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colindembovsky /
Last active June 14, 2019 16:40
QnA from Webinar with Containous: Container DevOps with Traefik and Azure DevOps

QnA - Container DevOps with Traefik and Azure DevOps

1. I deploy services using Deployments in k8s. Why do I need Traefik?

Traefik gives you some capabilities that are not native to k8s - like traffic shifting (for canary testing) and circuit breaking, amongst other features. While powerful, it is fairly "lightweight" and intuitive, so it's a great tool to add to your toolkit. There are some other tools, such as Istio and linkerd that can perform some similar functions, but they are more heavy to use and configure. For a deeper discussion on this, see this blog post.

2. What is the difference between Azure and Azure DevOps?

Azure is Microsoft's Cloud platform - Azure DevOps (formerly known as VSTS or Visual Studio Team Services, formerly known as VSO or Visual Studio Online) is a DevOps platform including:

  • Azure Boards - Work item tracking
  • Azure Repos - Unlimited Git private and public repos
  • **Azure Pipel
dduportal / Q & A.adoc
Last active April 1, 2019 07:35
Q & A Online Meetup: Back to Traefik 2.0 - Gigawatts of Routing Power
dduportal / Q&A.adoc
Last active February 27, 2019 16:12
Q&A of Traefik Online Meetup #1: Keep the Routing Simple

Q&A of Traefik Online Meetup #1: Keep the Routing Simple

Question: Doesn’t the web container need to use dynamic ports, and not port 80?

Answer: A container doesn’t need to publish/forward to any port on the outside. It listens on a port, for example, port 80, from its own private IP address, inside the Docker private network. The value of Traefik is to route requests from the outside on a chosen port, for example, port 80 or 443, of the public address, to the private IP address of the web server. Traefik watches for Docker’s API to get this private IP, and for any change of this private IP (e.g. on a container reboot). Also, you can have as many containers as you want, listening on their own port 80 without any conflict: useful for blue/green deployments, for example. You can find more information here:

Question: Could you create the Jenkins link also with a, and no other option (i.e. no tweak on Jenkins, no