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Last active November 17, 2023 15:30
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accessanalyzer access-analyzer-finding
support advisor-check
mwaa airflow
ec2 ami
apigateway apigw-domain-name
elbv2 app-elb-target-group
discovery appdiscovery-agent
appstream appstream-fleet
codeartifact artifact-domain
athena athena-named-query
batch batch-definition
budgets budget
elasticache cache-cluster
elasticache cache-snapshot
elasticache cache-subnet-group
clouddirectory cloud-directory
cloudhsmv2 cloudhsm-cluster
cloudsearch cloudsearch
cloudwatch cloudwatch-dashboard
codecommit codecommit
codedeploy codedeploy-deployment
cloudwatch composite-alarm
config config-recorder
config config-rule
connectcampaigns connect-campaign
connect connect-instance
lakeformation datalake-location
datapipeline datapipeline
datasync datasync-agent
dax dax
directconnect directconnect
ds directory
dlm dlm-policy
dms dms-endpoint
dms dms-instance
dynamodb dynamodb-backup
dynamodbstreams dynamodb-stream
ec2 ebs-snapshot
ec2 ec2-reserved
ecr ecr-image
ecs ecs-container-instance
ecs ecs-task
efs efs-mount-target
eks eks-nodegroup
elasticache elasticache-group
es elasticsearch-reserved
emr emr
emr emr-security-configuration
emr-serverless emr-serverless-app
events event-rule-target
fis fis-experiment
fsx fsx
fsx fsx-backup
gamelift gamelift-build
gamelift gamelift-fleet
glacier glacier
glue glue-catalog
glue glue-connection
glue glue-crawler
glue glue-database
glue glue-dev-endpoint
glue glue-job
glue glue-security-configuration
glue glue-table
glue glue-trigger
glue glue-workflow
guardduty guardduty-finding
health health-event
route53 healthcheck
cloudhsm hsm
cloudhsm hsm-client
cloudhsm hsm-hapg
iam iam-oidc-provider
iam iam-profile
cognito-identity identity-pool
cloudwatch insight-rule
inspector2 inspector2-finding
iot iot
ec2 key-pair
kinesisanalytics kinesis-analytics
kinesisvideo kinesis-video
lambda lambda-layer
ec2 launch-template-version
lightsail lightsail-db
lightsail lightsail-elb
lightsail lightsail-instance
logs log-group
logs log-metric
mq message-config
machinelearning ml-model
opensearchserverless opensearch-serverless
ssm ops-item
opsworkscm opswork-cm
opsworks opswork-stack
pinpoint pinpoint-app
quicksight quicksight-group
quicksight quicksight-user
route53domains r53domain
rds rds-cluster-param-group
rds rds-param-group
rds rds-reserved
rds rds-subscription
redshift redshift-reserved
route53resolver resolver-logs
apigateway rest-account
apigateway rest-client-certificate
apigateway rest-resource
apigateway rest-vpclink
route53 rrset
s3control s3-access-point
s3control s3-access-point-multi
sagemaker sagemaker-endpoint
sagemaker sagemaker-endpoint-config
sagemaker sagemaker-job
sagemaker sagemaker-notebook
sagemaker sagemaker-transform-job
securityhub securityhub-finding
serverlessrepo serverless-app
service-quotas service-quota
service-quotas service-quota-request
sesv2 ses-email-identity
ses ses-receipt-rule-set
shield shield-attack
sdb simpledb
snowball snowball
snowball snowball-cluster
sns sns-subscription
ssm ssm-activation
ssm ssm-data-sync
ssm ssm-document
ssm ssm-managed-instance
ssm ssm-parameter
ssm ssm-patch-group
ssm ssm-session-manager
storagegateway storage-gateway
support support-case
swf swf-domain
timestream-write timestream-database
timestream-write timestream-table
transfer transfer-server
transfer transfer-user
ec2 transit-attachment
cognito-idp user-pool
workspaces workspaces-directory
workspaces workspaces-image
workspaces-web workspaces-web
xray xray-group
xray xray-rule
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