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Tomaz Strukelj torson

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torson /
Last active May 3, 2024 16:18
Script for doing AWS Assume Role with MFA and supporting multiple account contexts
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Requires: pip install pymemcache cryptography boto3 python-dotenv keyring
# This script asks for MFA ARN, ROLE ARN to be assumed , and MFA
# It then creates a file .env where it sets the default and user-inputed configuration,
# assumes the role, caches the access key/secret/token values into the system's vault
# (or memcached, depending what you choose) and outputs the access key/secret/token envvars ,
# in such a format that you can call it with shell's 'eval'.
torson /
Last active February 1, 2021 17:17
Script to detach a policy from a AWS IAM user after a defined period / ttl
set -e
# This script is for removing a policy from a IAM user after a predefined TTL
# It adds a crontab that runs this script every hour
# If run with arguments then that task is added to the .state file
# In addition it attaches the policy to the user if run with '-a'
# If run without arguments it parses the .state file and detaches policies from users if TTL expired
torson /
Created August 18, 2020 15:20
touch ${INDEX_FILE}
torson /
Last active April 2, 2020 12:37
Copy and position files into another folder by renaming the copied files based on their timestamp
# This script takes the files from the inbound folder and copies them
# into the base folder and in the process positions each inbound file
# between 2 base files - between the older and the newer base file by
# renaming it accordingly (using the older file as the 1st part and the
# inbound file as the 2nd part of the new name)
# Scenario:
# You configured your phone to use SD card for storing pictures.
torson /
Created March 11, 2020 03:39
Docker multiple images unique layers size total sum
## Purpose:
# To get the real size of your app that is comprised of many services/images.
# This script sums only the sizes of unique image layers.
# This way you can get a better sense of the total size of your app and make optimizations if needed.
## Usage:
# ./ IMAGE1:TAG1 IMAGE2:TAG2 ...
## Example:
torson /
Last active January 21, 2022 02:47
vino-server start/stop/status script , run it under the logged-in user
# Provides: vino-server
# Required-Start: $local_fs
# Required-Stop: $local_fs
# Should-Start:
# Should-Stop:
# X-Start-Before:
# X-Stop-After: