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org mode keybinding

  • ,' on a source block opens that in a separate buffer with the languege relvant mode
  • C-c c capture
  • C-c C-l edit link (when it’s not visible org-toggle-link-display)
  • C-c a agenda
  • C-c a T show todo list agenda view with specifing todo keyword
  • C-c a t show todo list agenda view with default todo keyword
function! PythonGetLabel()
if foldlevel('.') != 0
norm! zo
let originalline = getpos('.')
let lnlist = []
let lastlineindent = indent(line('.'))
let objregexp = "^\\s*\\(class\\|def\\)\\s\\+[^:]\\+\\s*:"
if match(getline('.'),objregexp) != -1
let lastlineindent = indent(line('.'))