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Last active November 26, 2018 02:19
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Implementation of the Knuth-Morris-Pratt algorithm
This module contains an implementation of the Knuth-Morris-Pratt algorithm allowing to look for sequence matching.
For example if you want to find the sequence [1, 2, 3] in [2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 5, 6], you could do:
find_sequence([2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 5, 6], [1, 2, 3])
This algorithm is especially interesting in case of many partial matches. Otherwise, you could simply use a brute
force search with correct performances.
The main function to use here is find_sequence which actually performs the KMP algorithm.
You will find documentation on this algorithm here:
import logging
def find_sequence(input_list, seq_to_find):
This function computes whether or not a sequence is contained in another using the Knuth–Morris–Pratt algorithm.
:param input_list: iterable into which to look for a certain sequence
:param seq_to_find: iterable holding the sequence to seek
:return: True if the sequence was found, False otherwise.
kmp_table = build_kmp_table(seq_to_find)
return apply_kmp_algo(input_list, seq_to_find, kmp_table)
except IndexError:
logging.error("The algorithm encountered an index error. "
"Please make sure the iterables have at least one element.")
except TypeError:
logging.error("The algorithm encountered a type error. Please make sure the arguments passed are iterable.")
def build_kmp_table(sequence):
Builds the KMP table for a specific sequence.
This table will then be used in the KMP algorithm (see apply_kmp_algo).
:param sequence: iterable for which to construct the KMP table.
:return: the KMP table associated with the input sequence.
kmp_table = [-1] * len(sequence)
cnd = 0
for pos in range(1, len(sequence)):
if sequence[pos] == sequence[cnd]:
kmp_table[pos] = kmp_table[cnd]
kmp_table[pos] = cnd
cnd = kmp_table[cnd]
while cnd >= 0 and sequence[pos] != sequence[cnd]:
cnd = kmp_table[cnd]
cnd += 1
return kmp_table
def apply_kmp_algo(input_list, seq_to_find, kmp_table):
Computes whether a sequence is contained into another, using the KMP table previously computed.
:param input_list: the sequence on which to look for.
:param seq_to_find: the sought sequence
:param kmp_table: the kmp table associated with the sequence to find.
:return: True whether the sequence to find appears indeed in the other reference sequence, False otherwise.
idx_begin = 0
idx_current = 0
while idx_begin + idx_current < len(input_list):
if seq_to_find[idx_current] == input_list[idx_begin + idx_current]:
idx_current += 1
if idx_current == len(seq_to_find):
return True
if kmp_table[idx_current] > -1:
idx_begin += idx_current - kmp_table[idx_current]
idx_current = kmp_table[idx_current]
idx_begin += idx_current + 1
idx_current = 0
return False
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