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bensoltoff / install.packages.R
Last active February 25, 2022 12:48
Install packages for RStudio Server
###### code to run on RStudio cloud project
pkg_cran <- c("reprex", "tidyverse", "sf", "tidycensus", "viridis", "knitr",
"gapminder", "forcats", "broom", "wordcloud", "tidytext", "rebird",
"geonames", "modelr", "rsample", "magrittr", "ISLR", "titanic",
"microbenchmark", "partykit", "caret", "nycflights13", "ggplot2",
"tibble", "harrypotter", "ggwordcloud", "here", "arrow", "readxl",
"haven", "ggmap", "rnaturalearth", "rtweet", "leaflet", "stringr",
"widgetframe", "RColorBrewer", "patchwork", "ymlthis", "RSocrata",
"dplyr", "shiny", "httr", "repurrrsive", "purrr", "acs", "downloader",
"statebins", "rsparkling", "sparklyr", "h2o", "dbplyr", "bigrquery",
cwhelan / gist:ca16a67086af606ee591
Created January 8, 2015 17:46
Genome STRiP VCF to Plink CNV format
#!/bin/env python
import fileinput
idx = 1
samples = []
for line in fileinput.input():
if line.startswith("##"):
if line.startswith("#CHROM"):
brantfaircloth / non-model-snps.rst
Last active May 16, 2018 19:11
Calling SNPs with GATK in non-model taxa