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Created April 25, 2018 07:50
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  • Save TauPan/c74f3da006cf938608d4318fa4772733 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save TauPan/c74f3da006cf938608d4318fa4772733 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
All my colour settings for a light (not white) terminal in weechat. I simply filtered my fset buffer with "color"
# Comma separated list of channels
/set colorize_nicks.look.blacklist_channels ""
# Comma separated list of nicks
/set colorize_nicks.look.blacklist_nicks "so,root"
# Whether to colorize input
/set colorize_nicks.look.colorize_input off
# If off, then use lazy matching instead
/set colorize_nicks.look.greedy_matching off
# If on, don't colorize nicks inside URLs
/set colorize_nicks.look.ignore_nicks_in_urls off
# Comma separated list of tags to ignore; i.e. irc_join,irc_part,irc_quit
/set colorize_nicks.look.ignore_tags ""
# Fall back to lazy matching if greedy matches exceeds this number
/set colorize_nicks.look.match_limit 20
# Minimum length nick to colorize
/set colorize_nicks.look.min_nick_length 2
# text color for a finished command flag in list of commands
/set exec.color.flag_finished lightred
# text color for a running command flag in list of commands
/set exec.color.flag_running lightgreen
# color for default value
/set fset.color.default_value default
# color for default value on the selected line
/set fset.color.default_value_selected white
# color for description
/set fset.color.description default
# color for description on the selected line
/set fset.color.description_selected white
# color for file
/set fset.color.file default
# color for file if value is changed
/set fset.color.file_changed brown
# color for file if value is changed on the selected line
/set fset.color.file_changed_selected yellow
# color for file on the selected line
/set fset.color.file_selected white
# color for default value in help bar
/set fset.color.help_default_value white
# color for description in help bar
/set fset.color.help_description default
# color for name in help bar
/set fset.color.help_name white
# color for quotes around string values
/set fset.color.help_quotes darkgray
# color for allowed values
/set fset.color.help_values default
# color for index of option
/set fset.color.index cyan
# color for index of option on the selected line
/set fset.color.index_selected lightcyan
# background color for a marked line (used with the first format, see option fset.format.option1)
/set fset.color.line_marked_bg1 default
# background color for a marked line (used with the second format, see option fset.format.option2)
/set fset.color.line_marked_bg2 default
# background color for the selected line (used with the first format, see option fset.format.option1)
/set fset.color.line_selected_bg1 blue
# background color for the selected line (used with the second format, see option fset.format.option2)
/set fset.color.line_selected_bg2 red
# color for mark indicator
/set fset.color.marked brown
# color for mark indicator on the selected line
/set fset.color.marked_selected yellow
# color for max value
/set fset.color.max default
# color for max value on the selected line
/set fset.color.max_selected white
# color for min value
/set fset.color.min default
# color for min value on the selected line
/set fset.color.min_selected white
# color for name
/set default
# color for name if value is changed
/set fset.color.name_changed brown
# color for name if value is changed on the selected line
/set fset.color.name_changed_selected yellow
# color for name on the selected line
/set fset.color.name_selected white
# color for option
/set fset.color.option default
# color for option if value is changed
/set fset.color.option_changed brown
# color for option if value is changed on the selected line
/set fset.color.option_changed_selected yellow
# color for option on the selected line
/set fset.color.option_selected white
# color for name of parent option
/set fset.color.parent_name default
# color for name of parent option on the selected line
/set fset.color.parent_name_selected white
# color for value of parent option
/set fset.color.parent_value cyan
# color for value of parent option on the selected line
/set fset.color.parent_value_selected lightcyan
# color for quotes around string values
/set fset.color.quotes darkgray
# color for quotes around string values which are changed
/set fset.color.quotes_changed default
# color for quotes around string values which are changed on the selected line
/set fset.color.quotes_changed_selected white
# color for quotes around string values on the selected line
/set fset.color.quotes_selected default
# color for section
/set fset.color.section default
# color for section if value is changed
/set fset.color.section_changed brown
# color for section if value is changed on the selected line
/set fset.color.section_changed_selected yellow
# color for section on the selected line
/set fset.color.section_selected white
# color for string values
/set fset.color.string_values default
