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Created March 11, 2020 03:39
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Docker multiple images unique layers size total sum
## Purpose:
# To get the real size of your app that is comprised of many services/images.
# This script sums only the sizes of unique image layers.
# This way you can get a better sense of the total size of your app and make optimizations if needed.
## Usage:
# ./ IMAGE1:TAG1 IMAGE2:TAG2 ...
## Example:
# ./ eventstore/eventstore:release-5.0.3 eventstore/eventstore:release-5.0.6
use strict;
use warnings;
my $cmd;
my $cmdOut;
my @lines;
my %hImageSizes;
my $totalSize=0;
my $prevImageId = '';
my @argvImages = ();
for (my $iargv=0; $iargv<=$#ARGV; $iargv++) {
push(@argvImages, $ARGV[$iargv]);
foreach my $imageName (@argvImages) {
print "-> calculating size for image: $imageName\n";
$cmd = "docker image history --format \"{{.ID}} {{.Size}}\" $imageName";
# print "$cmd\n";
$cmdOut = `$cmd`;
# print "$cmdOut\n";
@lines = split(/\n/, $cmdOut);
foreach my $line (@lines) {
my @aLine = split(' ', $line);
my $imageId = $aLine[0];
my $imageSize = $aLine[1];
if ($hImageSizes{$imageId}) {
print "-> imageId $imageId has already been added to the total sum\n";
$prevImageId = $imageId;
my $size = sizeExpand($imageSize);
# print "$imageId $size\n";
if ($imageId =~ m/missing/) {
if ($hImageSizes{$prevImageId}) {
# this base image was already added to the sum
# print "-> base image imageId $prevImageId has already been added to the total sum \n";
# this is a base image layer, getting the base image total size
my $cmd = "docker image ls | grep $prevImageId | head -n 1 | awk '{print \$NF}'";
# print "-> $cmd\n";
my $cmdOut = `$cmd`;
# print "-> $cmdOut\n";
$size = sizeExpand($cmdOut);
$hImageSizes{$prevImageId} = $size;
$hImageSizes{$imageId} = $size;
$prevImageId = $imageId;
for my $imageId (keys(%hImageSizes)) {
$totalSize += $hImageSizes{$imageId};
print "\n\nTOTAL SIZE: ".($totalSize/1000000000)." GB\n";
sub sizeExpand {
my ($size) = @_;
if ($size =~ m/\dB$/i) {
$size =~ s/B$//i;
elsif ($size =~ m/kB$/i) {
$size =~ s/kB$//i;
$size *= 1000;
elsif ($size =~ m/MB$/i) {
$size =~ s/MB$//i;
$size *= 1000000;
elsif ($size =~ m/GB$/i) {
$size =~ s/GB$//i;
$size *= 1000000000;
return $size;
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