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Last active August 9, 2024 09:01
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[AHK] nonsense with gdi+
#Requires AutoHotkey v2.0
#DllLoad "GdiPlus.dll"
#DllLoad "shlwapi.dll"
s := Map("w", 800, "h", 600, "a", 0, "b", 0, "hue", 0, "x0", 0, "x1", 0, "y1", 0, "y2", 0)
NumPut("UInt", 1, SI := Buffer(24, 0))
if (DllCall("GdiPlus\GdiplusStartup", "Ptr*", &pToken := 0, "Ptr", SI.Ptr, "Ptr", 0, "UInt"))
throw OSError("GdiPlus failed")
GDIP := Gui("+LastFound")
GDIP.BackColor := "000000"
GDIP.OnEvent("Close", CloseGui)
GDIP.Show("W" s["w"] " H" s["h"])
DllCall("GdiPlus\GdipCreateFromHWND", "Ptr", GDIP.hWnd, "Ptr*", &pGraphics := 0)
DllCall("GdiPlus\GdipCreateBitmapFromGraphics", "Int", s["w"], "Int", s["h"], "Ptr", pGraphics, "Ptr*", &pBitmap := 0)
DllCall("GdiPlus\GdipGetImageGraphicsContext", "Ptr", pBitmap, "Ptr*", &pGraphicsContext := 0)
DllCall("GdiPlus\GdipSetSmoothingMode", "Ptr", pGraphicsContext, "Int", 2)
DllCall("GdiPlus\GdipCreatePen1", "UInt", 0xFFFFFFFF, "Float", 1, "Int", 2, "Ptr*", &pPen := 0)
DllCall("GdiPlus\GdipGraphicsClear", "Ptr", pGraphicsContext, "Int", 0x7F000000)
DllCall("GdiPlus\GdipSetPenColor", "Ptr", pPen, "UInt", "0xCC" ColorHLSToRGB(s["hue"], 120, 240))
s["x0"] := s["w"] / 5 + ((s["w"] - s["w"] / 5) - s["w"] / 5) * ((sin(s["a"]) - -1) / 2)
s["y0"] := s["h"] / 5 + ((s["h"] - s["h"] / 5) - s["h"] / 5) * (((cos(s["a"]) * 1.5) - -1) / 2)
s["x1"] := s["w"] / 5 + ((s["w"] - s["w"] / 5) - s["w"] / 5) * ((sin(s["b"]) - -1) / 2)
s["y1"] := s["h"] / 5 + ((s["h"] - s["h"] / 5) - s["h"] / 5) * (((cos(s["b"])) - -1) / 2)
DllCall("GdiPlus\GdipDrawLine", "Ptr", pGraphicsContext, "Ptr", pPen, "Float", s["x0"], "Float", s["y0"], "Float", s["x1"], "Float", s["y1"])
s["a"] += 0.04, s["b"] += 0.05, s["hue"] += 1, s["hue"] := (s["hue"] > 239) ? mod(s["hue"], 239) : s["hue"]
DllCall("Gdiplus\GdipDrawImage", "Ptr", pGraphics, "Ptr", pBitmap, "Float", 0, "Float", 0)
} until (s["a"] > 24)
DllCall("GdiPlus\GdipDeletePen", "Ptr", pPen)
DllCall("GdiPlus\GdipDeleteGraphics", "Ptr", pGraphicsContext)
DllCall("Gdiplus\GdipDisposeImage", "Ptr", pBitmap)
DllCall("GdiPlus\GdipDeleteGraphics", "Ptr", pGraphics)
DllCall("GdiPlus\GdiplusShutdown", "Ptr", pToken)
ColorHLSToRGB(hue, lum, sat)
clr := DllCall("shlwapi\ColorHLSToRGB", "UShort", hue, "UShort", lum, "UShort", sat)
return Format("{:06X}", ((clr & 0xff00) | ((clr & 0xff) << 16) | ((clr & 0xff0000) >> 16)))
#Requires AutoHotkey v2.0
OnExit ExitFunc
#DllLoad "GdiPlus.dll"
#DllLoad "shlwapi.dll"
pi := ATan(1) * 4
pi2 := pi * 2
rad := 360 / pi2
num := 25
step := 20
maxrad := num * step - 15
w := maxrad
h := maxrad
theta := 0
hue := 0
NumPut("UInt", 1, SI := Buffer(24, 0))
if (DllCall("GdiPlus\GdiplusStartup", "Ptr*", &pToken := 0, "Ptr", SI.Ptr, "Ptr", 0, "UInt"))
throw OSError("GdiPlus failed")
GDIP := Gui("+LastFound")
GDIP.BackColor := "000000"
GDIP.OnEvent("Close", ExitFunc)
GDIP.Show("W" w " H" h)
DllCall("GdiPlus\GdipCreateFromHWND", "Ptr", GDIP.hWnd, "Ptr*", &pGraphics := 0)
DllCall("GdiPlus\GdipCreateBitmapFromGraphics", "Int", w, "Int", h, "Ptr", pGraphics, "Ptr*", &pBitmap := 0)
DllCall("GdiPlus\GdipGetImageGraphicsContext", "Ptr", pBitmap, "Ptr*", &pGraphicsContext := 0)
DllCall("GdiPlus\GdipSetSmoothingMode", "Ptr", pGraphicsContext, "Int", 2)
DllCall("GdiPlus\GdipCreatePen1", "UInt", 0xFFFFFFFF, "Float", 3, "Int", 2, "Ptr*", &pPen := 0)
poor solution with try bacause of 0xc0000005 exception when closing the gui while running. never happend with v1
Error: The function was called but it aborted with a fatal exception. Exception.Extra contains the exception code.
For example, 0xC0000005 means "access violation".
In such cases, the thread is aborted (if try is not used), but any asterisk variables are still updated.
try DllCall("GdiPlus\GdipGraphicsClear", "Ptr", pGraphicsContext, "Int", 0x7F000000)
loop num
i := A_Index - 1
sz := i * step
offset := maxrad / 2 - sz / 2
arcend := (pi + (pi2 - pi) * ((sin(theta + (pi2 / num * i)) - -1) / 2) - pi) * rad
try DllCall("GdiPlus\GdipSetPenColor", "Ptr", pPen, "UInt", "0xFF" ColorHLSToRGB(hue + i, 120, 240))
try DllCall("GdiPlus\GdipDrawArc", "Ptr", pGraphicsContext, "Ptr", pPen, "Float", offset, "Float", offset, "Float", sz, "Float", sz, "Float", 0, "Float", arcend)
try DllCall("GdiPlus\GdipDrawArc", "Ptr", pGraphicsContext, "Ptr", pPen, "Float", offset, "Float", offset, "Float", sz, "Float", sz, "Float", 180, "Float", arcend)
theta += 0.0523
theta := (theta > pi2) ? mod(theta, pi2) : theta
hue += 0.5
hue := (hue > 239) ? mod(hue, 239) : hue
try DllCall("Gdiplus\GdipDrawImage", "Ptr", pGraphics, "Ptr", pBitmap, "Float", 0, "Float", 0)
Sleep 10
try DllCall("GdiPlus\GdipDeletePen", "Ptr", pPen)
try DllCall("GdiPlus\GdipDeleteGraphics", "Ptr", pGraphicsContext)
try DllCall("Gdiplus\GdipDisposeImage", "Ptr", pBitmap)
try DllCall("GdiPlus\GdipDeleteGraphics", "Ptr", pGraphics)
try DllCall("GdiPlus\GdiplusShutdown", "Ptr", pToken)
ColorHLSToRGB(hue, lum, sat)
clr := DllCall("shlwapi\ColorHLSToRGB", "UShort", hue, "UShort", lum, "UShort", sat)
return Format("{:06X}", ((clr & 0xff00) | ((clr & 0xff) << 16) | ((clr & 0xff0000) >> 16)))
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