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function set_image(time){{
document.getElementById("time").innerHTML = "From " + time.toString() + " to " + (time+{duration}).toString() + "ms";
document.getElementById("image-show").src = "{home_dir}/" + time.toString() + "_" + (time+{duration}).toString() + ".png";
i = 0;
tick = {duration};
function prev_image(){{
i = i - (tick * 2);
CUDF Memory Deficits Primitive Types only
Endianness indicator
8 Byte padding
8 byte alignment (actually should be fine since cuda aligns)
no support for list types
64byte padding on valid bitmap (they probalby use 512bit instructions)
null bitmap - An array with nulls must have a contiguous memory buffer, known as the null (or validity) bitmap, whose length is a multiple of 64 bytes (as discussed above) and large enough to have at least 1 bit for each array slot. (this may have been solved)