# color for string values on the selected line
/set fset.color.string_values_selected white
# color for the count of options found with the current filter in title of buffer
/set fset.color.title_count_options cyan
# color for current option number in title of buffer
/set fset.color.title_current_option lightcyan
# color for filter in title of buffer
/set fset.color.title_filter yellow
# color for number of marked options in title of buffer
/set fset.color.title_marked_options lightgreen
# color for sort in title of buffer
/set fset.color.title_sort white
# color for type
/set fset.color.type green
# color for type on the selected line
/set fset.color.type_selected lightgreen
# color for mark indicator when the option is not marked
/set fset.color.unmarked default
# color for mark indicator when the option is not marked on the selected line
/set fset.color.unmarked_selected white
# color for value
/set fset.color.value cyan
# color for value changed (different from default)
/set fset.color.value_changed brown
# color for value changed (different from default) on the selected line
/set fset.color.value_changed_selected yellow
# color for value on the selected line
/set fset.color.value_selected lightcyan
# color for undefined value
/set fset.color.value_undef magenta
# color for undefined value on the selected line
/set fset.color.value_undef_selected lightmagenta
# use the color to display value of color options
/set fset.look.use_color_value off
# color for nick in input bar
/set irc.color.input_nick lightcyan
# color for channel modes, near channel name
/set irc.color.item_channel_modes default
# color for lag indicator, when counting (pong not received from server, lag is increasing)
/set irc.color.item_lag_counting default
# color for lag indicator, when pong has been received from server
/set irc.color.item_lag_finished brown
# color for nick modes in bar item "input_prompt"
/set irc.color.item_nick_modes default
# color for text in join messages
/set irc.color.message_join green
# color for text in part/quit messages
/set irc.color.message_quit red
# remap mirc colors in messages using a hashtable: keys are "fg,bg" as integers between -1 (not specified) and 15, values are WeeChat color names or numbers (format is: "1,-1:color1;2,7:color2"), example: "1,-1:darkgray;1,2:white,blue" to remap black to "darkgray" and black on blue to "white,blue"; default WeeChat colors for IRC codes: 0=white, 1=black, 2=blue, 3=green, 4=lightred, 5=red, 6=magenta, 7=brown, 8=yellow, 9=lightgreen, 10=cyan, 11=lightcyan, 12=lightblue, 13=lightmagenta, 14=gray, 15=white
/set irc.color.mirc_remap "1,-1:darkgray"
# color for nick prefixes using mode char (o=op, h=halfop, v=voice, ..), format is: "o:color1;h:color2;v:color3" (if a mode is not found, WeeChat will try with next modes received from server ("PREFIX"); a special mode "*" can be used as default color if no mode has been found in list)
/set irc.color.nick_prefixes "y:red;q:red;a:cyan;o:green;h:magenta;v:blue;*:black"
# color for text "Notice" in notices
/set irc.color.notice green
# color for reason in part/quit messages
/set irc.color.reason_quit default
# color for current channel topic (when joining a channel or using /topic)
/set irc.color.topic_current default
# color for new channel topic (when topic is changed)
/set irc.color.topic_new 211
# color for old channel topic (when topic is changed)
/set irc.color.topic_old default
# use nick color in output of /names (or list of nicks displayed when joining a channel)
/set irc.look.color_nicks_in_names on
# use nick color in nicklist
/set irc.look.color_nicks_in_nicklist on
# use nick color in messages from server
/set irc.look.color_nicks_in_server_messages on
# use same nick color for channel and private
/set irc.look.color_pv_nick_like_channel on
# strip colors in topic (used only when displaying buffer title)
/set irc.look.topic_strip_colors off
# when off, colors codes are ignored in incoming messages
/set on
# allow user to send colors with special codes (ctrl-c + a code and optional color: b=bold, cxx=color, cxx,yy=color+background, i=italic, o=disable color/attributes, r=reverse, u=underline)
/set on
# color for line ending the backlog
/set logger.color.backlog_end default
# color for backlog lines
/set logger.color.backlog_line default
# (no description)
/set plugins.var.perl.chatters.frame_color "green"
# (no description)
/set plugins.var.perl.chatters.nick_color "red"
# color to use for expanded url in buffer
/set plugins.var.perl.expand_url.color "blue"
# color for prefix
/set plugins.var.perl.expand_url.color_prefix "blue"
# (no description)
/set plugins.var.perl.highmon.color_buf "on"
# color for buffer name (not selected) (default: "black,cyan")
/set plugins.var.python.go.color_name "black,cyan"
# color for highlight in buffer name (not selected) (default: "red,cyan")
/set plugins.var.python.go.color_name_highlight "red,cyan"
# color for highlight in a selected buffer name (default: "red,brown")
/set plugins.var.python.go.color_name_highlight_selected "red,brown"
# color for a selected buffer name (default: "black,brown")
/set plugins.var.python.go.color_name_selected "black,brown"
