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Mary Lang mcat56

  • Turing School of Software Development
  • Denver, CO
View GitHub Profile

How to integrate FusionAuth using Sinatra

FusionAuth is a platform and framework agnositc modern CIAM tool to integrate authentication, authorization and user management into your applications. FusionAuth supports many applications in one easy to use browser interface. Features are exposed in API's that allow flexibility and customizable user experiences. In this tutorial we will demonstrate integrating FusionAuth with the light-weight Ruby framework Sinatra.

The best way to integrate with Sinatra is using the FusionAuth Ruby client library. The API will provide all of the necessary methods to create user access management.

This tutorial will illustrate creating a Sinatra application, JSCRUM - a Pied Piper Agile Management App by Jared, with FusionAuth that allows users to register, login, view and edit profile information, logout, and delete their accounts. Check out the example [FusionAuth Sinatra Application here](

mcat56 /
Last active February 28, 2020 18:56

Accountability Group DTR


Use this template to create your DTR with your job seeker accountability groups. Copy/past the template into a gist for your group to send to Allison or Tracey.


Group Members: Alice Post, Mary Lang, Jessie, Le-Ho, Christopher Kelling, Austen Dunn

Schedule for weekly meetings and regular Stand Ups (must have 1 weekly meeting and at least 2 Stand Ups a week):




Group Member Names

Kayla Wood, Ben Firth, Christopher Kelling, Mary Lang

Project Expectations

Kayla: Learn how to do mobile app, a functional app that looks professional that you are

1. What is one command that you'll incorporate into your daily workflow and why?

git reset --soft HEAD^ I will use this command to "undo" a commit but still be able to see the changes

2. How does rebasing work compared to a merge workflow?

Rebasing stacks your new branch changes on top of the master you are basing off of, it rewrites the SHA history, and pulls in all commits so they are all on your current branch

1. What is under-fetching

Under fetching is when you must make multiple api calls to get all the information that you need. For example, making an api call to get an id, with which you must make another api call to get nested information off that id

2. What is over-fetching

Over fetching is when you get more information than you need in the response

3. How does GraphQL help with these

GraphQL helps by allowing the developer to request and use only the

Module 4 Prework Review

  1. What are some concepts or ideas about Javascript that remain a bit confusing? Why are those things confusing? List these out with your partner and discuss each in detail. Building the express app was more overwhelming and didn't feel confident in my ability to reporoduce what we did to set up and build the app. Still unsure about the best debugging techniques for javascript

  2. What is something that is pleasantly surprising about Javascript? I appreciate being able to call object attributes with dot method. The curly braces help me keep track of my steps easier than the do/ends. Classes don't need function declaration.


An app to help manage your free time and increase your productivity through organizing tasks and reminders


When you feel you have many extraneous to-do's that are hard to keep track of and remember, from doctors visits to work to grocery shopping.

mcat56 /
Last active September 26, 2019 20:33
B2 Intermission Work

B2 Intermission Work

Answer these Check for Understanding questions as you work through the assignments.


  1. What is HTML?

    HTML is the standard mark-up language for webpages. HTML stands for hyper-text markup language.

mcat56 /
Last active September 16, 2019 17:02
  1. I have learned that waterfall is best suited for high capital venture companies, it is not efficient with time. Your product won't ever get consumer response until the very end. Agile moves in much faster cycles part of which includes getting consumer feedback.

  2. We began by trying to use GitHub projects, but we didn't continue to use it after the first day. We didn't necessarily have a system for accountability, but we kept communication on what we were each doing.

  3. I believe my role was one of overall management and coding contribution, in a way a leader role.

  4. I would be more adamant about using tools to stay organized and work harder to make sure everyone was