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kubopanda / Meetup Q & A: Traefik 2.5
Last active September 2, 2021 23:25
Meetup Q & A: Traefik 2.5 Meetup

Meetup Q & A: What’s New in Traefik 2.5

  • Question: When will there be QUIC Support?

    Answer: It is already on our radar. If you are interested in it, leave a thumbs up here.

  • Question: Is there a big step from moving from 'docker-compose'-traefik to 'Kubernetes' and set Traefik up?

    Answer: The Traefik port from docker-compose to K8s is relatively easy. What is way more complex and also requires more work, is the transition from docker compose based app deploy (labels) to the combination of Deployments, Services and Ingress inside K8s.

kubopanda / Webinar Q & A: Simplifying Infrastructure and Network Automation with HashiCorp and
Last active August 28, 2021 00:34
Webinar Q & A: Simplifying Infrastructure and Network Automation with HashiCorp and Traefik

Webinar Q & A: Simplifying Infrastructure and Network Automation with HashiCorp and Traefik

  • Question: Can you provide Traefik with a Vault token as an environment variable?

    Answer: Not today, but you can use Vault integration on K8s, Nomad or Vault agent to pull from Vault and render the yaml.

  • Question: Is host networking required?

    Answer: No.

kubopanda / # Q & A from Traefik Online Meetup: Deploying FastAPI apps with HTTPS powered by
Last active May 29, 2023 09:51
Q & A from Traefik Online Meetup: Deploying FastAPI apps with HTTPS powered by Traefik

Q & A from Traefik Online Meetup: Deploying FastAPI apps with HTTPS powered by Traefik

Question: Will you use Docker in the dev environment?

Answer: Not this time, just to save time (there's a lot to cover), although I'm sharing a couple of development tricks in the end.

Question: Why is the convention ‘app’ not 'api'?

Answer: To simplify things. It might be more familiar for people coming from other frameworks. Also because you can serve things like templates rendered on the backend, so, to avoid confusion. But you can also name the object differently if that works better for you.

kubopanda / Q & A from Traefik Online Meetup: Kubernetes, Ingress and Traefik Usage at
Last active February 25, 2021 23:02
Q & A from Traefik Online Meetup: Kubernetes, Ingress and Traefik Usage at CERN

Q & A from Traefik Online Meetup: Kubernetes, Ingress and Traefik Usage at CERN

Question: What is your Kubernetes upgrade strategy? 
Do you have Dev and Staging area as well?

Answer: We recommend to our users to upgrade by deploying new clusters and redirecting traffic gradually to the new resources - and move capacity from one cluster to the other along that. This requires users set external LB instances for their services. For cases where in-place upgrades are required, we recommend prod/staging clusters - usually staging takes ~10% of the traffic/requests. We do use grafana for visualization, on top of Prometheus.

Question: What are you using for Prometheus aggregation? Is that Thanos/Cortex?

Answer: We have an internal solution where a central Prometheus instance queries each cluster that is subscribed to central metric collection. The usual long term aggregation is done with 1h granularity (vs 10min for the in cluster metrics).

kubopanda / Q & A from Traefik Online Meetup: Maesh, a Simpler Service Maesh. Presented by The Traefik Team!.md
Last active February 25, 2021 23:00
Q & A from Traefik Online Meetup: Maesh, a Simpler Service Maesh. Presented by The Traefik Team!

Q & A from Traefik Online Meetup: Maesh, a Simpler Service Maesh. Presented by The Traefik Team!

Check out the YouTube video:

Question: Does Maesh handle SSL between services?

Answer: Maesh does not currently handle TLS/SSL between services. However, if your service implements TLS, a TCP connection through maesh will allow this to function properly. Full discussion: traefik/mesh#213

Question: When using Maesh to connect to other pods, does it use end to end SSL/TLS?

kubopanda / Q & A from Traefik Online Meetup: Container Orchestration with Traefik on Docker Swarm by Jakub Hajek, Cometari Dedicated
Last active February 25, 2021 23:02
Q & A from Traefik Online Meetup: Container Orchestration with Traefik on Docker Swarm by Jakub Hajek, Cometari Dedicated Solutions

Q & A Online Meetup: Container Orchestration with Traefik on Docker Swarm by Jakub Hajek, Cometari Dedicated Solutions

Check out the YouTube video:

Question: Will the demo code be published to GitHub?

Answer: Yes, it is. Here is a link to Github repo:

Question: Can you say something on the placement of the Consul? Are you using just the server cluster or agents too? Are the agents running in the Docker vms, or in the containers directly?

kubopanda / Q & A from Traefik Online Meetup: Deploy, Configure, and Monitor Traefik with Prometheus and Grafana with Brian Christner,
Last active July 1, 2019 21:26
Q & A from Traefik Online Meetup: Deploy, Configure, and Monitor Traefik with Prometheus and Grafana with Brian Christner,

Q & A Online Meetup: Deploy, Configure, and Monitor Traefik with Prometheus and Grafana with Brian Christner, 56K.Cloud

Check out the YouTube video:

Repo: A Docker Swarm Stack for monitoring Traefik with Promethues and Grafana

Question: You mentioned your Prometheus/Grafana would normally be node==worker deployments, for the demo it's just on the manager. Why is it necessary to add the constraint for them, doesn't Swarm do that automatically?

Answer: Yes, Swarm without a constraint automatically schedules services on the first node available. Typically, I add a constraint to monitoring services to run it separate from my workload. I try to dedicate nodes just for monitoring.

kubopanda / Q & A from Traefik Online Meetup: HolidayCheck Cloud Platform Using
Last active April 11, 2019 21:22
Q & A from Traefik Online Meetup: HolidayCheck Cloud Platform Using Traefik

Q & A Online Meetup: HolidayCheck Cloud Platform Using Traefik

Question: Did you have configuration shifts between the multiple Traefik pods (behind the Service Traefik’s VIP)? If yes, how did you manage it?

Answer: No, not that we noticed. We are very happy on how the ingress controller works.

Question: Is your Traefik image a custom one or the upstream one?

Answer: Yes, we are still maintaining an internal fork with a small set of patches. Previsously the set included patches of pending upstream PRs. Since we were part of the maintainers team we had a strong feeling of urgency to move forward our PRs and close the gap to upstream. Currently the only missing patch provides OpenCensus support for our demands. However, we believe this will be eliminated in the near future thanks to the merger with OpenTracing. Latter is support by Traefik for a long time.

kubopanda / Q & A from Traefik Online Meetup: RiksTV's Cloud Infrastructure Using
Last active February 25, 2021 23:01
Q & A from Traefik Online Meetup: RiksTV's Cloud Infrastructure Using

Q & A from Traefik Online Meetup: RiksTV's Cloud Infrastructure Using Traefik

Question: Do you intend to run any Windows containers, or are you keeping them as VMs and only use Linux containers?

Answer: We might. For now, the strategy is to migrate as-is to AWS which means traditional VMs. From there, we'll see how quickly we're able to transition to .net core and Linux-based containers. So at the moment, we're not actively researching Windows containers but that might change down the road.

Question: I see the version of Traefik is a little old (1.7.5). From your experience, how easy is to update traefik in production environment?

Answer: Very easy! For VM-based Traefik instances everything is managed by Ansible in Autoscaling Groups, so it's a matter of flipping the version, and perform a scale-out/scale-in to replace nodes. For Traefik running in Kubernetes its even easier (I even show this in as a demo in the webast). It's worth mentioning how important it is to tune the shutd