# color for buffer number (not selected) (default: "yellow,magenta")
/set plugins.var.python.go.color_number "brown,magenta"
# color for selected buffer number (default: "yellow,red")
/set plugins.var.python.go.color_number_selected "brown,red"
# text color for client description
/set relay.color.client cyan
# text color for "connected" status
/set relay.color.status_active lightblue
# text color for "authentication failed" status
/set relay.color.status_auth_failed lightred
# text color for "connecting" status
/set relay.color.status_connecting brown
# text color for "disconnected" status
/set relay.color.status_disconnected lightred
# text color for "waiting authentication" status
/set relay.color.status_waiting_auth brown
# text color in relay buffer
/set relay.color.text default
# background color in relay buffer
/set relay.color.text_bg default
# text color of selected line in relay buffer
/set relay.color.text_selected 110
# color for status "autoloaded" ("a")
/set script.color.status_autoloaded cyan
# color for status "held" ("H")
/set script.color.status_held 110
# color for status "installed" ("i")
/set script.color.status_installed lightcyan
# color for status "obsolete" ("N")
/set script.color.status_obsolete lightmagenta
# color for status "popular" ("*")
/set script.color.status_popular brown
# color for status "running" ("r")
/set script.color.status_running lightgreen
# color for status "unknown" ("?")
/set script.color.status_unknown lightred
# text color in script buffer
/set script.color.text default
# background color in script buffer
/set script.color.text_bg default
# background color for selected line in script buffer
/set script.color.text_bg_selected red
# text color of dates in script buffer
/set script.color.text_date default
# text color of dates for selected line in script buffer
/set script.color.text_date_selected 111
# text color of delimiters in script buffer
/set script.color.text_delimiters default
# text color of description in script buffer
/set script.color.text_description default
# text color of description for selected line in script buffer
/set script.color.text_description_selected 112
# text color of extension in script buffer
/set script.color.text_extension default
# text color of extension for selected line in script buffer
/set script.color.text_extension_selected 113
# text color of script name in script buffer
/set script.color.text_name cyan
# text color of script name for selected line in script buffer
/set script.color.text_name_selected lightcyan
# text color for selected line in script buffer
/set script.color.text_selected white
# text color of tags in script buffer
/set script.color.text_tags brown
# text color of tags for selected line in script buffer
/set script.color.text_tags_selected brown
# text color of version in script buffer
/set script.color.text_version magenta
# text color of version loaded in script buffer
/set script.color.text_version_loaded default
# text color of version loaded for selected line in script buffer
/set script.color.text_version_loaded_selected white
# text color of version for selected line in script buffer
/set script.color.text_version_selected lightmagenta
# colorize output of diff
/set script.look.diff_color on
# text color for command flag (in /trigger list)
/set trigger.color.flag_command lightgreen
# text color for conditions flag (in /trigger list)
/set trigger.color.flag_conditions brown
# text color for post action flag (in /trigger list)
/set trigger.color.flag_post_action lightblue
# text color for regex flag (in /trigger list)
/set trigger.color.flag_regex lightcyan
# text color for return code flag (in /trigger list)
/set trigger.color.flag_return_code lightmagenta
# text color for regular expressions
/set trigger.color.regex 241
# text color for replacement text (for regular expressions)
/set trigger.color.replace cyan
# text color for trigger name
/set trigger.color.trigger green
# text color for disabled trigger name
/set trigger.color.trigger_disabled red
# strip colors in hashtable values displayed on monitor buffer
/set trigger.look.monitor_strip_colors off
# default background color for bar
/set default
# default delimiter color for bar
/set default
# default text color for bar
/set default
# default background color for bar
/set default
# default delimiter color for bar
/set cyan
# default text color for bar
/set default
# default background color for bar
/set default
# default delimiter color for bar
/set cyan
# default text color for bar
/set default
# default background color for bar
/set default
# default delimiter color for bar
/set cyan
# default text color for bar
/set default
# default background color for bar
/set default
# default delimiter color for bar
/set cyan
# default text color for bar
/set default
# default background color for bar
/set 251
# default delimiter color for bar
/set yellow
# default text color for bar
/set default
# default background color for bar
/set lightblue
# default delimiter color for bar
/set lightred
# default text color for bar
/set default
