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jNizM / cyclope_monkey.ahk
Last active August 9, 2024 09:01
[AHK] nonsense with gdi+
#Requires AutoHotkey v2.0
#DllLoad "GdiPlus.dll"
#DllLoad "shlwapi.dll"
s := Map("w", 800, "h", 600, "a", 0, "b", 0, "hue", 0, "x0", 0, "x1", 0, "y1", 0, "y2", 0)
NumPut("UInt", 1, SI := Buffer(24, 0))
jNizM / W1709N.ps1
Last active March 28, 2018 14:18
[UNFINISHED] Create a windows 10 iso without crappy and useless windows appx packages
todo todo todo
jNizM / nvapi-debug.ahk
Last active October 18, 2017 10:10
[AHK] NvAPI Debug
; GLOBAL SETTINGS ===============================================================================================================
#SingleInstance Force
SetBatchLines -1
global app := { name: "NvAPI_Debug", version: "2016.375.00025", author: "jNizM", licence: "MIT" }
jNizM / ahk_gui_gradient.ahk
Last active August 10, 2024 01:04
[AHK] Create Gardient in GUI
; GLOBAL SETTINGS ===============================================================================================================
#SingleInstance Force
SetBatchLines -1
; GUI ===========================================================================================================================
Gui, +LastFound +hwndhMyGUI
Gui, Margin, 0, 0
jNizM / Class_ProcessExplorer.ahk
Created May 9, 2016 08:41
[AHK] ProcessExplorer (v0.07 beta)
; ===============================================================================================================================
; Title .........: ProcessExplorer
; AHK Version ...: x64 Unicode
; Win Version ...: Windows 10 Professional - x64
; Description ...: Log Remote Session Information
; Version .......: v0.07 Beta
; Modified ......: 2016.04.20-1653
; Author(s) .....: jNizM
; ===============================================================================================================================
;@Ahk2Exe-SetName ProcessExplorer
jNizM / NtQuerySystemInformation.h
Last active November 6, 2023 04:19
Undocumented NtQuerySystemInformation Structures
// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
SystemBasicInformation = 0x0000,
SystemProcessorInformation = 0x0001,
SystemPerformanceInformation = 0x0002,
SystemTimeOfDayInformation = 0x0003,
jNizM / class_dropbox.ahk
Last active May 16, 2019 17:32
[AHK] Dropbox Class (GetPath / GetStatus / GetPID)
; License: Unlicense (
* Function DropBox.GetPath()
* Parameters
* Account: can be "personal" or "business" (personal if omitted)
* Return Values
* if the function succeeds ==> PATH
jNizM / Gui.ahk
Last active May 16, 2019 17:33
[AHK] GUI Test for Win 8.1 & Win 10
; 2015-07-30 10:52
; TODO ==========================================================================================================================
; - add child
; GLOBAL SETTINGS ===============================================================================================================
jNizM / gist:019696878590071cf739
Created July 17, 2015 12:25
[AHK] GUI - How-to draw a line / frame
; GLOBAL SETTINGS ===============================================================================================================
#SingleInstance Force
SetBatchLines -1
jNizM / gist:45f03cfe747b47ed962c
Created July 15, 2015 08:17
[AHK] WM_WTSSESSION_CHANGE / SessionChange / SessionNotification
; ===============================================================================================================================
; Title .........: WM_WTSSESSION_CHANGE / SessionChange / SessionNotification
; AHK Version ...: x64 Unicode
; Win Version ...: Windows 7 Professional x64 SP1
; Description ...:
; Version .......: v1.01
; Modified ......: 2015.07.14-2014
; Author(s) .....: jNIzM
; ===============================================================================================================================