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Last active September 15, 2024 01:26
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import random
import os
import string
import polib
# import tempfile
# import subprocess
from termcolor import colored
from difflib import SequenceMatcher
# Letter Frequencies of the Greek language
'α': 10.81, 'τ': 7.99, 'ο': 7.23, 'ε': 7.18, 'σ': 7.00, 'ι': 6.64,
'ν': 6.19, 'ρ': 4.32, 'π': 4.15, 'κ': 3.77, 'μ': 3.43, 'η': 3.18,
'υ': 3.04, 'λ': 2.66, 'γ': 1.70, 'δ': 1.63, 'χ': 1.29, 'ω': 1.23,
'θ': 1.22, 'φ': 0.74, 'β': 0.67, 'ξ': 0.44, 'ζ': 0.33, 'ψ': 0.15
# List of Greek letters to exclude
EXCLUDED_LETTERS = {'ά', 'έ', 'ή', 'ί', 'ό', 'ύ', 'ώ', 'ϊ', 'ϋ', 'ΐ', 'ΰ', 'ς'}
def detect_ampersand_changes(old_msgid, new_msgid):
Detect if an ampersand (&) has been added or removed between old_msgid and new_msgid.
Ignore escaped ampersands (&&).
# Count non-escaped ampersands (&) by removing '&&' and counting remaining '&'
old_ampersands = old_msgid.count('&') - old_msgid.count('&&') * 2
new_ampersands = new_msgid.count('&') - new_msgid.count('&&') * 2
if old_ampersands != new_ampersands:
return old_ampersands, new_ampersands
return old_ampersands, new_ampersands
def remove_unescaped_ampersand(msgstr, count_to_remove):
Remove only unescaped ampersands (&) from the string, leaving escaped ampersands (&&) intact.
`count_to_remove` specifies how many ampersands to remove.
result = []
i = 0
ampersands_removed = 0
while i < len(msgstr):
# Check for escaped ampersands (&&)
if msgstr[i:i+2] == '&&':
i += 2 # Skip both '&'
elif msgstr[i] == '&' and ampersands_removed < count_to_remove:
# Remove the unescaped ampersand
ampersands_removed += 1
i += 1 # Skip this '&'
i += 1
return ''.join(result)
def apply_ampersand_change(old_msgid, new_msgid, msgstr):
Apply the ampersand change to msgstr. If ampersand was removed, remove it from msgstr.
If ampersand was added, assign it randomly to a letter in msgstr.
old_ampersands, new_ampersands = detect_ampersand_changes(old_msgid, new_msgid)
if new_ampersands > old_ampersands:
# Ampersand added, assign it randomly
ampersands_to_add = new_ampersands - old_ampersands
return (True, assign_ampersand_randomly(msgstr, ampersands_to_add))
elif old_ampersands > new_ampersands:
# Ampersand removed, remove from msgstr
return (True, remove_unescaped_ampersand(msgstr, old_ampersands - new_ampersands))
elif new_ampersands > 0:
# Ampersand's location moved.
return (True, msgstr)
return (False, msgstr)
def assign_ampersand_randomly(msgstr, ampersands_to_add):
Assign ampersands randomly to letters in msgstr.
Penalize common Greek letters and exclude vowels with diacritics.
# Filter out excluded vowels and create a list of unique letters in the msgstr
unique_letters = [ch for ch in set(msgstr.lower()) if ch not in EXCLUDED_LETTERS and ch.isalpha()]
if not unique_letters:
# No valid letters to assign ampersands, return unchanged msgstr
return msgstr
# Create a list of letters with their penalties
weighted_letters = []
for letter in unique_letters:
penalty = GREEK_LETTER_PENALTIES.get(letter, 1) # Higher penalty for common letters
weighted_letters.extend([letter] * int(100 / penalty)) # More penalty = fewer chances
# Randomly assign ampersands to letters in msgstr
for _ in range(ampersands_to_add):
chosen_letter = random.choice(weighted_letters)
msgstr = insert_ampersand_before_letter(msgstr, chosen_letter)
return msgstr
def insert_ampersand_before_letter(msgstr, letter):
"""Insert ampersand (&) before the first occurrence of the chosen letter (lowercase or uppercase) in msgstr."""
lower_letter = letter.lower()
upper_letter = letter.upper()
lower_index = msgstr.find(lower_letter)
upper_index = msgstr.find(upper_letter)
if lower_index == -1 and upper_index == -1:
return msgstr
elif lower_index == -1 or (upper_index != -1 and upper_index < lower_index):
return msgstr.replace(upper_letter, f'&{upper_letter}', 1)
return msgstr.replace(lower_letter, f'&{lower_letter}', 1)
def detect_trailing_changes(old, new):
Detect if certain trailing characters like '...' have been added or removed
between the old msgid and new msgid.
