z
158 wxParse 7611 1845 JavaScript 226 wxParse-微信小程序富文本解析自定义组件,支持HTML及markdown解析 2020-03-19T03:14:29Z
159 Javascript 15835 2674 JavaScript 21 A repository for All algorithms implemented in Javascript (for educational purposes only) 2021-11-08T04:29:07Z
160 react-demos 15833 6408 JavaScript 0 a collection of simple demos of React.js 2021-08-11T05:12:18Z
161 react-helmet 15758 657 JavaScript 185 A document head manager for React 2021-10-06T09:17:35Z
162 lazysizes 15640 1654 JavaScript 171 High performance and SEO friendly lazy loader for images (responsive and normal), iframes and more, that detects any visibility changes triggered through user interaction, CSS or JavaScript without configuration. 2021-08-12T11:10:31Z
163 parallax 15537 2152 JavaScript 64 Parallax Engine that reacts to the orientation of a smart device 2020-07-13T06:56:26Z
164 react-table 15491 2136 JavaScript 215 ⚛️ Hooks for building fast and extendable tables and datagrids for React 2021-11-12T17:01:49Z
165 shields 15485 4352 JavaScript 302 Concise, consistent, and legible badges in SVG and raster format 2021-11-12T20:58:34Z
166 react-testing-library 15460 890 JavaScript 21 🐐 Simple and complete React DOM testing utilities that encourage good testing practices. 2021-11-08T09:24:09Z
167 medium-editor 15382 1837 JavaScript 350 WYSIWYG editor clone. Uses contenteditable API to implement a rich text solution. 2021-03-29T07:29:22Z
168 react-native-vector-icons 15336 1893 JavaScript 363 Customizable Icons for React Native with support for image source and full styling. 2021-10-29T06:11:58Z
169 wechat-app-mall 15244 5377 JavaScript 1 微信小程序商城,微信小程序微店 2021-11-09T01:02:45Z
170 BullshitGenerator 15197 2923 JavaScript 157 Needs to generate some texts to test if my GUI rendering codes good or not. so I made this. 2021-07-10T09:44:32Z
171 Inquirer.js 15195 1029 JavaScript 209 A collection of common interactive command line user interfaces. 2021-10-26T19:01:25Z
172 vue-admin-template 15184 5907 JavaScript 261 a vue2.0 minimal admin template 2021-09-07T04:00:39Z
173 bower 15102 1960 JavaScript 8 A package manager for the web 2021-10-20T13:00:56Z
174 N-blog 15042 4788 JavaScript 22 《一起学 Node.js》 2019-10-29T20:13:25Z
175 mustache.js 14986 2424 JavaScript 86 Minimal templating with {{mustaches}} in JavaScript 2021-04-27T12:45:52Z
176 knex 14923 1764 JavaScript 578 A query builder for PostgreSQL, MySQL, CockroachDB, SQL Server, SQLite3 and Oracle, designed to be flexible, portable, and fun to use. 2021-11-11T09:16:39Z
177 gun 14826 935 JavaScript 240 An open source cybersecurity protocol for syncing decentralized graph data. 2021-11-13T03:50:27Z
178 recompose 14801 1285 JavaScript 115 A React utility belt for function components and higher-order components. 2021-09-21T02:33:21Z
179 Functional-Light-JS 14678 1783 JavaScript 24 Pragmatic, balanced FP in JavaScript. @FLJSBook on twitter. 2021-11-11T18:20:32Z
180 netlify-cms 14672 2562 JavaScript 623 A Git-based CMS for Static Site Generators 2021-11-12T19:26:00Z
181 14606 1033 JavaScript 25 ⚙️ NGINX config generator on steroids 💉 2021-11-10T02:10:11Z
182 blessed-contrib 14563 873 JavaScript 82 Build terminal dashboards using ascii/ansi art and javascript 2021-10-30T13:09:08Z
183 pouchdb 14544 1387 JavaScript 55 🐨 - PouchDB is a pocket-sized database. 2021-11-13T03:34:24Z
184 KaTeX 14518 991 JavaScript 298 Fast math typesetting for the web. 2021-11-13T01:41:16Z
185 dotenv 14404 682 JavaScript 33 Loads environment variables from .env for nodejs projects. 2021-10-15T10:40:30Z
186 prepack 14357 482 JavaScript 230 A JavaScript bundle optimizer. 2021-09-21T01:45:31Z
187 style2paints 14305 1775 JavaScript 11 sketch + style = paints 🎨 (TOG2018/SIGGRAPH2018ASIA) 2021-09-21T21:47:39Z
188 nodemailer 14279 1228 JavaScript 34 ✉️ Send e-mails with Node.JS – easy as cake! 2021-11-04T11:21:57Z
189 lx-music-desktop 14205 2542 JavaScript 76 一个基于 electron 的音乐软件 2021-11-09T12:21:07Z
190 appwrite 14142 1239 JavaScript 461 Appwrite is a secure end-to-end backend server for Web, Mobile, and Flutter developers that is packaged as a set of Docker containers for easy deployment 🚀 2021-11-12T12:23:19Z
191 front-end-guide 14017 1082 JavaScript 20 📚 Study guide and introduction to the modern front end stack. 2021-09-21T01:15:42Z
192 browsh 13999 399 JavaScript 182 A fully-modern text-based browser, rendering to TTY and browsers 2021-08-10T18:45:32Z
193 electronic-wechat 13855 2805 JavaScript 208 💬 A better WeChat on macOS and Linux. Built with Electron by Zhongyi Tong. 2020-09-30T02:05:55Z
194 webpack-dashboard 13839 425 JavaScript 32 A CLI dashboard for webpack dev server 2021-09-16T20:35:12Z
195 responsively-app 13791 607 JavaScript 97 A modified web browser that helps in responsive web development. A web developer's must have dev-tool. 2021-10-14T13:20:02Z
196 stream-handbook 13781 1036 JavaScript 69 how to write node programs with streams 2020-01-23T10:22:22Z
197 javascript-testing-best-practices 13717 1170 JavaScript 32 📗🌐 🚢 Comprehensive and exhaustive JavaScript & Node.js testing best practices (August 2021) 2021-10-03T20:42:37Z
198 headless-recorder 13690 604 JavaScript 25 Chrome extension that records your browser interactions and generates a Playwright or Puppeteer script. 2021-11-09T18:45:48Z
199 store.js 13635 1377 JavaScript 91 Cross-browser storage for all use cases, used across the web. 2021-08-10T23:34:05Z
200 bootstrap-vue 13548 1811 JavaScript 183 BootstrapVue provides one of the most comprehensive implementations of Bootstrap v4 for Vue.js. With extensive and automated WAI-ARIA accessibility markup. 2021-11-10T11:21:56Z
201 forever 13418 966 JavaScript 330 A simple CLI tool for ensuring that a given script runs continuously (i.e. forever) 2021-06-12T12:03:46Z
202 node-red 13381 2594 JavaScript 221 Low-code programming for event-driven applications 2021-11-12T09:38:10Z
203 CyberChef 13363 1767 JavaScript 264 The Cyber Swiss Army Knife - a web app for encryption, encoding, compression and data analysis 2021-11-09T20:13:42Z
204 loopback 13309 1239 JavaScript 6 LoopBack makes it easy to build modern applications that require complex integrations. 2021-09-22T16:46:07Z
205 mui 13284 6761 JavaScript 336 最接近原生APP体验的高性能框架 2021-07-07T05:26:27Z
206 Fuse 13275 687 JavaScript 11 Lightweight fuzzy-search, in JavaScript 2021-11-10T03:46:27Z
207 outline 13265 1059 JavaScript 95 The fastest wiki and knowledge base for growing teams. Beautiful, feature rich, and markdown compatible. 2021-11-13T01:22:37Z
208 reactotron 13255 834 JavaScript 129 A desktop app for inspecting your React JS and React Native projects. macOS, Linux, and Windows. 2021-10-20T06:19:20Z
209 angular-seed 13237 7158 JavaScript 19 Seed project for angular apps. 2020-10-02T13:03:43Z
210 redux-devtools-extension 13164 998 JavaScript 270 Redux DevTools extension. 2021-11-07T09:40:48Z
211 SuperTinyIcons 13144 748 JavaScript 29 Under 1KB each! Super Tiny Icons are miniscule SVG versions of your favourite website and app logos 2021-11-07T16:46:29Z
212 localtunnel 12936 1000 JavaScript 96 expose yourself 2021-09-18T16:22:59Z
213 paper.js 12818 1139 JavaScript 340 The Swiss Army Knife of Vector Graphics Scripting – Scriptographer ported to JavaScript and the browser, using HTML5 Canvas. Created by @lehni & @puckey 2021-10-21T08:16:23Z
214 shelljs 12816 696 JavaScript 100 🐚 Portable Unix shell commands for Node.js 2021-11-05T21:28:46Z
215 iscroll 12790 3889 JavaScript 580 Smooth scrolling for the web 2018-12-13T19:06:24Z
216 selectize.js 12733 3709 JavaScript 26 Selectize is the hybrid of a textbox and box. It's jQuery based, and it has autocomplete and native-feeling keyboard navigation; useful for tagging, contact lists, etc. 2021-11-09T10:51:53Z
217 requirejs 12731 2415 JavaScript 276 A file and module loader for JavaScript 2021-05-25T21:20:31Z
218 chartist-js 12709 2651 JavaScript 400 Simple responsive charts 2021-08-24T08:11:36Z
219 git-history 12661 516 JavaScript 67 Quickly browse the history of a file from any git repository 2021-02-07T04:36:19Z
220 es6-cheatsheet 12660 1068 JavaScript 6 ES2015 [ES6] cheatsheet containing tips, tricks, best practices and code snippets 2020-09-23T12:09:26Z
221 redux-form 12594 1670 JavaScript 497 A Higher Order Component using react-redux to keep form state in a Redux store 2021-10-14T09:41:27Z
222 node-inspector 12584 764 JavaScript 239 Node.js debugger based on Blink Developer Tools 2018-02-08T23:01:21Z
223 Semantic-UI-React 12527 3789 JavaScript 148 The official Semantic-UI-React integration 2021-10-28T11:26:01Z
224 magnetW 12524 2148 JavaScript 32 磁力链接聚合搜索 2021-06-29T14:57:29Z
225 jsdoc 12465 1372 JavaScript 391 An API documentation generator for JavaScript. 2021-11-10T02:13:51Z
226 bootstrap-datepicker 12458 6160 JavaScript 856 A datepicker for twitter bootstrap (@twbs) 2021-11-04T11:28:26Z
227 cz-cli 12455 496 JavaScript 158 The commitizen command line utility. #BlackLivesMatter 2021-11-11T02:24:07Z
228 markdown-it 12416 1310 JavaScript 8 Markdown parser, done right. 100% CommonMark support, extensions, syntax plugins & high speed 2021-10-16T07:21:21Z
229 33-js-concepts 12379 2041 JavaScript 5 📜 每个 JavaScript 工程师都应懂的33个概念 @leonardomso 2021-08-12T11:42:38Z
230 smartcrop.js 12312 601 JavaScript 12 Content aware image cropping 2021-09-30T22:50:02Z
231 trilium 12262 705 JavaScript 506 Build your personal knowledge base with Trilium Notes 2021-11-12T20:19:27Z
232 matter-js 12254 1623 JavaScript 208 a 2D rigid body physics engine for the web ▲● ■ 2021-11-01T16:05:05Z
233 kitematic 12250 1510 JavaScript 967 Visual Docker Container Management on Mac & Windows 2021-06-11T08:23:35Z
234 MockingBird 12242 1394 JavaScript 68 🚀AI拟声: 5秒内克隆您的声音并生成任意语音内容 Clone a voice in 5 seconds to generate arbitrary speech in real-time 2021-11-13T02:58:37Z
235 NodeBB 12238 2469 JavaScript 161 Node.js based forum software built for the modern web 2021-11-13T04:06:54Z
236 stf 12145 2346 JavaScript 434 Control and manage Android devices from your browser. 2021-10-06T21:13:27Z
237 react-hot-loader 12126 842 JavaScript 352 Tweak React components in real time. (Deprecated: use Fast Refresh instead.) 2021-10-12T22:48:30Z
238 virtual-dom 11236 813 JavaScript 159 A Virtual DOM and diffing algorithm 2020-05-06T14:50:04Z
239 Magnific-Popup 11228 3534 JavaScript 664 Light and responsive lightbox script with focus on performance. 2021-06-21T17:59:30Z
240 brave-browser 11208 1194 JavaScript 3879 Next generation Brave browser for Android, Linux, macOS, Windows. 2021-11-13T02:15:09Z
241 samples 11193 5060 JavaScript 120 WebRTC Web demos and samples 2021-11-12T20:06:31Z
242 ethereumbook 11105 2899 JavaScript 41 Mastering Ethereum, by Andreas M. Antonopoulos, Gavin Wood 2021-11-12T15:38:58Z
243 toastr 11049 1975 JavaScript 141 Simple javascript toast notifications 2021-09-15T19:41:53Z
244 codesandbox-client 11032 1815 JavaScript 190 An online IDE for rapid web development 2021-11-11T10:38:08Z
245 dataloader 10961 478 JavaScript 35 DataLoader is a generic utility to be used as part of your application's data fetching layer to provide a consistent API over various backends and reduce requests to those backends via batching and caching. 2021-09-26T14:33:24Z
246 d2-admin 10953 2147 JavaScript 10 An elegant dashboard 2021-11-08T03:59:22Z
247 apexcharts.js 10908 851 JavaScript 222 📊 Interactive JavaScript Charts built on SVG 2021-11-12T17:26:40Z
248 vue-hackernews-2.0 10893 2225 JavaScript 141 HackerNews clone built with Vue 2.0, vue-router & vuex, with server-side rendering 2021-08-10T23:52:04Z
249 30-Days-Of-JavaScript 10830 2366 JavaScript 89 30 days of JavaScript programming challenge is a step-by-step guide to learn JavaScript programming language in 30 days. This challenge may take more than 100 days, please just follow your own pace. 2021-11-11T18:00:51Z
250 stylus 10797 1127 JavaScript 230 Expressive, robust, feature-rich CSS language built for nodejs 2021-09-22T12:58:09Z
251 gitmoji 10773 618 JavaScript 17 An emoji guide for your commit messages. 😜 2021-11-11T09:25:18Z
252 qrcodejs 10731 4236 JavaScript 205 Cross-browser QRCode generator for javascript 2021-10-01T07:37:44Z
253 eleventy 10663 312 JavaScript 428 A simpler static site generator. An alternative to Jekyll. Transforms a directory of templates (of varying types) into HTML. 2021-11-13T05:12:34Z
254 android-training-course-in-chinese 10616 2770 JavaScript 14 Android官方培训课程中文版 2018-01-11T10:33:39Z
255 RAP 10572 2590 JavaScript 449 Web接口管理工具,开源免费,接口自动化,MOCK数据自动生成,自动化测试,企业级管理。阿里妈妈MUX团队出品!阿里巴巴都在用!1000+公司的选择!RAP2已发布请移步至 2021-03-12T06:16:13Z
256 ndb 10550 257 JavaScript 50 ndb is an improved debugging experience for Node.js, enabled by Chrome DevTools 2021-04-30T18:08:28Z
257 keeweb 10510 912 JavaScript 265 Free cross-platform password manager compatible with KeePass 2021-07-19T21:21:55Z
258 razzle 10475 880 JavaScript 62 ✨ Create server-rendered universal JavaScript applications with no configuration 2021-11-10T14:07:47Z
259 mdx-deck 10449 636 JavaScript 133 ♠️ React MDX-based presentation decks 2021-09-21T03:21:54Z
260 summernote 10432 2166 JavaScript 121 Super simple WYSIWYG editor 2021-11-12T06:22:13Z
261 react-redux-starter-kit 10381 2332 JavaScript 130 Get started with React, Redux, and React-Router. 2018-06-03T17:30:08Z
262 color-thief 10361 1223 JavaScript 63 Grab the color palette from an image using just Javascript. Works in the browser and in Node. 2021-07-06T12:03:47Z
263 node-restify 10315 993 JavaScript 94 The future of Node.js REST development 2021-09-29T06:24:13Z
264 reactide 10266 703 JavaScript 35 Reactide is the first dedicated IDE for React web application development. 2020-12-31T01:05:41Z
265 WebRTC-Experiment 10260 3785 JavaScript 521 WebRTC, WebRTC and WebRTC. Everything here is all about WebRTC!! 2020-04-16T19:47:04Z
266 leanote 10248 2304 JavaScript 505 Not Just A Notepad! (golang + mongodb) 2021-08-15T02:35:44Z
267 spectrum 10240 1165 JavaScript 266 Simple, powerful online communities. 2021-11-09T00:25:08Z
268 single-spa 10212 733 JavaScript 7 The router for easy microfrontends 2021-10-22T17:25:52Z
269 react-color 10204 833 JavaScript 171 🎨 Color Pickers from Sketch, Photoshop, Chrome, Github, Twitter & more 2021-09-23T11:38:48Z
270 reactstrap 10170 1251 JavaScript 256 Simple React Bootstrap 5 components 2021-11-12T22:00:39Z
271 knockout 10103 1573 JavaScript 361 Knockout makes it easier to create rich, responsive UIs with JavaScript 2021-10-09T07:42:49Z
272 picturefill 10067 1132 JavaScript 41 A responsive image polyfill for , srcset, sizes, and more 2021-08-26T15:44:42Z
273 cropperjs 9998 2033 JavaScript 53 JavaScript image cropper. 2021-08-30T20:01:00Z
274 micro 9951 490 JavaScript 8 Asynchronous HTTP microservices 2021-11-04T18:23:02Z
275 debug 9865 827 JavaScript 46 A tiny JavaScript debugging utility modelled after Node.js core's debugging technique. Works in Node.js and web browsers 2021-10-14T14:32:06Z
276 leonsans 9865 530 JavaScript 13 Leon Sans is a geometric sans-serif typeface made with code in 2019 by Jongmin Kim. 2020-09-21T05:40:09Z
277 snapdrop 9805 865 JavaScript 142 A Progressive Web App for local file sharing 2021-11-01T17:21:02Z
278 trianglify 9785 708 JavaScript 16 Algorithmically generated triangle art 2021-09-21T22:16:03Z
279 react-slingshot 9768 2052 JavaScript 59 React + Redux starter kit / boilerplate with Babel, hot reloading, testing, linting and a working example app built in 2021-11-04T00:07:36Z
280 prism 9766 1135 JavaScript 203 Lightweight, robust, elegant syntax highlighting. 2021-11-11T12:43:08Z
281 react-native-swiper 9766 2296 JavaScript 749 The best Swiper component for React Native. 2021-09-21T01:22:13Z
282 pdfmake 9758 1746 JavaScript 257 Client/server side PDF printing in pure JavaScript 2021-11-10T14:47:09Z
283 linux-dash 9751 1216 JavaScript 39 A beautiful web dashboard for Linux 2021-05-02T22:56:35Z
284 muuri 9750 603 JavaScript 80 Infinite responsive, sortable, filterable and draggable layouts 2021-10-31T19:27:54Z
285 blockly 9747 3206 JavaScript 504 The web-based visual programming editor. 2021-11-12T23:11:51Z
286 webpack 9739 4578 JavaScript 184 A full-featured Webpack + vue-loader setup with hot reload, linting, testing & css extraction. 2021-05-14T19:43:00Z
287 natural 9689 871 JavaScript 82 general natural language facilities for node 2021-11-11T09:57:47Z
288 react-sortable-hoc 9682 902 JavaScript 247 A set of higher-order components to turn any list into an animated, accessible and touch-friendly sortable list✌️ 2021-10-05T20:30:26Z
289 compiler-explorer 9672 1095 JavaScript 454 Run compilers interactively from your web browser and interact with the assembly 2021-11-12T21:00:58Z
290 WOW 9603 4121 JavaScript 173 Reveal CSS animation as you scroll down a page 2021-07-30T09:01:56Z
291 react-native-firebase 9593 1897 JavaScript 67 🔥 A well-tested feature-rich modular Firebase implementation for React Native. Supports both iOS & Android platforms for all Firebase services. 2021-11-11T03:24:59Z
292 onepage-scroll 9558 2167 JavaScript 277 Create an Apple-like one page scroller website (iPhone 5S website) with One Page Scroll plugin 2021-01-08T21:29:42Z
293 nodeppt 9558 2053 JavaScript 22 This is probably the best web presentation tool so far! 2021-01-25T02:54:35Z
294 art-template 9534 2749 JavaScript 82 High performance JavaScript templating engine 2021-01-09T14:41:44Z
295 vega 9498 1246 JavaScript 385 A visualization grammar. 2021-11-12T22:59:41Z
296 whistle 9487 816 JavaScript 13 HTTP, HTTP2, HTTPS, Websocket debugging proxy 2021-11-13T04:17:08Z
297 material-design-for-bootstrap 9465 1207 JavaScript 26 Important! A new UI Kit version for Bootstrap 5 is available. Access the latest free version via the link below. 2021-11-02T09:50:33Z
298 uptime-kuma 9458 512 JavaScript 215 A fancy self-hosted monitoring tool 2021-11-12T14:44:43Z
299 tui.calendar 9446 937 JavaScript 117 🍞📅A JavaScript calendar that has everything you need. 2021-11-12T08:51:10Z
300 bootstrap-select 9411 2705 JavaScript 295 🚀 The jQuery plugin that brings select elements into the 21st century with intuitive multiselection, searching, and much more. 2021-10-13T20:38:24Z
301 shepherd 9400 542 JavaScript 24 Guide your users through a tour of your app 2021-11-10T17:13:27Z
302 backbone-fundamentals 9391 1507 JavaScript 72 📖 A creative-commons book on Backbone.js for beginners and advanced users alike 2019-11-06T03:02:48Z
303 lint-staged 9357 343 JavaScript 112 🚫💩 — Run linters on git staged files 2021-11-06T11:59:34Z
304 30-seconds-of-interviews 9354 844 JavaScript 14 A curated collection of common interview questions to help you prepare for your next interview. 2021-09-20T21:06:54Z
305 ChineseBQB 9338 1006 JavaScript 6 🇨🇳 Chinese sticker pack,More joy / 表情包的博物馆, Github最有毒的仓库, 中国表情包大集合, 聚欢乐~ 2021-10-23T08:09:39Z
306 critical 9332 390 JavaScript 35 Extract & Inline Critical-path CSS in HTML pages 2021-09-21T00:39:33Z
307 art-of-node 9308 871 JavaScript 17 ❄️ a short introduction to node.js 2020-08-03T14:56:30Z
308 connect 9304 1137 JavaScript 2 Connect is a middleware layer for Node.js 2021-08-26T19:48:47Z
309 learnxinyminutes-docs 9303 2784 JavaScript 234 Code documentation written as code! How novel and totally my idea! 2021-11-13T00:49:33Z
310 carlo 9283 328 JavaScript 58 Web rendering surface for Node applications 2021-04-15T12:59:28Z
311 lime 9274 1531 JavaScript 30 Lime: Explaining the predictions of any machine learning classifier 2021-10-19T11:55:10Z
312 react-desktop 9269 485 JavaScript 33 React UI Components for macOS High Sierra and Windows 10 2021-05-07T02:49:44Z
313 ducks-modular-redux 9261 344 JavaScript 36 A proposal for bundling reducers, action types and actions when using Redux 2021-08-02T19:47:32Z
314 victory 9182 456 JavaScript 171 A collection of composable React components for building interactive data visualizations 2021-11-03T21:53:27Z
315 uncss 9156 436 JavaScript 54 Remove unused styles from CSS 2021-11-03T10:51:12Z
316 electron-quick-start 9151 4469 JavaScript 11 Clone to try a simple Electron app 2021-11-11T12:57:20Z
317 fantasy-land 9141 370 JavaScript 35 Specification for interoperability of common algebraic structures in JavaScript 2021-08-02T13:53:59Z
318 readme-md-generator 9098 927 JavaScript 28 📄 CLI that generates beautiful files 2021-09-19T10:59:29Z
319 pollyjs 9097 349 JavaScript 38 Record, Replay, and Stub HTTP Interactions. 2021-10-06T22:48:21Z
320 jsoneditor 9092 1816 JavaScript 184 A web-based tool to view, edit, format, and validate JSON 2021-11-09T19:30:19Z
321 react-native-snap-carousel 9061 1756 JavaScript 291 Swiper/carousel component for React Native featuring previews, multiple layouts, parallax images, performant handling of huge numbers of items, and more. Compatible with Android & iOS. 2021-11-08T15:21:36Z
322 lifeRestart 9052 2212 JavaScript 234 やり直すんだ。そして、次はうまくやる。 2021-11-10T08:11:32Z
323 chrome-extensions-samples 9049 5370 JavaScript 29 Chrome Extensions Samples 2021-11-04T15:14:06Z
324 js-ipfs 5988 1140 JavaScript 326 IPFS implementation in JavaScript 2021-11-12T14:12:13Z
325 ueditor 5978 2248 JavaScript 1104 rich text 富文本编辑器 2020-09-26T16:11:47Z
326 BackstopJS 5938 535 JavaScript 487 Catch CSS curve balls. 2021-11-12T14:57:35Z
327 npm-check 5920 245 JavaScript 203 Check for outdated, incorrect, and unused dependencies. 2021-11-11T13:06:15Z
328 i18next 5916 569 JavaScript 5 i18next: learn once - translate everywhere 2021-11-09T20:07:29Z
329 elasticsearch-dump 5913 734 JavaScript 0 Import and export tools for elasticsearch 2021-11-12T14:41:18Z
330 ejs 5867 646 JavaScript 110 Embedded JavaScript templates -- 2021-09-25T16:12:12Z
331 deco-ide 5859 344 JavaScript 102 The React Native IDE 2019-12-25T13:20:44Z
332 ractive 5841 441 JavaScript 59 Next-generation DOM manipulation 2021-10-12T22:11:10Z
333 angular-strap 5837 1446 JavaScript 2 AngularJS 1.2+ native directives for Bootstrap 3. 2021-06-04T07:37:25Z
334 animateplus 5834 307 JavaScript 1 A+ animation module for the modern web 2018-07-10T07:56:42Z
335 simple-peer 5818 879 JavaScript 77 📡 Simple WebRTC video, voice, and data channels 2021-10-27T16:54:33Z
