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Forked from CodaFi/T.agda
Created June 16, 2017 16:58
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System T, a formulation of Church's Simple Theory of Types in Agda. From ~( ); Church's paper at ~( )
{- A straightforward version of Church’s simple type theory is the following system T -}
module T where
open import Data.Nat
-- The type of contexts.
data Γ (X : Set) : Set where
ε : Γ X
_::_ :: Γ X) X Γ X
infixl 4 _::_
-- Types:
data Type : Set where
Ι : Type -- The type of individuals
Ω : Type -- The type of propositions
_==>_ : Type Type Type -- Function types
infixr 4 _==>_
-- Variables (using de Bruijn Indexes).
data Var : Set where
mkVar : Var
-- Terms:
data Term : Set where
var : Var Term -- Variables
_[_] : Term Term Term -- Function Application
Λ_∙_ : Var Term Term -- λ Abstraction
_==_ : Term Term Term -- Equality
-- Extension of T by Henkin [1963]
: Term
: Term
_⇒_ : Term Term Term
_∧_ : Term Term Term
_∨_ : Term Term Term
for_all : Var Type Term Term
exist : Var Type Term Term
open import Data.Product
data _∈_ (t : (Var × Type)) : Γ (Var × Type) Set where
here : {Γ} t ∈ (Γ :: t)
there : {Γ σ} t ∈ Γ t ∈ (Γ :: σ)
infix 3 _∈_
data _⊢_∶_ : Γ (Var × Type) Term Type Set where
var :: Γ (Var × Type)}{x : Var}{τ : Type}
(x , τ) ∈ γ
γ ⊢ var x ∶ τ
lam :: Γ (Var × Type)}{x : Var}{M : Term}{σ τ : Type}
(γ :: (x , τ)) ⊢ M ∶ σ
γ ⊢ Λ x ∙ M ∶ (σ ==> τ)
app :: Γ (Var × Type)}{M N : Term}{σ τ : Type}
(γ ⊢ M ∶ (σ ==> τ))
γ ⊢ N ∶ σ
γ ⊢ M [ N ] ∶ τ
eq :: Γ (Var × Type)}{t u : Term}{α : Type}
(γ ⊢ t ∶ α)
(γ ⊢ u ∶ α)
(γ ⊢ t == u ∶ Ω)
true :: Γ (Var × Type)}
(γ ⊢ ⊤ ∶ Ω)
falsum :: Γ (Var × Type)}
(γ ⊢ ⊥ ∶ Ω)
impl :: Γ (Var × Type)}{α β : Term}
(γ ⊢ α ∶ Ω)
(γ ⊢ β ∶ Ω)
(γ ⊢ α ⇒ β ∶ Ω)
conj :: Γ (Var × Type)}{α β : Term}
(γ ⊢ α ∶ Ω)
(γ ⊢ β ∶ Ω)
(γ ⊢ α ∧ β ∶ Ω)
disj :: Γ (Var × Type)}{α β : Term}
(γ ⊢ α ∶ Ω)
(γ ⊢ β ∶ Ω)
(γ ⊢ α ∨ β ∶ Ω)
for_all :: Γ (Var × Type)}{x : Var}{τ : Type}{α : Term}
(γ :: (x , τ)) ⊢ α ∶ Ω
(γ ⊢ for_all x τ α ∶ Ω)
exist :: Γ (Var × Type)}{x : Var}{τ : Type}{α : Term}
(γ :: (x , τ)) ⊢ α ∶ Ω
(γ ⊢ exist x τ α ∶ Ω)
infix 3 _⊢_∶_
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