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Gabriel Moreira gabrielmoreira

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gabrielmoreira /
Last active March 18, 2019 16:36
Antergos Installation Scripts - Install Antergos
sudo vim /etc/locale.gen
# uncoment en_US and pt_BR (both ISO e UTF)
sudo locale-gen
sudo vim /etc/locale.conf
# LANG=en_US.UTF-8
sudo pacman --noconfirm -Syyyyu
sudo pacman -S zsh git vim tk terminator elementary-icon-theme chrome-gnome-shell albert fasd yaourt lynx python-pip muparser vlc docker meld gdm linux-headers
This file has been truncated, but you can view the full file.
{"Number":1,"Gender":"male","GivenName":"Leonardo","MiddleInitial":"P","Surname":"Souza","StreetAddress":"Rua Coromandel 1718","City":"Contagem","State":"MG","StateFull":"Minas Gerais","ZipCode":"32186-320","EmailAddress":"","Username":"Otioure93","TelephoneNumber":"(31) 9326-4184","TelephoneCountryCode":55,"MothersMaiden":"Martins","Birthday":"2/19/1993","Age":23,"CCType":"Visa","CCNumber":4929974400186397,"CVV2":796,"CCExpires":"11/2021","NationalID":"173.730.067-28","Occupation":"Sales worker driver","Vehicle":"1998 Ford Ranger","Company":"Peaches","Latitude":-19.899046,"Longitude":-44.016137,"GUID":"96d9fbd0-91c9-4a18-a7eb-a21a5adc69eb"},
gabrielmoreira /
Last active May 2, 2023 18:16
Manjaro Install script
# Prepare pacman
sudo mkdir -p /root/.gnupg
sudo pacman-key --init && sudo pacman-key --populate archlinux manjaro && sudo pacman-key --refresh-keys
# Remove packages
sudo pacman -R empathy accerciser gnome-chess gnome-sudoku gnome-tetravex polari five-or-more four-in-a-row steam-native ipython hitori gnome-klotski steam quadrapassel gnome-nibbles aisleriot lightsoff gnome-mahjongg gnome-mines iagno gnome-robots tali swell-foop
# Upgrade all
sudo pacman -Syyu
This file has been truncated, but you can view the full file.
__SSTOKENSTRING = "@generated SignedSource<<dbe928e1275c495c1922c1bf063ffb70>>";
! function(e) {
function t(e) {
function t() {
var t =, function(e) {
if (null == e) return null === e ? "null" : "undefined";
if ("string" == typeof e) return '"' + e + '"';
try {
return JSON.stringify(e)
gabrielmoreira / InVision-AndroidSkins.user.js
Last active August 29, 2015 14:04
Android Skins for InVision
// ==UserScript==
// @name InVision-AndroidSkins
// @description InVision-AndroidSkins
// @include*
// @version 1.0
// ==/UserScript==
function applySkin(options) {
var skinCss = "#preview .mobileSkin.htcOne-portrait { background: url('" + options.backgroundImageUrl + "') no-repeat; height: " + options.skinHeight + "; } "
gabrielmoreira / gist:7217529
Last active December 26, 2015 21:39
Criar legenda .srt para os vídeos do TED
$.getScript("", function() {
$.getScript("", function() {
var SUBTITLE_DELAY = parseInt(prompt("Subtitle delay", "10800"), 10);
var zero = moment();
var legendas = [];
$('[class="transcriptLink"]').each(function() {
var elapsedMs = parseInt(this.href.split("#")[1], 10);
gabrielmoreira / plugins.js
Created January 24, 2012 18:28
POST: Sofrimento e aprendizado - Arquitetura de aplicações javascript
function Modal(target, options) { = target ;
this.options = options;
} = function() {
$.fn.modal = function(options) {
... // instanciar e armazenar o plugin --> new Modal($(this), options)
gabrielmoreira / main.lua
Created November 18, 2011 00:36
Codea GLOBAL dump
DUMP_IGNORE = {os = 1, io = 1, table = 1, _VERSION = 1, math = 1, love = 1, string = 1, package = 1, _G = 1, DUMP_IGNORE = 1, ndump = 1, xpcall = 1, unpack = 1, type = 1, require = 1, setmetatable = 1, next = 1, pairs = 1, ipairs = 1, dofile = 1, collectgarbage = 1, load = 1, loadfile = 1, loadstring = 1, module = 1, pcall = 1, gcinfo = 1, getmetatable = 1, error = 1, debug = 1, coroutine = 1, assert = 1, tonumber = 1, tostring = 1, setfenv = 1, arg = 1, argv = 1, dumpAll = 1, dumpUserData = 1, getfenv = 1, newproxy = 1, select = 1}
function ndump(object, map, visited, prefix, ignoredMap)
map = map or {}
ignoredMap = ignoredMap or {}
visited = visited or {}
if object ~= nil and visited[object] == nil then
visited[object] = true
for k, v in pairs(object) do
local useMap = not prefix and DUMP_IGNORE[tostring(k)] ~= nil and ignoredMap or map