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Create a function that reads the dictionary of government spendings and returns a number representing the sum of total spending.
var spending = {
Military : {
Pensions : 1000000,
//Complete sumCart so that it will take the cart array and return the total cost for all
// the line items in the cart.
var cart = [
["tofu", {"quantity" : 3,"price" : 4.5} ],
["sriracha", {"quantity" : 1,"price" : 5} ],
["toilet paper", {"quantity" : 12,"price" : 1.75} ],
["Drano", {"quantity" : 1,"price" : 13} ],
["orichette", {"quantity" : 2,"price" : 7.5} ],
["hummus", {"quantity" : 2,"price" : 5.99} ],
Create a function that takes 3 arrays of mixed elements and returns an array of only elements that are unique to the arrays
snowflake(['dog','cat','mouse'], [3, 'dog'], ['cat', 2, 1]) ==> [3,2,1,'mouse'];
var myTestText = 'In pre-revolutionary France, the president of a Parlement evolved into a powerful magistrate, a member of the so-called noblesse de robe ("nobility of the gown"), with considerable judicial as well as administrative authority. The name referred to her primary role of presiding over trials and other hearings. In the 17th and 18th centuries, seats in the Parlements, including presidencies, became effectively hereditary, since the holder of the office could ensure that it would pass to an heir by paying the crown a special tax known as the paulette. The post of "first president" (premier président), however, could only be held by the King\'s nominees. The Parlements were abolished by the French Revolution. In modern France the chief judge of a court is known as its president (président de la cour).'
function buildMarkovChain(str) {
var cleanStr = str.toLowerCase().replace(/[,.?()"]/g,''); // remove punctuation
// var cleanStr = str.toLowerCase().replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9]/g,' '); // this approach
// Attach a method to the Array prototype called myReduce.
// It should be utilized and perform exactly as Array.prototype.reduce does. Use the code snippet below as a guide.
Array.prototype.myReduce = function(callback, initVal) {
var startingIndex = 0;
var returnVal;
if (!initVal) {
startingIndex = 1;
returnVal = this[0];
} else {
// Attach a method to the Array prototype called myForEach.
// It should be utilized and perform exactly as Array.prototype.forEach does. Use the code snippet below as a guide.
Array.prototype.myForEach = function(callback) {
for (var i = 0; i < this.length; i++) {
var sum = 0;
// Attach a method to the Array prototype called myMap.
// It should be utilized and perform exactly as does. Use the code snippet below as a guide.
Array.prototype.myMap = function(callback) {
var returnArr = [];
for (var i = 0; i < this.length; i++) {
return returnArr;
// Attach a method to the Array prototype called myFilter.
// It should be utilized and perform exactly as Array.prototype.filter does. Use the code snippet below as a guide.
Array.prototype.myFilter = function(func) {
var newArr = [];
for (var i = 0; i < this.length; i++) {
if(func(this[i],i,this)) {
Given an Array of superhero objects, create a function that check if the heroes with a true "is_registered" property also have a "secret_identity". If they are unregistered, or registered without their secret identity, add them to a "Government Watch" array and log their "testify" functions to the console.
//Superhero Super-Class Constructor
var Superhero = function(name, identity, registered) {
var hero = {
hero_name: name,
Create a function that takes a string of any length as input and returns that string reversed.
Use recursion ;)
function reverseString(str){
var n = str.length-1;