# text color for "+" when scrolling bars
/set weechat.color.bar_more lightmagenta
# text color for chat
/set default
# background color for chat
/set weechat.color.chat_bg default
# text color for buffer names
/set weechat.color.chat_buffer green
# text color for channel names
/set weechat.color.chat_channel 243
# text color for message displayed when the day has changed
/set weechat.color.chat_day_change cyan
# text color for delimiters
/set weechat.color.chat_delimiters green
# text color for highlighted prefix
/set weechat.color.chat_highlight blue
# background color for highlighted prefix
/set weechat.color.chat_highlight_bg white
# text color for hostnames
/set weechat.color.chat_host cyan
# text color for chat when line is inactive (buffer is merged with other buffers and is not selected)
/set weechat.color.chat_inactive_buffer default
# text color for chat when window is inactive (not current selected window)
/set weechat.color.chat_inactive_window default
# text color for nicks in chat window: used in some server messages and as fallback when a nick color is not found; most of times nick color comes from option weechat.color.chat_nick_colors
/set weechat.color.chat_nick cyan
# text color for nicks (comma separated list of colors, background is allowed with format: "fg:bg", for example: "lightred:blue")
/set weechat.color.chat_nick_colors "cyan,magenta,lightblue,default,blue,9,12,13,14,28,31,32,34,38,52,55,57,63,64,88,89,92,99,105,126,129,130,135,160,162,167,169,170,196,200,238"
# text color for offline nick (not in nicklist any more); this color is used only if option weechat.look.color_nick_offline is enabled
/set weechat.color.chat_nick_offline default
# text color for offline nick with highlight; this color is used only if option weechat.look.color_nick_offline is enabled
/set weechat.color.chat_nick_offline_highlight default
# background color for offline nick with highlight; this color is used only if option weechat.look.color_nick_offline is enabled
/set weechat.color.chat_nick_offline_highlight_bg blue
# text color for other nick in private buffer
/set weechat.color.chat_nick_other cyan
# color for nick prefix (string displayed before nick in prefix)
/set weechat.color.chat_nick_prefix green
# text color for local nick in chat window
/set weechat.color.chat_nick_self red
# color for nick suffix (string displayed after nick in prefix)
/set weechat.color.chat_nick_suffix green
# text color for action prefix
/set weechat.color.chat_prefix_action 93
# text color for buffer name (before prefix, when many buffers are merged with same number)
/set weechat.color.chat_prefix_buffer brown
# text color for inactive buffer name (before prefix, when many buffers are merged with same number and if buffer is not selected)
/set weechat.color.chat_prefix_buffer_inactive_buffer default
# text color for error prefix
/set weechat.color.chat_prefix_error brown
# text color for join prefix
/set weechat.color.chat_prefix_join lightgreen
# text color for "+" when prefix is too long
/set weechat.color.chat_prefix_more lightmagenta
# text color for network prefix
/set weechat.color.chat_prefix_network magenta
# text color for quit prefix
/set weechat.color.chat_prefix_quit lightred
# text color for suffix (after prefix)
/set weechat.color.chat_prefix_suffix green
# text color for unread data marker
/set weechat.color.chat_read_marker magenta
# background color for unread data marker
/set weechat.color.chat_read_marker_bg default
# text color for server names
/set weechat.color.chat_server brown
# text color for tags after messages (displayed with command /debug tags)
/set weechat.color.chat_tags red
# text color for marker on lines where text sought is found
/set weechat.color.chat_text_found brown
# background color for marker on lines where text sought is found
/set weechat.color.chat_text_found_bg lightmagenta
# text color for time in chat window
/set weechat.color.chat_time default
# text color for time delimiters
/set weechat.color.chat_time_delimiters brown
# text color for values
/set weechat.color.chat_value cyan
# text color for null values (undefined)
/set weechat.color.chat_value_null blue
# text color for emphasized text (for example when searching text); this option is used only if option weechat.look.emphasized_attributes is an empty string (default value)
/set weechat.color.emphasized brown
# background color for emphasized text (for example when searching text); used only if option weechat.look.emphasized_attributes is an empty string (default value)
/set weechat.color.emphasized_bg magenta
# text color for actions in input line
/set weechat.color.input_actions lightgreen
# text color for unsuccessful text search in input line
/set weechat.color.input_text_not_found red
# text color for away item
/set weechat.color.item_away brown
# text color for away nicknames
/set weechat.color.nicklist_away cyan
# text color for groups in nicklist
/set weechat.color.nicklist_group green
# color for window separators (when split) and separators beside bars (like nicklist)
/set weechat.color.separator blue
# text color for count of highlight messages in hotlist (status bar)
/set weechat.color.status_count_highlight magenta
