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Ruslan Ashaari ruslanashaari

  • Tata Consultancy Services
  • Kuala Lumpur
View GitHub Profile
ruslanashaari /
Created May 12, 2018 12:12 — forked from bgarrant/
How to Switch PHP Version in Laravel Valet between PHP 7.1 and PHP 5.6

Valet switch PHP version with these commands

Install PHP 5.6 and switch Valet to PHP 5.6

valet stop
brew unlink php71
brew install php56
brew install php56-mcrypt
brew link php56
valet start
carousel / snake-to-camel.php
Last active September 7, 2024 13:21
Convert snake to camel case and back with PHP
function camel_to_snake($input)
return strtolower(preg_replace('/(?<!^)[A-Z]/', '_$0', $input));
function snakeToCamel($input)
return lcfirst(str_replace(' ', '', ucwords(str_replace('_', ' ', $input))));
brnpimentel / beautify-html.js
Created December 18, 2017 13:37
JS Beautify hack to works with blade directives (laravel)
function style_html(html_source, options, js_beautify, css_beautify) {
html_source = html_source.replace(/\@([^\n\s]*)/ig, "<blade $1/>");
sweet_code = sweet_code.replace(/<blade ([^\n]*)\/>/ig, "@$1");
sweet_code = sweet_code.replace(/\(\ \'/ig, "('");
Zemnmez / tweetdeck-limit-override-dm-rt-fix.js
Last active March 13, 2023 15:21
This snippet is esssentially the same as being in the Twitter longer tweets test, for tweetdeck.
The Tweet length counter is fixed by tricking TweetDeck into counting up to 140 characters, twice, so you'll see 140
instead of 280 in the counter but going over 140 will give you another set of 140 charactrs.
*/,e,f,g,c,d,h){c=c||function(){};d=d||function(){};b=this.request(b,{method:f,params:Object.assign(e,{weighted_character_count:!0}),processor:g,feedType:h});return b.addCallbacks(function(a){c(},function(a){d(a.req,"",a.msg,a.req.errors)}),b};
twttrTxt=Object.assign({},twttr.txt,{isInvalidTweet:function(){return!1},getTweetLength:function(x){return x=twttr.txt.getTweetLength.apply(this,arguments),x<140||x/140>2?x:x%140}});
$results = $this->model->get(array('id','column1','column2','column3', 'etc'));
$fileName = 'my-export-'.Carbon::now()->timestamp;
$export = $this->excel->create($fileName, function($excel) use ($results) {
$excel->setTitle('Our new awesome title')
bgarrant /
Last active September 30, 2022 08:08
How to Switch PHP Version in Laravel Valet between PHP 7.1 and PHP 5.6

How to Switch PHP Version in Laravel Valet between PHP 7.1 and PHP 5.6

Valet switch PHP version with these commands

Install PHP 5.6 and switch Valet to PHP 5.6

valet stop
brew unlink php71
brew install php56
brew install php56-mcrypt
nasrulhazim /
Created February 17, 2017 01:37
Dry & Skinny Laravel Application

Dry & Skinny

  1. Fat Model & Skinny Controller

  2. Bus / Job Pattern

    • Command Bus > Jobs
      • A task take a small unit of work
      • NOT return a value
    • Further reading: CRUD & CQRS
    • Reusable, Skinny Controller as more reusable codes move to Job
robertopc / adminer.css
Last active April 2, 2023 14:16
Adminer Black Custom Theme
/** theme "easy on the eyes" for Adminer by */
/** customized by RobertoPC in **/
@import url(//,900);
/* for font awesome */
*:not(.fa) {
font-family: 'Roboto Mono', sans-serif;
tsudot / plivo_curl.php
Last active November 21, 2021 10:22
Send an SMS using curl through Plivo.
# Plivo AUTH ID
$AUTH_ID = '';
# SMS sender ID.
$src = '';
raelgc / Install MSOffice on
Last active February 26, 2024 03:10
Install MSOffice on Ubuntu

Install Microsoft Office 2010 on Ubuntu


We'll install MSOffice using the PlayOnLinux wizard. Additionally, MSOffice requires samba and winbind to properly work.

So, if not installed, install them:

sudo apt-get install playonlinux samba winbind