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  • Save sethschori/7010fa31b083251e6515a7947d76066a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save sethschori/7010fa31b083251e6515a7947d76066a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop. created by sethopia
Create a function that reads the dictionary of government spendings and returns a number representing the sum of total spending.
var spending = {
Military : {
Pensions : 1000000,
Nuclear_defense : 5000000,
Salaries : 10000000
Education : 4000000,
Healthcare : {
preventitive_care : 1500000,
emergency_care : 12000000
Social_Security : 15000000,
Infrastructure: 750000
audit(spending) ---> 49250000
***BONUS: instead of returning a number, return an object with the total and top-level area with maximum spending:
audit(spending) --> {
total : 49250000
most_expensive : 'Military'
var spending = {
Military : {
Pensions : 1000000,
Nuclear_defense : 5000000,
Salaries : 10000000
Education : 4000000,
Healthcare : {
preventitive_care : 1500000,
emergency_care : 12000000
Social_Security : 15000000,
Infrastructure: 750000
function audit(spending, passTotal) {
var outputObj = {};
var total = 0;
for (var keys in spending) {
var lineItem = spending[keys];
if (typeof lineItem !== "number") {
outputObj[keys] = audit(spending[keys], true);
} else {
outputObj[keys] = spending[keys];
total += lineItem;
if (passTotal) return total;
total = 0;
var mostExpensiveValue = 0;
var mostExpensiveItem = '';
for (var totals in outputObj) {
total += outputObj[totals];
if (outputObj[totals] > mostExpensiveValue) {
mostExpensiveValue = outputObj[totals];
mostExpensiveItem = totals;
outputObj.GRAND_TOTAL = total;
outputObj.most_expensive = mostExpensiveItem.replace('TOTAL_','');
return outputObj;
/* =======================================================================================
Will Jacobson's (the instructor's) more elegant solution is below. Unlike my function
above, Will's solution doesn't use a parameter flag (passTotal).
======================================================================================= */
function doIt(ob) {
var truth = { total: 0 };
for (var type in ob) {
if (typeof ob[type] === 'number') { += ob[type];
truth[type] = ob[type];
} else {
var subTotal = doIt(ob[type]).total; += subTotal;
truth[type] = subTotal;
var mostExp;
var mostExpPrice = 0;
for (var key in truth) {
if (truth[key] > mostExpPrice && key !== 'total') {
mostExp = key;
mostExpPrice = truth[key];
return {
most_expensive: mostExp
Native Browser JavaScript
>>> { Military: 16000000,
Education: 4000000,
Healthcare: 13500000,
Social_Security: 15000000,
Infrastructure: 750000,
GRAND_TOTAL: 49250000,
most_expensive: 'Military' }
{ total: 49250000, most_expensive: 'Military' }
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