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Last active July 27, 2018 12:44
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org mode keybinding

  • ,' on a source block opens that in a separate buffer with the languege relvant mode
  • C-c c capture
  • C-c C-l edit link (when it’s not visible org-toggle-link-display)
  • C-c a agenda
  • C-c a T show todo list agenda view with specifing todo keyword
  • C-c a t show todo list agenda view with default todo keyword
  • C-c a s search agenda view
  • C-c [ add current file to agenda files list
  • C-c ] remove current file from agenda files list
  • C-, cycle throug agenda files, visiting them
  • C-' cycle throug agenda files, visiting them (org-cycle-agenda-files)
  • C-c l store link
  • C-c > show calendar
  • C-RET new item on the same level
  • tags: search by creating a sparse tree with ,/ and m
  • tags: or C-c a m global tag list

“Store an org-link to the current location. This link is added to ‘org-stored-links’ and can later be inserted into an Org buffer with ‘org-insert-link’ (‘C-c C-l’).”

~tab~ cycles
~S-tab~ global cycle for the whole org file
  • ,R refile (quite handy interface)
  • ,A to archive (by default to archive file in current dir based on current filename)

NB: I guess I need a practice file(s) (~/learning/org_practice/)

  • You call a new note with C-c C-z! Logs it to LOGBOOK drawer per my settings (in .spacemacs)
  • spc s s use swoop to “filter” search
  • M-left/right promote/demote
  • M-S-left/right promote/demote subtree (!)
  • ,. insert date
  • ,! insert inactive date
  • S-left/right change date by one day
  • S-up/down (when on the brackets) change date from inactive to active
  • S-up/down (when on date item) change date item by one
  • ,d dealine
  • ,s schedule
  • ,I clock in
  • ,O clock out
  • ,q clock cancel~
  • ,, (c-c c-c) update clock table (on the table “header”)
  • spc a o o agenda dispatch
  • spc a o s search view
  • spc a o t todo view
  • < / > context dependant: demote/promote, indent, move table column
  • T insert new todo item
  • t add todo keyword


  • ,iy downloads yank (image, don’t know why not anything else)(??)

binding by namespace

C-c keybindings

Even though some of those have a localleader mapping I list them here. This is because I want to usee them as global mappings. There can be duplicates with the above

  • C-c c capture (global)
  • C-c a agenda (global)
  • C-ret new bullet
  • C-c - toggle type of bullet
  • C-c \* turn item into headline (ctrl-star)
  • C-c l store link (to specific place-hedline)
  • C-c C-l insert (stored) link

, keybindings

  • ,, C-c C-c
  • ,. timestamp
  • ,: tag
  • ,^ sort
  • ,/ sparse tree (filter)
  • ,A archive
  • ,D insert drawer
  • ,d deadline
  • ,L ,H shift left right (cycle through todo, done etc.)
  • ,K ,J shift down up (cycle through priorities)
  • ,h... heading namespace (subheading, insert…)
  • ,ia org attach
  • ,il insert link (!!)
  • ,n ,N narrow widen
  • ,P set property
  • ,p pomodoro :) (where does it save it ?? to the task I guess)
  • ,R refile (needs some config I guess to be really useful)
  • ,s schedule
  • ,Sh ,Sl promote demote
  • M-S-Left M-S-Right promote demote
  • ,T show todo tree
  • ,t... table namespace
  • ,hS craete subheading from text
  • ,hI craete heading from text

Agenda mappings/agenda commands

  • C-c C-o open link in the entry
  • R clock report
  • E entry text mode (shows some line below the entry from original file)
  • 20 E show 20 lines
  • C-_ agenda undo
  • M-SPC agenda transient state
  • J jump to date
  • . go to today
  • d day view
  • w week view
  • L logbook view (with times etc.)
  • A append different agenda view [use case??]
  • F follow mode (opens buffer for when on each agenda entry)
  • s save
  • z add note (quite a neat feature!!)
  • when in emacs mode (C-z)
    • g refresh (doesn’t work in evilified mode)
    • use r refresh otherwise
    • sr combo of the above (save all and refresh)
  • Tab goes to entry in another window
  • S-left/rigt move date one day (scheduled, deadline; this one works in normal org buffer as well)
  • +/- increase/decrease priority
  • \ filter by tab
  • < filter by category
  • _ filter by effort
  • = filter by regexp
  • ^ filter by top level headline
  • f/b forward/backward by a day
  • D toggle diary entries
  • [ show inactive timestamps (e.g. to see notes timestamped on a particular day)
  • gd toggle (time) grid–the lines in the Log view
  • s save
  • c open calendar, c when in calendar shows agenda for that day!
  • d display day
  • w display week
  • . go to today
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