336 holder 5796 605 JavaScript 29 🌇 Client-side image placeholders. 2021-01-10T19:16:52Z
337 ce 5793 666 JavaScript 123 Jspreadsheet is a lightweight vanilla javascript plugin to create amazing web-based interactive tables and spreadsheets compatible with other spreadsheet software. 2021-11-04T09:20:44Z
338 hypernova 5757 241 JavaScript 48 A service for server-side rendering your JavaScript views 2021-08-18T15:25:52Z
339 query-string 5739 423 JavaScript 16 Parse and stringify URL query strings 2021-08-19T09:15:44Z
340 react-autosuggest 5737 625 JavaScript 243 WAI-ARIA compliant React autosuggest component 2021-10-12T23:56:19Z
341 vue-design 5729 852 JavaScript 83 📖 master分支:《渲染器》 2021-10-11T08:13:51Z
342 Hilo 5705 860 JavaScript 26 A Cross-end HTML5 Game development solution developed by Alibaba Group 2020-12-15T05:51:51Z
343 alasql 5703 558 JavaScript 439 AlaSQL.js - JavaScript SQL database for browser and Node.js. Handles both traditional relational tables and nested JSON data (NoSQL). Export, store, and import data from localStorage, IndexedDB, or Excel. 2021-11-08T04:03:08Z
344 gitalk 5703 557 JavaScript 109 Gitalk is a modern comment component based on Github Issue and Preact. 2021-09-20T10:07:48Z
345 node-telegram-bot-api 5701 1059 JavaScript 193 Telegram Bot API for NodeJS 2021-11-07T19:33:48Z
346 peerflix 5698 701 JavaScript 136 Streaming torrent client for node.js 2021-04-20T22:04:43Z
347 cash 5679 235 JavaScript 14 An absurdly small jQuery alternative for modern browsers. 2021-05-12T16:11:56Z
348 Framer 5669 510 JavaScript 178 Framer - Design Everything 2019-05-07T20:15:48Z
349 Inputmask 5659 2151 JavaScript 574 Input Mask plugin 2021-11-10T09:29:21Z
350 mapscii 5646 196 JavaScript 34 🗺 MapSCII is a Braille & ASCII world map renderer for your console - enter => telnet <= on Mac (brew install telnet) and Linux, connect with PuTTY on Windows 2021-09-21T00:31:39Z
351 weweChat 5612 752 JavaScript 126 💬 Unofficial WeChat client built with React, MobX and Electron. 2021-04-22T02:24:10Z
352 adarkroom 5608 1398 JavaScript 127 A Dark Room - A Minimalist Text Adventure 2021-05-18T15:51:26Z
353 cross-env 5592 235 JavaScript 1 🔀 Cross platform setting of environment scripts 2021-01-05T16:16:30Z
354 newman 5545 940 JavaScript 165 Newman is a command-line collection runner for Postman 2021-11-12T22:01:26Z
355 iframe-resizer 5544 875 JavaScript 76 Keep same and cross domain iFrames sized to their content with support for window/content resizing, in page links, nesting and multiple iFrames 2021-11-08T22:06:37Z
356 vuex-persistedstate 5505 333 JavaScript 21 💾 Persist and rehydrate your Vuex state between page reloads. 2021-10-14T08:29:47Z
357 bpmn-js 5478 934 JavaScript 85 A BPMN 2.0 rendering toolkit and web modeler. 2021-11-11T10:58:26Z
358 5466 180 JavaScript 23 Make your site’s pages instant in 1 minute and improve your conversion rate by 1% 2021-02-17T07:29:40Z
359 udemy-downloader-gui 5462 1367 JavaScript 421 A desktop application for downloading Udemy Courses 2021-10-25T12:26:10Z
360 code-surfer 5456 165 JavaScript 43 Rad code slides <🏄/> 2021-05-15T15:50:50Z
361 how2 5450 175 JavaScript 39 stackoverflow from the terminal 2021-05-09T22:06:42Z
362 ramjet 5449 188 JavaScript 10 Morph DOM elements from one state to another with smooth animations and transitions 2017-02-09T15:06:44Z
363 autocannon 5438 274 JavaScript 28 fast HTTP/1.1 benchmarking tool written in Node.js 2021-11-10T20:52:34Z
364 jarvis 5429 208 JavaScript 21 A very intelligent browser based Webpack dashboard 2019-01-07T02:18:46Z
365 vue-interactive-paycard 5420 649 JavaScript 30 Credit card form with smooth and sweet micro-interactions 2021-10-06T06:29:47Z
366 calibre-web 5419 767 JavaScript 235 📚 Web app for browsing, reading and downloading eBooks stored in a Calibre database 2021-11-08T16:36:41Z
367 echarts-for-weixin 5418 1326 JavaScript 433 Apache ECharts (incubating) 的微信小程序版本 2021-09-22T08:30:09Z
368 collect.js 5417 285 JavaScript 2 💎  Convenient and dependency free wrapper for working with arrays and objects 2021-09-16T13:49:23Z
369 imba 5394 169 JavaScript 171 🐤 The friendly full-stack language 2021-11-10T09:26:45Z
370 postcss-cssnext 5390 219 JavaScript 0 postcss-cssnext has been deprecated in favor of postcss-preset-env. 2019-03-18T06:46:20Z
371 node-config 5387 446 JavaScript 67 Node.js Application Configuration 2021-11-10T11:49:46Z
372 Lettering.js 5368 790 JavaScript 16 A lightweight, easy to use Javascript injector for radical Web Typography 2020-07-27T15:59:40Z
373 graphite-web 5364 1270 JavaScript 23 A highly scalable real-time graphing system 2021-11-05T09:25:01Z
374 gitfolio 5361 554 JavaScript 23 :octocat: personal website + blog for every github user 2021-07-26T16:46:43Z
375 seamless-immutable 5347 220 JavaScript 56 Immutable data structures for JavaScript which are backwards-compatible with normal JS Arrays and Objects. 2021-06-25T16:12:52Z
376 jsnes 5333 731 JavaScript 52 A JavaScript NES emulator. 2021-11-08T06:04:08Z
377 syntaxhighlighter 5297 1360 JavaScript 235 SyntaxHighlighter is a fully functional self-contained code syntax highlighter developed in JavaScript. 2020-04-18T00:30:20Z
378 poi 5283 291 JavaScript 55 ⚡A zero-config bundler for JavaScript applications. 2021-10-25T08:03:06Z
379 js-yaml 5274 712 JavaScript 33 JavaScript YAML parser and dumper. Very fast. 2021-07-24T05:50:39Z
380 website 5264 5812 JavaScript 82 The train engine powering the Coding Train website 2021-11-12T15:58:33Z
381 thinkjs 5256 643 JavaScript 129 Use full ES2015+ features to develop Node.js applications, Support TypeScript. 2021-09-06T10:13:54Z
382 angular-loading-bar 5254 723 JavaScript 80 A fully automatic loading / progress bar for your angular apps. 2021-05-13T16:44:02Z
383 is-thirteen 5252 463 JavaScript 390 Check if a number is equal to 13. 2021-11-10T08:58:36Z
384 node-notifier 5246 312 JavaScript 90 A Node.js module for sending notifications on native Mac, Windows and Linux (or Growl as fallback) 2021-11-12T11:37:54Z
385 shipit 5238 213 JavaScript 43 Universal automation and deployment tool ⛵️ 2020-11-02T12:35:11Z
386 node-qrcode 5229 489 JavaScript 48 qr code generator 2021-10-20T04:11:58Z
387 ml5-library 5228 670 JavaScript 221 Friendly machine learning for the web! 🤖 2021-11-06T09:35:17Z
388 unfetch 5224 202 JavaScript 26 🐕 Bare minimum 500b fetch polyfill. 2021-07-23T11:09:37Z
389 remarkable 5221 368 JavaScript 122 Markdown parser, done right. Commonmark support, extensions, syntax plugins, high speed - all in one. Gulp and metalsmith plugins available. Used by Facebook, Docusaurus and many others! Use for HTML-to-markdown conversion. Use to generate a table of contents. 2021-09-10T23:13:30Z
390 cors 5215 400 JavaScript 11 Node.js CORS middleware 2021-07-20T16:15:09Z
391 miniprogram-demo 5166 1755 JavaScript 26 微信小程序组件 / API / 云开发示例 2020-10-29T07:34:29Z
392 winbox 5165 132 JavaScript 32 WinBox is a professional HTML5 window manager for the web: lightweight, outstanding performance, no dependencies, fully customizable, open source! 2021-11-04T09:10:12Z
393 cockpit 5152 533 JavaScript 280 Add content management functionality to any site - plug & play / headless / api-first CMS 2021-11-01T10:35:30Z
394 nsfwjs 5137 360 JavaScript 52 NSFW detection on the client-side via TensorFlow.js 2021-11-09T13:03:21Z
395 js-assessment 5134 2089 JavaScript 19 A test-driven approach to assessing JS skills 2021-08-21T18:06:01Z
396 headless-chrome-crawler 5112 397 JavaScript 28 Distributed crawler powered by Headless Chrome 2021-11-11T10:00:10Z
397 react-native-nw-react-calculator 5109 860 JavaScript 25 Mobile, desktop and website Apps with the same code 2021-10-03T16:47:54Z
398 craco 5109 327 JavaScript 41 Create React App Configuration Override, an easy and comprehensible configuration layer for create-react-app 2021-10-25T01:59:35Z
399 esm 5076 170 JavaScript 76 Tomorrow's ECMAScript modules today! 2021-08-08T20:24:12Z
400 bootstrap-fileinput 5074 2382 JavaScript 4 An enhanced HTML 5 file input for Bootstrap 5.x/4.x./3.x with file preview, multiple selection, and more features. 2021-11-05T05:56:02Z
401 deployd 5017 690 JavaScript 136 a toolkit for building realtime APIs 2019-04-16T08:53:35Z
402 node-serialport 4984 959 JavaScript 99 Access serial ports with JavaScript. Linux, OSX and Windows. Welcome your robotic JavaScript overlords. Better yet, program them! 2021-11-10T03:14:03Z
403 pix2pix-tensorflow 4951 1297 JavaScript 141 Tensorflow port of Image-to-Image Translation with Conditional Adversarial Nets 2021-02-02T06:39:22Z
404 body-parser 4949 631 JavaScript 26 Node.js body parsing middleware 2021-11-10T21:09:21Z
405 carbon 4926 1162 JavaScript 494 A design system built by IBM 2021-11-12T21:57:55Z
406 imagemin 4926 258 JavaScript 78 [Unmaintained] Minify images seamlessly 2021-11-03T18:08:38Z
407 Real-Time-Person-Removal 4924 642 JavaScript 0 Removing people from complex backgrounds in real time using TensorFlow.js in the web browser 2021-10-06T07:25:20Z
408 ui-element-samples 3991 751 JavaScript 49 A collection of prototyped UI elements 2021-09-29T17:41:06Z
409 vue-video-player 3989 1036 JavaScript 235 🎞 @videojs component for @vuejs 2021-07-23T04:48:34Z
410 ngbp 3982 1096 JavaScript 158 A sophisticated build management system for web apps (formerly ng-boilerplate). Created by @joshdmiller 2019-07-02T06:59:46Z
411 v4 3963 1832 JavaScript 13 Fourth iteration of my personal website built with Gatsby 2021-11-02T04:06:46Z
412 resume-cli 3961 349 JavaScript 70 CLI tool to easily setup a new resume 📑 2021-11-10T04:30:10Z
413 fontfaceobserver 3937 290 JavaScript 34 Webfont loading. Simple, small, and efficient. 2021-05-09T19:47:58Z
414 exercises 3935 653 JavaScript 11 Some basic javascript coding challenges and interview questions 2017-10-03T15:02:39Z
415 jswiki 3932 261 JavaScript 2 JavaScript wiki. Focuses mainly on JS/HTML5/WebGL related tech. 2015-04-21T12:15:57Z
416 cube 3929 448 JavaScript 48 Cube: A system for time series visualization. 2019-04-05T16:22:18Z
417 hygen 3926 191 JavaScript 94 The simple, fast, and scalable code generator that lives in your project. 2021-10-06T19:32:25Z
418 swagger-node 3912 601 JavaScript 206 Swagger module for node.js 2020-12-04T18:53:42Z
419 swag-for-dev 3895 304 JavaScript 84 😎 swag opportunities for developers 2021-11-08T11:02:29Z
420 jquery-mousewheel 3895 1793 JavaScript 10 A jQuery plugin that adds cross-browser mouse wheel support. 2021-05-29T16:17:00Z
421 css-doodle 3871 160 JavaScript 10 🎨 A web component for drawing patterns with CSS. 2021-11-09T23:24:20Z
422 front-end-handbook-2017 3854 570 JavaScript 12 2017 edition of our front-end development guide 2019-08-20T17:50:30Z
423 Imager.js 3854 244 JavaScript 26 Responsive images while we wait for srcset to finish cooking 2020-06-04T23:32:22Z
424 vtop 3847 187 JavaScript 82 Wow such top. So stats. More better than regular top. 2020-10-08T04:58:25Z
425 clean-css 3847 313 JavaScript 63 Fast and efficient CSS optimizer for node.js and the Web 2021-10-21T09:50:37Z
426 shader-school 3841 240 JavaScript 49 🎓 A workshopper for GLSL shaders and graphics programming 2021-03-20T20:52:04Z
427 neutrino 3831 239 JavaScript 58 Create and build modern JavaScript projects with zero initial configuration. 2021-10-29T05:26:07Z
428 scroller 3827 433 JavaScript 35 Accelerated panning and zooming for HTML and Canvas 2020-08-10T14:11:15Z
429 iDataV 3807 1273 JavaScript 5 大屏数据可视化 Big screen data visualization demo 2021-07-02T06:40:31Z
430 ferdi 3800 251 JavaScript 324 🧔🏽 Ferdi helps you organize how you use your favourite apps by combining them into one application 2021-11-13T03:15:45Z
431 devtool 3797 181 JavaScript 72 [OBSOLETE] runs Node.js programs through Chromium DevTools 2018-05-27T22:15:29Z
432 node-ffi 3797 421 JavaScript 231 Node.js Foreign Function Interface 2021-10-25T16:41:56Z
433 hexo-theme-matery 3794 1036 JavaScript 159 A beautiful hexo blog theme with material design and responsive design.一个基于材料设计和响应式设计而成的全面、美观的Hexo主题。国内访问: 2021-11-11T15:58:34Z
434 just-react 3784 341 JavaScript 47 「React技术揭秘」 一本自顶向下的React源码分析书 2021-10-13T08:43:47Z
435 vue-meta 3781 245 JavaScript 62 Manage HTML metadata in Vue.js components with SSR support 2021-11-08T14:28:14Z
436 labella.js 3774 137 JavaScript 16 Placing labels on a timeline without overlap. 2021-10-21T17:25:37Z
437 create-react-app-typescript 3763 504 JavaScript 119 DEPRECATED: Create React apps using typescript with no build configuration. 2019-08-21T21:31:39Z
438 x-render 3762 517 JavaScript 18 🚴‍♀️ 阿里飞猪 - 很易用的中后台「表单 / 表格 / 图表」解决方案 2021-11-12T02:48:18Z
439 teachable-machine-v1 3731 570 JavaScript 13 Explore how machine learning works, live in the browser. No coding required. 2021-09-01T22:38:21Z
440 github-contributions-chart 3728 161 JavaScript 17 :octocat: Generate an image of all your Github contributions 2021-09-21T23:55:12Z
441 a32nx 3727 676 JavaScript 525 The A32NX Project is a community driven open source project to create a free Airbus A320neo in Microsoft Flight Simulator that is as close to reality as possible. 2021-11-13T05:41:15Z
442 Blog 3722 299 JavaScript 49 记录成长的过程 2021-06-01T06:32:59Z
443 react-codemod 3717 288 JavaScript 27 React codemod scripts 2021-10-22T10:10:51Z
444 reconnecting-websocket 3714 937 JavaScript 76 A small decorator for the JavaScript WebSocket API that automatically reconnects 2021-10-20T11:12:02Z
445 nconf 3713 270 JavaScript 100 Hierarchical node.js configuration with files, environment variables, command-line arguments, and atomic object merging. 2021-11-01T02:14:32Z
446 jsqrcode 3694 1139 JavaScript 81 Javascript QRCode scanner 2020-05-24T10:46:20Z
447 shout 3692 301 JavaScript 212 Deprecated. See fork @ 2020-08-27T19:50:15Z
448 claudia 3688 266 JavaScript 10 Deploy Node.js projects to AWS Lambda and API Gateway easily 2021-10-18T21:48:18Z
449 glamorous 3681 271 JavaScript 0 DEPRECATED: 💄 Maintainable CSS with React 2018-12-06T19:58:04Z
450 react-flip-move 3655 258 JavaScript 27 Effortless animation between DOM changes (eg. list reordering) using the FLIP technique. 2021-07-30T17:12:35Z
451 midnight.js 3650 398 JavaScript 20 Switch your nav's design on the fly 2020-04-29T22:21:12Z
452 Home-AssistantConfig 3649 409 JavaScript 198 🏠 Home Assistant configuration & Documentation for my Smart House. Write-ups, videos, part lists, and links throughout. Be sure to ⭐ it. Updated FREQUENTLY! 2021-11-11T19:41:15Z
453 airframe-react 3643 564 JavaScript 40 Free Open Source High Quality Dashboard based on Bootstrap 4 & React 16: 2021-10-13T17:33:01Z
454 apprtc 3641 1271 JavaScript 120 The video chat demo app based on WebRTC. This project is currently on HOLD with minimal maintenance. 2021-08-10T21:31:40Z
455 scraperjs 3640 207 JavaScript 27 A complete and versatile web scraper. 2020-10-18T09:34:43Z
456 AwesomeXSS 3627 627 JavaScript 4 Awesome XSS stuff 2021-01-12T10:44:29Z
457 moment-timezone 3627 796 JavaScript 248 Timezone support for moment.js 2021-11-10T04:42:03Z
458 castnow 3621 253 JavaScript 125 commandline chromecast player 2021-05-23T15:01:21Z
459 egret-core 3621 710 JavaScript 38 Egret is a brand new open mobile game and application engine which allows you to quickly build mobile games and apps on Android,iOS and Windows. 2021-07-11T04:52:55Z
460 uptime 3612 745 JavaScript 147 A remote monitoring application using Node.js, MongoDB, and Twitter Bootstrap. 2021-10-01T11:20:04Z
461 HackerNews-React-Native 3606 661 JavaScript 13 Hacker News iOS and Android App - Made with React Native. 2017-12-13T23:21:34Z
462 node-oauth2-server 3604 900 JavaScript 183 Complete, compliant and well tested module for implementing an OAuth2 Server/Provider with express in node.js 2021-11-05T05:00:38Z
463 franc 3602 187 JavaScript 4 Natural language detection 2021-10-28T14:51:32Z
464 datamaps 3601 1014 JavaScript 214 Customizable SVG map visualizations for the web in a single Javascript file using D3.js 2021-11-02T09:30:52Z
465 textillate 3589 773 JavaScript 70 A jquery plugin for CSS3 text animations. 2021-08-04T07:49:57Z
466 wouter 3576 91 JavaScript 8 🥢 A minimalist-friendly ~1.5KB routing for React and Preact. Nothing else but HOOKS. 2021-11-09T08:44:00Z
467 inertia 3567 214 JavaScript 107 Inertia.js lets you quickly build modern single-page React, Vue and Svelte apps using classic server-side routing and controllers. 2021-11-04T21:44:08Z
468 konga 3564 638 JavaScript 282 More than just another GUI to Kong Admin API 2021-11-10T04:05:31Z
469 babel-preset-env 3553 191 JavaScript 1 PSA: this repo has been moved into babel/babel --> 2018-05-10T14:31:15Z
470 ng-cordova 3548 1116 JavaScript 281 OBSOLETE: Please move to Ionic Native 2018-10-23T02:26:30Z
471 phantomjs-node 3544 502 JavaScript 10 PhantomJS integration module for NodeJS 2019-12-03T19:01:28Z
472 hexo-theme-fluid 3541 718 JavaScript 30 🌊 一款 Material Design 风格的 Hexo 主题 / An elegant Material-Design theme for Hexo 2021-10-25T04:34:43Z
473 ScrollTrigger 3540 314 JavaScript 13 Let your page react to scroll changes. 2021-10-06T07:12:29Z
474 coreui-free-react-admin-template 3533 1592 JavaScript 61 CoreUI React is a free React admin template based on Bootstrap 5 2021-11-01T13:11:17Z
475 grocy 3523 329 JavaScript 189 ERP beyond your fridge - grocy is a web-based self-hosted groceries & household management solution for your home 2021-11-12T17:26:34Z
476 share.js 3516 792 JavaScript 68 一键分享到微博、QQ空间、QQ好友、微信、腾讯微博、豆瓣、Facebook、Twitter、Linkedin、Google+、点点等 2019-11-25T07:49:02Z
477 percollate 3511 131 JavaScript 9 A command-line tool to turn web pages into beautiful, readable PDF, EPUB, or HTML docs. 2021-10-08T11:14:02Z
478 3507 752 JavaScript 297 Private npm registry and web for Enterprise 2021-11-09T06:56:36Z
479 whatiscode 3498 280 JavaScript 54 Paul Ford’s “What Is Code?” 2021-05-07T09:50:48Z
480 vue-cli-plugin-electron-builder 3477 228 JavaScript 48 Easily Build Your Vue.js App For Desktop With Electron 2021-11-09T13:07:23Z
481 create-dmg 3476 173 JavaScript 6 Create a good-looking DMG for your macOS app in seconds 2021-05-29T23:13:08Z
482 jslint 3474 461 JavaScript 6 JSLint, The JavaScript Code Quality and Coverage Tool 2021-11-05T17:34:27Z
483 alt 3464 330 JavaScript 132 Isomorphic flux implementation 2021-02-26T04:19:55Z
484 reapp 3463 170 JavaScript 39 [deprecated!] Make hybrid mobile apps with power 2016-05-23T16:52:30Z
485 vantage 3456 130 JavaScript 16 Distributed, realtime CLI for live Node apps. 2021-08-27T13:57:44Z
486 Fakeflix 3456 364 JavaScript 4 Not the usual clone that you can find on the web. 2021-10-28T11:22:59Z
487 d3-cloud 3448 1063 JavaScript 43 Create word clouds in JavaScript. 2020-10-01T05:15:38Z
488 phonegap-start 3434 6686 JavaScript 24 PhoneGap Hello World app 2021-09-30T14:34:39Z
489 compressorjs 3434 320 JavaScript 4 JavaScript image compressor. 2021-10-05T02:37:28Z
490 form-create 3426 611 JavaScript 44 🔥🔥🔥 强大的动态表单生成器|form-create is a form generation component that can generate dynamic rendering, data collection, verification and submission functions through JSON. 2021-10-17T10:21:35Z
491 tilt.js 3417 815 JavaScript 46 A tiny 60+fps parallax tilt hover effect for jQuery. 2021-05-10T06:15:41Z
492 most 3408 229 JavaScript 47 Ultra-high performance reactive programming 2021-05-09T00:58:19Z
493 PhysicsJS 3402 408 JavaScript 59 A modular, extendable, and easy-to-use physics engine for javascript 2019-03-26T23:43:28Z
494 vue-test-utils 3394 618 JavaScript 116 🔬 Utilities for testing Vue components 2021-11-09T06:53:38Z
495 BetterDiscord 3394 672 JavaScript 92 Better Discord enhances Discord desktop app with new features. 2021-11-01T21:03:27Z
496 front-end-handbook-2017 3854 570 JavaScript 12 2017 edition of our front-end development guide 2019-08-20T17:50:30Z
497 fuckitjs 3849 99 JavaScript 31 The Original Javascript Error Steamroller 2019-10-20T20:10:23Z
498 awesome-uses 3848 1023 JavaScript 59 A list of /uses pages detailing developer setups, gear, software and configs. 2021-11-12T19:09:12Z
499 30-seconds-of-react 3846 326 JavaScript 2 Short React code snippets for all your development needs 2021-11-08T13:52:38Z
500 mail-for-good 3842 523 JavaScript 49 An open source email campaign management tool for nonprofits 2020-11-19T17:03:41Z
501 seneca 3829 319 JavaScript 190 A microservices toolkit for Node.js. 2021-11-05T15:06:51Z
502 franchise 3827 266 JavaScript 54 🍟 a notebook sql client. what you get when have a lot of sequels. 2021-10-12T22:20:10Z
503 redux-tutorial 3808 572 JavaScript 20 Learn how to use redux step by step 2021-05-01T06:20:18Z
504 pulltorefresh.js 3805 294 JavaScript 0 A quick and powerful plugin for your pull-to-refresh needs in your webapp. 2021-09-13T20:44:58Z
505 vue-realworld-example-app 3797 1177 JavaScript 96 An exemplary real-world application built with Vue.js, Vuex, axios and different other technologies. This is a good example to discover Vue for beginners. 2021-11-08T16:07:50Z
506 node-ffi 3797 421 JavaScript 231 Node.js Foreign Function Interface 2021-10-25T16:41:56Z
507 hexo-theme-matery 3794 1036 JavaScript 159 A beautiful hexo blog theme with material design and responsive design.一个基于材料设计和响应式设计而成的全面、美观的Hexo主题。国内访问: 2021-11-11T15:58:34Z
508 pako 3781 703 JavaScript 5 high speed zlib port to javascript, works in browser & node.js 2021-07-29T12:00:12Z
509 labella.js 3774 137 JavaScript 16 Placing labels on a timeline without overlap. 2021-10-21T17:25:37Z
510 complete-intro-to-react-v5 3768 1231 JavaScript 51 The Complete Intro to React, the fifth version 2021-08-10T21:39:20Z
511 create-react-app-typescript 3763 504 JavaScript 119 DEPRECATED: Create React apps using typescript with no build configuration. 2019-08-21T21:31:39Z
512 live-server 3743 437 JavaScript 180 A simple development http server with live reload capability. 2021-10-26T07:47:42Z
513 current-device 3739 597 JavaScript 47 The easiest way to write conditional CSS and/or JavaScript based on device operating system (iOS, Android, Blackberry, Windows, Firefox OS, MeeGo), orientation (Portrait vs. Landscape), and type (Tablet vs. Mobile). 2021-10-14T04:38:19Z
514 tabletop 3738 471 JavaScript 17 Tabletop.js gives spreadsheets legs 2021-08-11T13:28:55Z
515 wechat-format 3735 454 JavaScript 8 微信公众号排版编辑器,转换 Markdown 到微信特制的 HTML 2021-08-24T03:22:49Z
516 code-problems 3733 437 JavaScript 5 Common code and interview problems solved in multiple languages 2020-10-26T00:33:12Z
517 bustag 3733 589 JavaScript 75 a tag and recommend system for old bus driver 给老司机用的一个番号推荐系统 2021-10-21T18:27:29Z
518 a32nx 3727 676 JavaScript 525 The A32NX Project is a community driven open source project to create a free Airbus A320neo in Microsoft Flight Simulator that is as close to reality as possible. 2021-11-13T05:41:15Z
519 react-codemod 3717 288 JavaScript 27 React codemod scripts 2021-10-22T10:10:51Z
520 bilibili-helper-o 3701 470 JavaScript 106 哔哩哔哩 ( 辅助工具,可以替换播放器、推送通知并进行一些快捷操作 2021-06-11T18:41:40Z
521 jsqrcode 3694 1139 JavaScript 81 Javascript QRCode scanner 2020-05-24T10:46:20Z
522 typography.js 3691 201 JavaScript 96 A powerful toolkit for building websites with beautiful design 2021-09-21T01:35:36Z
523 3689 462 JavaScript 37 😻 implementation for Vuejs and Vuex 2021-07-14T13:20:14Z
524 glamorous 3681 271 JavaScript 0 DEPRECATED: 💄 Maintainable CSS with React 2018-12-06T19:58:04Z
525 fly 3670 621 JavaScript 86 🚀 Supporting request forwarding and Promise based HTTP client for all JavaScript runtimes. 2021-05-11T08:18:21Z
526 browser-compat-data 3654 1695 JavaScript 736 This repository contains compatibility data for Web technologies as displayed on MDN 2021-11-12T21:00:09Z
527 melonJS 3653 553 JavaScript 15 a fresh & lightweight javascript game engine 2021-11-12T23:11:19Z
528 enquire.js 3629 267 JavaScript 16 Awesome Media Queries in JavaScript 2018-09-01T09:01:39Z
529 AwesomeXSS 3627 627 JavaScript 4 Awesome XSS stuff 2021-01-12T10:44:29Z
530 moment-timezone 3627 796 JavaScript 248 Timezone support for moment.js 2021-11-10T04:42:03Z
531 egret-core 3621 710 JavaScript 38 Egret is a brand new open mobile game and application engine which allows you to quickly build mobile games and apps on Android,iOS and Windows. 2021-07-11T04:52:55Z
532 You-Dont-Know-JS 3619 728 JavaScript 25 📗📒 (PT-Br translation) JS Book Series. 2021-10-23T02:54:49Z
533 HackerNews-React-Native 3606 661 JavaScript 13 Hacker News iOS and Android App - Made with React Native. 2017-12-13T23:21:34Z
534 franc 3602 187 JavaScript 4 Natural language detection 2021-10-28T14:51:32Z
535 jquery.nicescroll 3601 1742 JavaScript 138 nicescroll plugin for jquery - scrollbars like iphone/ipad 2021-05-20T09:17:53Z
536 degit 3587 140 JavaScript 66 Straightforward project scaffolding 2021-10-31T12:30:23Z
537 chrome-remote-interface 3573 290 JavaScript 2 Chrome Debugging Protocol interface for Node.js 2021-08-05T16:49:29Z
538 eslint-plugin-vue 3558 541 JavaScript 85 Official ESLint plugin for Vue.js 2021-11-12T19:03:31Z
539 ng-cordova 3548 1116 JavaScript 281 OBSOLETE: Please move to Ionic Native 2018-10-23T02:26:30Z
540 mozaik 3544 370 JavaScript 101 Mozaïk is a tool based on nodejs / react / redux / nivo / d3 to easily craft beautiful dashboards 2021-09-21T03:42:07Z
541 docute 3544 430 JavaScript 87 📚 Effortless documentation, done right. 2021-10-06T23:00:24Z
542 bootstrap-datetimepicker 3527 1711 JavaScript 285 Both Date and Time picker widget based on twitter bootstrap (supports Bootstrap v2 and v3) 2019-01-06T18:26:16Z
543 awesome-vite 3507 271 JavaScript 13 ⚡️ A curated list of awesome things related to Vite.js 2021-11-11T06:37:32Z
544 everyauth 3501 472 JavaScript 177 node.js auth package (password, facebook, & more) for Connect and Express apps 2017-12-22T06:18:03Z
545 dagre 3498 458 JavaScript 137 ⛔ [DEPRECATED] - Directed graph layout for JavaScript 2021-08-07T15:01:14Z
546 fonoster 3495 112 JavaScript 11 🚀 The open-source alternative to Twilio 2021-11-11T18:25:57Z
547 felony 3478 151 JavaScript 34 🔑🔥📈 Next Level PGP 2019-03-27T02:13:25Z
548 IntersectionObserver 3478 560 JavaScript 132 Intersection Observer 2021-10-27T14:20:08Z
549 create-dmg 3476 173 JavaScript 6 Create a good-looking DMG for your macOS app in seconds 2021-05-29T23:13:08Z
550 polyglot.js 3476 217 JavaScript 16 Give your JavaScript the ability to speak many languages. 2021-09-05T05:02:37Z
551 grant 3476 230 JavaScript 17 OAuth Proxy 2021-10-19T06:39:48Z
552 coordtransform 3471 786 JavaScript 13 提供了百度坐标(BD09)、国测局坐标(火星坐标,GCJ02)、和WGS84坐标系之间的转换 2021-08-18T09:47:20Z
553 eleventy-high-performance-blog 3471 223 JavaScript 8 A high performance blog template for the 11ty static site generator. 2021-11-07T02:19:38Z
554 gitmoji-cli 3468 169 JavaScript 4 A gitmoji interactive command line tool for using emojis on commits. 💻 2021-11-01T10:02:59Z
555 aws-serverless-workshops 3466 2359 JavaScript 59 Code and walkthrough labs to set up serverless applications for Wild Rydes workshops 2021-11-12T15:27:59Z
556 reapp 3463 170 JavaScript 39 [deprecated!] Make hybrid mobile apps with power 2016-05-23T16:52:30Z
557 BlockChain 3461 1094 JavaScript 16 黑马程序员 120天全栈区块链开发 开源教程 2021-07-15T11:20:07Z
558 jQuery-Autocomplete 3459 1714 JavaScript 91 Ajax Autocomplete for jQuery allows you to easily create autocomplete/autosuggest boxes for text input fields 2021-01-29T16:50:39Z
559 Fakeflix 3456 364 JavaScript 4 Not the usual clone that you can find on the web. 2021-10-28T11:22:59Z
560 deku 3453 159 JavaScript 35 Render interfaces using pure functions and virtual DOM 2018-07-10T06:28:41Z
561 d3-cloud 3448 1063 JavaScript 43 Create word clouds in JavaScript. 2020-10-01T05:15:38Z
562 phonegap-start 3434 6686 JavaScript 24 PhoneGap Hello World app 2021-09-30T14:34:39Z
563 gmail.js 3434 427 JavaScript 84 Gmail JavaScript API 2021-11-10T11:51:26Z
564 compressorjs 3434 320 JavaScript 4 JavaScript image compressor. 2021-10-05T02:37:28Z
565 reading 3433 906 JavaScript 8 iReading App Write In React-Native 2021-09-21T02:01:42Z
566 fast.js 3429 136 JavaScript 5 Faster user-land reimplementations for several common builtin native JavaScript functions. 2019-01-17T16:56:13Z
567 WebSocket-Node 3425 575 JavaScript 66 A WebSocket Implementation for Node.JS (Draft -08 through the final RFC 6455) 2021-07-08T10:07:19Z
568 react-refetch 3418 156 JavaScript 42 A simple, declarative, and composable way to fetch data for React components 2021-10-12T14:35:48Z
569 react-transform-boilerplate 3416 462 JavaScript 7 A new Webpack boilerplate with hot reloading React components, and error handling on module and component level. 2020-08-21T15:47:58Z
570 consola 3412 104 JavaScript 18 Elegant Console Logger for Node.js and Browser 🐨 2021-09-29T13:13:30Z
571 yo 3402 398 JavaScript 73 CLI tool for running Yeoman generators 2021-08-03T10:00:31Z
572 pixel-art-react 3393 189 JavaScript 2 Pixel art animation and drawing web app powered by React 2021-10-20T09:59:14Z
573 siema 3389 425 JavaScript 53 Siema - Lightweight and simple carousel in pure JavaScript 2021-03-01T10:23:13Z
574 ikonate 3382 169 JavaScript 12 Fully customisable & accessible vector icons 2021-08-03T18:48:20Z
575 pennywise 3378 187 JavaScript 61 Cross-platform application to open any website or media in a floating window 2021-10-12T22:14:12Z
576 mellow 3375 454 JavaScript 13 Mellow is a rule-based global transparent proxy client for Windows, macOS and Linux. Also a Proxifier alternative. 2021-10-12T22:41:32Z
577 jsinspect 3372 136 JavaScript 26 Detect copy-pasted and structurally similar code 2019-06-18T08:59:03Z
578 material-kit-react 3368 1323 JavaScript 4 React Dashboard made with Material UI’s components. Our pro template contains features like TypeScript version, authentication system with Firebase and Auth0 plus many other 2021-11-09T09:54:10Z
579 ocrad.js 3338 398 JavaScript 26 OCR in Javascript via Emscripten 2020-09-02T20:34:54Z
580 wysihtml 3338 355 JavaScript 182 Open source rich text editor for the modern web 2019-06-22T15:05:10Z
581 password-manager-resources 3325 331 JavaScript 61 A place for creators and users of password managers to collaborate on resources to make password management better. 2021-11-10T21:07:23Z
582 orbit-db 6160 424 JavaScript 150 Peer-to-Peer Databases for the Decentralized Web 2021-10-21T11:53:31Z
583 react-datepicker 6147 1809 JavaScript 187 A simple and reusable datepicker component for React 2021-11-12T11:17:50Z
584 vuelidate 6136 449 JavaScript 112 Simple, lightweight model-based validation for Vue.js 2021-11-02T19:40:32Z
585 generator-angular-fullstack 6135 1277 JavaScript 256 Yeoman generator for an Angular app with an Express server 2020-11-14T10:28:47Z
586 screenity 6129 480 JavaScript 35 The most powerful screen recorder & annotation tool for Chrome 🎥 2021-10-20T17:18:32Z
587 community-edition 6122 775 JavaScript 227 Free and Open Source messaging and emailing app that combines common web applications into one. 2021-11-05T21:20:45Z
588 ncc 6118 198 JavaScript 146 Compile a Node.js project into a single file. Supports TypeScript, binary addons, dynamic requires. 2021-11-09T03:04:53Z
589 gridster.js 6105 1239 JavaScript 376 gridster.js is a jQuery plugin that makes building intuitive draggable layouts from elements spanning multiple columns 2020-09-10T21:01:45Z
590 chrome-plugin-demo 6105 1366 JavaScript 19 《Chrome插件开发全攻略》配套完整Demo,欢迎clone体验 2020-12-23T01:47:20Z
591 sizzle 6101 975 JavaScript 18 A sizzlin' hot selector engine. 2021-10-01T14:34:20Z
592 vuido 6082 246 JavaScript 24 Native desktop applications using Vue.js. 2019-10-14T19:21:06Z
593 grpc-web 6078 587 JavaScript 192 gRPC for Web Clients 2021-11-12T19:55:39Z
594 redux-offline 6065 408 JavaScript 70 Build Offline-First Apps for Web and React Native 2021-11-03T08:22:33Z
595 jsdiff 6064 401 JavaScript 108 A javascript text differencing implementation. 2021-10-25T19:28:39Z
596 formidable 6049 653 JavaScript 29 The most used, flexible, fast and streaming parser for multipart form data. Supports uploading to serverless environments, AWS S3, Azure, GCP or the filesystem. Used in production. 2021-11-11T20:35:39Z
597 slap 6040 257 JavaScript 115 Sublime-like terminal-based text editor 2021-11-01T04:47:39Z
598 GateOne 6034 945 JavaScript 369 Gate One is an HTML5-powered terminal emulator and SSH client 2021-01-01T22:22:13Z
599 node-crawler 6030 855 JavaScript 45 Web Crawler/Spider for NodeJS + server-side jQuery ;-) 2021-11-08T08:12:21Z
600 prerender 6008 882 JavaScript 65 Node server that uses Headless Chrome to render a javascript-rendered page as HTML. To be used in conjunction with prerender middleware. 2021-10-25T12:02:16Z
601 pinyin 5994 775 JavaScript 30 🇨🇳 汉字拼音 ➜ hàn zì pīn yīn 2021-10-21T03:32:15Z
602 isomorphic-git 5984 261 JavaScript 215 A pure JavaScript implementation of git for node and browsers! 2021-11-11T14:19:43Z
603 lazy.js 5983 296 JavaScript 61 Like Underscore, but lazier 2020-07-15T20:12:33Z
604 LokiJS 5947 465 JavaScript 33 javascript embeddable / in-memory database 2021-10-29T13:48:01Z
605 vue-multiselect 5945 892 JavaScript 344 Universal select/multiselect/tagging component for Vue.js 2021-10-25T11:42:53Z
606 BackstopJS 5938 535 JavaScript 487 Catch CSS curve balls. 2021-11-12T14:57:35Z
607 jspaint 5923 420 JavaScript 108 🎨 Classic MS Paint, REVIVED + ✨Extras 2021-10-12T22:26:48Z
608 npm-check 5920 245 JavaScript 203 Check for outdated, incorrect, and unused dependencies. 2021-11-11T13:06:15Z
609 i18next 5916 569 JavaScript 5 i18next: learn once - translate everywhere 2021-11-09T20:07:29Z
610 elasticsearch-dump 5913 734 JavaScript 0 Import and export tools for elasticsearch 2021-11-12T14:41:18Z
611 sandstorm 5912 696 JavaScript 625 Sandstorm is a self-hostable web productivity suite. It's implemented as a security-hardened web app package manager. 2021-11-10T00:27:33Z
612 tiny-care-terminal 5869 283 JavaScript 28 💖💻 A little dashboard that tries to take care of you when you're using your terminal. 2021-05-10T17:28:32Z
613 conventional-changelog 5869 592 JavaScript 217 Generate changelogs and release notes from a project's commit messages and metadata. 2021-11-03T19:09:07Z
614 deco-ide 5859 344 JavaScript 102 The React Native IDE 2019-12-25T13:20:44Z
615 wavesurfer.js 5847 1233 JavaScript 266 Navigable waveform built on Web Audio and Canvas 2021-11-12T19:35:14Z
616 ractive 5841 441 JavaScript 59 Next-generation DOM manipulation 2021-10-12T22:11:10Z
617 animateplus 5834 307 JavaScript 1 A+ animation module for the modern web 2018-07-10T07:56:42Z
618 zero 5822 215 JavaScript 60 Zero is a web server to simplify web development. 2021-09-21T01:09:43Z
619 simple-peer 5818 879 JavaScript 77 📡 Simple WebRTC video, voice, and data channels 2021-10-27T16:54:33Z
620 ce 5793 666 JavaScript 123 Jspreadsheet is a lightweight vanilla javascript plugin to create amazing web-based interactive tables and spreadsheets compatible with other spreadsheet software. 2021-11-04T09:20:44Z
621 gifify 5779 336 JavaScript 26 😻 Convert any video file to an optimized animated GIF. 2019-03-18T20:28:01Z
622 WebSlides 5763 565 JavaScript 61 Create HTML presentations in seconds — 2020-10-01T09:26:18Z
623 hypernova 5757 241 JavaScript 48 A service for server-side rendering your JavaScript views 2021-08-18T15:25:52Z
624 react-autosuggest 5737 625 JavaScript 243 WAI-ARIA compliant React autosuggest component 2021-10-12T23:56:19Z
625 vue-design 5729 852 JavaScript 83 📖 master分支:《渲染器》 2021-10-11T08:13:51Z
626 randomColor 5725 411 JavaScript 18 A tiny script for generating attractive colors 2021-07-08T18:17:40Z
627 Hilo 5705 860 JavaScript 26 A Cross-end HTML5 Game development solution developed by Alibaba Group 2020-12-15T05:51:51Z
628 node-telegram-bot-api 5701 1059 JavaScript 193 Telegram Bot API for NodeJS 2021-11-07T19:33:48Z
629 cnn-explainer 5682 891 JavaScript 0 Learning Convolutional Neural Networks with Interactive Visualization. 2021-07-02T13:50:33Z
630 Framer 5669 510 JavaScript 178 Framer - Design Everything 2019-05-07T20:15:48Z
631 emoji-cheat-sheet 5655 2449 JavaScript 25 A markdown version emoji cheat sheet 2021-11-02T21:11:23Z
632 chancejs 5653 397 JavaScript 150 Chance - Random generator helper for JavaScript 2021-10-14T01:43:51Z
633 dev-sidecar 5647 563 JavaScript 36 开发者边车,github打不开,github加速,git clone加速,git release下载加速,stackoverflow加速 2021-11-11T06:59:21Z
634 mapscii 5646 196 JavaScript 34 🗺 MapSCII is a Braille & ASCII world map renderer for your console - enter => telnet <= on Mac (brew install telnet) and Linux, connect with PuTTY on Windows 2021-09-21T00:31:39Z
635 h5-Dooring 5636 1037 JavaScript 17 H5 Page Maker, H5 Editor, LowCode. Make H5 as easy as building blocks. | 让H5制作像搭积木一样简单, 轻松搭建H5页面, H5网站, PC端网站,LowCode平台. 2021-10-03T05:47:10Z
636 weweChat 5612 752 JavaScript 126 💬 Unofficial WeChat client built with React, MobX and Electron. 2021-04-22T02:24:10Z
637 spark-joy 5602 200 JavaScript 11 ✨😂easy ways to add design flair, user delight, and whimsy to your product. 2021-11-04T06:06:05Z
638 redux-logger 5598 337 JavaScript 64 Logger for Redux 2020-08-20T16:46:14Z
639 director 5597 526 JavaScript 128 a tiny and isomorphic URL router for JavaScript 2020-12-26T19:39:17Z
640 zombie 5566 562 JavaScript 194 Insanely fast, full-stack, headless browser testing using node.js 2021-10-05T18:56:16Z
641 flubber 5547 166 JavaScript 16 Tools for smoother shape animations. 2019-10-17T05:34:51Z
642 yjs 5545 227 JavaScript 25 Shared data types for building collaborative software 2021-11-09T15:53:59Z
643 iframe-resizer 5544 875 JavaScript 76 Keep same and cross domain iFrames sized to their content with support for window/content resizing, in page links, nesting and multiple iFrames 2021-11-08T22:06:37Z
644 session 5537 908 JavaScript 82 Simple session middleware for Express 2021-10-20T10:20:19Z
645 structor 5526 449 JavaScript 36 Structor - React UI Builder [DEPRECATED] 2020-06-05T10:26:23Z
646 madge 5525 257 JavaScript 54 Create graphs from your CommonJS, AMD or ES6 module dependencies 2021-11-08T08:09:23Z
647 prosemirror 5523 291 JavaScript 82 The ProseMirror WYSIWYM editor 2021-09-29T06:11:16Z
648 x-ray 5523 364 JavaScript 69 The next web scraper. See through the noise. 2021-10-25T15:56:23Z
649 plupload 5512 1485 JavaScript 189 Plupload is JavaScript API for building file uploaders. It supports multiple file selection, file filtering, chunked upload, client side image downsizing and when necessary can fallback to alternative runtimes, like Flash and Silverlight. 2021-03-29T08:38:29Z
650 jsmpeg 5508 1315 JavaScript 165 MPEG1 Video Decoder in JavaScript 2021-04-27T21:38:33Z
651 wifi-card 5499 330 JavaScript 1 📶 Print a QR code for connecting to your WiFi ( 2021-11-04T22:15:10Z
652 kit 5489 442 JavaScript 305 The fastest way to build Svelte apps 2021-11-12T21:22:05Z
653 bpmn-js 5478 934 JavaScript 85 A BPMN 2.0 rendering toolkit and web modeler. 2021-11-11T10:58:26Z
654 lebab 5473 187 JavaScript 43 Turn your ES5 code into readable ES6. Lebab does the opposite of what Babel does. 2021-05-08T05:57:13Z
655 5466 180 JavaScript 23 Make your site’s pages instant in 1 minute and improve your conversion rate by 1% 2021-02-17T07:29:40Z
656 udemy-downloader-gui 5462 1367 JavaScript 421 A desktop application for downloading Udemy Courses 2021-10-25T12:26:10Z
657 ramjet 5449 188 JavaScript 10 Morph DOM elements from one state to another with smooth animations and transitions 2017-02-09T15:06:44Z
658 tfjs-examples 5448 1894 JavaScript 14 Examples built with TensorFlow.js 2021-11-09T23:50:08Z
659 sinopia 5447 691 JavaScript 236 Private npm repository server 2019-12-22T17:01:01Z
660 autocannon 5438 274 JavaScript 28 fast HTTP/1.1 benchmarking tool written in Node.js 2021-11-10T20:52:34Z
661 jarvis 5429 208 JavaScript 21 A very intelligent browser based Webpack dashboard 2019-01-07T02:18:46Z
662 deck.js 5425 657 JavaScript 40 Modern HTML Presentations 2019-01-28T20:09:58Z
663 golden-layout 5422 477 JavaScript 237 A multi window layout manager for webapps 2021-11-02T20:28:50Z
664 vue-interactive-paycard 5420 649 JavaScript 30 Credit card form with smooth and sweet micro-interactions 2021-10-06T06:29:47Z
665 calibre-web 5419 767 JavaScript 235 📚 Web app for browsing, reading and downloading eBooks stored in a Calibre database 2021-11-08T16:36:41Z
666 nwb 5419 362 JavaScript 164 A toolkit for React, Preact, Inferno & vanilla JS apps, React libraries and other npm modules for the web, with no configuration (until you need it) 2021-04-30T04:40:38Z
667 echarts-for-weixin 5418 1326 JavaScript 433 Apache ECharts (incubating) 的微信小程序版本 2021-09-22T08:30:09Z
668 collect.js 5417 285 JavaScript 2 💎  Convenient and dependency free wrapper for working with arrays and objects 2021-09-16T13:49:23Z
669 elevator.js 6354 518 JavaScript 20 Finally, a "back to top" button that behaves like a real elevator. 2020-06-26T15:20:00Z
670 awesome-guidelines 6325 417 JavaScript 0 A curated list of high quality coding style conventions and standards. 2021-08-26T10:17:35Z
671 np 6319 295 JavaScript 89 A better npm publish 2021-09-18T10:50:38Z
672 ua-parser-js 6309 972 JavaScript 55 UAParser.js - Detect Browser, Engine, OS, CPU, and Device type/model from User-Agent data. Supports browser & node.js environment. 2021-11-02T21:21:07Z
673 jsfuck 6289 604 JavaScript 28 Write any JavaScript with 6 Characters: !+ 2021-07-23T09:55:49Z
674 6255 1577 JavaScript 205 Personal blog by Dan Abramov. 2021-10-27T13:08:45Z
675 enquirer 6242 247 JavaScript 170 Stylish, intuitive and user-friendly prompts, for Node.js. Used by eslint, webpack, Generate, lint-staged, pm2, gluegun, hygen, GitHub Actions Toolkit, @airbnb/nimbus, and many others! 2021-11-04T11:31:59Z
676 bookshelf 6239 572 JavaScript 229 A simple Node.js ORM for PostgreSQL, MySQL and SQLite3 built on top of Knex.js 2021-10-25T04:54:29Z
677 tailblocks 6219 577 JavaScript 20 Ready-to-use Tailwind CSS blocks. 2021-08-23T07:44:52Z
678 xo 6210 316 JavaScript 94 ❤️ JavaScript/TypeScript linter (ESLint wrapper) with great defaults 2021-11-07T17:32:20Z
679 viewerjs 6210 1089 JavaScript 30 JavaScript image viewer. 2021-11-11T19:47:14Z
680 glide 6208 732 JavaScript 231 A dependency-free JavaScript ES6 slider and carousel. It’s lightweight, flexible and fast. Designed to slide. No less, no more 2021-10-29T20:45:58Z
681 crossfilter 6205 1359 JavaScript 4 Fast n-dimensional filtering and grouping of records. 2019-08-27T20:57:45Z
682 dsa.js-data-structures-algorithms-javascript 6201 643 JavaScript 2 🥞Data Structures and Algorithms explained and implemented in JavaScript + eBook 2021-11-09T16:01:25Z
683 react-map-gl 6195 1034 JavaScript 31 React friendly API wrapper around MapboxGL JS 2021-11-03T15:40:52Z
684 annyang 6194 1047 JavaScript 43 💬 Speech recognition for your site 2021-03-26T13:55:05Z
685 SUI-Mobile 6180 1602 JavaScript 639 SUI Mobile (MSUI)是由阿里巴巴国际UED前端出品的移动端UI库,轻量精美 2018-04-28T03:36:30Z
686 freeboard 6174 1181 JavaScript 168 A damn-sexy, open source real-time dashboard builder for IOT and other web mashups. A free open-source alternative to Geckoboard. 2021-03-28T16:05:42Z
687 notie 6162 405 JavaScript 16 🔔 a clean and simple notification, input, and selection suite for javascript, with no dependencies 2020-10-09T08:04:38Z
688 orbit-db 6160 424 JavaScript 150 Peer-to-Peer Databases for the Decentralized Web 2021-10-21T11:53:31Z
689 react-datepicker 6147 1809 JavaScript 187 A simple and reusable datepicker component for React 2021-11-12T11:17:50Z
690 vuelidate 6136 449 JavaScript 112 Simple, lightweight model-based validation for Vue.js 2021-11-02T19:40:32Z
691 generator-angular-fullstack 6135 1277 JavaScript 256 Yeoman generator for an Angular app with an Express server 2020-11-14T10:28:47Z
692 screenity 6129 480 JavaScript 35 The most powerful screen recorder & annotation tool for Chrome 🎥 2021-10-20T17:18:32Z
693 community-edition 6122 775 JavaScript 227 Free and Open Source messaging and emailing app that combines common web applications into one. 2021-11-05T21:20:45Z
694 ncc 6118 198 JavaScript 146 Compile a Node.js project into a single file. Supports TypeScript, binary addons, dynamic requires. 2021-11-09T03:04:53Z
695 gridster.js 6105 1239 JavaScript 376 gridster.js is a jQuery plugin that makes building intuitive draggable layouts from elements spanning multiple columns 2020-09-10T21:01:45Z
