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Last active April 21, 2020 08:09
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Deconfounding with proxies example
# proxy confounder problem
# cf
# note that I rename X1,X2 to A,B and A to X
# The DAG:
# X -> Y
# X <- U -> Y
# A <- U -> B
# Can we use A and B to deconfound X->Y?
# Depends upon functions relating the variables
# But in linear/gaussian case, progress possible
# simulate
N <- 500
U <- rnorm(N)
X <- rnorm(N, U )
Y <- rnorm(N, 0.5*X - U )
A <- rnorm(N, U )
B <- rnorm(N, U )
# basic regression says what?
precis( lm(Y ~ X) ) # confounded naturally
# now full bayes model of SCM
# missing data version - works remarkably well
# treat each U as unobserved and assign it a parameter
# rest is just the data generating model
# techinical issue here is that U values can flip pos/neg across chains and then the coefficients flip pos/neg to match
# but bXY seems to work fine despite this
stan_code <- "
int N;
vector[N] Y;
vector[N] X;
vector[N] A;
vector[N] B;
vector[4] a;
real bXY;
real bUX;
real bUY;
real bUA;
real<upper=bUA> bUB;
vector<lower=0>[4] sigma;
vector[N] U;
vector[N] muY;
vector[N] muX;
vector[N] muA;
vector[N] muB;
sigma ~ exponential( 1 );
bXY ~ normal( 0 , 1 );
bUY ~ normal( 0 , 1 );
bUX ~ normal( 0 , 1 );
bUA ~ normal( 0 , 1 );
bUB ~ normal( 0 , 1 );
a ~ normal( 0 , 1 );
U ~ normal( 0 , 1 );
// B <- U
for ( i in 1:500 )
muB[i] = a[4] + bUB*U[i];
B ~ normal( muB , sigma[4] );
// A <- U
for ( i in 1:500 )
muA[i] = a[3] + bUA*U[i];
A ~ normal( muA , sigma[3] );
// X <- U
for ( i in 1:500 )
muX[i] = a[2] + bUX*U[i];
X ~ normal( muX , sigma[2] );
// U -> Y <- X
for ( i in 1:500 )
muY[i] = a[1] + bXY*X[i] + bUY*U[i];
Y ~ normal( muY , sigma[1] );
dat <- list(N=N,Y=Y,X=X,A=A,B=B)
ms <- stan( model_code=stan_code , data=dat , chains=1 , cores=4 , control=list(adapt_delta=0.99) , iter=4000 )
# covariance version marginalizing over unobserved U
# need to express paths in the covariance matrix
# this has pos/neg flipping issues with all the correlations with U
# but again gets the X -> Y right
stan_marginal <- "
int N;
vector[N] B;
vector[N] A;
vector[N] Y;
vector[N] X;
transformed data{
vector[4] YY[N];
for ( j in 1:N ) YY[j] = [ Y[j] , X[j] , A[j] , B[j] ]';
real aB;
real aA;
real aX;
real aY;
real rXY;
real rUX;
real rUA;
real rUB;
real rUY;
vector<lower=0>[4] s; // std dev of each obs var
vector[N] muY;
matrix[4,4] SIGMA;
s ~ exponential( 1 );
rXY ~ normal( 0 , 1 );
rUY ~ normal( 0 , 1 );
rUX ~ normal( 0 , 1 );
rUA ~ normal( 0 , 1 );
rUB ~ normal( 0 , 1 );
aY ~ normal( 0 , 1 );
aX ~ normal( 0 , 1 );
aA ~ normal( 0 , 1 );
aB ~ normal( 0 , 1 );
// build covariance matrix from path model
for( i in 1:4 ) SIGMA[i,i] = s[i]^2;
SIGMA[1,2] = rUY*rUX + rXY; // YX
SIGMA[1,3] = rUY*rUA; // YA
SIGMA[1,4] = rUY*rUB; // YB
SIGMA[2,3] = rUX*rUA; // XA
SIGMA[2,4] = rUX*rUB; // XB
SIGMA[3,4] = rUA*rUB; // AB
for ( i in 1:3 ) for ( j in (i+1):4 ) SIGMA[j,i] = SIGMA[i,j];
vector[4] MU;
MU = [ aY , aX , aA , aB ]';
YY ~ multi_normal( MU , SIGMA );
# priors not constrained to produce positive definite covariance matrix
# chains will sputter while trying to sample valid initial matrix
# some inits could help with adaptation
m2s <- stan( model_code=stan_marginal , data=list( N=N , Y=Y , X=X , A=A, B=B ) , chains=1, cores=4 )
# blavaan
# works but priors are quite different
m4 <- 'U =~ A + B + X + Y
Y ~ X'
mb <- bsem( m4, data=data.frame( Y=Y , X=X , A=A, B=B ) , bcontrol=list(cores=4) )
stancode( mb@external$mcmcout ) # this is unreadable
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bgoodri commented Apr 18, 2020

"priors not constrained to produce positive definite covariance matrix"

This is a bigger issue than the comment would lead your followers to believe. Those independent priors do not integrate to 1 over the subset of the parameter space that satisfies the positive definiteness constraint. Nor do they integrate to some constant that could, in principle, be use to renormalize without affecting what parameter values are drawn. Stan continues to run but it is not drawing from the posterior distribution that it would draw from if you incorporated the truncation term.

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Ben, say that I want a prior for a 4x4 covariance matrix, except the model specification requires that two off-diagonal entries must be fixed to 0 (say, sigma_12 and sigma_34). What do you do to enforce positive definite there? Something like lkj would be over the whole correlation matrix, without fixed 0s. I typically use a beta prior for each individual correlation, where beta has support on (-1,1), but I can see that possibly being problematic.

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bgoodri commented Apr 19, 2020

If $\Sigma_{ij}$ is the regular Pearson correlation between the i-th and j-th variables and $\Omega_{ij}$ is the partial correlation between the i-th and j-th variables on a canonical vine, which is to say the correlation between the residuals of the i-th and j-th variables when predicted by all variables before the i-th, then the LKJ transformation can be written "explicitly" as


So, if $\Sigma_{ij}$ is fixed to zero (or another value) for some i and j, then in principle, a correct thing to do would be to solve for the corresponding $\Omega_{ij}$ and then move on to evaluating the next free $\Sigma_{ij+1}$. However, the regular Pearson correlation matrix is no longer distributed LKJ if some of its elements are fixed before seeing the data, although you can put priors on the partial correlations. Also, for some fixed values of $\Sigma_{ij}$, there is no value of $\Omega_{ij}$ between -1 and 1 that satisfies the equation. All this is easier if you can reorder the variables so that the fixed correlations are toward the left and the top of the correlation matrix.

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Thanks, sounds tricky but makes sense. One other clarification:

Stan continues to run but it is not drawing from the posterior distribution that it would draw from if you incorporated the truncation term.

I see two possible implications:

  1. The priors you think you are using are not the priors you are actually using.
  2. The posterior might be improper, because you are using an improper prior.

Is that right, and am I missing other implications?

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bgoodri commented Apr 20, 2020

I don't think (2) is an issue because if you had priors that integrated to 1 before considering that the positive definiteness constraint took a bite out of the parameter space, then whatever is left integrates to some non-constant that is less than 1. But there is also (3) that Stan might not be able to sample efficiently enough for the MCMC CLT to hold.

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