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smileham / sfdd.ps1
Last active May 20, 2024 17:27
Powershell script to create a Salesforce Data Dictionary in CSV/Excel or JSON formats
# usage sfdd ALIAS
# Needs ImportExcel Module installed
# Needs sf cli installed
# v1. First release
# v2. Included Record Types
# v3. Added PUML
# v4. Add Ignore list (Json format {"ignoreObjects":["Object","Object2"],"ignorePackages":["package1"]})
# v5. Added support for BigER
smileham / GetInstalledPackages.ajs
Created November 28, 2023 16:06
* Get Installed Packages via Salesforce CLI
* Please ensure you have first authenticated against your Salesforce sandbox and have defined an Alias
* No Warranty is provided for this script.
* This script if a Proof of Concept to create Application Components based on Installed Packages in a SF sandbox
* Running this script will then:
* * Create new Managed Packages folder
smileham / DescribeSObjects.ajs
Last active November 28, 2023 15:58
DescribeSObjects.ajs #jarchi #salesforcecli #salesforce #sfdx
* Describe sObjects in view via Salesforce CLI
* Please ensure you have first authenticated against your Salesforce sandbox and have defined an Alias
* No Warranty is provided for this script.
* This script if a Proof of Concept to populate the detail of selected sObjects created via the GetSObjects script
* Once the model has been populated with Salesforce sObjects, create a new view using the sObjects you
* wish further detail on.
smileham / GetSObjects.ajs
Last active November 28, 2023 15:58
GetSObjects.ajs #jarchi #salesforcecli #salesforce #sfdx
* Get sObjects via Salesforce CLI
* Please ensure you have first authenticated against your Salesforce sandbox and have defined an Alias
* No Warranty is provided for this script.
* Script calls the Salesfoce CLI for a given alias and retrieves all sObject records, these are created
* as "Data Objects", set with a specialization of sObject and stored in a folder.
* A second script can then populate the detail of selected sObjects (DescribeSObjects)
smileham / AuditModel.ajs
Last active March 11, 2023 12:20
#jarchi Script to audit an Archi model based on a defined metamodel
* AuditModel
* Requires jArchi -
* Version 0.1: Audits all elements in selected view, comparing to a view called "Audit"
* Version 0.2: Bug in "Template" selection - fixed
* Version 0.3: Audits all elements in selected view, allowing a user to select from views in an "Audit" Folder
* Creates the Audit folder and a default Audit view if one is not found.
* Version 0.4: 2023-03-11 - Support for Audit on Documentation/Properties of the View,
smileham / HeatMapByPropertyvalue.ajs
Last active May 14, 2024 20:37
jArchi script to create Heatmap (set Red, Amber or Green background to element) based on the value of a given property. #jarchi
* HeatMap by Property Value
* Requires jArchi -
* Version 1: Set colour to red, amber or green based on value of given property.
* Version 2: Pull out all Properties used in Elements in view, present all possible values of that Property to assign RAG colours
* Version 3: Error handling and key generation
* Version 4: Updated for dynamic colour selection and support for more than 3 colours
* Version 5: If there are less than 5 values, buttons are used instead of the menu.
@startuml Archi Usage
!include archi-seq.puml
title Archi Print Usage
' Define Elements
smileham / archi-seq.puml
Last active December 4, 2020 16:49
Common include for PlantUML scripts to define ArchiMate concepts
@startuml Common
' PlantUML ArchiMate Sequence Diagram template v5
' Changelog:
' v3 Updated for new PreProcessor
' v4 Function to Procedure
' v5 Added Motivation, migrated to Styles, added Structure type
' Author: Steven Mileham (
skinparam dpi 150
skinparam useBetaStyle true
We can make this file beautiful and searchable if this error is corrected: It looks like row 8 should actually have 8 columns, instead of 5 in line 7.
Relationship ID,From Name,From Type,Relationship Type,To Name,To Type,Relationship Name,Relationship Documentation
611228f0-c06c-4ffc-9145-7f7091113cf4,[archi] jArchi Plugin,application-function,influence-relationship,Support Archi on Patreon,requirement,,
b03b0ef5-9085-4204-9cc0-b8456cca1d46,[archi] jArchi Plugin,application-function,Comprises,[archi] Export to CSV,application-function,,
5f24cdf4-66a6-4541-926e-2fcb7a08ce3c,jArchi Plugin <<Software>>,artifact,Realises,[archi] jArchi Plugin,application-function,,
937991e2-2221-4e8a-bf5b-a277d598678d,Documentation <<Folder>>,artifact,Comprises,Export to CSV.csv <<CSV>>,artifact,,
c334768f-c847-45cb-ab95-78c1bccc8966,Documentation <<Folder>>,artifact,Comprises,Export to CSV-relationship.csv <<CSV>>,artifact,,
5d8206f6-8ec3-409a-bf50-6db0e5fa59b7,[archi] Archi 4.3.3,application-component,Assigned to,[archi] jArchi Plugin,application-function,Plugin,
9c3dfe66-0b79-4da8-89d6-82111c8b5a8a,[archi] Archi 4.3.3,application-component,Serves/Used By,Develop Enterprise A
smileham / Search by Properties.ajs
Last active June 14, 2022 14:04
#jarchi Find all Archimate elements which match the properties of the selected element.
* Search by Properties
* Requires jArchi -
* Find all Archimate elements which match the properties of the selected element.
* Version 1: First release
* Version 2: Added layers to results