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iomonad iomonad

  • Lutetia Parisiorum
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#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>
// Philips Sonicare NFC Head Password calculation by @atc1441 Video manual:
uint16_t CRC16(uint16_t crc, uint8_t *buffer, int len) // Default CRC16 Algo
crc ^= *buffer++ << 8;
int bits = 0;
iomonad /
Created July 18, 2023 13:55 — forked from larsch/
Install Arch Linux ARM for Raspberry Pi Zero W on SD Card (with commands to configure WiFi before first boot).
#!/bin/sh -exu
cd $(mktemp -d)
function umountboot {
umount boot || true
umount root || true
# RPi1/Zero (armv6h):
iomonad / octal_x86.txt
Created May 15, 2023 08:14 — forked from seanjensengrey/octal_x86.txt
x86 is an octal machine
# source:
From: (Mark Hopkins)
Newsgroups: alt.lang.asm
Subject: A Summary of the 80486 Opcodes and Instructions
(1) The 80x86 is an Octal Machine
This is a follow-up and revision of an article posted in alt.lang.asm on
7-5-92 concerning the 80x86 instruction encoding.
The only proper way to understand 80x86 coding is to realize that ALL 80x86
iomonad / sortable.cljs
Created December 19, 2022 14:55 — forked from p4ulcristian/gist:95aa7b28e3568a1d3e45d27807859baf
@dnd-kit/sortable with drag overlay (clojurescript reagent)
(ns swordfish.sortable
(:require [reagent.core :as r]
["react" :as react]
["@dnd-kit/core" :refer [DndContext
iomonad /
Created November 29, 2022 21:37 — forked from sundowndev/
Google dork cheatsheet

Google dork cheatsheet

Search filters

Filter Description Example
allintext Searches for occurrences of all the keywords given. allintext:"keyword"
intext Searches for the occurrences of keywords all at once or one at a time. intext:"keyword"
inurl Searches for a URL matching one of the keywords. inurl:"keyword"
allinurl Searches for a URL matching all the keywords in the query. allinurl:"keyword"
intitle Searches for occurrences of keywords in title all or one. intitle:"keyword"
iomonad / auth.clj
Created June 25, 2022 22:33 — forked from Dangercoder/auth.clj
Pedestal JWT authentication interceptor
(ns interceptors.auth
(:require [cheshire.core :as json]
[clojure.spec.alpha :as s]
[clojure.walk :refer [postwalk]]
[clojure.core.async :as a])
(:import ( URL)
(com.auth0.jwk GuavaCachedJwkProvider UrlJwkProvider)
(com.auth0.jwt.interfaces RSAKeyProvider ECDSAKeyProvider)
(com.auth0.jwt.algorithms Algorithm)
(com.auth0.jwt JWT)
iomonad / web.clj
Created June 21, 2022 22:00 — forked from prestancedesign/web.clj
Ring session authentication with Reitit
(ns authexample.web
(:require [buddy.auth :refer [authenticated? throw-unauthorized]]
[buddy.auth.backends.session :refer [session-backend]]
[buddy.auth.middleware :refer [wrap-authentication wrap-authorization]]
[ :as io]
[compojure.response :refer [render]]
[reitit.ring :as ring]
[ring.adapter.jetty :as jetty]
[ring.middleware.params :refer [wrap-params]]
iomonad / weechat-light-terminal.conf
Created May 2, 2022 08:56 — forked from TauPan/weechat-light-terminal.conf
All my colour settings for a light (not white) terminal in weechat. I simply filtered my fset buffer with "color"
# Comma separated list of channels
/set colorize_nicks.look.blacklist_channels ""
# Comma separated list of nicks
/set colorize_nicks.look.blacklist_nicks "so,root"
# Whether to colorize input
/set colorize_nicks.look.colorize_input off
# If off, then use lazy matching instead
iomonad /
Created March 24, 2022 13:05 — forked from olih/
jq Cheet Sheet

Processing JSON using jq

jq is useful to slice, filter, map and transform structured json data.

Installing jq

On Mac OS

brew install jq

iomonad /
Created November 4, 2021 22:11 — forked from bodokaiser/
Guide How-To use Device Tree Overlays on Archlinux.

Device Tree Overlays on Archlinux



You require a working archlinuxarm operarting system and the development tools:

$ pacman -S base-devel