# Define the trailing patterns to look for
trailing_patterns = ['...', '…', ': ', ':', '.', ', ', ',']
def find_trailing_pattern(s):
for pattern in trailing_patterns:
if s.endswith(pattern):
return pattern
return None
old_trailing = find_trailing_pattern(old)
new_trailing = find_trailing_pattern(new)
if old_trailing != new_trailing:
return old_trailing, new_trailing
return None, None
def apply_trailing_change(old_msgid, new_msgid, msgstr):
Automatically apply trailing changes if the trailing pattern has been modified
between old_msgid and new_msgid.
old_trailing, new_trailing = detect_trailing_changes(old_msgid, new_msgid)
if old_trailing is None and new_trailing is None:
# No trailing changes detected
return (False, msgstr)
# Remove old trailing pattern from msgstr if it exists
if old_trailing and msgstr.endswith(old_trailing):
msgstr = msgstr[:-len(old_trailing)].rstrip()
# Add the new trailing pattern to msgstr if a new one exists
if new_trailing and not msgstr.endswith(new_trailing):
msgstr = msgstr.rstrip() + new_trailing
return (True, msgstr)
def apply_case_change(old_msgid, new_msgid, msgstr):
def sentence_case(s):
return s[0].upper() + s[1:].lower()
# Check if new_str is the sentence-cased version of old_msgid
if sentence_case(old_msgid) == new_msgid:
# Apply the same sentence casing to msg
return (True, sentence_case(msgstr))
if new_msgid[0].islower():
# Apply lowercase to all letters in msgstr
return (True, msgstr.lower())
if old_msgid == sentence_case(new_msgid):
# Words titled cased, ignore.
return (True, msgstr)
return (False, msgstr)
def is_minor_change(old, new):
Detect if the change is minor based on normalization (case, punctuation, whitespace changes).
Return True if the change is minor.
normalized_old = normalize_string(old)
normalized_new = normalize_string(new)
return normalized_old == normalized_new
def normalize_string(s):
"""Normalize a string by lowercasing, removing punctuation, and normalizing whitespace."""
normalized = []
prev_char = None
# punctuation = string.punctuation + "…"
punctuation = '.&:,…'
for ch in s:
if ch in punctuation:
continue # Skip punctuation
if ch.isspace():
# Only append a single space when encountering multiple spaces
if prev_char != ' ':
normalized.append(' ')
prev_char = ' '
prev_char = ch.lower()
return ''.join(normalized).strip()
# def open_editor_with_content(initial_content):
# """Open the user's default editor to edit multiline text."""
# # Create a temporary file
# with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix=".tmp", mode='w+', delete=False) as tmp_file:
# # Write initial content (the current msgstr) to the temporary file
# tmp_file.write(initial_content)
# tmp_file_name =
# # Try to get the user's default editor from environment variables, fallback to 'nano'
# editor = os.environ.get('EDITOR', 'nano')
# # Open the temporary file in the editor
#[editor, tmp_file_name])
# # After the user closes the editor, read the file back
# with open(tmp_file_name, 'r') as tmp_file:
# edited_content =
# # Clean up the temporary file
# os.remove(tmp_file_name)
# return edited_content.strip()
def colored_inline_diff(str1, str2):
# Create a SequenceMatcher object
matcher = SequenceMatcher(None, str1, str2)
# Process the diff
for op, i1, i2, j1, j2 in matcher.get_opcodes():
if op == 'equal':
print(str1[i1:i2], end='')
elif op == 'delete':
print(colored(str1[i1:i2], 'white', 'on_red'), end='')
elif op == 'insert':
print(colored(str2[j1:j2], 'green'), end='')
elif op == 'replace':
print(colored(str1[i1:i2], 'white', 'on_red') + colored(str2[j1:j2], 'green'), end='')
print() # Add a newline at the end
def print_header(text):
print(colored(f"\n=== {text} ===", "yellow", attrs=["bold"]))
def print_subheader(text):
print(colored(f" {text}", "cyan"))
def print_info(text):
print(colored(f"{text}", "magenta", attrs=["bold"]))
def print_change(text):
print(colored(f" {text}", "green"))
def print_unchanged(text):
print(colored(f" {text}", "dark_grey"))
from enum import Enum
class MsgstrChangeStatus(Enum):
SAVED_AS_IS = 1 # When the entry was saved as is, without further changes
AUTO_APPLIED = 2 # When the change was auto-applied to msgstr
UNCHANGED = 3 # When no changes were applied
def process_msgstr_change(current_msgstr, new_msgstr, change_applied):
Process the changes to msgstr, returning the new msgstr and a status Enum representing the result.
if new_msgstr != current_msgstr:
return MsgstrChangeStatus.AUTO_APPLIED # Change is auto-applied
elif change_applied:
return MsgstrChangeStatus.SAVED_AS_IS # Entry saved as is
return MsgstrChangeStatus.UNCHANGED # No changes applied
def detect_and_preapply_changes(entry):
Detect if the msgid or msgid_plural has added or removed trailing characters and apply the same change to msgstr_plural[0] (singular form)
and msgstr_plural[1] (plural form). If the change is minor (punctuation, case, etc.), pre-apply it automatically.
