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Last active July 11, 2019 18:49
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Guide for transitioning a C API to C++ API


As libcudf transitions from a C API to C++ API, this is a list of guidance on what should be done for all new PRs against libcudf.

File Structure

In lieu of the monolithic functions.h, external function APIs should be grouped based on functionality into an appropriately titled header file cudf/cpp/include/. For example, cudf/cpp/include/copying.hpp contains the APIs for functions related to copying from one column to another. Note the .hpp file extension used to indicate a C++ header file.

As existing functions are ported from a C to C++ API, new header files will need to be added to cudf/cpp/include/. For naming of these headers, it should be consistent with the name of the folder that contains the implementation of the API. For example, the implementation of the APIs found in cudf/cpp/include/copying.hpp are located in cudf/src/copying.

API Design


All external APIs should be placed in the cudf namespace. For example:

namespace cudf{

  void some_function(...);

} // namespace cudf

detail Namespace

Utility functions that are for use only in libcudf internals, but can be reused in many places should be placed in the cudf::detail namespace. For example:

namespace cudf{
namespace detail{
void reusable_utility_function(...);
} // namespace detail
} // namespace cudf

Anonymous Namespaces

All functions specific to a translation unit should be placed in an anonymous namespace.


namespace {
void some_specific_helper_function(...);
} // namespace

Data Structures


A replacement abstraction for gdf_column is actively being designed: rapidsai/cudf#1443

Until that design is complete, continue to use gdf_columns as usual.


It is common for an API to work on a set of N gdf_columns of equal size which required an API to do something like the following:

void some_multi_col_function(gdf_column * cols[], int num_cols);

A simple wrapper class called cudf::table is defined in cudf/cpp/src/table/table.hpp to provide a convenient abstraction for the above use case. This class should be used any time a function is operating on a collection of gdf_columns of equal size.

For example, the above becomes:

void some_multi_col_function(cudf::table & table);

Input/Output Style

The preferred style for how inputs are passed in and outputs are returned is the following:

  • Inputs
    • Expensive to copy types --- pass by constant reference
    • Inexpensive to copy types --- pass by value
  • In/Outs - Pass via pointer
  • Outputs - Returned by value

For example:

namespace cudf{
column some_function( cudf::table const& input_table, cudf::table * input_output_table, int size){
  column col;
  // Do stuff to create output col
  // Return the result column of this function
  return col;

And the usage would be:

cudf::table input;
cudf::table in_out;
int size;
column output = cudf::some_function(input, &in_out, size);

Multiple Return Values

Sometimes it is necessary for functions to have multiple outputs. There are a few ways this can be done in C++ (including creating a struct for the output). One convenient way to do this is using std::tie and std::make_tuple.

auto return_multiple_outputs(void){
  cudf::table out0;
  cudf::table out1;
  // Do stuff with out0, out1
  // Return a tuple of all the outputs
  return std::make_tuple(out0, out1);

cudf::table out0;
cudf::table out1;
std::tie(out0, out1) = cudf::return_multiple_outputs();

Error Checking

The gdf_error codes are deprecated. Instead, libcudf functions should prefer throwing exceptions.

In place of the GDF_REQUIRES convenience macro, the CUDF_EXPECTS macro is provided in cudf/cpp/src/utilities/error_utils.hpp.

Similar to GDF_REQUIRES, CUDF_EXPECTS will throw an exception if a condition is violated. The first argument is the conditional expression that can be evaluated as a boolean expression and is expected to resolve to true under normal conditions. If the conditional evaluates to false, then an error has occurred and an instance of cudf::logic_error is thrown. The second argument to CUDF_EXPECTS is a short description of the error that has occurred if the conditional is false.

Example usage:

CUDF_EXPECTS(lhs->dtype == rhs->dtype, "Column type mismatch");

There are times where a particular code path, if reached, should indicate an error no matter what. For example, in the default case of a switch statement where the only valid code paths are in one of the case statements.

For these cases, the CUDF_FAIL convenience macro should be used. This is effectively the same as doing CUDF_EXPECTS(false, reason).


CUDF_FAIL("This code path should not be reached.");

CUDA Error Checking

Checking for the succesful completion of CUDA runtime API functions should continue to be done via the CUDA_TRY macro. Note that this macro has been updated to throw an exception of type cudf::cuda_error if the return value of the CUDA API does not return cudaSuccess. The thrown exception will include a description of the CUDA error code that occurred in it's what() message.


CUDA_TRY( cudaMemcpy(&dst, &src, num_bytes) );



The column_wrapper<T> class template is defined in cudf/cpp/tests/utilities/column_wrapper.cuh to simplify the creation and management of gdf_columns for the purposes of unit testing.

column_wrapper<T> provides a number of constructors that allow easily constructing a gdf_column with the appropriate gdf_dtype enum set based on mapping T to an enum, e.g., column_wrapper<int> will correspond to a gdf_column whose gdf_dtype is set to GDF_INT32.

The simplest constructor creates an unitilized gdf_column of a specified type with a specified size:

cudf::test::column_wrapper<T>  col(size);

You can also construct a gdf_column that uses a std::vector to initialize the data and valid bitmask of the gdf_column.

 std::vector<T> values(size);

 std::vector<gdf_valid_type> expected_bitmask(gdf_valid_allocation_size(size), 0xFF);

 cudf::test::column_wrapper<T> const col(values, bitmask);

Another constructor allows passing in an initializer function that accepts a row index that will be invoked for every index [0, size) in the column:

  // This creates a gdf_column with data elements {0, 1, ..., size-1} with a valid bitmask
  // that indicates all of the values are non-null
  cudf::test::column_wrapper<T> col(size, 
      [](auto row) { return row; },
      [](auto row) { return true; });

To access the underlying gdf_column for passing into a libcudf function, the column_wrapper::get function can be used to provide a pointer to the underlying gdf_column.

column_wrapper<T> col(size);
gdf_column* gdf_col = col.get();
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column output = cudf::some_function(input, &in_out, size);
This has very STRONG ramifications for everything.

We are saying. User we will perform allocataions for you and free them. Even if you want to do something different.

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