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Last active February 25, 2022 12:48
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Install packages for RStudio Server
###### code to run on RStudio cloud project
pkg_cran <- c("reprex", "tidyverse", "sf", "tidycensus", "viridis", "knitr",
"gapminder", "forcats", "broom", "wordcloud", "tidytext", "rebird",
"geonames", "modelr", "rsample", "magrittr", "ISLR", "titanic",
"microbenchmark", "partykit", "caret", "nycflights13", "ggplot2",
"tibble", "harrypotter", "ggwordcloud", "here", "arrow", "readxl",
"haven", "ggmap", "rnaturalearth", "rtweet", "leaflet", "stringr",
"widgetframe", "RColorBrewer", "patchwork", "ymlthis", "RSocrata",
"dplyr", "shiny", "httr", "repurrrsive", "purrr", "acs", "downloader",
"statebins", "rsparkling", "sparklyr", "h2o", "dbplyr", "bigrquery",
"FNN", "maps", "gam", "tm", "tictoc", "topicmodels", "rjson", "LDAvis",
"rvest", "datasauRus", "gganimate", "socviz", "margins", "curl",
"jsonlite", "XML", "usethis", "devtools", "blogdown", "scales", "RCurl",
"rmarkdown", "readr", "reshape", "randomForest", "vroom", "kimisc",
"htmltools", "DT", "listviewer", "DBI", "SnowballC", "ranger", "slam",
"textdata", "mapproj", "RSQLite", "gsl", "coefplot", "babynames",
"countrycode", "janitor", "styler", "cowsay", "datapasta", "manifestoR")
# install packages from GitHub
install.packages("remotes") # needed to install packages directly from GitHub
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