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-- Sakila Sample Database Data
-- Version 1.0
-- Copyright (c) 2006, 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates.
-- All rights reserved.
-- Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
-- * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
tsudot /
Last active September 17, 2018 10:34

List of tools and components

  • docker 18.03.0-ce
  • kubectl v1.8.6
  • gcloud 216.0.0
  • helm v2.8.2
  • postgres 9.6
tsudot / Jenkinsfile.groovy
Last active August 17, 2018 06:15
Jenkinsfile for component banjo
def label = UUID.randomUUID().toString()
podTemplate(label: label, cloud: 'local cluster',
containers: [
name: 'test',
image: 'jenkins-slave-k8s',
ttyEnabled: true,
tsudot /
Last active August 17, 2018 07:01
These are a set of guidelines to follow when writing any new component on the platform Development Guidelines

These are a set of guidelines to follow when writing any new component on the platform


  • Every component must have a Dockerfile
  • Every component must have a Jenkinsfile
git clone
cd karix-php
composer install
tsudot / send_sms.php
Created May 4, 2018 09:15
Send SMS using Karix
require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');
// Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
$config = new \Swagger\Client\Configuration();
$apiInstance = new Swagger\Client\Api\MessageApi(
// If you want use custom http client, pass your client which implements `GuzzleHttp\ClientInterface`.
tsudot / php-manual
Created May 4, 2018 09:14
Karix PHP manual installation
tsudot / composer.json
Last active September 4, 2018 06:14
Composer config for karix
"repositories": [
"type": "git",
"url": ""
"require": {
"karixtech/karix-php": "0.0.2"
tsudot /
Created December 22, 2016 08:41
Web Server Setup