696 chrome-plugin-demo 6105 1366 JavaScript 19 《Chrome插件开发全攻略》配套完整Demo,欢迎clone体验 2020-12-23T01:47:20Z
697 sizzle 6101 975 JavaScript 18 A sizzlin' hot selector engine. 2021-10-01T14:34:20Z
698 vuido 6082 246 JavaScript 24 Native desktop applications using Vue.js. 2019-10-14T19:21:06Z
699 grpc-web 6078 587 JavaScript 192 gRPC for Web Clients 2021-11-12T19:55:39Z
700 redux-offline 6065 408 JavaScript 70 Build Offline-First Apps for Web and React Native 2021-11-03T08:22:33Z
701 AndroidAssetStudio 6064 1332 JavaScript 14 A set of web-based tools for generating graphics and other assets that would eventually be in an Android application's res/ directory. 2021-10-28T18:03:15Z
702 jsdiff 6064 401 JavaScript 108 A javascript text differencing implementation. 2021-10-25T19:28:39Z
703 formidable 6049 653 JavaScript 29 The most used, flexible, fast and streaming parser for multipart form data. Supports uploading to serverless environments, AWS S3, Azure, GCP or the filesystem. Used in production. 2021-11-11T20:35:39Z
704 slap 6040 257 JavaScript 115 Sublime-like terminal-based text editor 2021-11-01T04:47:39Z
705 GateOne 6034 945 JavaScript 369 Gate One is an HTML5-powered terminal emulator and SSH client 2021-01-01T22:22:13Z
706 node-crawler 6030 855 JavaScript 45 Web Crawler/Spider for NodeJS + server-side jQuery ;-) 2021-11-08T08:12:21Z
707 cors-anywhere 6026 2834 JavaScript 74 CORS Anywhere is a NodeJS reverse proxy which adds CORS headers to the proxied request. 2021-10-28T11:01:20Z
708 prerender 6008 882 JavaScript 65 Node server that uses Headless Chrome to render a javascript-rendered page as HTML. To be used in conjunction with prerender middleware. 2021-10-25T12:02:16Z
709 pinyin 5994 775 JavaScript 30 🇨🇳 汉字拼音 ➜ hàn zì pīn yīn 2021-10-21T03:32:15Z
710 isomorphic-git 5984 261 JavaScript 215 A pure JavaScript implementation of git for node and browsers! 2021-11-11T14:19:43Z
711 lazy.js 5983 296 JavaScript 61 Like Underscore, but lazier 2020-07-15T20:12:33Z
712 ueditor 5978 2248 JavaScript 1104 rich text 富文本编辑器 2020-09-26T16:11:47Z
713 LokiJS 5947 465 JavaScript 33 javascript embeddable / in-memory database 2021-10-29T13:48:01Z
714 vue-multiselect 5945 892 JavaScript 344 Universal select/multiselect/tagging component for Vue.js 2021-10-25T11:42:53Z
715 BackstopJS 5938 535 JavaScript 487 Catch CSS curve balls. 2021-11-12T14:57:35Z
716 flot 5930 1592 JavaScript 586 Attractive JavaScript charts for jQuery 2021-08-24T18:19:07Z
717 angular-app 5927 1833 JavaScript 53 Reference application for AngularJS 2021-06-07T09:24:14Z
718 jspaint 5923 420 JavaScript 108 🎨 Classic MS Paint, REVIVED + ✨Extras 2021-10-12T22:26:48Z
719 npm-check 5920 245 JavaScript 203 Check for outdated, incorrect, and unused dependencies. 2021-11-11T13:06:15Z
720 i18next 5916 569 JavaScript 5 i18next: learn once - translate everywhere 2021-11-09T20:07:29Z
721 elasticsearch-dump 5913 734 JavaScript 0 Import and export tools for elasticsearch 2021-11-12T14:41:18Z
722 sandstorm 5912 696 JavaScript 625 Sandstorm is a self-hostable web productivity suite. It's implemented as a security-hardened web app package manager. 2021-11-10T00:27:33Z
723 intl-tel-input 5890 1648 JavaScript 40 A JavaScript plugin for entering and validating international telephone numbers 2021-10-29T07:14:57Z
724 tiny-care-terminal 5869 283 JavaScript 28 💖💻 A little dashboard that tries to take care of you when you're using your terminal. 2021-05-10T17:28:32Z
725 conventional-changelog 5869 592 JavaScript 217 Generate changelogs and release notes from a project's commit messages and metadata. 2021-11-03T19:09:07Z
726 deco-ide 5859 344 JavaScript 102 The React Native IDE 2019-12-25T13:20:44Z
727 wavesurfer.js 5847 1233 JavaScript 266 Navigable waveform built on Web Audio and Canvas 2021-11-12T19:35:14Z
728 ractive 5841 441 JavaScript 59 Next-generation DOM manipulation 2021-10-12T22:11:10Z
729 angular-strap 5837 1446 JavaScript 2 AngularJS 1.2+ native directives for Bootstrap 3. 2021-06-04T07:37:25Z
730 react-player 5835 826 JavaScript 122 A React component for playing a variety of URLs, including file paths, YouTube, Facebook, Twitch, SoundCloud, Streamable, Vimeo, Wistia and DailyMotion 2021-11-10T21:22:50Z
731 animateplus 5834 307 JavaScript 1 A+ animation module for the modern web 2018-07-10T07:56:42Z
732 APlayer 5831 934 JavaScript 156 🍭 Wow, such a beautiful HTML5 music player 2021-10-05T20:41:52Z
733 zero 5822 215 JavaScript 60 Zero is a web server to simplify web development. 2021-09-21T01:09:43Z
734 simple-peer 5818 879 JavaScript 77 📡 Simple WebRTC video, voice, and data channels 2021-10-27T16:54:33Z
735 ce 5793 666 JavaScript 123 Jspreadsheet is a lightweight vanilla javascript plugin to create amazing web-based interactive tables and spreadsheets compatible with other spreadsheet software. 2021-11-04T09:20:44Z
736 gifify 5779 336 JavaScript 26 😻 Convert any video file to an optimized animated GIF. 2019-03-18T20:28:01Z
737 WebSlides 5763 565 JavaScript 61 Create HTML presentations in seconds — 2020-10-01T09:26:18Z
738 hypernova 5757 241 JavaScript 48 A service for server-side rendering your JavaScript views 2021-08-18T15:25:52Z
739 react-autosuggest 5737 625 JavaScript 243 WAI-ARIA compliant React autosuggest component 2021-10-12T23:56:19Z
740 vue-design 5729 852 JavaScript 83 📖 master分支:《渲染器》 2021-10-11T08:13:51Z
741 randomColor 5725 411 JavaScript 18 A tiny script for generating attractive colors 2021-07-08T18:17:40Z
742 Hilo 5705 860 JavaScript 26 A Cross-end HTML5 Game development solution developed by Alibaba Group 2020-12-15T05:51:51Z
743 gitalk 5703 557 JavaScript 109 Gitalk is a modern comment component based on Github Issue and Preact. 2021-09-20T10:07:48Z
744 alasql 5703 558 JavaScript 439 AlaSQL.js - JavaScript SQL database for browser and Node.js. Handles both traditional relational tables and nested JSON data (NoSQL). Export, store, and import data from localStorage, IndexedDB, or Excel. 2021-11-08T04:03:08Z
745 node-telegram-bot-api 5701 1059 JavaScript 193 Telegram Bot API for NodeJS 2021-11-07T19:33:48Z
746 standard-version 5682 619 JavaScript 248 🏆 Automate versioning and CHANGELOG generation, with and 2021-11-13T03:46:15Z
747 cnn-explainer 5682 891 JavaScript 0 Learning Convolutional Neural Networks with Interactive Visualization. 2021-07-02T13:50:33Z
748 cash 5679 235 JavaScript 14 An absurdly small jQuery alternative for modern browsers. 2021-05-12T16:11:56Z
749 Framer 5669 510 JavaScript 178 Framer - Design Everything 2019-05-07T20:15:48Z
750 Inputmask 5659 2151 JavaScript 574 Input Mask plugin 2021-11-10T09:29:21Z
751 emoji-cheat-sheet 5655 2449 JavaScript 25 A markdown version emoji cheat sheet 2021-11-02T21:11:23Z
752 chancejs 5653 397 JavaScript 150 Chance - Random generator helper for JavaScript 2021-10-14T01:43:51Z
753 shortid 5651 268 JavaScript 17 Short id generator. Url-friendly. Non-predictable. Cluster-compatible. 2020-10-21T19:42:01Z
754 busboy 2218 183 JavaScript 68 A streaming parser for HTML form data for node.js 2021-06-16T05:15:28Z
755 handsfree 2216 90 JavaScript 32 Quickly integrate face, hand, and/or pose tracking to your frontend projects in a snap ✨👌 2021-08-28T02:17:56Z
756 obelisk.js 2209 108 JavaScript 6 Build pixel isometric graphics with HTML5 canvas 2019-06-29T16:38:26Z
757 graphql.js 2206 83 JavaScript 19 A Simple and Isomorphic GraphQL Client for JavaScript 2020-12-21T12:23:22Z
758 eslint-config-standard 2205 544 JavaScript 9 ESLint Config for JavaScript Standard Style 2021-10-27T23:07:14Z
759 underlineJS 2193 90 JavaScript 24 Pushing the boundary of browser typography rendering! 2020-12-02T03:46:12Z
760 clean-code-javascript 2192 385 JavaScript 6 Conceitos de Código Limpo adaptados em JavaScript (Tradução PT-BR) 2021-10-09T04:27:40Z
761 phantomas 2190 158 JavaScript 49 Headless Chromium-based web performance metrics collector and monitoring tool 2021-11-08T15:03:42Z
762 frida-ios-dump 2190 401 JavaScript 78 pull decrypted ipa from jailbreak device 2021-05-03T21:46:59Z
763 tampermonkey 2188 297 JavaScript 227 Tampermonkey is the most popular userscript manager, with over 10 million users. It's available for Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Safari, Opera Next, and Firefox. 2021-10-16T19:19:07Z
764 plugins 2185 355 JavaScript 38 🍣 The one-stop shop for official Rollup plugins 2021-11-12T17:35:59Z
765 Messenger-for-Desktop 2179 304 JavaScript 97 This is not an official Facebook product, and is not affiliated with, or sponsored or endorsed by, Facebook. 2018-04-12T11:45:56Z
766 preload-webpack-plugin 2173 171 JavaScript 59 Please use instead. 2021-01-20T19:08:40Z
767 event-stream 2169 152 JavaScript 7 EventStream is like functional programming meets IO 2018-11-27T10:44:39Z
768 postgres 2169 90 JavaScript 21 Postgres.js - The Fastest full featured PostgreSQL client for Node.js 2021-11-12T09:08:51Z
769 react-native-collapsible 2160 442 JavaScript 82 Animated collapsible component for React Native, good for accordions, toggles etc 2021-10-06T06:56:23Z
770 particleground 2153 531 JavaScript 26 A jQuery plugin for snazzy background particle systems 2020-01-29T04:33:31Z
771 nrm 2151 185 JavaScript 24 NPM registry manager, fast switch between different registries: npm, cnpm, nj, taobao 2021-11-12T13:27:41Z
772 fast-cli 2150 109 JavaScript 8 Test your download and upload speed using 2021-05-16T16:02:39Z
773 dialog-polyfill 2143 258 JavaScript 16 Polyfill for the HTML dialog element 2021-07-22T21:36:35Z
774 cloudquery 2140 130 JavaScript 23 Turn any website to API by several clicks (serverless and support SPA!) 2021-08-10T22:51:36Z
775 react-paginate 2135 564 JavaScript 15 A ReactJS component that creates a pagination 2021-11-07T21:43:16Z
776 budo 2133 117 JavaScript 39 🎬 a dev server for rapid prototyping 2021-06-25T11:57:28Z
777 taffydb 2132 281 JavaScript 109 TaffyDB - an open source JavaScript Database for your browser 2021-01-14T21:26:17Z
778 CRUD 2125 725 JavaScript 142 Build custom admin panels. Fast! 2021-11-12T16:20:25Z
779 ran 2124 177 JavaScript 39 ⚡ RAN! React . GraphQL . Next.js Toolkit ⚡ - SEO-Ready, Production-Ready, SSR, Hot-Reload, CSS-in-JS, Caching, CLI commands and more... 2021-09-16T08:34:04Z
780 frontend-hard-mode-interview 2122 228 JavaScript 9 《前端内参》,有关于JavaScript、编程范式、设计模式、软件开发的艺术等大前端范畴内的知识分享,旨在帮助前端工程师们夯实技术基础以通过一线互联网企业技术面试。 2021-11-04T07:16:54Z
781 Bootstrap-Form-Builder 2116 1101 JavaScript 0 Web app for drag drop building bootstrap forms. 2017-09-22T23:18:48Z
782 sharelist 2115 897 JavaScript 107 快速分享 GoogleDrive OneDrive 2021-11-05T05:13:14Z
783 eslint-plugin-unicorn 2112 259 JavaScript 237 Various awesome ESLint rules 2021-11-12T18:05:21Z
784 phonegap 2106 1335 JavaScript 6 access core functions on Android, iPhone and Blackberry using JavaScript 2021-07-15T11:06:46Z
785 cordova-sqlite-storage 2099 710 JavaScript 354 A Cordova/PhoneGap plugin to open and use sqlite databases on Android, iOS and Windows with HTML5/Web SQL API 2021-07-22T15:33:22Z
786 react-redux-form 2099 269 JavaScript 183 Create forms easily in React with Redux. 2021-08-10T23:34:21Z
787 expect.js 2091 218 JavaScript 85 Minimalistic BDD-style assertions for Node.JS and the browser. 2021-03-11T09:54:07Z
788 guard-livereload 2091 146 JavaScript 32 Guard::LiveReload automatically reload your browser when 'view' files are modified. 2021-07-07T20:12:08Z
789 node-pool 2087 261 JavaScript 54 Generic resource pooling for node.js 2021-09-07T17:15:31Z
790 mostly-adequate-guide-chinese 2083 291 JavaScript 9 函数式编程指北中文版 2021-09-16T16:20:33Z
791 module-federation-examples 2077 593 JavaScript 48 Implementation examples of module federation , by the creators of module federation 2021-11-09T00:08:23Z
792 vue-toasted 2077 180 JavaScript 51 🖖 Responsive Touch Compatible Toast plugin for VueJS 2+ 2021-10-05T19:49:40Z
793 progress-estimator 2071 46 JavaScript 0 Logs a progress bar and estimation for how long a Promise will take to complete 2021-06-18T17:26:48Z
794 node-dev 2067 121 JavaScript 24 Zero-conf Node.js reloading 2021-10-24T07:06:47Z
795 switchery 2065 501 JavaScript 77 iOS 7 style switches for your checkboxes 2021-07-12T06:20:26Z
796 drawingboard.js 2063 290 JavaScript 24 A canvas based drawing app that you can integrate easily on your website. 2020-09-11T21:57:14Z
797 vimari 2063 202 JavaScript 81 Safari port of vimium 2021-07-25T18:29:07Z
798 node-interview-questions 2062 426 JavaScript 3 Node.js面试题,侧重后端应用与对Node核心的理解 2021-04-15T11:47:56Z
799 Kind 2059 83 JavaScript 23 A modern proof language 2021-11-13T05:04:42Z
800 formula.js 2057 328 JavaScript 28 JavaScript implementation of most Microsoft Excel formula functions 2020-03-16T12:27:05Z
801 expressCart 2056 800 JavaScript 8 A fully functioning Node.js shopping cart with Stripe, PayPal,, PayWay, Blockonomics, Adyen, Zip and Instore payments. 2021-11-11T09:15:28Z
802 js-primer 2056 185 JavaScript 28 📖 JavaScript Primer - 迷わないための入門書 2021-10-22T02:54:34Z
803 Papercut-SMTP 2053 214 JavaScript 20 Papercut SMTP -- The Simple Desktop Email Server 2021-09-08T03:45:09Z
804 sticky-sidebar 2045 490 JavaScript 61 😎 Pure JavaScript tool for making smart and high performance sticky sidebar. 2020-04-24T05:16:20Z
805 mojibar 2040 150 JavaScript 30 🍊 Emoji searcher but as a menubar app. 2020-08-10T18:09:03Z
806 react-chrome-extension-boilerplate 2037 379 JavaScript 41 Boilerplate for Chrome Extension React.js project 2020-03-20T17:50:19Z
807 backgrid 2034 345 JavaScript 89 Finally, an easily stylable semantic HTML data grid widget with a Javascript API that doesn't suck. 2017-08-09T15:18:09Z
808 jQuery- 2033 774 JavaScript 4 jQuery源码解析 2020-10-21T00:58:18Z
809 tipsy 2033 593 JavaScript 128 Facebook-style tooltips plugin for jQuery 2020-09-18T20:04:00Z
810 chrome-devtools-zerodarkmatrix-theme 2027 256 JavaScript 7 A highly customized dark theme for Chrome 2018-12-11T19:58:53Z
811 cordova-ios 2026 938 JavaScript 193 Apache Cordova iOS 2021-11-12T12:22:03Z
812 angularUtils 2025 893 JavaScript 84 A place where I will collect useful re-usable Angular components that I make 2019-04-16T14:52:30Z
813 Tmall_Tickets 2025 1904 JavaScript 22 天猫超市茅台抢票功能 2020-01-08T02:45:59Z
814 OverlayScrollbars 2023 157 JavaScript 36 A javascript scrollbar plugin which hides native scrollbars, provides custom styleable overlay scrollbars and keeps the native functionality and feeling. 2021-10-22T07:23:04Z
815 react-book 2023 386 JavaScript 25 From apprentice to master (CC BY-NC-ND) 2018-03-13T15:32:40Z
816 prom-client 2019 273 JavaScript 67 Prometheus client for node.js 2021-11-13T02:59:48Z
817 style-dictionary 2015 314 JavaScript 101 A build system for creating cross-platform styles. 2021-11-12T11:04:55Z
818 web-maker 2011 262 JavaScript 168 A blazing fast & offline frontend playground 2021-10-23T23:42:11Z
819 elevatorsaga 2011 259 JavaScript 39 The elevator programming game! 2021-09-18T17:23:19Z
820 qoa 2010 33 JavaScript 12 Minimal interactive command-line prompts 2021-01-12T04:01:49Z
821 hypercore 2004 160 JavaScript 70 Hypercore is a secure, distributed append-only log. 2021-10-07T10:53:01Z
822 Programming-Alpha-To-Omega 2004 480 JavaScript 6 从零开始学编程 系列汇总(从α到Ω) 2019-08-22T07:09:53Z
823 iron-router 2004 434 JavaScript 302 A client and server side router designed specifically for Meteor. 2017-11-11T01:07:51Z
824 redux-promise-middleware 2001 202 JavaScript 0 Enables simple, yet robust handling of async action creators in Redux 2021-02-28T16:17:28Z
825 pushgateway 1999 342 JavaScript 5 Push acceptor for ephemeral and batch jobs. 2021-11-10T13:40:52Z
826 maid 1998 49 JavaScript 26 Markdown driven task runner. 2019-02-14T11:40:27Z
827 xmpp.js 1995 361 JavaScript 25 XMPP for JavaScript 2021-08-28T07:47:24Z
828 Vue2 1994 643 JavaScript 4 小白入坑vue三部曲,关于 vue 在工作的使用问题总结,请看博客 一直保持更新 2020-11-12T08:53:31Z
829 notion-clone 1993 178 JavaScript 6 Edit Notes like in Full-Stack App using React/Express. 2021-06-09T12:43:34Z
830 jquery-smooth-scroll 1990 448 JavaScript 9 Automatically make same-page links scroll smoothly 2020-07-09T15:45:54Z
831 functional-javascript-workshop 1989 444 JavaScript 80 A functional javascript workshop. No libraries required (i.e. no underscore), just ES5. 2020-10-08T09:28:30Z
832 wx_calendar 1987 463 JavaScript 27 微信小程序-日历组件 📅 2021-09-21T01:50:09Z
833 babel-plugin-react-css-modules 1986 163 JavaScript 65 Transforms styleName to className using compile time CSS module resolution. 2021-04-23T19:27:38Z

Most starred typescript projects on github

(excludig ones containing library, framework, template, component or hook in their description)

Ranking Project Name Stars Forks Language Open Issues Description Last Commit
1 vscode 124063 20675 TypeScript 5258 Visual Studio Code 2021-11-14T21:59:10Z
2 angular 77647 20379 TypeScript 1869 The modern web developer’s platform 2021-11-14T22:36:37Z
3 TypeScript 75868 9920 TypeScript 5342 TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript that compiles to clean JavaScript output. 2021-11-14T08:41:49Z
4 puppeteer 74570 7867 TypeScript 1735 Headless Chrome Node.js API 2021-11-15T02:28:32Z
5 redux 57013 14945 TypeScript 46 Predictable state container for JavaScript apps 2021-11-11T22:25:26Z
6 code-server 49787 4047 TypeScript 281 VS Code in the browser 2021-11-15T01:06:53Z
7 ionic-framework 45614 13451 TypeScript 670 A powerful cross-platform UI toolkit for building native-quality iOS, Android, and Progressive Web Apps with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. 2021-11-12T20:13:40Z
8 grafana 44857 8975 TypeScript 2147 The open and composable observability and data visualization platform. Visualize metrics, logs, and traces from multiple sources like Prometheus, Loki, Elasticsearch, InfluxDB, Postgres and many more. 2021-11-15T04:03:53Z
9 react-router 44728 8646 TypeScript 69 Declarative routing for React 2021-11-14T19:43:17Z
10 hyper 37249 3078 TypeScript 739 A terminal built on web technologies 2021-11-09T08:37:31Z
11 jest 37069 5442 TypeScript 1660 Delightful JavaScript Testing. 2021-11-14T18:59:48Z
12 DefinitelyTyped 36633 26111 TypeScript 717 The repository for high quality TypeScript type definitions. 2021-11-15T03:24:43Z
13 pixijs 34682 4418 TypeScript 97 The HTML5 Creation Engine: Create beautiful digital content with the fastest, most flexible 2D WebGL renderer. 2021-11-14T19:23:47Z
14 vite 33779 2387 TypeScript 641 Next generation frontend tooling. It's fast! 2021-11-15T04:02:45Z
15 immutable-js 31573 1851 TypeScript 109 Immutable persistent data collections for Javascript which increase efficiency and simplicity. 2021-11-12T12:44:26Z
16 ant-design-pro 30643 7123 TypeScript 91 👨🏻‍💻👩🏻‍💻 Use Ant Design like a Pro! 2021-11-15T02:46:19Z
17 nativefier 28980 1845 TypeScript 180 Make any web page a desktop application 2021-11-10T23:41:40Z
18 formik 28760 2348 TypeScript 646 Build forms in React, without the tears 😭 2021-11-10T15:26:12Z
19 docusaurus 28021 3766 TypeScript 180 Easy to maintain open source documentation websites. 2021-11-15T01:16:57Z
20 joplin 26298 2873 TypeScript 332 Joplin - an open source note taking and to-do application with synchronization capabilities for Windows, macOS, Linux, Android and iOS. Forum: 2021-11-15T03:45:09Z
21 postcss 25427 1424 TypeScript 16 Transforming styles with JS plugins 2021-11-08T19:50:41Z
22 angular-cli 25038 11817 TypeScript 279 CLI tool for Angular 2021-11-14T00:09:25Z
23 html2canvas 24686 4156 TypeScript 749 Screenshots with JavaScript 2021-11-12T00:49:32Z
24 cheerio 24492 1497 TypeScript 18 Fast, flexible, and lean implementation of core jQuery designed specifically for the server. 2021-11-15T03:04:05Z
25 mobx 24465 1605 TypeScript 14 Simple, scalable state management. 2021-11-11T11:54:53Z
26 docz 21940 1392 TypeScript 96 ✍ It has never been so easy to document your things! 2021-11-09T19:44:23Z
27 sweetalert 21840 2898 TypeScript 171 A beautiful replacement for JavaScript's "alert" 2021-09-20T20:47:39Z
28 etcher 21667 1521 TypeScript 306 Flash OS images to SD cards & USB drives, safely and easily. 2021-11-12T16:01:04Z
29 supabase 21661 1113 TypeScript 177 The open source Firebase alternative. Follow to stay updated about our public Beta. 2021-11-15T04:02:46Z
30 react-native-elements 21610 4297 TypeScript 117 Cross-Platform React Native UI Toolkit 2021-11-13T12:36:23Z
31 react-redux 21537 3132 TypeScript 36 Official React bindings for Redux 2021-11-11T19:22:26Z
32 devtools 21232 3507 TypeScript 351 ⚙️ Browser devtools extension for debugging Vue.js applications. 2021-11-10T16:37:10Z
33 react-starter-kit 21020 4094 TypeScript 6 React Starter Kit — front-end starter kit using React, Relay, GraphQL, and JAM stack architecture 2021-08-03T19:21:23Z
34 NativeScript 20640 1535 TypeScript 903 NativeScript empowers you to access native platform APIs from JavaScript directly. Angular, Capacitor, Ionic, React, Svelte, Vue and you name it compatible. 2021-11-14T11:58:30Z
35 react-navigation 20550 4442 TypeScript 462 Routing and navigation for your React Native apps 2021-11-09T11:13:44Z
36 github1s 20373 673 TypeScript 47 One second to read GitHub code with VS Code. 2021-11-04T05:00:17Z
37 tabby 19976 965 TypeScript 553 A terminal for a more modern age (formerly Terminus) 2021-11-15T04:09:12Z
38 upterm 19461 656 TypeScript 220 A terminal emulator for the 21st century. 2019-05-20T17:42:14Z
39 windows95 18998 1153 TypeScript 121 💩🚀 Windows 95 in Electron. Runs on macOS, Linux, and Windows. 2021-10-12T22:49:31Z
40 homebridge 18822 1844 TypeScript 24 HomeKit support for the impatient 2021-11-13T20:46:24Z
41 n8n 18779 1873 TypeScript 137 Free and open fair-code licensed node based Workflow Automation Tool. Easily automate tasks across different services. 2021-11-14T22:58:44Z
42 notable 18648 932 TypeScript 575 The Markdown-based note-taking app that doesn't suck. 2021-04-11T14:36:15Z
43 electron-react-boilerplate 18532 3051 TypeScript 61 A Foundation for Scalable Cross-Platform Apps 2021-11-09T20:26:07Z
44 blueprint 18292 1920 TypeScript 644 A React-based UI toolkit for the web 2021-11-11T15:10:44Z
45 graphql-js 18122 1891 TypeScript 181 A reference implementation of GraphQL for JavaScript 2021-11-14T19:27:53Z
46 coc.nvim 17919 718 TypeScript 47 Nodejs extension host for vim & neovim, load extensions like VSCode and host language servers. 2021-11-10T13:06:12Z
47 xstate 17910 817 TypeScript 229 State machines and statecharts for the modern web. 2021-11-15T04:08:41Z
48 wenyan 17751 1032 TypeScript 176 文言文編程語言 A programming language for the ancient Chinese. 2021-10-24T17:48:32Z
49 prisma 17496 627 TypeScript 1565 Next-generation ORM for Node.js & TypeScript | PostgreSQL, MySQL, MariaDB, SQL Server, SQLite & MongoDB (Preview) 2021-11-14T18:24:47Z
50 ink 17134 465 TypeScript 70 🌈 React for interactive command-line apps 2021-10-22T03:40:01Z
51 redux-thunk 16777 988 TypeScript 0 Thunk middleware for Redux 2021-10-26T01:01:22Z
52 kibana 16712 6920 TypeScript 9223 Your window into the Elastic Stack 2021-11-15T03:48:20Z
53 react-dnd 16699 1732 TypeScript 277 Drag and Drop for React 2021-11-02T16:24:47Z
54 rxdb 16515 769 TypeScript 14 🔄 A realtime Database for JavaScript Applications 2021-11-15T02:47:37Z
55 slidev 16331 550 TypeScript 40 Presentation Slides for Developers (Beta) 2021-11-15T03:36:25Z
56 lens 16215 799 TypeScript 636 Lens - The Kubernetes IDE 2021-11-12T21:56:07Z
57 refined-github 16153 1185 TypeScript 143 :octocat: Browser extension that simplifies the GitHub interface and adds useful features 2021-11-12T14:55:27Z
58 typescript-book 16094 2021 TypeScript 140 📚 The definitive guide to TypeScript and possibly the best TypeScript book 📖. Free and Open Source 🌹 2021-10-12T06:08:11Z
59 ionicons 15716 1957 TypeScript 455 Premium hand-crafted icons built by Ionic, for Ionic apps and web apps everywhere 🌎 2021-11-11T21:27:02Z
60 redoc 15652 1734 TypeScript 429 📘 OpenAPI/Swagger-generated API Reference Documentation 2021-11-12T00:52:16Z
61 react-three-fiber 15641 827 TypeScript 38 🇨🇭 A React renderer for Three.js 2021-11-11T12:52:49Z
62 yup 15162 671 TypeScript 333 Dead simple Object schema validation 2021-11-15T01:23:59Z
63 better-scroll 15091 2538 TypeScript 9 📜 inspired by iscroll, and it supports more features and has a better scroll perfermance 2021-08-02T13:54:42Z
64 SwitchHosts 15054 1735 TypeScript 267 Switch hosts quickly! 2021-10-11T04:51:03Z
65 fullcalendar 14448 3283 TypeScript 668 Full-sized drag & drop event calendar 2021-11-05T13:22:42Z
66 flatpickr 14434 1285 TypeScript 572 lightweight, powerful javascript datetimepicker with no dependencies 2021-10-24T23:30:00Z
67 node-redis 14387 1541 TypeScript 130 A high performance Node.js Redis client. 2021-11-14T20:52:59Z
68 Kap 14354 722 TypeScript 133 An open-source screen recorder built with web technology 2021-11-10T19:50:06Z
69 tui.editor 13856 1305 TypeScript 263 🍞📝 Markdown WYSIWYG Editor. GFM Standard + Chart & UML Extensible. 2021-11-12T03:28:05Z
70 ui-router 13748 3145 TypeScript 16 The de-facto solution to flexible routing with nested views in AngularJS 2021-11-08T09:49:33Z
71 fullcalendar 14448 3283 TypeScript 668 Full-sized drag & drop event calendar 2021-11-05T13:22:42Z
72 flatpickr 14434 1285 TypeScript 572 lightweight, powerful javascript datetimepicker with no dependencies 2021-10-24T23:30:00Z
73 node-redis 14387 1541 TypeScript 130 A high performance Node.js Redis client. 2021-11-14T20:52:59Z
74 Kap 14354 722 TypeScript 133 An open-source screen recorder built with web technology 2021-11-10T19:50:06Z
75 vConsole 13885 2881 TypeScript 34 A lightweight, extendable front-end developer tool for mobile web page. 2021-11-10T07:06:19Z
76 tui.editor 13856 1305 TypeScript 263 🍞📝 Markdown WYSIWYG Editor. GFM Standard + Chart & UML Extensible. 2021-11-12T03:28:05Z
77 backstage 13762 1787 TypeScript 405 Backstage is an open platform for building developer portals 2021-11-15T01:07:22Z
78 ui-router 13748 3145 TypeScript 16 The de-facto solution to flexible routing with nested views in AngularJS 2021-11-08T09:49:33Z
79 sass 13570 1978 TypeScript 112 Sass makes CSS fun! 2021-11-12T21:42:20Z
80 desktop 13537 7115 TypeScript 643 Simple collaboration from your desktop 2021-11-14T11:30:16Z
81 pnpm 13521 361 TypeScript 622 Fast, disk space efficient package manager -- 快速的,节省磁盘空间的包管理工具 2021-11-15T01:17:46Z
82 learn-anything 13462 884 TypeScript 5 Organize world's knowledge, explore connections and curate learning paths 2021-09-03T16:41:27Z
83 chromeless 13243 608 TypeScript 198 🖥 Chrome automation made simple. Runs locally or headless on AWS Lambda. 2018-11-13T02:23:55Z
84 face-api.js 13125 2963 TypeScript 372 JavaScript API for face detection and face recognition in the browser and nodejs with tensorflow.js 2021-08-31T22:43:06Z
85 ar-cutpaste 13105 1830 TypeScript 40 Cut and paste your surroundings using AR 2021-09-30T06:48:15Z
86 graphiql 12879 1381 TypeScript 178 GraphiQL & the GraphQL LSP Reference Ecosystem for building browser & IDE tools. 2021-11-14T16:33:47Z
87 create-react-native-app 12837 1411 TypeScript 7 Create React Native apps that run on iOS, Android, and web 2021-11-09T18:14:05Z
88 formatjs 12813 1269 TypeScript 14 The monorepo home to all of the FormatJS related libraries, most notably react-intl. 2021-11-14T04:11:59Z
89 directus 12750 1414 TypeScript 247 Open-Source Data Platform 🐰 — Directus wraps any SQL database with a real-time GraphQL+REST API and an intuitive app for non-technical users. 2021-11-15T04:00:51Z
90 turbolinks 12730 636 TypeScript 100 Turbolinks makes navigating your web application faster 2021-08-11T02:49:14Z
91 wangEditor 12610 2673 TypeScript 95 wangEditor —— 轻量级web富文本框 2021-11-09T11:32:34Z
92 CopyTranslator 12570 1614 TypeScript 65 Foreign language reading and translation assistant based on copy and translate. 2021-10-12T22:32:56Z
93 verdaccio 12461 1088 TypeScript 66 📦🔐A lightweight private proxy registry build in Node.js 2021-11-15T00:12:20Z
94 brain.js 12319 995 TypeScript 91 🤖 GPU accelerated Neural networks in JavaScript for Browsers and Node.js 2021-11-08T14:38:14Z
95 redux-devtools 12180 938 TypeScript 82 DevTools for Redux with hot reloading, action replay, and customizable UI 2021-11-15T03:59:21Z
96 mean 12119 3563 TypeScript 30 The MEAN stack uses Mongo, Express, Angular(6) and Node for simple and scalable fullstack js applications 2021-09-28T03:50:26Z
97 apollo-server 12043 1842 TypeScript 446 🌍  Spec-compliant and production ready JavaScript GraphQL server that lets you develop in a schema-first way. Built for Express, Connect, Hapi, Koa, and more. 2021-11-13T01:18:05Z
98 deskreen 11917 591 TypeScript 54 Deskreen turns any device with a web browser into a secondary screen for your computer 2021-09-26T12:36:10Z
99 xterm.js 11756 1164 TypeScript 173 A terminal for the web 2021-11-12T16:37:54Z
100 zustand 11689 311 TypeScript 19 🐻 Bear necessities for state management in React 2021-11-11T01:37:58Z
101 Signal-Desktop 11687 2130 TypeScript 517 Signal — Private Messenger for Windows, Mac, and Linux 2021-11-12T01:14:05Z
102 redux-persist 11671 809 TypeScript 514 persist and rehydrate a redux store 2021-10-24T01:14:38Z
103 darkreader 11649 1633 TypeScript 499 Dark Reader Chrome and Firefox extension 2021-11-14T21:29:46Z
104 jupyterlab 11595 2151 TypeScript 1982 JupyterLab computational environment. 2021-11-14T20:08:07Z
105 electron-builder 11578 1442 TypeScript 255 A complete solution to package and build a ready for distribution Electron app with “auto update” support out of the box 2021-11-15T01:44:26Z
106 react-redux-typescript-guide 11564 867 TypeScript 36 The complete guide to static typing in "React & Redux" apps using TypeScript 2020-11-14T11:29:15Z
107 oni 11468 343 TypeScript 518 Oni: Modern Modal Editing - powered by Neovim 2020-04-01T15:27:11Z
108 wechaty 11355 1603 TypeScript 200 Conversational RPA SDK for Chatbot Makers 2021-11-15T03:40:59Z
109 react-native-gifted-chat 11258 3196 TypeScript 104 💬 The most complete chat UI for React Native 2021-10-20T19:09:20Z
110 qiankun 11219 1366 TypeScript 147 📦 🚀 Blazing fast, simple and complete solution for micro frontends. 2021-11-04T10:12:54Z
111 G2 10969 1298 TypeScript 160 📊 A highly interactive data-driven visualization grammar for statistical charts. 2021-11-12T03:43:25Z
112 postgraphile 10840 507 TypeScript 46 Execute one command (or mount one Node.js middleware) and get an instant high-performance GraphQL API for your PostgreSQL database! 2021-11-08T18:05:16Z
113 proton-native 10828 383 TypeScript 71 A React environment for cross platform desktop apps 2021-09-02T05:24:37Z
114 foam 10787 462 TypeScript 130 A personal knowledge management and sharing system for VSCode 2021-11-14T05:31:22Z
115 rrweb 10686 846 TypeScript 90 record and replay the web 2021-11-09T16:22:24Z
116 typescript-eslint 10655 1893 TypeScript 299 ✨ Monorepo for all the tooling which enables ESLint to support TypeScript 2021-11-15T02:34:04Z
117 botkit 10509 2293 TypeScript 33 Botkit is an open source developer tool for building chat bots, apps and custom integrations for major messaging platforms. 2021-10-06T13:42:01Z
118 interact.js 10488 722 TypeScript 26 JavaScript drag and drop, resizing and multi-touch gestures with inertia and snapping for modern browsers (and also IE9+) 2021-10-22T02:27:03Z
119 frontend-bootcamp 10486 1222 TypeScript 43 Frontend Workshop from HTML/CSS/JS to TypeScript/React/Redux 2021-05-19T13:33:38Z
120 nexe 10481 455 TypeScript 95 🎉 create a single executable out of your node.js apps 2021-10-29T11:47:16Z
121 flipper 10208 722 TypeScript 74 A desktop debugging platform for mobile developers. 2021-11-12T20:20:56Z
122 ajv 10148 777 TypeScript 123 The fastest JSON schema Validator. Supports JSON Schema draft-04/06/07/2019-09/2020-12 and JSON Type Definition (RFC8927) 2021-11-13T18:23:37Z
123 tfjs-models 10141 3160 TypeScript 83 Pretrained models for TensorFlow.js 2021-11-14T08:55:36Z
124 playground 10072 2197 TypeScript 100 Play with neural networks! 2021-10-28T13:20:13Z
125 PeerTube 9862 1058 TypeScript 391 ActivityPub-federated video streaming platform using P2P directly in your web browser 2021-11-14T14:17:01Z
126 unlock-music 9818 105 TypeScript 13 Unlock encrypted music file in browser. 在浏览器中解锁加密的音乐文件。 2021-11-11T05:18:33Z
127 peerjs 9775 1279 TypeScript 210 Simple peer-to-peer with WebRTC 2021-10-06T03:53:29Z
128 Vim 9683 1016 TypeScript 1127 ⭐ Vim for Visual Studio Code 2021-11-14T20:29:15Z
129 ioredis 9641 920 TypeScript 201 🚀 A robust, performance-focused, and full-featured Redis client for Node.js. 2021-10-22T11:56:45Z
130 commitlint 9581 581 TypeScript 108 📓 Lint commit messages 2021-11-14T12:15:03Z
131 Bilibili-Evolved 9486 867 TypeScript 288 强大的哔哩哔哩增强脚本: 下载视频, 音乐, 封面, 弹幕 / 简化直播间, 评论区, 首页 / 自定义顶栏, 删除广告, 夜间模式 / 触屏设备支持 2021-11-13T10:38:28Z
132 botpress 9446 1252 TypeScript 222 🤖 Dev tools to reliably understand text and automate conversations. Built-in NLU. Connect & deploy on any messaging channel (Slack, MS Teams, website, Telegram, etc). 2021-11-11T23:12:04Z
133 ts-node 9434 384 TypeScript 103 TypeScript execution and REPL for node.js 2021-11-08T23:24:15Z
134 barba 9311 481 TypeScript 21 Create badass, fluid and smooth transition between your website's pages. 2021-11-04T09:21:20Z
135 pageres 9272 761 TypeScript 23 Capture website screenshots 2021-06-20T14:38:27Z
136 dogehouse 9209 1557 TypeScript 231 Taking voice conversations to the moon 🚀 2021-06-24T22:20:06Z
137 vue-storefront 9035 1928 TypeScript 111 The open-source frontend for any eCommerce. Built with a PWA and headless approach, using a modern JS stack. We have custom integrations with Magento, commercetools, Shopware and Shopify and total coverage is just a matter of time. The API approach also allows you to merge VSF with any third-party tool like CMS, payment gateways or analytics. Newest updates: Always Open Source, MIT license. 2021-11-12T10:11:35Z
138 8884 651 TypeScript 62 State Management and Multiplayer Networking for Turn-Based Games 2021-11-14T17:01:47Z
139 type-challenges 8825 539 TypeScript 3884 Collection of TypeScript type challenges with online judge 2021-11-06T20:35:51Z
140 wired-elements 8806 314 TypeScript 21 Collection of custom elements that appear hand drawn. Great for wireframes or a fun look. 2021-11-02T20:31:02Z
141 vee-validate 8755 1054 TypeScript 19 ✅ Form Validation for Vue.js 2021-11-14T01:48:05Z
142 react-page 8680 579 TypeScript 11 Next-gen, highly customizable content editor for the browser - based on React and written in TypeScript. WYSIWYG on steroids. 2021-11-14T19:20:18Z
143 react-native-paper 8652 1471 TypeScript 84 Material Design for React Native (Android & iOS) 2021-11-14T20:26:10Z
144 http-proxy-middleware 8644 689 TypeScript 67 ⚡ The one-liner node.js http-proxy middleware for connect, express and browser-sync 2021-10-26T21:51:45Z
145 calendso 8609 761 TypeScript 103 Scheduling infrastructure for absolutely everyone. 2021-11-15T03:58:12Z
146 helmet 8593 342 TypeScript 5 Help secure Express apps with various HTTP headers 2021-09-29T00:48:48Z
147 remotion 8587 351 TypeScript 37 🎥 Create videos programmatically in React 2021-11-14T20:48:57Z
148 amis 8557 1126 TypeScript 290 前端低代码框架,通过 JSON 配置就能生成各种页面。 2021-11-15T03:47:16Z
149 tfjs-core 8519 988 TypeScript 11 WebGL-accelerated ML // linear algebra // automatic differentiation for JavaScript. 2019-08-14T01:44:14Z
150 tween.js 8349 1327 TypeScript 47 JavaScript/TypeScript animation engine 2021-10-24T14:46:13Z
151 typescript-tutorial 8296 1106 TypeScript 61 TypeScript 入门教程 2021-09-10T08:33:56Z
152 gdbgui 8286 484 TypeScript 113 Browser-based frontend to gdb (gnu debugger). Add breakpoints, view the stack, visualize data structures, and more in C, C++, Go, Rust, and Fortran. Run gdbgui from the terminal and a new tab will open in your browser. 2021-10-14T04:52:09Z
153 appsmith 8278 812 TypeScript 1438 Quickly build any custom business software like admin panels, internal tools, dashboards and more with pre-built UI widgets that connect to any database, GraphQL or REST API, controlling everything with Javascript. 2021-11-15T01:32:39Z
154 InversifyJS 8270 571 TypeScript 254 A powerful and lightweight inversion of control container for JavaScript & Node.js apps powered by TypeScript. 2021-11-11T08:58:36Z
155 ext-saladict 8239 530 TypeScript 262 🥗 All-in-one professional pop-up dictionary and page translator which supports multiple search modes, page translations, new word notebook and PDF selection searching. 2021-11-04T11:40:39Z
156 webamp 8208 562 TypeScript 133 Winamp 2 reimplemented for the browser 2021-11-12T04:03:23Z
157 astro 8199 356 TypeScript 214 🚀🧑‍🚀 Keep your eyes to the skies, astronauts! 2021-11-14T21:27:23Z
158 eva-icons 8085 337 TypeScript 31 A pack of more than 480 beautifully crafted Open Source icons. SVG, Sketch, Web Font and Animations support. 2021-10-11T08:27:35Z
159 comlink 8040 275 TypeScript 68 Comlink makes WebWorkers enjoyable. 2021-10-18T17:57:18Z
160 mkdocs-material 7960 1867 TypeScript 18 Technical documentation that just works 2021-11-15T04:03:09Z
161 satellizer 7960 1193 TypeScript 292 Token-based AngularJS Authentication 2021-06-29T04:30:00Z
162 react-toastify 7957 412 TypeScript 38 React notification made easy 🚀 ! 2021-11-03T18:52:26Z
163 howtographql 7927 1098 TypeScript 155 The Fullstack Tutorial for GraphQL 2021-11-14T19:45:45Z
164 LaTeX-Workshop 7905 398 TypeScript 17 Boost LaTeX typesetting efficiency with preview, compile, autocomplete, colorize, and more. 2021-11-14T15:25:30Z
165 javascript-obfuscator 7883 931 TypeScript 59 A powerful obfuscator for JavaScript and Node.js 2021-11-03T18:00:51Z
166 ng-bootstrap 7849 1446 TypeScript 372 Angular powered Bootstrap 2021-11-11T16:56:32Z
167 caprover 7836 523 TypeScript 49 Scalable PaaS (automated Docker+nginx) - aka Heroku on Steroids 2021-11-14T22:29:30Z
168 graphql-code-generator 7803 873 TypeScript 319 A tool for generating code based on a GraphQL schema and GraphQL operations (query/mutation/subscription), with flexible support for custom plugins. 2021-11-15T00:00:44Z
169 vercel 7801 1089 TypeScript 146 Develop. Preview. Ship. 2021-11-13T14:04:36Z
170 devhub 7760 608 TypeScript 29 TweetDeck for GitHub - Filter Issues, Activities & Notifications - Web, Mobile & Desktop with 99% code sharing between them 2021-10-13T19:29:17Z
171 redux-observable 7745 496 TypeScript 77 RxJS middleware for action side effects in Redux using "Epics" 2021-10-24T09:25:39Z
172 ag-grid 7743 1367 TypeScript 16 The best JavaScript Data Table for building Enterprise Applications. Supports React / Angular / Vue / Plain JavaScript. 2021-11-14T21:27:16Z
173 vscode-drawio 7712 294 TypeScript 50 This unofficial extension integrates (also known as into VS Code. 2021-11-11T14:22:38Z
174 graphql-playground 7625 653 TypeScript 372 🎮 GraphQL IDE for better development workflows (GraphQL Subscriptions, interactive docs & collaboration) 2021-11-09T09:05:37Z
175 signature_pad 7461 1707 TypeScript 21 HTML5 canvas based smooth signature drawing 2021-11-15T00:51:24Z
176 element-web 7381 1231 TypeScript 5074 A glossy Matrix collaboration client for the web. 2021-11-15T02:17:40Z
177 pyright 7366 389 TypeScript 10 Static type checker for Python 2021-11-14T16:45:09Z
178 quicktype 7300 649 TypeScript 465 Generate types and converters from JSON, Schema, and GraphQL 2021-11-09T20:01:08Z
179 majestic 7245 161 TypeScript 41 ⚡ Zero config GUI for Jest 2021-07-23T10:47:31Z
180 sapper 7169 478 TypeScript 269 The next small thing in web development, powered by Svelte 2021-09-30T23:02:53Z
181 async-validator 7168 669 TypeScript 132 validate form asynchronous 2021-11-10T02:22:53Z
182 rap2-delos 7141 1299 TypeScript 40 阿里妈妈前端团队出品的开源接口管理工具RAP第二代 2021-11-15T03:01:38Z
183 autocomplete 7116 1756 TypeScript 92 Fig adds autocomplete to your terminal. 2021-11-14T15:56:54Z
184 react-icons 7093 456 TypeScript 149 svg react icons of popular icon packs 2021-10-24T23:20:17Z
185 vscode-debug-visualizer 7086 332 TypeScript 49 An extension for VS Code that visualizes data during debugging. 2021-10-18T20:33:36Z
186 api-platform 7062 816 TypeScript 422 Create REST and GraphQL APIs, scaffold Jamstack webapps, stream changes in real-time. 2021-11-10T16:11:58Z
187 fp-ts 7045 377 TypeScript 124 Functional programming in TypeScript 2021-11-14T21:19:40Z
188 Eve 7023 251 TypeScript 76 Better tools for thought 2018-03-20T18:37:04Z
189 countUp.js 7011 1372 TypeScript 6 Animates a numerical value by counting to it 2021-09-21T01:14:05Z
190 nuclear 6983 714 TypeScript 107 Streaming music player that finds free music for you 2021-11-14T22:32:03Z
191 platform 6973 1723 TypeScript 34 Reactive libraries for Angular 2021-11-14T16:50:46Z
192 ky 6958 254 TypeScript 29 🌳 Tiny & elegant JavaScript HTTP client based on the browser Fetch API 2021-11-08T12:12:17Z
193 6936 396 TypeScript 7 server 2021-04-05T20:12:16Z
194 bloomrpc 6932 332 TypeScript 141 GUI Client for GRPC Services 2021-11-05T18:25:12Z
195 vscode-leetcode 6917 494 TypeScript 179 Solve LeetCode problems in VS Code 2021-10-26T07:23:14Z
196 mitt 6810 307 TypeScript 15 🥊 Tiny 200 byte functional event emitter / pubsub. 2021-06-23T20:46:54Z
197 type-graphql 6790 553 TypeScript 76 Create GraphQL schema and resolvers with TypeScript, using classes and decorators! 2021-11-12T14:00:21Z
198 class-validator 6787 523 TypeScript 293 Decorator-based property validation for classes. 2021-11-13T01:28:42Z
199 guess 6759 198 TypeScript 39 🔮 Libraries & tools for enabling Machine Learning driven user-experiences on the web 2021-11-11T21:07:27Z
200 kittenTricks 6757 984 TypeScript 13 React Native starter kit with over 40 screens and modern Light and Dark theme for creating stunning cross-platform mobile applications. 2021-06-15T03:47:47Z
201 path-to-regexp 6728 333 TypeScript 12 Turn a path string such as /user/:name into a regular expression 2021-10-09T05:41:12Z
202 tinacms 6707 329 TypeScript 230 Open source editor that brings visual editing into React websites. A developer-centric CMS to build contextual and intuitive editing experience without sacrificing code quality. 2021-11-12T23:39:45Z
203 redux-toolkit 6662 528 TypeScript 99 The official, opinionated, batteries-included toolset for efficient Redux development 2021-11-14T19:35:23Z
204 azuredatastudio 6567 723 TypeScript 1855 Azure Data Studio is a data management tool that enables working with SQL Server, Azure SQL DB and SQL DW from Windows, macOS and Linux. 2021-11-13T09:35:42Z
205 che 6564 1205 TypeScript 701 The Kubernetes-Native IDE for Developer Teams 2021-11-11T11:03:42Z
206 npm-check-updates 6548 256 TypeScript 34 Find newer versions of package dependencies than what your package.json allows 2021-11-15T01:41:12Z
207 6542 5561 TypeScript 1065 The React documentation website 2021-11-14T19:15:30Z
208 graphql-yoga 6536 412 TypeScript 103 🧘 Fully-featured GraphQL Server with focus on easy setup, performance & great developer experience 2021-11-15T03:50:15Z
209 urql 6530 288 TypeScript 25 The highly customizable and versatile GraphQL client with which you add on features like normalized caching as you grow. 2021-11-12T00:29:41Z
210 purgecss 6512 228 TypeScript 76 Remove unused CSS 2021-11-06T23:47:46Z
211 renovate 6457 892 TypeScript 916 Universal dependency update tool that fits into your workflows. 2021-11-15T03:54:44Z
212 fast 6442 384 TypeScript 284 The adaptive interface system for modern web experiences. 2021-11-14T07:11:16Z
213 graphql-voyager 6429 401 TypeScript 95 🛰️ Represent any GraphQL API as an interactive graph 2021-10-06T22:05:15Z
214 vscode-gitlens 6372 544 TypeScript 305 Supercharge the Git capabilities built into Visual Studio Code — Visualize code authorship at a glance via Git blame annotations and code lens, seamlessly navigate and explore Git repositories, gain valuable insights via powerful comparison commands, and so much more 2021-11-05T09:04:04Z
215 vueuse 6366 463 TypeScript 69 Collection of essential Vue Composition Utilities for Vue 2 and 3 2021-11-14T17:15:08Z
216 cvat 6353 1703 TypeScript 412 Powerful and efficient Computer Vision Annotation Tool (CVAT) 2021-11-14T20:47:01Z
217 esprima 6349 769 TypeScript 133 ECMAScript parsing infrastructure for multipurpose analysis 2021-11-03T19:29:10Z