# text color for count of messages in hotlist (status bar)
/set weechat.color.status_count_msg brown
# text color for count of other messages in hotlist (status bar)
/set weechat.color.status_count_other default
# text color for count of private messages in hotlist (status bar)
/set weechat.color.status_count_private lightgreen
# text color for buffer with highlight (status bar)
/set weechat.color.status_data_highlight lightmagenta
# text color for buffer with new messages (status bar)
/set weechat.color.status_data_msg yellow
# text color for buffer with new data (not messages) (status bar)
/set weechat.color.status_data_other default
# text color for buffer with private message (status bar)
/set weechat.color.status_data_private green
# text color for filter indicator in status bar
/set weechat.color.status_filter green
# text color for buffer with new data (status bar)
/set weechat.color.status_more 52
# text color for mouse indicator in status bar
/set weechat.color.status_mouse green
# text color for current buffer name in status bar
/set weechat.color.status_name black
# text color for current buffer name in status bar, if data are secured with a protocol like SSL
/set weechat.color.status_name_ssl lightgreen
# text color for number of nicks in nicklist (status bar)
/set weechat.color.status_nicklist_count default
# text color for current buffer number in status bar
/set weechat.color.status_number red
# text color for time (status bar)
/set weechat.color.status_time default
# force "bold" attribute for light colors and "darkgray" in basic colors (this option is disabled by default: bold is used only if terminal has less than 16 colors)
/set weechat.look.color_basic_force_bold off
# use a different color for lines in inactive buffer (when line is from a merged buffer not selected)
/set weechat.look.color_inactive_buffer on
# use a different color for inactive message (when window is not current window, or if line is from a merged buffer not selected)
/set weechat.look.color_inactive_message on
# use a different color for inactive prefix (when window is not current window, or if line is from a merged buffer not selected)
/set weechat.look.color_inactive_prefix on
# use a different color for inactive buffer name in prefix (when window is not current window, or if line is from a merged buffer not selected)
/set weechat.look.color_inactive_prefix_buffer on
# use a different color for inactive time (when window is not current window, or if line is from a merged buffer not selected)
/set weechat.look.color_inactive_time off
# use a different color for lines in inactive window (when window is not current window)
/set weechat.look.color_inactive_window on
# use a different color for offline nicks (not in nicklist any more)
/set weechat.look.color_nick_offline on
# automatically reset table of color pairs when number of available pairs is lower or equal to this number (-1 = disable automatic reset, and then a manual "/color reset" is needed when table is full)
/set weechat.look.color_pairs_auto_reset 5
# if set, uses real white color, disabled by default for terms with white background (if you never use white background, you should turn on this option to see real white instead of default term foreground color)
/set weechat.look.color_real_white off
# force color for some nicks: hash computed with nickname to find color will not be used for these nicks (format is: "nick1:color1;nick2:color2"); look up for nicks is with exact case then lower case, so it's possible to use only lower case for nicks in this option
/set weechat.look.nick_color_force ""
# hash algorithm used to find the color for a nick: djb2 = variant of djb2 (position of letters matters: anagrams of a nick have different color), sum = sum of letters
/set weechat.look.nick_color_hash djb2
# chars used to stop in nick when computing color with letters of nick (at least one char outside this list must be in string before stopping) (example: nick "|nick|away" with "|" in chars will return color of nick "|nick")
/set weechat.look.nick_color_stop_chars "_|["
# text color for "aborted" status
/set xfer.color.status_aborted lightred
# text color for "active" status
/set xfer.color.status_active lightblue
# text color for "connecting" status
/set xfer.color.status_connecting brown
# text color for "done" status
/set xfer.color.status_done lightgreen
# text color for "failed" status
/set xfer.color.status_failed lightred
# text color for "waiting" status
/set xfer.color.status_waiting lightcyan
# text color in xfer buffer
/set xfer.color.text default
# background color in xfer buffer
/set xfer.color.text_bg default
# text color of selected line in xfer buffer
/set xfer.color.text_selected white
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TauPan commented Apr 25, 2018

Import via (make sure you're in the core buffer, NOT in a channel, because the descriptions will be printed):

/eval /exec -oc cat ${env:HOME}/.weechat/weechat-light-terminal.conf

(Thanks to r3m for pointing all this out.)

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