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RemcoSchellekensNS / clipboard_example.ajs
Created February 27, 2023 15:37
#jarchi script example using clipboard for text exchange
* New Archi Script
// Places string on clipboard
function SetClipboardString(string) {
var Toolkit = Java.type("java.awt.Toolkit");
var Transferable = Java.type("java.awt.datatransfer.StringSelection");
ThomasRohde / Layout view.ajs
Last active July 27, 2023 06:53
Layout ArchiMate views using ELK (Eclipse Layout Kernel). #jArchi #Archi #ArchiMate
Author: Thomas Klok Rohde
Description: Layout ArchiMate views using ELK (Eclipse Layout Kernel) compiled to JavaScript. The current implementation does not consider edges with edges (sections).
WARNING: This has only been tested on Windows 10 with Edge (WebView2)
October 11, 2022 : Created with base set of scripts
FrancoisCoudeville / Step by step script examples - v0.1.ajs
Created May 26, 2021 10:48
jArchi Step by step Tutorial Beginner Guide script example creating, updating, navigating, deleting objects, relationship #jArchi
* Step by Step JArchi script examples *
* v0.1 *
* Francois Coudeville *
* May 2021 #jArchi *
* #Beginner #Guide #Tutorial #Example *
// 1 Utils
tkazimie / fromCsv.ajs
Last active June 14, 2022 14:10
#jArchi This scripts exports selected elements to the CSV in fixed structure and import elements to the model and the current view
* Import Elements from CSV
* Requires jArchi -
* Requires PapaParse -
* This script imports CSV containg followin structure:
* * Name
* * Documentation
* * Type (element type)
jbsarrodie / Merge multiple concepts (and delete others).ajs
Last active September 20, 2024 04:13
#jArchi script to merge multiple concepts (and delete others)
// Merge multiple concepts (and delete others)
// Requires jArchi -
// This script merges multiple concepts (and delete others)
// Version 1.1 (2020/01/20) Add an option to keep only the content of the "target" concept
// Version 1.0 (2019/11/12) First version published
// Known limitation: works only on elements, not relationships
/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Script Name: Quality Check - UX Relations
Script Description:
A jArchi script for use on Archi tool models.
Using a specific view called ConceptDefinition to represent a cut down version of the full ArchiMate model,
check all the model relationships to flag up any unexpected ones.
felpasl / ExportAllToMarkdown.ajs
Created June 11, 2019 15:21
#jArchi Create markdown to all Views from file based on smileham/Export to Markdown.ajs
* Export All Views to Markdown
* Based on smileham/Export to Markdown.ajs -
* (c) 2018 Steven Mileham
* Requires jArchi -
* Markdown -
jbsarrodie / RemoveBentpoints.ajs
Created September 14, 2018 18:57
#jArchi script to remove bendpoints on selected relationships
// RemoveBentpoints
// Requires jArchi -
// This script takes a selection of visual objects as input, filter it to keep only relationships and remove all their bendpoints
// (c) 2018 Jean-Baptiste Sarrodie
$(selection).filter("relationship").filter(function(o) {return o.view}).each(function(o) {
var view = o.view;