218 css-blocks 6318 155 TypeScript 161 High performance, maintainable stylesheets. 2021-10-06T22:52:11Z
219 type-fest 6313 200 TypeScript 95 A collection of essential TypeScript types 2021-11-13T15:38:29Z
220 bulletproof-react 6300 373 TypeScript 8 🛡️ ⚛️ A simple, scalable, and powerful architecture for building production ready React applications. 2021-11-14T06:02:13Z
221 moveable 6288 368 TypeScript 149 Moveable! Draggable! Resizable! Scalable! Rotatable! Warpable! Pinchable! Groupable! Snappable! 2021-11-10T05:06:48Z
222 mobx-state-tree 6285 583 TypeScript 180 Full-featured reactive state management without the boilerplate 2021-11-08T21:43:52Z
223 formily 6226 785 TypeScript 9 Alibaba Group Unified Form Solution -- Support React/ReactNative/Vue2/Vue3 2021-11-15T02:57:03Z
224 juice-shop 6179 3882 TypeScript 5 OWASP Juice Shop: Probably the most modern and sophisticated insecure web application 2021-11-14T22:39:47Z
225 express-graphql 6146 558 TypeScript 51 Create a GraphQL HTTP server with Express. 2021-11-09T16:32:23Z
226 material-shell 6131 160 TypeScript 234 A modern desktop interface for Linux. Improve your user experience and get rid of the anarchy of traditional desktop workflows. Designed to simplify navigation and reduce the need to manipulate windows in order to improve productivity. It's meant to be 100% predictable and bring the benefits of tools coveted by professionals to everyone. 2021-11-06T22:25:33Z
227 caprine 6117 534 TypeScript 295 Elegant Facebook Messenger desktop app 2021-11-11T06:44:24Z
228 hospitalrun-frontend 6105 1991 TypeScript 57 Frontend for HospitalRun 2021-11-12T14:36:56Z
229 jotai 6080 165 TypeScript 24 👻 Primitive and flexible state management for React 2021-11-13T12:00:34Z
230 menubar 6064 365 TypeScript 46 ➖ high level way to create menubar desktop applications with electron 2021-10-27T12:27:31Z
231 vscode-go 5982 689 TypeScript 0 An extension for VS Code which provides support for the Go language. We have moved to 2020-06-10T17:27:08Z
232 fiddle 5959 514 TypeScript 69 :electron: 🚀 The easiest way to get started with Electron 2021-11-15T00:04:49Z
233 react-admin 5935 1715 TypeScript 13 ✨ react-admin system solution : react 后台管理系统解决方案 2021-09-10T09:15:59Z
234 tslint 5930 934 TypeScript 1 🚦 An extensible linter for the TypeScript language 2021-03-25T15:41:38Z
235 react-nodegui 5905 143 TypeScript 39 Build performant, native and cross-platform desktop applications with native React + powerful CSS like styling.🚀 2021-11-05T05:25:44Z
236 sentry-javascript 5882 1135 TypeScript 190 Official Sentry SDKs for JavaScript 2021-11-15T03:52:42Z
237 rough-notation 5870 133 TypeScript 12 Create and animate hand-drawn annotations on a web page 2021-08-12T12:28:13Z
238 patch-package 5854 152 TypeScript 119 Fix broken node modules instantly 🏃🏽‍♀️💨 2021-10-11T11:51:06Z
239 react-responsive 5841 287 TypeScript 12 CSS media queries in react - for responsive design, and more. 2021-10-27T16:28:47Z
240 Zettlr 5778 385 TypeScript 207 A Markdown Editor for the 21st century. 2021-11-15T04:11:42Z
241 react-spectrum 5729 390 TypeScript 342 A collection of libraries and tools that help you build adaptive, accessible, and robust user experiences. 2021-11-13T00:34:41Z
242 nteract 5701 556 TypeScript 159 📘 The interactive computing suite for you! ✨ 2021-11-14T12:30:26Z
243 tensorboard 5690 1446 TypeScript 561 TensorFlow's Visualization Toolkit 2021-11-13T00:35:23Z
244 flex-layout 5656 729 TypeScript 77 Provides HTML UI layout for Angular applications; using Flexbox and a Responsive API 2021-11-12T19:33:32Z
245 focalboard 5590 488 TypeScript 409 Focalboard is an open source, self-hosted alternative to Trello, Notion, and Asana. 2021-11-13T11:43:56Z
246 utterances 5573 476 TypeScript 100 🔮 A lightweight comments widget built on GitHub issues 2021-10-29T14:31:43Z
247 any-rule 5572 547 TypeScript 20 🦕 常用正则大全, 支持web / vscode / idea / Alfred Workflow多平台 2021-10-29T02:29:52Z
248 react-native-device-info 5571 1306 TypeScript 15 Device Information for React Native iOS and Android 2021-11-13T23:51:01Z
249 rendertron 5569 532 TypeScript 83 A Headless Chrome rendering solution 2021-11-11T13:17:23Z
250 SandDance 5553 449 TypeScript 90 Visually explore, understand, and present your data. 2021-11-12T19:38:40Z
251 superstruct 5519 189 TypeScript 54 A simple and composable way to validate data in JavaScript (and TypeScript). 2021-11-12T16:54:48Z
252 este 5469 545 TypeScript 0 This repo is suspended. 2019-09-03T21:39:46Z
253 kutt 5398 607 TypeScript 111 Free Modern URL Shortener. 2021-10-14T18:41:10Z
254 vetur 5394 557 TypeScript 307 Vue tooling for VS Code. 2021-11-13T09:22:09Z
255 ngx-bootstrap 5332 1665 TypeScript 479 Fast and reliable Bootstrap widgets in Angular (supports Ivy engine) 2021-11-14T12:13:26Z
256 graphql-editor 5322 247 TypeScript 21 📺 Visual Editor & GraphQL IDE. Draw GraphQL schemas using visual 🔷 nodes and explore GraphQL API with beautiful UI. Even 🐒 can do that! 2021-11-04T21:33:48Z
257 starter-workflows 5307 4451 TypeScript 59 Accelerating new GitHub Actions workflows 2021-11-14T14:09:25Z
258 BosqueLanguage 5280 314 TypeScript 31 The Bosque programming language is an experiment in regularized design for a machine assisted rapid and reliable software development lifecycle. 2021-10-31T21:57:00Z
259 learnapollo 5279 68 TypeScript 10 👩🏻‍🏫 Learn Apollo - A hands-on tutorial for Apollo GraphQL Client (created by Graphcool) 2018-06-27T16:39:55Z
260 ts-jest 5258 335 TypeScript 23 A Jest transformer with source map support that lets you use Jest to test projects written in TypeScript. 2021-11-14T14:51:53Z
261 TypeScript 5253 927 TypeScript 6 TypeScript使用手册(中文版)翻译。TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript that compiles to clean JavaScript output. 2021-10-07T09:54:31Z
262 typedoc 5250 565 TypeScript 80 Documentation generator for TypeScript projects. 2021-11-14T21:36:39Z
263 npkill 5242 145 TypeScript 28 List any node_modules directories in your system, as well as the space they take up. You can then select which ones you want to erase to free up space. 2021-10-30T15:56:23Z
264 petite-vue 5237 186 TypeScript 4 6kb subset of Vue optimized for progressive enhancement 2021-11-04T15:05:30Z
265 dinero.js 5225 163 TypeScript 7 Create, calculate, and format money in JavaScript and TypeScript. 2021-11-15T01:58:17Z
266 express-validator 5183 547 TypeScript 93 An express.js middleware for validator.js. 2021-11-03T19:55:46Z
267 signoz 5158 264 TypeScript 114 SigNoz helps developers monitor their applications & troubleshoot problems, an open-source alternative to DataDog, NewRelic, etc. 🔥 🖥. 👉 Open source Application Performance Monitoring (APM) & Observability tool 2021-11-14T20:34:50Z
268 octokit.js 5128 970 TypeScript 9 The all-batteries-included GitHub SDK for Browsers, Node.js, and Deno. 2021-11-02T05:09:48Z
269 reakit 5099 284 TypeScript 40 Toolkit for building accessible rich web apps with React 2021-11-14T11:38:19Z
270 vue-property-decorator 5098 345 TypeScript 89 Vue.js and Property Decorator 2021-10-27T07:19:50Z
271 takenote 5097 725 TypeScript 31 📝 ‎ A web-based notes app for developers. 2021-11-14T10:35:25Z
272 keystone 5085 613 TypeScript 122 The most powerful headless CMS for Node.js — built with GraphQL and React 2021-11-15T04:11:27Z
273 noUiSlider 5065 666 TypeScript 29 noUiSlider is a lightweight, ARIA-accessible JavaScript range slider with multi-touch and keyboard support. It is fully GPU animated: no reflows, so it is fast; even on older devices. It also fits wonderfully in responsive designs and has no dependencies. 2021-10-15T21:01:31Z
274 tui.chart 5037 296 TypeScript 7 🍞📊 Beautiful chart for data visualization. 2021-11-08T04:41:48Z
275 io-ts 5006 245 TypeScript 114 Runtime type system for IO decoding/encoding 2021-10-12T13:29:22Z
276 penrose 4977 237 TypeScript 106 Create beautiful diagrams just by typing mathematical notation in plain text. 2021-11-12T21:18:32Z
277 clean-code-typescript 4976 554 TypeScript 10 Clean Code concepts adapted for TypeScript 2021-11-12T22:41:22Z
278 1loc 4970 386 TypeScript 40 What's your favorite JavaScript single LOC (line of code)? 2021-11-11T16:53:38Z
279 posthog 4963 454 TypeScript 832 🦔 PostHog provides open-source product analytics that you can self-host. 2021-11-14T21:29:28Z
280 typescript-book-chinese 4949 522 TypeScript 33 TypeScript Deep Dive 中文版 2021-11-11T01:48:57Z
281 angular-electron 4878 1242 TypeScript 9 Ultra-fast bootstrapping with Angular and Electron (Typescript + SASS + Hot Reload) 🚤 2021-11-14T18:13:36Z
282 fiora 4861 974 TypeScript 42 An interesting open source chat application. Developed with node.js, mongoDB, and react 2021-11-10T05:58:49Z
283 regulex 4836 619 TypeScript 20 🚧 Regular Expression Excited! 2019-08-15T08:22:32Z
284 react-native-material-kit 4833 604 TypeScript 178 Bringing Material Design to React Native 2021-09-21T17:47:04Z
285 vscode-extension-samples 4805 2095 TypeScript 56 Sample code illustrating the VS Code extension API. 2021-11-13T19:27:15Z
286 commerce 4800 1401 TypeScript 164 Next.js Commerce 2021-11-14T11:30:57Z
287 mobx-react 4799 369 TypeScript 0 React bindings for MobX 2020-12-30T16:19:32Z
288 webiny-js 4784 384 TypeScript 60 Platform for building serverless applications and APIs (Node.js, React, GraphQL) 2021-11-13T10:08:10Z
289 IconPark 4779 252 TypeScript 225 🍎Transform an SVG icon into multiple themes, and generate React icons,Vue icons,svg icons 2021-11-12T09:23:38Z
290 reach-ui 4762 467 TypeScript 66 The Accessible Foundation for React Apps and Design Systems 2021-11-13T11:57:29Z
291 theatre 4761 100 TypeScript 14 Motion design editor for the web 2021-11-14T20:41:01Z
292 lightGallery 4761 1141 TypeScript 26 A customizable, modular, responsive, lightbox gallery plugin. 2021-11-09T14:14:15Z
293 immutability-helper 4745 185 TypeScript 15 mutate a copy of data without changing the original source 2020-10-15T13:51:46Z
294 angular-seed 4692 1558 TypeScript 21 🌱 [Deprecated] Extensible, reliable, modular, PWA ready starter project for Angular (2 and beyond) with statically typed build and AoT compilation 2019-03-31T01:34:53Z
295 electron-forge 4654 330 TypeScript 126 A complete tool for creating, publishing, and installing modern Electron applications 2021-11-11T22:03:23Z
296 react-native-modal 4637 566 TypeScript 52 An enhanced, animated, customizable Modal for React Native. 2021-10-06T12:45:01Z
297 zod 4577 180 TypeScript 91 TypeScript-first schema validation with static type inference 2021-11-11T19:16:52Z
298 streetmerchant 4568 1351 TypeScript 35 🤖 The world's easiest, most powerful stock checker 2021-11-11T21:02:58Z
299 4563 685 TypeScript 37 Real-time log monitoring in your browser 2020-11-11T05:24:11Z
300 graphql-tools 4499 687 TypeScript 45 🔧 Build, mock, and stitch a GraphQL schema using the schema language 2021-11-15T00:13:13Z
301 angular-realworld-example-app 4497 2290 TypeScript 77 Exemplary real world application built with Angular 2021-11-08T16:33:15Z
302 Choices 4478 479 TypeScript 198 A vanilla JS customisable select box/text input plugin ⚡️ 2021-11-04T09:25:58Z
303 unleash 4455 320 TypeScript 36 Unleash is the open source feature toggle service. 2021-11-14T11:12:46Z
304 csslayout 4442 285 TypeScript 12 A collection of popular layouts and patterns made with CSS. Now it has 100+ patterns and continues growing! 2021-10-15T08:44:09Z
305 react-native-gesture-handler 4406 778 TypeScript 186 Declarative API exposing platform native touch and gesture system to React Native. 2021-11-12T16:07:18Z
306 polar-bookshelf 4399 254 TypeScript 966 Polar is a personal knowledge repository for PDF and web content supporting incremental reading and document annotation. 2021-05-26T16:16:21Z
307 ngx-datatable 4396 1559 TypeScript 804 ✨ A feature-rich yet lightweight data-table crafted for Angular 2021-11-11T16:46:49Z
308 vscode-cpptools 4394 1288 TypeScript 938 Official repository for the Microsoft C/C++ extension for VS Code. 2021-11-14T07:07:17Z
309 vscode-browser-preview 4385 145 TypeScript 52 A real browser preview inside your editor that you can debug. 2021-09-28T01:04:14Z
310 super-productivity 4374 390 TypeScript 151 To-do list & time tracker for programmers and other digital workers with Jira, Github, and Gitlab integration 2021-11-14T18:21:22Z
311 adminjs 4373 350 TypeScript 190 AdminJS is an admin panel for apps written in node.js 2021-11-12T11:37:25Z
312 cucumber-js 4368 953 TypeScript 36 Cucumber for JavaScript 2021-11-12T17:24:45Z
313 sucrase 4367 108 TypeScript 64 Super-fast alternative to Babel for when you can target modern JS runtimes 2021-11-04T15:11:32Z
314 unform 4329 497 TypeScript 58 Performance-focused API for React forms 🚀 2021-10-25T18:55:47Z
315 intern 4320 321 TypeScript 130 A next-generation code testing stack for JavaScript. 2021-11-05T11:57:20Z
316 bulletproof-nodejs 4302 986 TypeScript 55 Implementation of a bulletproof node.js API 🛡️ 2021-09-30T10:02:34Z
317 berry 4278 602 TypeScript 354 📦🐈 Active development trunk for Yarn ⚒ 2021-11-10T11:39:47Z
318 domain-driven-hexagon 4271 307 TypeScript 2 Guide on Domain-Driven Design, Hexagonal architecture, best practices etc. 2021-10-25T10:34:00Z
319 instagram-private-api 4263 944 TypeScript 240 NodeJS Instagram private API SDK. Written in TypeScript. 2021-11-04T18:46:03Z
320 VisualDL 4247 577 TypeScript 58 Deep Learning Visualization Toolkit(『飞桨』深度学习可视化工具 ) 2021-11-10T06:46:56Z
321 react-native-webview 4236 2093 TypeScript 86 React Native Cross-Platform WebView 2021-11-14T06:36:09Z
322 lightweight-charts 4229 755 TypeScript 87 Financial lightweight charts built with HTML5 canvas 2021-11-12T17:56:38Z
323 hackernews-react-graphql 4227 532 TypeScript 25 Hacker News clone rewritten with universal JavaScript, using React and GraphQL. 2021-10-28T23:35:11Z
324 ts-migrate 4189 143 TypeScript 39 A tool to help migrate JavaScript code quickly and conveniently to TypeScript 2021-10-17T21:51:20Z
325 idb 4164 287 TypeScript 12 IndexedDB, but with promises 2021-11-13T22:40:07Z
326 class-transformer 4138 339 TypeScript 136 Decorator-based transformation, serialization, and deserialization between objects and classes. 2021-11-12T09:06:04Z
327 planck.js 4122 250 TypeScript 55 2D JavaScript Physics Engine 2021-11-03T19:16:49Z
328 code-push 4119 433 TypeScript 34 A cloud service that enables Cordova and React Native developers to deploy mobile app updates directly to their users’ devices. 2021-09-20T13:22:47Z
329 emmet 4114 501 TypeScript 63 The essential toolkit for web-developers 2021-05-11T15:23:15Z
330 vxe-table 4107 610 TypeScript 154 🐬 vxe-table vue 表格解决方案 2021-11-14T13:28:21Z
331 md2googleslides 4088 264 TypeScript 46 Generate Google Slides from markdown 2021-10-20T06:28:32Z
332 react-hot-toast 4083 119 TypeScript 39 Smoking hot React Notifications 🔥 2021-11-04T10:02:59Z
333 theme-ui 4083 529 TypeScript 75 Build consistent, themeable React apps based on constraint-based design principles 2021-11-14T16:47:23Z
334 prettier-vscode 4068 341 TypeScript 27 Visual Studio Code extension for Prettier 2021-11-12T11:02:52Z
335 remax 4050 323 TypeScript 77 使用真正的 React 构建跨平台小程序 2021-11-15T03:38:26Z
336 design_patterns_in_typescript 4020 616 TypeScript 9 📐 Design pattern implementations in TypeScript 2020-07-04T16:54:42Z
337 graphql-request 4015 206 TypeScript 106 Minimal GraphQL client supporting Node and browsers for scripts or simple apps 2021-10-22T19:54:32Z
338 danger-js 4008 305 TypeScript 139 ⚠️ Stop saying "you forgot to …" in code review 2021-11-03T16:38:41Z
339 brick-design 3985 607 TypeScript 22 全场景流式布局,可视化拖拽、随意嵌套组合、实时渲染、实时辅助线展示,实时组件间距展示、实时拖拽排序、状态域管理,可视化属性配置、可视化样式配置、多设备适配展示,支持逻辑渲染、模板字符变量、表达式、自定义方法、自定义状态 2021-11-06T07:25:23Z
340 recyclerlistview 3980 340 TypeScript 187 High performance listview for React Native and web! 2021-10-20T17:10:13Z
341 vanilla-extract 3969 92 TypeScript 21 Zero-runtime Stylesheets-in-TypeScript 2021-11-15T03:35:24Z
342 kraken 3966 212 TypeScript 172 A high-performance, web standards-compliant rendering engine based on Flutter. 2021-11-14T04:42:12Z
343 tamperchrome 3966 225 TypeScript 36 Tamper Dev is an extension that allows you to intercept and edit HTTP/HTTPS requests and responses as they happen without the need of a proxy. Works across all operating systems (including Chrome OS). 2021-06-24T18:57:30Z
344 store 3961 319 TypeScript 10 RxJS powered state management for Angular applications, inspired by Redux 2017-11-27T12:55:33Z
345 gridstack.js 3956 1069 TypeScript 34 Build interactive dashboards in minutes. 2021-10-18T15:35:00Z
346 loopback-next 3923 868 TypeScript 174 LoopBack makes it easy to build modern API applications that require complex integrations. 2021-11-15T00:47:26Z
347 davinci 3920 1623 TypeScript 279 Davinci is a DVsaaS (Data Visualization as a Service) Platform 2021-11-01T15:25:47Z
348 draft-js-plugins 3902 937 TypeScript 3 React Plugin Architecture for Draft.js including Slack-Like Emojis, FB-Like Mentions and Stickers 2021-11-12T06:23:56Z
349 recast 3868 295 TypeScript 171 JavaScript syntax tree transformer, nondestructive pretty-printer, and automatic source map generator 2021-11-01T11:05:09Z
350 chrome 3859 375 TypeScript 24 Chrome as a service in docker. Run on our cloud, or bring your own 2021-11-12T21:28:24Z
351 modern-normalize 3839 243 TypeScript 16 🐒 Normalize browsers' default style 2021-07-07T18:01:36Z
352 sqlectron-gui 3829 440 TypeScript 130 A simple and lightweight SQL client desktop with cross database and platform support. 2021-10-13T18:22:55Z
353 universal 3808 463 TypeScript 138 Server-side rendering and Prerendering for Angular 2021-11-14T02:06:38Z
354 taro-ui 3787 646 TypeScript 468 一款基于 Taro 框架开发的多端 UI 组件库 2021-11-01T06:00:53Z
355 qinglong 3782 1241 TypeScript 94 A timed task management panel that supports typescript, javaScript, python3, and shell.(支持python3、javaScript、shell、typescript 的定时任务管理面板) 2021-11-14T09:28:02Z
356 simplenote-electron 3770 499 TypeScript 177 Simplenote for Web, Windows, and Linux 2021-10-17T20:56:43Z
357 altair 3760 164 TypeScript 39 ✨⚡️ A beautiful feature-rich GraphQL Client for all platforms. 2021-11-14T00:12:29Z
358 codetour 3759 80 TypeScript 38 VS Code extension that allows you to record and play back guided tours of codebases, directly within the editor. 2021-10-18T14:07:51Z
359 hydrogen 3755 358 TypeScript 156 :atom: Run code interactively, inspect data, and plot. All the power of Jupyter kernels, inside your favorite text editor. 2021-10-20T06:32:26Z
360 discord-api-docs 3752 956 TypeScript 121 Official Discord API Documentation 2021-11-15T00:18:04Z
361 mikro-orm 3752 224 TypeScript 95 TypeScript ORM for Node.js based on Data Mapper, Unit of Work and Identity Map patterns. Supports MongoDB, MySQL, MariaDB, PostgreSQL and SQLite databases. 2021-11-15T01:43:00Z
362 unstated-next 3746 126 TypeScript 50 200 bytes to never think about React state management libraries ever again 2021-08-30T00:15:26Z
363 code-settings-sync 3742 362 TypeScript 171 🌴💪 Synchronize your Visual Studio Code Settings Across Multiple Machines using GitHub GIST 💪🌴 2021-01-04T15:14:00Z
364 firebase-js-sdk 3740 653 TypeScript 426 Firebase Javascript SDK 2021-11-13T14:58:23Z
365 jspm-cli 3731 290 TypeScript 60 Deprecated as of June 2020 2020-06-20T10:00:27Z
366 ms 3721 224 TypeScript 20 Tiny millisecond conversion utility 2021-10-17T14:08:48Z
367 tsdoc 3719 99 TypeScript 90 A doc comment standard for TypeScript 2021-11-12T20:41:40Z
368 shumway 3707 414 TypeScript 446 Shumway is a Flash VM and runtime written in JavaScript 2019-04-19T15:06:33Z
369 buttercup-desktop 3699 294 TypeScript 87 🔑 Cross-Platform Passwords & Secrets Vault 2021-10-28T17:01:11Z
370 ShapeShifter 3696 184 TypeScript 176 SVG icon animation tool for Android, iOS, and the web 2021-02-14T16:34:17Z
371 gts 3684 150 TypeScript 39 ☂️ TypeScript style guide, formatter, and linter. 2021-10-19T00:54:34Z
372 grpc-web 3683 365 TypeScript 104 gRPC Web implementation for Golang and TypeScript 2021-11-04T15:04:38Z
373 utility-types 3679 155 TypeScript 44 Collection of utility types, complementing TypeScript built-in mapped types and aliases (think "lodash" for static types). 2021-10-09T11:24:15Z
374 hygieia 3668 1785 TypeScript 119 CapitalOne DevOps Dashboard 2021-09-23T16:15:39Z
375 VoTT 3641 732 TypeScript 248 Visual Object Tagging Tool: An electron app for building end to end Object Detection Models from Images and Videos. 2021-11-14T17:23:39Z
376 tribeca 3632 906 TypeScript 117 A high frequency, market making cryptocurrency trading platform in node.js 2021-10-12T23:14:33Z
377 jshistory-cn 3630 268 TypeScript 12 🇨🇳 《JavaScript 二十年》中文版 2021-11-11T07:17:43Z
378 composition-api 3620 280 TypeScript 13 Composition API plugin for Vue 2 2021-11-14T07:50:32Z
379 model-viewer 3604 426 TypeScript 91 Easily display interactive 3D models on the web and in AR! 2021-11-02T19:49:02Z
380 haul 3581 216 TypeScript 49 Haul is a command line tool for developing React Native apps, powered by Webpack 2021-09-30T12:26:05Z
381 wayne 3577 816 TypeScript 61 Kubernetes multi-cluster management and publishing platform 2021-09-27T06:11:52Z
382 pinia 3571 145 TypeScript 15 🍍 Intuitive, type safe, light and flexible Store for Vue using the composition api with DevTools support 2021-11-15T02:33:41Z
383 autorest 3570 672 TypeScript 73 OpenAPI (f.k.a Swagger) Specification code generator. Supports C#, PowerShell, Go, Java, Node.js, TypeScript, Python, Ruby 2021-11-12T23:45:02Z
384 gqless 3562 47 TypeScript 19 a GraphQL client without queries 2021-06-10T18:40:31Z
385 mini-vue 3541 613 TypeScript 14 实现最简 vue3 模型( Help you learn more efficiently vue3 source code ) 2021-11-12T09:31:55Z
386 compodoc 3534 339 TypeScript 44 📔 The missing documentation tool for your Angular, Nest & Stencil application 2021-10-28T08:06:04Z
387 vega-lite 3533 451 TypeScript 503 A concise grammar of interactive graphics, built on Vega. 2021-11-14T23:47:36Z
388 effector 3518 142 TypeScript 52 The state manager ☄️ 2021-11-13T16:48:05Z
389 snyk 3516 392 TypeScript 150 Snyk CLI scans and monitors your projects for security vulnerabilities. 2021-11-14T17:09:32Z
