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Last active August 25, 2024 12:57
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Save ityonemo/c662c329011bfae7c28aa12cbf2386b2 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Enterprise LibCurl with Zigler
{:zigler, "~> 0.13"}
Logger.configure(level: :warning)
defmodule Main do
use Zig,
otp_app: :zigler,
c: [link_lib: {:system, "curl"}],
nifs: [example: [:dirty_io]]
const std = @import("std");
const curl = @cImport({
const beam = @import("beam");
const EzOptions = enum (c_int) {
user_agent = curl.CURLOPT_USERAGENT,
url = curl.CURLOPT_URL,
const ExampleOptions = struct{
user_agent: ?[]const u8 = "libcurl",
url: ?[]const u8 = null
pub fn example(opts: ExampleOptions) !void {
const c = curl.curl_easy_init() orelse return error.initialization_failure;
const tags = comptime std.meta.tags(EzOptions);
inline for (tags) | field | {
if (@field(opts, @tagName(field))) | opt | {
// annoying, perform null termination, better support for null-terminated
// slices will drop in zigler 0.14
const opt_str: [:0]u8 = try beam.allocator.allocWithOptions(u8, opt.len + 1, null, 0);
@memcpy(opt_str[0..opt.len], opt);
opt_str[opt.len] = 0;
_ = curl.curl_easy_setopt(c, @intFromEnum(field), opt_str.ptr);
_ = curl.curl_easy_perform(c);
Main.example(url: "")
Main.example(url: "", user_agent: "foobarbaz")
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