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Nikita M. Yurchenko zelinskiy

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zelinskiy / iohk.hs
Created November 12, 2017 07:19 — forked from BekaValentine/iohk.hs
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
import Control.Concurrent (threadDelay)
import Control.Distributed.Process
import Control.Distributed.Process.Closure
import Control.Distributed.Process.Node
zelinskiy / SECD.hs
Created September 11, 2017 05:59 — forked from ijp/SECD.hs
-- An implementation of Peter Landin's SECD machine, as described in
-- "The Mechanical Evaluate of Expressions"
import Prelude hiding (lookup)
type Name = String
data Expr = ID Name
| Fun Name Expr
| Apply Expr Expr
deriving (Eq, Show)
zelinskiy /
Created August 2, 2017 21:24 — forked from non/
Gödel's fourteen point outline of his philosophical views.

Gödel left in his papers a fourteen-point outline of his philosophical beliefs, that are dated around 1960. They show his deep belief in the rational structure of the world. Here are his 14 points:

  1. The world is rational.
  2. Human reason can, in principle, be developed more highly (through certain techniques).
  3. There are systematic methods for the solution of all problems (also art, etc.).
  4. There are other worlds and rational beings of a different and higher kind.
  5. The world in which we live is not the only one in which we shall live or have lived.
  6. There is incomparably more knowable a priori than is currently known.
  7. The development of human thought since the Renaissance is thoroughly intelligible (durchaus einsichtige).
  8. Reason in mankind will be developed in every direction.
zelinskiy / UntypedLambda.agda
Created June 22, 2017 15:06 — forked from gallais/UntypedLambda.agda
Interpreting the untyped lambda calculus in Agda
{-# OPTIONS --copatterns #-}
module UntypedLambda where
open import Size
open import Function
data Delay (A : Set) (i : Size) : Set where
zelinskiy / T.agda
Created June 16, 2017 16:58 — forked from CodaFi/T.agda
System T, a formulation of Church's Simple Theory of Types in Agda. From ~( ); Church's paper at ~( )
{- A straightforward version of Church’s simple type theory is the following system T -}
module T where
open import Data.Nat
-- The type of contexts.
data Γ (X : Set) : Set where
ε : Γ X
_::_ :: Γ X) X Γ X
infixl 4 _::_