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ityonemo /
Created September 8, 2024 18:33
Ziglang Wishlist

We're currently using ziglang in-prod at

Uses the zigler package to interface with elixir for robust and resilient layer on top of unreliable and pre-alpha grade hardware (talk coming soon!).

We heavily use AVX-512 instructions for token picking. and we use a highly optimized sorter in place of what you would see in that code (np.argsort).

The plan is to move away from shipping fp32 values at the interface to shipping bf16 values, so bf16 support at the type-level in zig would be amazing. It seems like the ML industry has settled on

ityonemo / numa_pages.zig
Last active August 30, 2024 16:50
numa - aware allocation in zig
const std = @import("std");
const posix = std.posix;
const numaif = @cImport({
extern threadlocal var errno: c_int;
fn numa_alloc(size: usize, node: ?u1) ![]align(std.mem.page_size) u8 {
ityonemo / enterprise_curl.exs
Last active August 25, 2024 12:57
Enterprise LibCurl with Zigler
{:zigler, "~> 0.13"}
Logger.configure(level: :warning)
defmodule Main do
use Zig,
otp_app: :zigler,
c: [link_lib: {:system, "curl"}],
ityonemo / improver.ex
Created December 1, 2023 00:04
Some crazy shit I wrote using EEx + GPT
defmodule RockE.DynamicImprover do
alias OpenAI
require EEx
EEx.function_from_string(:defp, :prompt, """
<% assigns = Map.from_struct(round) %>
Hi ChatGPT! I'm trying to prompt ChatGPT 3.5 to perform a function call.
However, the function call often makes mistakes in the passed argument:
The current accuracy is <%= @accuracy %> I'd love to see the accuracy go up to 90%.
ityonemo / nx_ext.ex
Last active November 18, 2023 20:07
Floating point to GPTQ in Nx
defmodule NxExt do
import Nx.Defn
@bitshift Nx.tensor([[1], [16]], type: {:u, 8})
@doc """
Takes an N-vector of floats (arbitrarily typed) and converts it into 4-bit gptq, which has
a range of -8..-7. Should be compacted into two "floats" per byte, with the lower indexed
value in the less significant nybble
ityonemo /
Last active September 15, 2023 20:41

Elixir Guide

This guide is a quick set of guidelines for reading or writing elixir code. It's designed to get you through stuff that is different from Elixir relative to other programming languages you might be used to, and which you might miss while learning elixir.

Up and running


defmodule Aaa do
# terminal condition. If we've gotten through the whole pattern we're done.
def matches(<<>>, <<>>), do: true
# If the first character matches and has a question mark we must make an
# epsilon transition. We have to try both "universes". In one "universe"
# we proceed as if we consumed the optional match, and the other we proceed
# as if we didn't. The success of either means the match succeeds. This
# means for this branch we don't get TCO =( but this should be relatively rare.
def matches(<<char, ??, rest1 :: binary>>, string = <<char, rest2 :: binary>>) do
ityonemo / start_peer.exs
Created December 13, 2022 15:34
starts a BEAM peer node
{:ok, peer, peername} =
:peer.start(%{connection: 0, name: :peer, host: ~C''}), :erlang, :set_cookie, [:cook])
# add code paths, :code, :add_paths, [:code.get_path()])
"Elixir debug": {
"prefix": "dd",
"body": "|> dbg",
"description": "injects an elixir dbg statement"
ityonemo / make.zig
Created September 4, 2022 15:49
make for zigler 0.9.1
const beam = @import("beam.zig");
const e = @import("erl_nif.zig");
const std = @import("std");
pub fn make(env: beam.env, value: anytype) beam.term {
const T = @TypeOf(value);
if (T == beam.env) return value;
switch (@typeInfo(T)) {
.Array => return make_array(env, value),
.Pointer => return make_pointer(env, value),