old_msgid = entry.previous_msgid
new_msgid = entry.msgid
old_msgid_plural = entry.previous_msgid_plural
new_msgid_plural = entry.msgid_plural
# Helper function to apply changes to msgstr (both singular and plural)
def apply_changes_to_strs(old, new, msgstr):
change_applied = False
applied, new_msgstr = apply_ampersand_change(old, new, msgstr)
change_applied = change_applied or applied
applied, new_msgstr = apply_trailing_change(old, new, new_msgstr)
change_applied = change_applied or applied
applied, new_msgstr = apply_case_change(old, new, new_msgstr)
change_applied = change_applied or applied
return change_applied, new_msgstr
is_minor_change_plural = bool(old_msgid_plural and new_msgid_plural) and \
is_minor_change(old_msgid_plural, new_msgid_plural)
# Handle singular and plural together if both exist
if old_msgid and is_minor_change(old_msgid, new_msgid) and \
bool(entry.msgstr_plural) == is_minor_change_plural: # XNOR
print_subheader(f"Detected minor change in msgid:")
colored_inline_diff(old_msgid, new_msgid)
if is_minor_change_plural:
colored_inline_diff(old_msgid_plural, new_msgid_plural)
change_applied = False
# Apply changes to the singular form
applied, new_msgstr_singular = apply_changes_to_strs(
old_msgid, new_msgid,
entry.msgstr_plural[0] if is_minor_change_plural else entry.msgstr
change_applied = change_applied or applied
status_singular = process_msgstr_change(
entry.msgstr_plural[0] if is_minor_change_plural else entry.msgstr,
change_applied or old_msgid == new_msgid
# If there is a plural form, apply changes to msgstr_plural[1]
if entry.msgstr_plural and 1 in entry.msgstr_plural:
applied, new_msgstr_plural = apply_changes_to_strs(old_msgid_plural,
new_msgid_plural, entry.msgstr_plural[1])
change_applied = change_applied or applied
status_plural = process_msgstr_change(
change_applied or old_msgid_plural == new_msgid_plural
status_plural = MsgstrChangeStatus.SAVED_AS_IS
if status_singular == MsgstrChangeStatus.UNCHANGED or \
status_plural == MsgstrChangeStatus.UNCHANGED:
print_unchanged("↳ Entry NOT changed:")
if is_minor_change_plural:
return False # Change is not minor, user will handle it
if status_singular == MsgstrChangeStatus.AUTO_APPLIED:
print_change("↳ Auto-applied change to entry:")
entry.msgstr_plural[0] if is_minor_change_plural else entry.msgstr,
if is_minor_change_plural:
colored_inline_diff(entry.msgstr_plural[1], new_msgstr_plural)
elif status_singular == MsgstrChangeStatus.SAVED_AS_IS:
print_change("↳ Entry saved as is:")
if is_minor_change_plural:
if status_singular == MsgstrChangeStatus.AUTO_APPLIED:
if is_minor_change_plural:
entry.msgstr_plural[0] = new_msgstr_singular
entry.msgstr_plural[1] = new_msgstr_plural
entry.msgstr = new_msgstr_singular
print_unchanged(f"No changes applied due to complexity.")
return False # Change is not minor, user will handle it
def edit_msgstr(entry):
"""Function to edit msgstr with multiline editing support and pre-applied changes."""
# print(f"\nmsgid: {entry.msgid}")
# if entry.previous_msgid:
# print("\nDiff with previous_msgid:")
# colored_inline_diff(entry.previous_msgid, entry.msgid)
# Detect and pre-apply changes if msgid changed regarding trailing dots/ellipsis/colon/period
# # Show the current msgstr
# print(f"\nCurrent msgstr: {entry.msgstr}")
# # Prompt the user for action (edit, save, or skip)
# while True:
# action = input("Choose an action - [e]dit, [s]ave, or [k]skip: ").strip().lower()
# if action == 'e':
# # Open the user's editor with the current msgstr as the initial content
# new_msgstr = open_editor_with_content(entry.msgstr)
# # Update the msgstr if it was edited
# if new_msgstr != entry.msgstr:
# entry.msgstr = new_msgstr
# print(f"\nUpdated msgstr: {entry.msgstr}")
# break
# elif action == 's':
# # Just save the current msgstr (possibly pre-applied changes)
# break
# elif action == 'k':
# # Skip saving changes
# return False
# return True
def process_po_file(filepath):
"""Process the .po file and handle fuzzy entries."""
po = polib.pofile(filepath)
changed = False
for entry in po.fuzzy_entries():
print_header(f"Editing fuzzy entry in {filepath}:{entry.linenum}")
if edit_msgstr(entry):
entry.flags.remove('fuzzy') # Remove the fuzzy flag
changed = True
if changed:
print_info(f"Saving changes to {filepath}...")
def scan_directory(directory):
"""Scan the directory for .po files and process them."""
for root, _, files in os.walk(directory):
for file in files:
if file.endswith('.po'):
filepath = os.path.join(root, file)
if __name__ == "__main__":
directory = input("Enter the directory to scan for .po files: ").strip()
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