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Drifting through the space ...

Arnab Kumar Shil ruddra

Drifting through the space ...
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miguelgrinberg / .vimrc
Last active September 15, 2024 18:50
My .vimrc configuration for working in Python with vim
" plugins
let need_to_install_plugins = 0
if empty(glob('~/.vim/autoload/plug.vim'))
silent !curl -fLo ~/.vim/autoload/plug.vim --create-dirs
let need_to_install_plugins = 1
call plug#begin()
Plug 'tpope/vim-sensible'
bergmannjg /
Last active September 19, 2024 12:38
Building a react native app in WSL2
meirbon / Dell XPS 15 9560 Manjaro Setup instructions
Last active May 13, 2024 02:39
Small, quick guide to set up Manjaro on the XPS 15 9560
# 1. First of all of course get Manjaro:
# I recommend using Etcher to copy the image to your USB:
# 2. Before installing make sure:
# - Secure boot is disabled in BIOS
# - Your SSD, HDD or NVME drive is set to AHCI instead of RAID
# - Fastboot should be on Auto or minimal, but this shouldn't matter to much
annacruz /
Last active November 6, 2018 09:59
Default configuration to use ELK stack with django project
'handlers': {
'logstash': {
'level': 'DEBUG',
'class': 'logstash.LogstashHandler',
'host': 'localhost',
'port': 5000, # Default port of logstash
'version': 1, # Version of logstash event schema. Default value: 0 (for backward compatibility of the library)
'message_type': 'logstash', # 'type' field in logstash message. Default value: 'logstash'.
'fqdn': False, # Fully qualified domain name. Default value: false.
linar-jether /
Last active September 10, 2024 19:46
Grafana python datasource - using pandas for timeseries and table data. inspired by and compatible with the simple json datasource ---- Up-to-date version maintained @
from flask import Flask, request, jsonify, json, abort
from flask_cors import CORS, cross_origin
import pandas as pd
app = Flask(__name__)
cors = CORS(app)
app.config['CORS_HEADERS'] = 'Content-Type'
muendelezaji /
Created October 5, 2016 14:18 — forked from op/
Convert Bash history to Zsh history
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This is how I used it:
# $ cat ~/.bash_history | python >> ~/.zsh_history
import sys
import time
gabrielmoreira /
Last active May 2, 2023 18:16
Manjaro Install script
# Prepare pacman
sudo mkdir -p /root/.gnupg
sudo pacman-key --init && sudo pacman-key --populate archlinux manjaro && sudo pacman-key --refresh-keys
# Remove packages
sudo pacman -R empathy accerciser gnome-chess gnome-sudoku gnome-tetravex polari five-or-more four-in-a-row steam-native ipython hitori gnome-klotski steam quadrapassel gnome-nibbles aisleriot lightsoff gnome-mahjongg gnome-mines iagno gnome-robots tali swell-foop
# Upgrade all
sudo pacman -Syyu
georgevreilly / mysql-python-virtualenv.bat
Created January 15, 2014 21:24
Copy MySQL-Python into a Windows virtualenv.
@REM adapted from
if ["%VIRTUAL_ENV%"]==[""] echo Must run under a Virtualenv && goto :error
set SRCDIR=c:\Python27\Lib\site-packages
pushd "%VIRTUAL_ENV%\Lib\site-packages"
xcopy /ydfsi %SRCDIR%\MySQLdb MySQLdb
xcopy /ydfsi %SRCDIR%\_mysql* .
xcopy /ydfsi %SRCDIR%\MySQL_python-1.2.3-py2.7.egg-info MySQL_python-1.2.3-py2.7.egg-info
goto :eof
arunoda / gist:7790979
Last active September 10, 2024 08:43
Installing SSHPass

Installing SSHPASS

SSHPass is a tiny utility, which allows you to provide the ssh password without using the prompt. This will very helpful for scripting. SSHPass is not good to use in multi-user environment. If you use SSHPass on your development machine, it don't do anything evil.

Installing on Ubuntu

apt-get install sshpass

Installing on OS X

dergachev /
Last active September 15, 2024 10:33
OS X Screencast to animated GIF

OS X Screencast to animated GIF

This gist shows how to create a GIF screencast using only free OS X tools: QuickTime, ffmpeg, and gifsicle.

Screencapture GIF


To capture the video (filesize: 19MB), using the free "QuickTime Player" application: