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Remo Harsono remoharsono

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gaearon /
Last active August 22, 2024 22:11
Modern JavaScript in React Documentation

If you haven’t worked with JavaScript in the last few years, these three points should give you enough knowledge to feel comfortable reading the React documentation:

  • We define variables with let and const statements. For the purposes of the React documentation, you can consider them equivalent to var.
  • We use the class keyword to define JavaScript classes. There are two things worth remembering about them. Firstly, unlike with objects, you don't need to put commas between class method definitions. Secondly, unlike many other languages with classes, in JavaScript the value of this in a method [depends on how it is called](
tinvaan /
Created June 3, 2018 14:12
Code snippet to demonstrate how a Django model can be made immutable on certain condition. Hint : Override the save() method for the model in question.
from django.db import models
from django.utils import timezone
class Bank(models.Model):
bank_ifsc = models.CharField(max_length=200, blank=False, primary_key=True)
bank_name = models.CharField(max_length=200, blank=False)
bank_addr = models.CharField(max_length=400, blank=True)
def __str__(self):
donrokzon /
Last active June 3, 2018 14:36
mkdir tutorial
cd tutorial
# Create a virtualenv to isolate our package dependencies locally
virtualenv env
source env/bin/activate # On Windows use `env\Scripts\activate`
# Install Django and Django REST framework into the virtualenv
pip install django
pip install djangorestframework
Julia likes to study KMP algorithm again using lecture note. What she likes to do is to go over the lecture
notes word by word, and then focus on thinking process.
She started to review KMP using Chinese blog, but she found out that the blog is not clear, so she likes to
follow up with more detail lecture note.
She likes to write and also she likes to read good writing of the KMP algorithm.
toransahu /
Last active January 22, 2023 07:02
Django | Extend User Model | Using a One-To-One Link | Profile
from django.db import models
from django.contrib.auth.models import User
class Profile(models.Model):
user = models.OneToOneField(User, on_delete=models.CASCADE)
bio = models.TextField(max_length=500, blank=True)
location = models.CharField(max_length=30, blank=True)
birth_date = models.DateField(null=True, blank=True)
RaphaelAslanian /
Last active November 26, 2018 02:19
Implementation of the Knuth-Morris-Pratt algorithm
This module contains an implementation of the Knuth-Morris-Pratt algorithm allowing to look for sequence matching.
For example if you want to find the sequence [1, 2, 3] in [2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 5, 6], you could do:
find_sequence([2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 5, 6], [1, 2, 3])
This algorithm is especially interesting in case of many partial matches. Otherwise, you could simply use a brute
force search with correct performances.
The main function to use here is find_sequence which actually performs the KMP algorithm.
fatkulnurk / php-Knuth-Morris.php
Created December 4, 2017 14:39
Algoritma Knuth-Morris-Pratt
// Referensi :
prodeveloper /
Last active September 15, 2024 19:05
How to upload and use images on your Django application

Working with images

We now have everything we need to build a web app, except for images and other binary files. Your application will likely not get a lot of engagement if its not visual. In this lesson, we shall be adding the ability to upload images to your Posts api.

Since this will be a continuation from the class on Deploying to production you are adviced to start by cloning that workspace and then working from there.

Step 1

blagoeres / Enable HTTP2 (h2) in
Last active March 3, 2019 05:30
🌟 Hypertext Transfer Protocol Version 2 (HTTP/2) in NGINX ⭐
pachadotdev /
Last active October 9, 2022 06:41
Install R and Python via Homebrew
# See
# XCode CLT
xcode-select --install
# Update Homebrew and add formulae
brew update
# Check for broken dependencies and/or outdated packages
brew doctor