390 amplication 3509 188 TypeScript 158 Amplication is an open‑source development tool. It helps you develop quality Node.js applications without spending time on repetitive coding tasks. 2021-11-14T17:35:28Z
391 scribbletune 3499 259 TypeScript 17 Create music with JavaScript 2021-10-26T22:07:23Z
392 constate 3486 86 TypeScript 17 React Context + State 2021-09-21T01:32:00Z
393 gitify 3484 229 TypeScript 90 GitHub notifications on your menu bar. Available on macOS, Windows & Linux. 2021-11-09T00:41:49Z
394 learn-rxjs 3462 404 TypeScript 9 Clear examples, explanations, and resources for RxJS 2021-10-22T15:29:40Z
395 destiny 3453 67 TypeScript 44 Prettier for File Structures 2021-09-21T17:42:11Z
396 ionic-conference-app 3451 1754 TypeScript 48 A conference app built with Ionic to demonstrate Ionic 2021-11-11T15:28:05Z
397 tridactyl 3430 315 TypeScript 648 A Vim-like interface for Firefox, inspired by Vimperator/Pentadactyl. 2021-11-12T22:03:10Z
398 qwerty-learner 3411 254 TypeScript 28 为键盘工作者设计的单词记忆与英语肌肉记忆锻炼软件 / Words learning and English muscle memory training software designed for keyboard workers 2021-11-14T14:03:59Z
399 typings 3409 285 TypeScript 81 DEPRECATED The TypeScript Definition Manager 2017-07-24T18:24:26Z
400 web-clipper 3408 271 TypeScript 152 For Notion,OneNote,Bear,Yuque,Joplin。Clip anything to anywhere 2021-11-15T02:15:51Z
401 ow 3407 87 TypeScript 26 Function argument validation for humans 2021-11-14T19:18:17Z
402 source-map-explorer 3375 106 TypeScript 41 Analyze and debug space usage through source maps 2021-09-29T15:07:57Z
403 react-illustration-series 3375 300 TypeScript 5 图解react源码, 用大量配图的方式, 致力于将react原理表述清楚. 2021-11-08T02:55:30Z
404 mockoon 3369 194 TypeScript 35 Mockoon is the easiest and quickest way to run mock APIs locally. No remote deployment, no account required, open source. 2021-11-11T10:50:16Z
405 SponsorBlock 3357 129 TypeScript 201 Skip YouTube video sponsors (browser extension) 2021-11-13T00:48:25Z
406 vditor 3344 370 TypeScript 105 ♏ 一款浏览器端的 Markdown 编辑器,支持所见即所得(富文本)、即时渲染(类似 Typora)和分屏预览模式。An In-browser Markdown editor, support WYSIWYG (Rich Text), Instant Rendering (Typora-like) and Split View modes. 2021-11-01T02:53:03Z
407 wallet 3341 1718 TypeScript 325 Bitpay Wallet (formerly Copay) is a secure Bitcoin and other crypto currencies wallet platform for both desktop and mobile devices. 2021-11-13T02:39:19Z
408 pokemon-showdown 3324 2043 TypeScript 116 Pokémon battle simulator. 2021-11-14T23:59:01Z
409 Memex 3317 271 TypeScript 279 Browser Extension to full-text search your browsing history & bookmarks. 2021-11-15T04:11:41Z
410 rushstack 3313 393 TypeScript 558 Monorepo for tools developed by the Rush Stack community 2021-11-13T01:09:39Z
411 akita 3312 315 TypeScript 39 🚀 State Management Tailored-Made for JS Applications 2021-11-10T12:49:11Z
412 pdf-lib 3300 266 TypeScript 19 Create and modify PDF documents in any JavaScript environment 2021-11-13T16:59:12Z
413 number-precision 3296 296 TypeScript 7 🚀1K tiny & fast lib for doing addition, subtraction, multiplication and division operations precisely 2021-11-02T07:59:38Z
414 peerjs-server 3282 898 TypeScript 53 Server for PeerJS 2021-10-06T08:52:36Z
415 DesktopNaotu 3266 512 TypeScript 73 桌面版脑图 (百度脑图离线版,思维导图) 跨平台支持 Windows/Linux/Mac OS. (A cross-platform multilingual Mind Map Tool) 2021-05-30T16:34:39Z
416 windows-build-tools 3263 238 TypeScript 86 📦 Install C++ Build Tools for Windows using npm 2021-06-20T20:01:54Z
417 hint 3262 365 TypeScript 314 💡 A hinting engine for the web 2021-11-12T19:48:20Z
418 shell 3262 182 TypeScript 269 Pop!_OS Shell 2021-11-08T16:52:06Z
419 zone.js 3251 427 TypeScript 8 Implements Zones for JavaScript 2019-07-22T14:26:02Z
420 htmlparser2 3246 345 TypeScript 2 The fast & forgiving HTML and XML parser 2021-11-12T17:25:37Z
421 marp 3241 75 TypeScript 0 The entrance repository of Markdown presentation ecosystem 2021-11-06T07:20:15Z
422 scrollmonitor 3241 254 TypeScript 17 A simple and fast API to monitor elements as you scroll 2021-11-12T20:33:07Z
423 vscode-restclient 3229 269 TypeScript 300 REST Client Extension for Visual Studio Code 2021-11-14T19:27:59Z
424 vuefire 3224 269 TypeScript 52 🔥 Firebase bindings for Vue.js & Vuex 2021-11-12T12:06:37Z
425 browser 3221 442 TypeScript 265 The browser extension vault (Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Edge, Safari, & more). 2021-11-12T21:11:49Z
426 vscode-live-server 3218 632 TypeScript 1639 Launch a development local Server with live reload feature for static & dynamic pages. 2021-10-13T03:11:28Z
427 utopia 3211 98 TypeScript 173 Design ❤️ Code 2021-11-13T08:06:00Z
428 js-lingui 3210 285 TypeScript 20 🌍📖 A readable, automated, and optimized (5 kb) internationalization for JavaScript 2021-11-11T21:57:08Z
429 dnd-kit 3206 129 TypeScript 82 A modern, lightweight, performant, accessible and extensible drag & drop toolkit for React. 2021-11-14T20:06:25Z
430 clasp 3200 347 TypeScript 100 🔗 Command Line Apps Script Projects 2021-10-30T13:53:22Z
431 valtio 3200 94 TypeScript 7 💊 Valtio makes proxy-state simple for React and Vanilla 2021-11-10T22:35:38Z
432 GGEditor 3198 528 TypeScript 277 A visual graph editor based on G6 and React 2020-09-10T10:08:53Z
433 streamlabs-obs 3196 533 TypeScript 15 Free and open source streaming software built on OBS and Electron. 2021-11-14T12:25:11Z
434 firebase-tools 3196 670 TypeScript 331 The Firebase Command Line Tools 2021-11-12T19:19:28Z
435 gridjs 3196 126 TypeScript 71 Advanced table plugin 2021-11-14T14:51:44Z
436 pigeon-maps 3196 130 TypeScript 29 ReactJS Maps without external dependencies 2021-10-05T20:29:11Z
437 ImageOptim-CLI 3192 123 TypeScript 3 Make optimisation of images part of your automated build process 2021-11-13T15:00:31Z
438 speedscope 3187 131 TypeScript 92 🔬 A fast, interactive web-based viewer for performance profiles. 2021-11-14T19:36:06Z
439 CrewLink 3182 550 TypeScript 289 Free, open, Among Us Proximity Chat 2021-07-22T19:39:31Z
440 javascript-datastructures-algorithms 3176 942 TypeScript 13 📚 collection of JavaScript and TypeScript data structures and algorithms for education purposes. Source code bundle of JavaScript algorithms and data structures book 2021-10-01T19:35:24Z
441 store 3174 362 TypeScript 93 🚀 NGXS - State Management for Angular 2021-11-14T17:19:45Z
442 turbo 3173 175 TypeScript 92 The speed of a single-page web application without having to write any JavaScript 2021-11-15T02:24:59Z
443 imove 3169 261 TypeScript 31 Move your mouse, generate code from flow chart 2021-10-30T06:51:02Z
444 vitepress 3169 328 TypeScript 96 Vite & Vue powered static site generator. 2021-11-10T13:34:21Z
445 grpc-node 3167 448 TypeScript 217 gRPC for Node.js 2021-11-10T05:26:59Z
446 desktop 3116 372 TypeScript 218 The desktop vault (Windows, macOS, & Linux). 2021-11-12T00:04:00Z
447 vscode-icons 3106 688 TypeScript 109 Icons for Visual Studio Code 2021-11-11T14:29:59Z
448 ts-loader 3092 408 TypeScript 65 TypeScript loader for webpack 2021-10-03T20:22:34Z
449 TypeScriptSamples 3082 1854 TypeScript 36 Community Driven Samples for TypeScript 2020-03-25T02:45:32Z
450 pandora 3081 173 TypeScript 4 A Manageable, Measurable and Traceable Node.js Application Manager represented by Alibaba powered by TypeScript 2021-07-14T15:23:28Z
451 graphql-shield 3078 128 TypeScript 68 🛡 A GraphQL tool to ease the creation of permission layer. 2021-11-13T17:46:24Z
452 WebClients 3062 417 TypeScript 4 Monorepo hosting the proton web clients 2021-11-10T13:01:56Z
453 sqip 3060 100 TypeScript 22 "SQIP" (pronounced \skwɪb\ like the non-magical folk of magical descent) is a SVG-based LQIP technique. 2021-11-14T13:07:48Z
454 can-it-be-done-in-react-native 3045 945 TypeScript 69 ⚛️ 📺 Projects from the “Can it be done in React Native?” YouTube series 2021-11-13T13:17:32Z
455 wetty 3038 576 TypeScript 6 Terminal in browser over http/https. (Ajaxterm/Anyterm alternative, but much better) 2021-10-31T17:05:05Z
456 yalc 3038 82 TypeScript 51 Work with yarn/npm packages locally like a boss. 2021-08-27T13:00:24Z
457 alexa-skills-kit-sdk-for-nodejs 3025 732 TypeScript 16 The Alexa Skills Kit SDK for Node.js helps you get a skill up and running quickly, letting you focus on skill logic instead of boilerplate code. 2021-10-27T01:46:12Z
458 web 3009 241 TypeScript 65 A free, open-source, and completely encrypted notes app. 2021-11-14T20:39:46Z
459 node-slack-sdk 2978 641 TypeScript 38 Slack Developer Kit for Node.js 2021-11-08T23:33:34Z
460 kubeapps 2947 568 TypeScript 69 A web-based UI for deploying and managing applications in Kubernetes clusters 2021-11-15T03:45:49Z
461 typestyle 2942 90 TypeScript 20 Making CSS Typesafe 🌹 2020-10-28T03:10:50Z
462 canvg 2940 567 TypeScript 98 Javascript SVG parser and renderer on Canvas 2021-11-09T17:07:14Z
463 prisma-examples 2929 732 TypeScript 79 🚀 Ready-to-run Prisma example projects 2021-11-14T19:17:50Z
464 alm 2928 174 TypeScript 7 🌹 A ☁️ ready IDE just for TypeScript ❤️ 2021-01-20T22:34:46Z
465 apollo-tooling 2928 467 TypeScript 354 ✏️ Tooling for development and production Apollo workflows 2021-11-14T12:14:03Z
466 terraform-cdk 2903 238 TypeScript 276 Define infrastructure resources using programming constructs and provision them using HashiCorp Terraform 2021-11-14T12:12:40Z
467 sanity 2903 252 TypeScript 396 The Sanity Studio – Collaborate in real-time on structured content 2021-11-13T21:00:43Z
468 qawolf 2895 92 TypeScript 1 🐺 Create browser tests 10x faster 2021-11-08T08:48:57Z
469 cosmiconfig 2893 132 TypeScript 20 Find and load configuration from a package.json property, rc file, or CommonJS module 2021-10-08T18:20:52Z
470 Vorlonjs 2889 264 TypeScript 61 A new, open source, extensible, platform-agnostic tool for remotely debugging and testing your JavaScript. Powered by node.js and 2021-10-31T18:41:57Z
471 spa-github-pages 2881 429 TypeScript 1 Host single page apps with GitHub Pages 2021-11-07T16:41:17Z
472 bundle-buddy 2868 82 TypeScript 20 A tool to understand your bundle size and why files are in your bundle 2021-10-21T02:03:18Z
473 common-voice 2865 700 TypeScript 221 Common Voice is part of Mozilla's initiative to help teach machines how real people speak. 2021-11-15T03:51:40Z
474 eigen 2862 443 TypeScript 37 The Art World in Your Pocket or Your Trendy Tech Company's Tote, Artsy's mobile app. 2021-11-13T06:23:53Z
475 air-conditioner 2861 428 TypeScript 28 ❄️ 云空调,便携小空调,为你的夏日带去清凉! 2021-11-01T12:58:39Z
476 toolkit 2858 979 TypeScript 158 The GitHub ToolKit for developing GitHub Actions. 2021-11-12T05:58:12Z
477 react-image-crop 2841 299 TypeScript 31 A responsive image cropping tool for React 2021-11-09T20:32:03Z
478 flat 2839 326 TypeScript 13 Project flat is the Web, Windows and macOS client of Agora Flat open source classroom. 2021-11-15T04:04:16Z
479 slonik 2823 87 TypeScript 17 A PostgreSQL client with strict types, detailed logging and assertions. 2021-11-15T02:43:50Z
480 ng-table 2819 890 TypeScript 350 Simple table with sorting and filtering on AngularJS 2020-02-24T20:12:58Z
481 my-mind 2809 585 TypeScript 34 Online Mindmapping Software 2021-11-12T08:36:18Z
482 match-sorter 2797 109 TypeScript 1 Simple, expected, and deterministic best-match sorting of an array in JavaScript 2021-10-17T12:10:04Z
483 cypress-realworld-app 2783 721 TypeScript 33 A payment application to demonstrate real-world usage of Cypress testing methods, patterns, and workflows. 2021-11-13T15:27:59Z
484 taskcafe 2782 197 TypeScript 4 An open source project management tool with Kanban boards 2021-11-06T03:36:10Z
485 react-mosaic 2781 174 TypeScript 18 A React tiling window manager 2021-06-04T18:07:12Z
486 reactGo 2778 586 TypeScript 12 Your One-Stop solution for a full-stack universal Redux App! 2021-06-12T14:47:51Z
487 node-api-boilerplate 2774 488 TypeScript 13 DDD/Clean Architecture inspired boilerplate for Node web APIs 2021-11-03T18:31:59Z
488 shiki 2769 102 TypeScript 37 A beautiful Syntax Highlighter. 2021-11-13T08:04:10Z
489 lisk-sdk 2763 462 TypeScript 148 🔩 Lisk software development kit 2021-11-12T20:55:40Z
490 typedi 2760 132 TypeScript 37 Simple yet powerful dependency injection tool for JavaScript and TypeScript. 2021-11-12T09:03:18Z
491 propel 2757 74 TypeScript 54 Differential Programming in JavaScript. 2018-05-29T06:55:08Z
492 WebAssemblyStudio 2757 239 TypeScript 120 Learn, Teach, Work and Play in the WebAssembly Studio 2021-10-05T18:46:04Z
493 datav 2755 478 TypeScript 22 📊A modern APM for metrics,traces and logs, also datav is a lightweight alternative to Grafana, . It has fully native support for @open-telemetry, is an open-source alternative to DataDog, NewRelic. 2021-11-02T05:11:51Z
494 Musish 2754 205 TypeScript 158 Apple Music...ish 2021-10-05T20:21:52Z
495 transform 2742 167 TypeScript 21 A polyglot web converter. 2021-10-19T21:49:01Z
496 eslint-plugin-compat 2738 106 TypeScript 52 Lint the browser compatibility of your code 2021-11-10T10:05:01Z
497 interface 2710 2505 TypeScript 262 🦄 An open source interface for the Uniswap protocol 2021-11-14T14:06:34Z
498 tsyringe 2691 98 TypeScript 46 Lightweight dependency injection container for JavaScript/TypeScript 2021-11-09T11:56:02Z
499 next-i18next 2687 535 TypeScript 18 The easiest way to translate your NextJs apps. 2021-11-12T07:43:13Z
500 saas 2678 448 TypeScript 7 Build your own SaaS business with SaaS boilerplate. Productive stack: React, Material-UI, Next, MobX, WebSockets, Express, Node, Mongoose, MongoDB. Written with TypeScript. 2021-11-12T06:14:23Z
501 azure-pipelines-tasks 2665 2083 TypeScript 502 Tasks for Azure Pipelines 2021-11-15T03:04:31Z
502 nexus 2665 240 TypeScript 193 Code-First, Type-Safe, GraphQL Schema Construction 2021-10-30T18:16:54Z
503 smooth-scrollbar 2661 338 TypeScript 36 Customizable, Pluginable, and High-Performance JavaScript-Based Scrollbar Solution. 2021-11-09T12:30:53Z
504 slider 2656 656 TypeScript 220 React Slider 2021-11-13T06:33:25Z
505 decaffeinate 2656 112 TypeScript 55 Goodbye CoffeeScript, hello JavaScript! 2021-09-21T13:57:08Z
506 artipub 2653 420 TypeScript 29 Article publishing platform that automatically distributes your articles to various media channels 2021-09-01T07:26:07Z
507 2644 532 TypeScript 8 ✨ My portfolio built with Next.js, Tailwind, Prisma, and Vercel. 2021-11-15T01:58:23Z
508 crud 2636 325 TypeScript 245 NestJs CRUD for RESTful APIs 2021-11-12T15:14:52Z
509 BoostNote-App 2623 277 TypeScript 91 Boost Note is a powerful, lightspeed collaborative workspace for developer teams. Forum (New!): 2021-11-13T03:46:48Z
510 og-image 2617 899 TypeScript 11 Open Graph Image as a Service - generate cards for Twitter, Facebook, Slack, etc 2021-10-27T12:15:24Z
511 angular-ngrx-material-starter 2611 843 TypeScript 35 Angular, NgRx, Angular CLI & Angular Material Starter Project 2021-10-12T14:20:37Z
512 cloud-annotations 2607 474 TypeScript 19 🐝 A fast, easy and collaborative open source image annotation tool for teams and individuals. 2021-08-10T23:01:51Z
513 notifire 2604 94 TypeScript 37 🚀 Open-source notification infrastructure for products 2021-11-14T00:13:16Z
514 react-native-bottom-sheet 2593 220 TypeScript 62 A performant interactive bottom sheet with fully configurable options 🚀 2021-11-14T11:37:01Z
515 markmap 2587 128 TypeScript 34 Visualize your Markdown as mindmaps with Markmap. 2021-08-31T07:55:47Z
516 react-intersection-observer 2580 122 TypeScript 5 React implementation of the Intersection Observer API to tell you when an element enters or leaves the viewport. 2021-10-25T12:01:08Z
517 svelte-nodegui 2571 35 TypeScript 21 Build performant, native and cross-platform desktop applications with native Svelte + powerful CSS-like styling.🚀 2021-05-04T20:36:02Z
518 maplibre-gl-js 2566 181 TypeScript 90 The open-source fork of Mapbox GL JS: Interactive maps in the browser, powered by vector tiles and WebGL. 2021-11-14T22:03:27Z
519 notadd 2555 384 TypeScript 35 A microservice development architecture based on nest.js. —— 基于 Nest.js 的微服务开发架构。 2021-09-28T02:26:34Z
520 ts-node-dev 2555 94 TypeScript 94 Compiles your TS app and restarts when files are modified. 2021-11-01T12:15:55Z
521 statusfy 2553 177 TypeScript 58 A Marvelous Open Source Status Page System 2021-11-08T22:32:20Z
522 chrono 2545 291 TypeScript 84 A natural language date parser in Javascript 2021-10-19T13:43:25Z
523 remotedebug-ios-webkit-adapter 2545 183 TypeScript 0 Debug Safari and WebViews on iOS from tools like VS Code and Chrome DevTools 2021-03-03T05:09:06Z
524 react-express 2536 136 TypeScript 14 Learn React through interactive examples 2021-09-01T18:52:24Z
525 HAP-NodeJS 2532 639 TypeScript 7 Node.js implementation of the HomeKit Accessory Protocol (HAP) 2021-11-13T18:56:32Z
526 react-morph 2527 59 TypeScript 12 Morphing Ui transitions made simple 2021-08-10T17:45:07Z
527 engine 2527 1084 TypeScript 61 Cocos Creator is a complete package of game development tools and workflow, including a game engine, resource management, scene editing, game preview, debug and publish one project to multiple platforms. 2021-11-15T03:37:29Z
528 mmenu-js 2526 636 TypeScript 18 The best javascript plugin for app look-alike on- and off-canvas menus with sliding submenus for your website and webapp. 2021-11-06T22:48:17Z
529 useAuth 2525 107 TypeScript 94 The simplest way to add authentication to your React app. Supports various providers. 2021-10-06T22:28:44Z
530 2512 457 TypeScript 15 Adapter to enable broadcasting of events to multiple separate server nodes. 2021-11-13T06:26:33Z
531 Tech-Interview-Cheat-Sheet 2507 667 TypeScript 6 Studying for a tech interview sucks. Here's an open source cheat sheet to help 2021-06-10T23:18:18Z
532 notistack 2506 250 TypeScript 22 Highly customizable notification snackbars (toasts) that can be stacked on top of each other 2021-11-06T14:18:58Z
533 actions-gh-pages 2496 187 TypeScript 33 GitHub Actions for GitHub Pages 🚀 Deploy static files and publish your site easily. Static-Site-Generators-friendly. 2021-11-03T15:18:18Z
534 gateway 2487 329 TypeScript 219 WebThings Gateway 2021-10-24T23:04:25Z
535 react-monaco-editor 2478 282 TypeScript 27 Monaco Editor for React. 2021-11-02T20:47:03Z
536 laravel-echo-server 2471 453 TypeScript 158 server for Laravel Echo 2021-07-27T12:27:00Z
537 pont 2471 194 TypeScript 38 🌉数据服务层解决方案 2021-11-05T07:52:49Z
538 chrome-aws-lambda 2469 172 TypeScript 29 Chromium Binary for AWS Lambda and Google Cloud Functions 2021-09-24T21:29:39Z
539 react-loading-skeleton 2468 114 TypeScript 0 Create skeleton screens that automatically adapt to your app! 2021-10-24T14:58:25Z
540 sequelize-auto 2467 440 TypeScript 35 Automatically generate bare sequelize models from your database. 2021-10-23T04:24:19Z
541 webpack-merge 2465 123 TypeScript 7 Merge designed for webpack 2021-09-21T23:47:17Z
542 elsa 2457 51 TypeScript 17 ❄️ Elsa is a minimal, fast and secure runtime for JavaScript and TypeScript written in Go 2021-07-30T02:13:19Z
543 codelyzer 2437 229 TypeScript 70 Static analysis for Angular projects. 2021-11-01T15:43:43Z
544 git-js 2433 247 TypeScript 36 A light weight interface for running git commands in any node.js application. 2021-10-19T19:18:21Z
545 navigo 2427 242 TypeScript 19 A simple vanilla JavaScript router. 2021-05-30T06:00:04Z
546 react-pwa 2427 304 TypeScript 1 An upgradable boilerplate for Progressive web applications (PWA) with server side rendering, build with SEO in mind and achieving max page speed and optimized user experience. 2021-09-08T07:43:47Z
547 partytown 2424 33 TypeScript 9 Relocate resource intensive third-party scripts off of the main thread and into a web worker. 🎉 2021-11-03T02:18:01Z
548 tagspaces 2423 328 TypeScript 119 TagSpaces is an offline, open source, document manager with tagging support 2021-11-14T19:55:49Z
549 prism 2417 208 TypeScript 31 Turn any OpenAPI2/3 and Postman Collection file into an API server with mocking, transformations and validations. 2021-11-08T12:10:49Z
550 playground-macos 2414 188 TypeScript 1 My portfolio website simulating macOS's GUI, developed with React and Tailwind CSS. 2021-08-19T09:07:25Z
551 esbuild-loader 2410 59 TypeScript 9 ⚡️ Speed up your Webpack build with esbuild 2021-11-02T07:14:29Z
552 hedgedoc 2398 223 TypeScript 106 HedgeDoc - The best platform to write and share markdown. 2021-11-15T03:34:43Z
553 vscode-neovim 2393 97 TypeScript 206 VSCode Neovim Integration 2021-10-08T04:36:16Z
554 browser-base 2388 327 TypeScript 89 Modern and feature-rich web browser base based on Electron 2021-11-03T17:08:29Z
555 rowy 2386 148 TypeScript 63 Open-source Airtable-like experience for your database (Firestore) with GCP's scalability. Build any automation or cloud functions for your product. ⚡️✨ 2021-11-13T08:10:57Z
556 amplify-cli 2371 587 TypeScript 928 The AWS Amplify CLI is a toolchain for simplifying serverless web and mobile development. 2021-11-15T02:44:43Z
557 dendron 2369 95 TypeScript 393 The personal knowledge management (PKM) tool that grows as you do! 2021-11-14T23:18:27Z
558 ant-design-mobile-rn 2366 550 TypeScript 24 Ant Design for React Native 2021-11-10T03:29:51Z
559 firenvim 2361 82 TypeScript 39 Embed Neovim in Chrome, Firefox, Thunderbird and many other pieces of software. 2021-11-14T16:44:00Z
560 jscpd 2361 141 TypeScript 32 Copy/paste detector for programming source code. 2021-11-06T20:37:01Z
561 ipywidgets 2358 780 TypeScript 579 Interactive Widgets for the Jupyter Notebook 2021-11-11T21:45:15Z
562 vscode-react-native 2358 239 TypeScript 20 VSCode extension for React Native - supports debugging and editor integration 2021-11-11T14:40:50Z
563 awesome-typescript-loader 2354 184 TypeScript 233 Awesome TypeScript loader for webpack 2019-10-31T17:37:45Z
564 asciiflow 2352 234 TypeScript 37 ASCIIFlow 2021-10-12T23:11:56Z
565 graphql-faker 2343 191 TypeScript 51 🎲 Mock or extend your GraphQL API with faked data. No coding required. 2021-11-08T18:06:31Z
566 rich-markdown-editor 2341 410 TypeScript 28 The open source React and Prosemirror based markdown editor that powers Outline. Want to try it out? Create an account: 2021-11-15T01:47:56Z
567 vscode-jest 2334 182 TypeScript 179 The optimal flow for Jest based testing in VS Code 2021-11-12T10:29:53Z
568 typesafe-actions 2334 93 TypeScript 48 Typesafe utilities for "action-creators" in Redux / Flux Architecture 2021-09-13T13:51:25Z
569 cache 2327 542 TypeScript 225 Cache dependencies and build outputs in GitHub Actions 2021-11-14T11:47:27Z
570 react-native-image-viewer 2327 520 TypeScript 195 🚀 tiny & fast lib for react native image viewer pan and zoom 2021-09-20T21:30:31Z
571 openchakra 2323 173 TypeScript 19 ⚡️ Full-featured visual editor and code generator for React using Chakra UI 2021-08-21T13:35:03Z
572 reflect-metadata 2321 143 TypeScript 51 Prototype for a Metadata Reflection API for ECMAScript 2021-04-15T00:14:15Z
573 lightproxy 2318 150 TypeScript 54 💎 Cross platform Web debugging proxy 2021-08-05T17:36:23Z
574 zero 2305 68 TypeScript 1 A 3D renderer written in JavaScript and rendered to the terminal. 2021-04-09T14:04:57Z
575 ts-morph 2304 123 TypeScript 116 TypeScript Compiler API wrapper for static analysis and programmatic code changes. 2021-11-15T00:13:50Z
576 litmus 2300 422 TypeScript 227 Litmus helps SREs and developers practice chaos engineering in a Cloud-native way. Chaos experiments are published at the ChaosHub ( Community notes is at 2021-11-15T03:31:18Z
577 ts-sql 2298 39 TypeScript 4 A SQL database implemented purely in TypeScript type annotations. 2021-06-22T17:45:55Z
578 scully 2297 236 TypeScript 100 The Static Site Generator for Angular apps 2021-11-12T09:48:30Z
579 vuex-orm 2292 170 TypeScript 127 The Vuex plugin to enable Object-Relational Mapping access to the Vuex Store. 2021-10-05T20:54:47Z
580 material-ui-pickers 2289 800 TypeScript 0 Date & Time pickers, built with ❤️ for @material-ui/core 2021-06-28T13:39:38Z
581 notion-blog 2287 278 TypeScript 14 A Next.js site using new SSG support with a Notion backed blog 2021-10-20T05:15:17Z
582 threads.js 2286 133 TypeScript 71 🧵 Make web workers & worker threads as simple as a function call. 2021-10-25T14:18:51Z
583 angular-seed-advanced 2284 470 TypeScript 43 Advanced Angular seed project with support for ngrx/store, ngrx/effects, ngx-translate, angulartics2, lodash, NativeScript (native mobile), Electron (Mac, Windows and Linux desktop) and more. 2018-07-23T17:05:34Z
584 griffith 2278 196 TypeScript 21 A React-based web video player 2021-11-04T03:32:44Z
585 flowchart-fun 2278 145 TypeScript 7 Easily generate flowcharts and diagrams from text ⿻ 2021-11-14T19:33:31Z
586 Angular-GettingStarted 2276 3562 TypeScript 1 Sample Angular application used in the "Angular: Getting Started" course: 2021-06-09T16:30:52Z
587 actionhero 2271 265 TypeScript 9 Actionhero is a realtime multi-transport nodejs API Server with integrated cluster capabilities and delayed tasks 2021-11-13T01:23:42Z
588 garden 2268 171 TypeScript 113 Automation for Kubernetes development and testing. Spin up production-like environments for development, testing, and CI on demand. Use the same configuration and workflows at every step of the process. Speed up your builds and test runs via shared result caching. 2021-11-12T17:20:50Z
589 zotero-better-bibtex 2266 167 TypeScript 32 Make Zotero effective for us LaTeX holdouts 2021-11-12T00:23:35Z
590 github-pages-deploy-action 2263 210 TypeScript 8 Automatically deploy your project to GitHub Pages using GitHub Actions. This action can be configured to push your production-ready code into any branch you'd like. 2021-11-14T15:38:06Z
591 piping-server 2259 110 TypeScript 12 Infinitely transfer between every device over pure HTTP with pipes or browsers 2021-11-09T21:01:57Z
592 express-typescript-boilerplate 2251 649 TypeScript 78 A delightful way to building a RESTful API with NodeJs & TypeScript by @w3tecch 2021-09-21T02:02:05Z
593 awilix 2245 104 TypeScript 4 Extremely powerful Inversion of Control (IoC) container for Node.JS 2021-11-13T12:17:59Z
594 FigmaToCode 2241 92 TypeScript 22 Generate responsive pages and apps on HTML, Tailwind, Flutter and SwiftUI. 2021-09-22T00:38:30Z
595 git-split-diffs 2239 30 TypeScript 12 GitHub style split diffs in your terminal 2021-11-05T18:17:09Z
596 builder 2235 325 TypeScript 26 Drag and drop page builder and CMS for React, Vue, Angular, and more 2021-11-12T18:16:14Z
597 covalent 2228 345 TypeScript 196 Teradata UI Platform built on Angular Material 2021-10-08T00:49:07Z
598 react-widgets 2220 396 TypeScript 28 Polished, feature rich, accessible form inputs built with React 2021-11-02T12:55:54Z
599 hiplot 2211 104 TypeScript 10 HiPlot makes understanding high dimensional data easy 2021-11-05T18:04:22Z
600 growth-ionic 2204 335 TypeScript 0 [v2.0 DEPRECATED, please update to Growth 3.0] Growth - App to help you Be Awesome Developer & Awesome Hacker 2017-09-20T04:19:00Z
601 actionsflow 2202 84 TypeScript 5 The free Zapier/IFTTT alternative for developers to automate your workflows based on Github actions 2021-08-27T19:21:25Z
602 tiktok-scraper 2200 421 TypeScript 47 TikTok Scraper. Download video posts, collect user/trend/hashtag/music feed metadata, sign URL and etc. 2021-11-01T21:06:19Z
603 docsearch 2199 178 TypeScript 45 📘 The easiest way to add search to your documentation. 2021-11-15T01:13:17Z
604 await-to-js 2193 95 TypeScript 7 Async await wrapper for easy error handling without try-catch 2021-11-06T09:52:04Z
605 vscode-go 2186 378 TypeScript 212 Go extension for VS Code 2021-11-12T16:02:00Z
606 misskey 2176 326 TypeScript 1128 🌎 An interplanetary communication platform 🚀 2021-11-15T04:00:11Z
607 Hitchhiker 2174 403 TypeScript 95 a Restful Api test tool 2019-02-09T13:47:16Z
608 gcoord 2168 284 TypeScript 6 地理坐标系转换工具 2021-11-08T21:09:59Z
609 pipcook 2165 189 TypeScript 89 Machine learning platform for Web developers 2021-11-15T00:54:15Z
610 NyaoVim 2164 63 TypeScript 52 Web-enhanced Extensible Neovim Frontend 2018-04-23T11:50:07Z
611 sequelize-typescript 2161 237 TypeScript 137 Decorators and some other features for sequelize 2021-11-09T02:00:57Z
612 gluegun 2160 106 TypeScript 43 A delightful toolkit for building TypeScript-powered command-line apps. 2021-09-06T08:41:56Z
613 pretty-algorithms 2158 102 TypeScript 2 🌊 Pretty, common and useful algorithms with modern JS and beautiful tests 2017-08-26T19:27:47Z
614 cookies 2144 156 TypeScript 7 Load and save cookies within your React application 2021-08-12T02:12:21Z
615 puppeteer-cluster 2142 196 TypeScript 108 Puppeteer Pool, run a cluster of instances in parallel 2021-09-16T09:50:41Z
616 mirage 2140 123 TypeScript 22 🎨 GUI for simplifying Elasticsearch Query DSL 2021-08-10T22:04:40Z
617 devtools-frontend 2134 330 TypeScript 106 The Chrome DevTools UI 2021-11-12T17:15:47Z
618 textlint 2132 125 TypeScript 68 The pluggable natural language linter for text and markdown. 2021-11-09T01:35:26Z
619 react-native-screens 2127 311 TypeScript 41 Native navigation primitives for your React Native app. 2021-11-12T10:46:39Z
620 umbrella 2127 98 TypeScript 50 ⛱ Broadly scoped ecosystem & mono-repository of 159+ TypeScript projects for functional, data driven development 2021-11-14T20:49:11Z
621 vscode-chrome-debug 2123 354 TypeScript 0 Debug your JavaScript code running in Google Chrome from VS Code. 2021-08-03T22:05:19Z
622 leek-fund 2120 277 TypeScript 25 📈 韭菜盒子——VSCode 里也可以看股票 & 基金实时数据,做最好用的投资插件 🐥 2021-10-04T03:19:11Z
623 awesome-cordova-plugins 2120 2037 TypeScript 13 Native features for mobile apps built with Cordova/PhoneGap and open web technologies. Complete with TypeScript support. 2021-11-13T11:45:10Z
624 meli 2112 63 TypeScript 27 Platform for deploying static sites and frontend applications easily. Automatic SSL, deploy previews, reverse proxy, and more. 2021-06-18T19:37:58Z
625 fluent-reader 2111 166 TypeScript 108 Modern desktop RSS reader built with Electron, React, and Fluent UI 2021-11-10T03:37:24Z
626 web 2110 344 TypeScript 118 The website vault ( 2021-11-15T03:09:37Z
627 ueli 2106 171 TypeScript 258 This is a keystroke launcher for Windows and macOS. 2021-11-12T22:19:51Z
628 engine 2105 146 TypeScript 108 Oasis Engine is a web-first and mobile-first high-performance real-time development platform. 2021-11-13T06:51:37Z
629 sparrow 2103 276 TypeScript 5 🎉场景化低代码(LowCode)搭建工作台,实时输出源代码 2021-09-18T00:16:36Z
630 multrin 2097 126 TypeScript 22 Organize apps windows in tabs like in abandoned Windows Sets and more 2021-06-23T13:58:30Z
631 changesets 2089 143 TypeScript 153 🦋 A way to manage your versioning and changelogs with a focus on monorepos 2021-11-14T11:21:38Z
632 vscode-markdown 2084 235 TypeScript 206 Markdown All in One 2021-11-06T07:27:51Z
633 typescript-exercises 2081 361 TypeScript 6 A set of interactive TypeScript exercises 2021-10-06T21:10:32Z
634 jsSHA 2080 396 TypeScript 1 A JavaScript/TypeScript implementation of the complete Secure Hash Standard (SHA) family (SHA-1, SHA-224/256/384/512, SHA3-224/256/384/512, SHAKE128/256, cSHAKE128/256, and KMAC128/256) with HMAC. 2021-07-07T04:17:41Z
635 ngx-formly 2080 439 TypeScript 72 JSON powered / Dynamic forms for Angular 2021-11-05T08:24:25Z
636 omnisharp-vscode 2074 531 TypeScript 928 Official C# support for Visual Studio Code (powered by OmniSharp) 2021-11-12T23:50:41Z
637 vue2-demo 2069 769 TypeScript 0 Vue 基于 Genesis + TS + Vuex 实现的 SSR demo 2021-08-26T02:34:07Z
638 navi 2069 68 TypeScript 41 🧭 Declarative, asynchronous routing for React. 2020-10-22T21:36:49Z
639 grafana-dashboards 2066 1296 TypeScript 9 PMM dashboards for database monitoring 2021-11-10T16:32:35Z
640 doppio 2065 172 TypeScript 48 Breaks the browser language barrier (includes a plugin-free JVM). 2021-08-04T13:15:50Z
641 react-native-modalize 2064 208 TypeScript 85 A highly customizable modal/bottom sheet that loves scrolling content. 2021-11-11T13:42:54Z
642 universal-starter 2062 713 TypeScript 90 Angular Universal starter kit by @AngularClass 2019-09-16T17:07:21Z
643 perfect-arrows 2056 43 TypeScript 2 Draw perfect arrows between points and shapes. 2021-09-29T17:00:39Z
644 augury 2050 218 TypeScript 80 Angular Debugging and Visualization Tools 2021-09-10T17:24:57Z
645 make-sense 2050 297 TypeScript 50 Free to use online tool for labelling photos. 2021-11-12T08:08:58Z
646 miniflare 2050 51 TypeScript 10 🔥 Fully-local simulator for Cloudflare Workers 2021-11-13T18:51:42Z
647 vsinder 2045 149 TypeScript 85 Dating App for VSCode 2021-08-11T11:56:27Z
648 react-notion 2040 93 TypeScript 25 A fast React renderer for Notion pages 2021-10-06T10:10:45Z
649 graphql-mesh 2040 180 TypeScript 122 GraphQL Mesh — Query anything, run anywhere 2021-11-14T11:33:14Z
650 stryker-js 2033 188 TypeScript 80 Mutation testing for JavaScript and friends 2021-11-15T03:23:34Z
651 docx 2028 275 TypeScript 65 Easily generate .docx files with JS/TS with a nice declarative API. Works for Node and on the Browser. 2021-11-12T11:01:29Z
652 1backend 2024 75 TypeScript 18 Run your web apps easily with a complete platform that you can install on any server. Build composable microservices and lambdas. 2021-10-05T18:35:30Z
653 notion-sdk-js 2023 185 TypeScript 35 Official Notion JavaScript Client 2021-11-10T00:23:24Z
654 ng2-charts 2022 528 TypeScript 111 Beautiful charts for Angular based on Chart.js 2021-11-12T15:42:55Z
655 typescript-json-schema 2017 220 TypeScript 115 Generate json-schema from your Typescript sources 2021-11-02T20:28:17Z
656 kui 2016 154 TypeScript 29 A hybrid command-line/UI development experience for cloud-native development 2021-11-14T00:47:13Z
657 checkout 2011 675 TypeScript 203 Action for checking out a repo 2021-11-02T21:20:59Z
658 trpc 2009 51 TypeScript 22 🧙‍♀️ End-to-end typesafe APIs made easy 2021-11-13T20:34:21Z
659 pythonVSCode 2009 1139 TypeScript 63 This extension is now maintained in the Microsoft fork. 2021-11-15T04:02:40Z
660 react-native-offline 1992 255 TypeScript 16 Handy toolbelt to deal nicely with offline/online connectivity in a React Native app. Smooth redux integration ✈️ 2021-11-12T20:46:08Z
661 frontend 1991 1433 TypeScript 450 🍭 Frontend for Home Assistant 2021-11-14T16:41:44Z
662 jsxstyle 1988 62 TypeScript 10 Inline style system for React and Preact 2021-11-11T15:05:32Z
663 ngx-toastr 1987 301 TypeScript 44 🍞 Angular Toastr 2021-11-15T03:16:46Z
664 hanzi-writer 1986 324 TypeScript 72 Chinese character stroke order animations and practice quizzes 2021-10-02T16:24:38Z
665 vim-vixen 1986 132 TypeScript 227 Accelerates your web browsing with Vim power!! 2021-11-15T02:09:02Z
666 microjob 1982 56 TypeScript 18 A tiny wrapper for turning Node.js worker threads into easy-to-use routines for heavy CPU loads. 2021-09-21T00:01:21Z
667 redux-zero 1976 89 TypeScript 70 A lightweight state container based on Redux 2021-10-06T03:55:04Z
668 quirk 1972 2909 TypeScript 9 ✨🐙 A GPL Licensed Cognitive Behavioral Therapy app for iOS and Android. Currently a teaching tool 2021-11-11T09:18:55Z
669 react-native-chart-kit 1968 519 TypeScript 283 📊React Native Chart Kit: Line Chart, Bezier Line Chart, Progress Ring, Bar chart, Pie chart, Contribution graph (heatmap) 2021-10-01T22:23:31Z
670 ionic-cli 1964 554 TypeScript 329 The Ionic command-line interface 2021-11-12T14:58:15Z
671 react-share 1959 331 TypeScript 123 Social media share buttons and share counts for React 2021-11-10T10:10:01Z
672 expo-cli 1956 376 TypeScript 249 Tools for creating, running, and deploying universal Expo and React Native apps 2021-11-13T23:09:27Z
673 workadventure 1940 320 TypeScript 286 A collaborative web application (virtual office) presented as a 16-bit RPG video game 2021-11-12T19:48:38Z
674 TimeCat 1937 163 TypeScript 42 A Magical Web Recorder & Player 🖥 2021-11-08T20:06:24Z
675 html-to-image 1933 199 TypeScript 26 ✂️ Generates an image from a DOM node using HTML5 canvas and SVG. 2021-11-11T02:28:56Z
676 TypeScript-Babel-Starter 1931 223 TypeScript 23 A sample setup using Babel CLI to build TypeScript code, and using TypeScript for type-checking. 2021-09-30T06:12:14Z
677 erxes 1927 796 TypeScript 261 Free and open fair-code licensed all-in-one growth marketing & management software 2021-11-15T03:34:31Z
678 react-responsive-carousel 1923 531 TypeScript 48 React.js Responsive Carousel (with Swipe) 2021-10-21T03:22:28Z
679 homebridge-config-ui-x 1922 251 TypeScript 13 The Homebridge UI. Monitor, configure and backup Homebridge from a browser. 2021-11-03T18:06:26Z
680 1916 183 TypeScript 55 High-performance Toolkit for WebGL-based Data Visualization 2021-11-14T18:01:18Z
681 rn-placeholder 1915 160 TypeScript 23 🏖️ Display some placeholder stuff before rendering your text or media content in React Native 2021-10-06T05:02:06Z
682 extraterm 1913 95 TypeScript 89 The swiss army chainsaw of terminal emulators 2021-11-13T20:23:51Z
683 asyncawait 1912 81 TypeScript 6 Callback heaven for Node.js with async/await 2021-05-07T11:23:47Z
684 node-addon-examples 1910 518 TypeScript 42 Node.js C++ addon examples from 2021-10-14T12:41:57Z
685 runtypes 1905 73 TypeScript 56 Runtime validation for static types 2021-10-28T16:02:52Z
686 reactn 1904 83 TypeScript 34 React, but with built-in global state management. 2021-09-21T02:32:46Z
687 vscode-stories 1903 122 TypeScript 18 Stories for VSCode 2021-04-29T21:41:47Z
688 bullmq 1898 154 TypeScript 139 BullMQ - Premium Message Queue for NodeJS based on Redis 2021-11-14T18:59:14Z
689 volar 1893 58 TypeScript 22 ⚡ Explore high-performance tooling for Vue 2021-11-12T17:33:45Z
690 ifvisible.js 1892 184 TypeScript 33 Crossbrowser & lightweight way to check if user is looking at the page or interacting with it. 2021-09-21T11:13:26Z
691 i18n-ally 1892 120 TypeScript 29 🌍 All in one i18n extension for VS Code 2021-11-11T09:43:11Z
692 json-schema-to-typescript 1886 240 TypeScript 130 Compile JSONSchema to TypeScript type declarations 2021-11-03T20:55:32Z
693 metastream 1885 177 TypeScript 181 Watch streaming media with friends. 2021-08-19T16:49:05Z
694 avataaars-generator 1884 245 TypeScript 28 Simple generator React app for avataaars 2021-09-21T21:37:16Z
695 clean-webpack-plugin 1884 147 TypeScript 33 A webpack plugin to remove your build folder(s) before building 2021-09-01T13:46:08Z
696 webpackbar 1882 65 TypeScript 25 Elegant ProgressBar and Profiler for Webpack 3 , 4 and 5 2021-11-13T19:15:51Z
697 fonts.css 1879 136 TypeScript 3 跨平台 CSS 中文字体解决方案 2021-11-08T14:54:24Z
698 setup-php 1877 176 TypeScript 5 GitHub action to set up PHP with extensions, php.ini configuration, coverage drivers, and various tools. 2021-11-11T14:29:21Z
699 jitsu 1876 102 TypeScript 60 Jitsu is an open-source Segment alternative. Fully-scriptable data ingestion engine for modern data teams. Set-up a real-time data pipeline in minutes, not days 2021-11-14T21:27:16Z
700 honkit 1869 117 TypeScript 40 📖 HonKit is building beautiful books using Markdown - Fork of GitBook 2021-11-04T14:32:34Z
701 next-redux-wrapper 1861 184 TypeScript 15 Redux wrapper for Next.js 2021-10-15T12:47:46Z
702 generatedata 1857 571 TypeScript 176 A powerful, feature-rich, random test data generator. 2021-11-15T03:11:06Z
703 tsoa 1854 340 TypeScript 85 Build OpenAPI-compliant REST APIs using TypeScript and Node 2021-11-14T20:53:09Z
704 github-script 1843 188 TypeScript 8 Write workflows scripting the GitHub API in JavaScript 2021-10-13T22:02:43Z
705 kiwi 1842 155 TypeScript 5 🐤 Kiwi-国际化全流程解决方案 2021-08-24T09:17:38Z
706 ng2-dragula 1839 448 TypeScript 123 Simple drag and drop with dragula 2021-08-10T22:49:40Z
707 p-queue 1834 128 TypeScript 29 Promise queue with concurrency control 2021-09-15T07:22:08Z
708 reactql 1832 174 TypeScript 31 Universal React+GraphQL starter kit: React 16, Apollo 2, MobX, Emotion, Webpack 4, GraphQL Code Generator, React Router 4, PostCSS, SSR 2021-08-04T00:26:52Z
709 connect-mongo 1829 338 TypeScript 7 MongoDB session store for Express 2021-10-05T13:12:47Z
710 piscina 1828 43 TypeScript 27 A fast, efficient Node.js Worker Thread Pool implementation 2021-10-20T02:32:30Z
711 egjs-flicking 1827 92 TypeScript 28 🎠 ♻️ Everyday 30 million people experience. It's reliable, flexible and extendable carousel. 2021-11-12T08:14:55Z
712 egg-react-ssr 1827 212 TypeScript 5 最小而美的Egg + React + SSR 服务端渲染应用骨架,同时支持JS和TS 2021-09-14T12:47:55Z
713 revogrid 1826 95 TypeScript 62 Powerful virtual data grid smartsheet with advanced customization. Best features from excel plus incredible performance 🔋 2021-11-02T15:34:45Z
714 build-push-action 1824 226 TypeScript 25 GitHub Action to build and push Docker images with Buildx 2021-11-10T11:06:46Z
715 pro-components 1824 590 TypeScript 174 🏆 Use Ant Design like a Pro! 2021-11-15T03:29:57Z
716 Imagine 1822 160 TypeScript 25 🖼️ PNG/JPEG optimization app for macOS, Windows and Linux. 2021-10-25T03:07:52Z
717 callapp-lib 1822 261 TypeScript 11 🔥call app from h5(H5唤起客户端 ) 2021-07-09T03:24:34Z
718 racing-game 1821 110 TypeScript 31 🏎 Open source racing game developed by everyone willing 2021-11-14T16:24:33Z
719 ts-essentials 1820 68 TypeScript 32 All basic TypeScript types in one place 🤙 2021-11-11T17:08:49Z
720 pico 1804 34 TypeScript 13 Take browser screenshots in Javascript 📸 2020-05-12T19:08:00Z
721 hardhat 1804 459 TypeScript 350 Hardhat is a development environment to compile, deploy, test, and debug your Ethereum software. Get Solidity stack traces & console.log. 2021-11-13T06:11:15Z
722 graphql-cli 1804 111 TypeScript 45 📟 Command line tool for common GraphQL development workflows 2021-11-14T12:17:31Z
723 restful-react 1802 105 TypeScript 36 A consistent, declarative way of interacting with RESTful backends, featuring code-generation from Swagger and OpenAPI specs 🔥 2021-11-04T11:47:28Z
724 firekylin 1800 402 TypeScript 24 A Simple & Fast Node.js Blogging Platform Base On ThinkJS3 & React & ES2015+ 2021-10-05T03:51:11Z
725 destreamer 1800 335 TypeScript 53 Save Microsoft Stream videos for offline enjoyment. 2021-11-04T11:54:53Z
726 surf 1798 48 TypeScript 20 🏄‍♂️ Surf GitHub code with VS Code. (with CLI, chrome extensions, also works for Gitlab) 2021-10-06T16:43:14Z
727 kowl 1796 92 TypeScript 58 Kowl is a Web UI for Apache Kafka that allows exploring messages, consumers, configurations and more with a focus on a good UI & UX. 2021-11-14T22:20:10Z
728 musescore-downloader 1795 163 TypeScript 33 Download sheet music (MSCZ, PDF, MusicXML, MIDI, MP3, download individual parts as PDF) from for free, no login or Musescore Pro required | 免登录、免 Musescore Pro,免费下载 上的曲谱 | Installation: 2021-08-19T04:51:00Z
729 nestjs-realworld-example-app 1791 396 TypeScript 31 Exemplary real world backend API built with NestJS + TypeORM / Prisma 2021-10-08T06:47:27Z
730 github-profile-trophy 1787 198 TypeScript 17 🏆 Add dynamically generated GitHub Stat Trophies on your readme 2021-11-14T03:27:51Z
731 chevrotain 1772 157 TypeScript 51 Parser Building Toolkit for JavaScript 2021-11-15T01:40:15Z
732 react-figma 1771 79 TypeScript 35 ⚛️ A React renderer for Figma 2021-11-06T20:20:58Z
733 loklak_search 1769 585 TypeScript 50 Frontend Search for loklak server 2021-10-06T17:16:35Z
734 chapter 1768 289 TypeScript 63 A self-hosted event management tool for nonprofits 2021-11-14T22:50:59Z
735 hedgehog-lab 1766 108 TypeScript 25 Run, compile and execute JavaScript for Scientific Computing and Data Visualization TOTALLY TOTALLY TOTALLY in your BROWSER! An open source scientific computing environment for JavaScript TOTALLY in your browser, matrix operations with GPU acceleration, TeX support, data visualization and symbolic computation. 2021-11-14T15:34:52Z
736 angular9-example-app 1765 1073 TypeScript 40 Angular 9 Example App + Angular CLI + Angular Universal + i18n + Firebase 2021-11-04T08:07:51Z
737 1762 663 TypeScript 60 A new Node.js resource built using Gatsby.js with React.js, TypeScript, and Remark. 2021-11-15T00:09:59Z
738 vscode-pull-request-github 1760 365 TypeScript 454 GitHub Pull Requests for Visual Studio Code 2021-11-10T10:44:46Z
739 Mocky 1757 246 TypeScript 22 Generate custom HTTP responses, the simpler way to test your Web Services 2021-11-11T12:09:23Z
740 kafka-ui 1756 153 TypeScript 126 Open-Source Web GUI for Apache Kafka Management 2021-11-13T16:49:24Z
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