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Houston houey

Working from home
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Its unfortunately extremely common for customers and enterprises operating in AWS to have chosen a workload/storage bearing account (more than likely, the main production account) as the Organization Management Account (formerly known Organization "Master" account, before AWS adopted better naming).
Many customers and companies operating in AWS made this decision in 2018 or so and its unforunately not something that can be easily changes as of today (2024). Many customers have requests to AWS to make a friendly path for rehoming the Org Management account but last I heard it is still not prioritized. Thus, we as customers are left to go through the nerve-wracking, if not dangerous process of migrating to a new AWS Organization in order to align with modern best practices and reduce common privilege escalation and account to account lateral movement concerns (made worse if you happen to have enabled things like Cloudformation Stacksets, Control Tower, or other powerful services in the s

nullenc0de /
Created February 16, 2024 16:49
Looks up IP addresses to companies and blocks them via IP tables.
apt install golang -y
go install
accessanalyzer access-analyzer-finding
support advisor-check
mwaa airflow
ec2 ami
apigateway apigw-domain-name
elbv2 app-elb-target-group
discovery appdiscovery-agent
appstream appstream-fleet
codeartifact artifact-domain
athena athena-named-query
badideasforsale /
Last active March 24, 2024 04:08
Create OIDC connection for GitHub Actions to use in AWS
# Get role name, git org or user, and git repo
# If not set, error out later
# @TODO: add help text
# @TODO: verify org/repo are not wildcards
while getopts ":r:o:g:h" opt; do
case $opt in
jchrisfarris /
Last active July 8, 2023 17:51
Disable All Security Controls in Security Hub
if [ -z $ROLENAME ] ; then
echo "usage $0 <ROLENAME>"
exit 1
while read line ; do
houey / CloudSecTalks.txt
Created November 8, 2022 04:21
Cloud Security resources
Talks and blog posts that all newcomers should check out when interested in Cloud Security
Bringing a machete to the amazon (Peterson)
Flying a false flag: (Landers)
Another day another billion packets (Brandwine)
hashbrowncipher /
Last active August 15, 2022 16:21
Why contracts within engineering organizations don't work.

One time at work, my team was upgrading an open source search-engine-cum-database that had an unfortunate predilection for breaking its external API. We had already deployed the new version of the database with its breaking changes, and now it was time to herd our customers off of the old version and onto the new version. Our customers were naturally reticent: for most of them it was just a bunch of work for very little reward. The migration would require careful testing, and just generally it didn't sound like a fun time. To top the situation off, some of these customers' services hadn't been touched in years, and the original authors had long since left.

I'm proud to say that my team was significantly more interested in accommodating our customers' needs than some other DBA teams I've worked with or around. During the migration we spent a fair bit of time chewing on ways to lessen the burden we placed on our customers. At one point the possibility of simply "handing off" the outdated search engines was dis

z0ph /
Created June 3, 2022 13:46
Bash script to run an AWS CLI command across all your AWS Accounts (AWS SSO wide)
# From Victor (zoph) Grenu from -
# Twitter: @zoph
## Get list of AWS accounts using SSO
AWS_ACCESS_TOKEN=$(cat $(ls -1d ~/.aws/sso/cache/* | grep -v botocore) | jq -r "{accessToken} | .[]")
ACCOUNTS_IDS=($(aws sso list-accounts --access-token $AWS_ACCESS_TOKEN | jq -r '.accountList[] | .accountId'))
iann0036 / gist:b473bbb3097c5f4c656ed3d07b4d2222
Last active September 22, 2024 00:33
List of expensive / long-term effect AWS IAM actions
noamsdahan / passrole_actions_and_parameters.csv
Last active April 19, 2024 05:54
A list of IAM actions which require iam:PassRole as of December 2020. Nested parameters are written with dot ('.') notation. Where there are multiple relevant parameters, they are separated by the pipe character ('|'). consult the AWS documentation on special cases - noted with an asterisk (most of them are "array of documents" type parameters).…
IAM Permission Params
amplify:CreateApp iamServiceRoleArn
amplify:UpdateApp iamServiceRoleArn
appconfig:CreateConfigurationProfile RetrievalRoleArn
appconfig:UpdateConfigurationProfile RetrievalRoleArn
appflow:CreateConnectorProfile connectorProfileConfig.connectorProfileProperties.Redshift.roleArn
appflow:UpdateConnectorProfile connectorProfileConfig.connectorProfileProperties.Redshift.roleArn
application-autoscaling:RegisterScalableTarget RoleARN
apprunner:CreateService SourceConfiguration.AuthenticationConfiguration.AccessRoleArn|InstanceConfiguration.InstanceRoleArn
apprunner:UpdateService SourceConfiguration.AuthenticationConfiguration.AccessRoleArn|InstanceConfiguration.InstanceRoleArn